Bouhafsi: Martial wants to leave United

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Delighted for him. We move on the Mourinho way. He moves on. Lose-win.
I was convinced we were signing Sanchez to play on the right.
Since Mourinho has been here Martial's been completely shit on lets get it right, if you're going to question his mentality and of course as per take Mourinho's side in everything at least say it how it is.

Faith shown in him a plenty, rewarding us as a young talent should, Ibrahimovic comes in and they just take Martial's number, didn't ask, nothing, agent even said that affected him for a few days but he got on with it, i mean it is just a number is all, still, bit of a slap aint it.

Also i guess you were blinkered the majority of the season, before January he was racking up double digit goals and assists on that left side, more than Hazard at that point i believe, he won 3 player of the month awards and even won January player of the month award. But then Mourinho bought Sanchez, dropped Martial for no reason to accomodate him and relegated him to bit parts, like, why? He was our best player and the left side was our best source od attack just why, really pisses me off when Mourinho does this, he did the same when Shaw started to pick up form as well.

Mourinho's alienated him for no reason, its as simple as that, Martials fighting for a place he can't get, i don't blame him for wanting to leave and actually play, because Mourinho has his little favourites that no matter how shit they play never get dropped. Sanchez hasn't played any better than Martial did last season and quite frankly wasn't even needed, we get to keep onto a player coming into the twilight of their career and get rid of a brilliant talent like Martial. YES! lets all cheer guys, Mourinho is a god he knows what to do, he can do no wrong, its all Martial's fault because he doesn't smile!

Give me a break, honestly. Anyone cheering for such a great young talent wanting to leave is such a Mourinho fanboy its unreal, they'd cheer the selling of the class of 92.
Great post
Staying at United would be far easier. Hang around and chip in here and there, maybe win the odd cup. Pick up obscene wages.

If Martial really wants to cement a spot in a top team then leaving is probably the sensible thing to do.

If Martial leaves it will likely be for less money than what he'd be getting on new terms here. I remember similar rhetoric surrounding Pogba's initial leaving, a decision which turned out to be a good (and brave) one.

I see that point too. But the arrival of Sanchez, we didn’t see him really grasp any opportunity after that. To me it’s easier to go away to a club that will promise you a position and more things on your terms, rather than stay and prove an already doubtful manager wrong.
Because the logic is that Mou is in charge of his minutes. And if he doesn't give minutes to Martial, he is not letting Martial prove himself to belong on the French national team. It's similar to the reason that Mou gave for not letting Bailly on the pitch.

But he got into the national team. He clearly didn’t do enough. You also forget, Benjamin Mendy hardly played but got into the team and selected for the WC!
Everytime we have a young player leaving, everyone's go to argument is that player is lazy and has a bad attitude. It's really tiring. People are acting like Martial neglected his defensive duties like he's Januzaj or something. It's just ridiculous.
IF United decide to sell we will get top money and he will go where we want him to go.

The days of cut price deals are long gone.
Would be a shame if we sold him to a club in England (or anywhere actually). But if a player wants to leave then let him leave.
Just as well Twitter or Redcafe wasn't around when Ferguson got rid of the likes of Ince, Hughes,Kanchelskis, Beckham,Van Nistelrooy, Stam etc!

Moral of the story, not one single player is ever bigger than the club, especially if they have a lazy work ethic and sulky attitude!!
Fair point on no one is bigger than the club but the likes of Ince, Hughes, Kanchelskis and Van Nistelrooy were sold so that our younger talents could come through. We've done the reverse here by buying a declining Sanchez to replace our best young player.
Everytime we have a young player leaving, everyone's go to argument is that player is lazy and has a bad attitude. It's really tiring. People are acting like Martial neglected his defensive duties like he's Januzaj or something. It's just ridiculous.

The Martial being lazy argument has been around long before his future was uncertain.

He seems to look flat footed quite often during games and then our resident body language experts chimed in with some more analysis (lol).

The attitude thing I thing intensified after his decision to call it quits after what, half a season of Alexis joining? Meh.
You trust those decisions when you trust the manager, if it were fergie selling Martial I would be confident in his decision. Whereas the person selling Martial has led us to the dizzying heights of the league cup and Europa league. No manager is bigger than the club either.
Then trust the manager, he's the most decorated in world football!
But he got into the national team. He clearly didn’t do enough. You also forget, Benjamin Mendy hardly played but got into the team and selected for the WC!

Mendy has nothing to do with this, France don't have a lot of good options as left fullback. On the wings, there is a lot of options.
Since Mourinho has been here Martial's been completely shit on lets get it right, if you're going to question his mentality and of course as per take Mourinho's side in everything at least say it how it is.

Faith shown in him a plenty, rewarding us as a young talent should, Ibrahimovic comes in and they just take Martial's number, didn't ask, nothing, agent even said that affected him for a few days but he got on with it, i mean it is just a number is all, still, bit of a slap aint it.

Also i guess you were blinkered the majority of the season, before January he was racking up double digit goals and assists on that left side, more than Hazard at that point i believe, he won 3 player of the month awards and even won January player of the month award. But then Mourinho bought Sanchez, dropped Martial for no reason to accomodate him and relegated him to bit parts, like, why? He was our best player and the left side was our best source od attack just why, really pisses me off when Mourinho does this, he did the same when Shaw started to pick up form as well.

Mourinho's alienated him for no reason, its as simple as that, Martials fighting for a place he can't get, i don't blame him for wanting to leave and actually play, because Mourinho has his little favourites that no matter how shit they play never get dropped. Sanchez hasn't played any better than Martial did last season and quite frankly wasn't even needed, we get to keep onto a player coming into the twilight of their career and get rid of a brilliant talent like Martial. YES! lets all cheer guys, Mourinho is a god he knows what to do, he can do no wrong, its all Martial's fault because he doesn't smile!

Give me a break, honestly. Anyone cheering for such a great young talent wanting to leave is such a Mourinho fanboy its unreal, they'd cheer the selling of the class of 92.
Exhilarating post. On point. Bookmarked straight to my folder I use for sensual breaks.
But but but... Sanchez can play on the right and his stats are just as good there.

Most of us convinced ourselves and there was even a quote from Wenger saying the same.

Then trust the manager, he's the most decorated in world football!

I trust him to start throwing everyone from Woodward to Fred the Red under the bus when he realizes that he can’t catch Pep this season again. Fully expecting a meltdown this season.
Staying at United would be far easier. Hang around and chip in here and there, maybe win the odd cup. Pick up obscene wages.

If Martial really wants to cement a spot in a top team then leaving is probably the sensible thing to do.

I disagree on this one. I think staying at United is the challenge - to win that spot and be part of/help that team get to the top again. Leaving is easy, in my opinion. He doesn't have to think long to realise either we become something close to a top team again very soon, or Jose leaves. Either way it sounds like he benefits there, so long as he starts putting in real shifts. I'm not sure he has it in him to do that though and it seems he doesn't want to.
We have paid roughly £50M so far. €60M is what we've paid - €50M for signing him and €10M for scoring 25 goals at the club. Converts to £52M at the moment but conversion rate would have been different at the time we signed him, the summer after and the time he scored his 25th goal.

So if you've paid £50m for him so far and he has 2 years left on his contract if you optionally extend it (as I understand things), you can't reasonably expect that any club is going to pay much more than that given that he wants to leave and has not progressed that much at United.

So if his sale value to United is - let's say and being generous - £60m, is it really so far-fetched to imagine a deal of Toby + £15m being struck? I mean, I don't know (and this a genuine question), but what other CL clubs are there that would offer a better deal?
We are selling the most talented player we had post Ronaldo because we have a manager who did not like two of the current best players in the world (KdB and Salah) but adores Fellaini. oh boy...
Where did I say anything about transfer request. Martial didn't put transfer request either. The point is that only young, exciting players who could make it somewhere else want to leave us. Not all of course, but I reckon from last few players that wanted to leave majority were from that crop, and not the likes of Darmian, Rojo, Jones, etc.
If he so desperately wanted to leave he would have made it clear, DDG that is, maybe he was open to leaving when the fax machine broke but since then he has stayed and never said a word. Ultimately you had one bad example, a shite player and Martial.
Well worth noting the ‘Martial is so lazy, he’s so non-committed’ rhetoric is the basically the same stuff that was lapped up about him being an ‘ice cold killer’. Only in those times he was actually given consistent football to play through dry patches and inconsistency (shock, early 20s player).
A lot of little details come into this, many strong opinions. I’m sad to see him go. But before I curse the club, manager or even player I’ll remember that Mata, Lingard and even Fellaini featured more prominently that Martial during Jose’s tenure thus far. Twist that as you will.
Since Mourinho has been here Martial's been completely shit on lets get it right, if you're going to question his mentality and of course as per take Mourinho's side in everything at least say it how it is.

Faith shown in him a plenty, rewarding us as a young talent should, Ibrahimovic comes in and they just take Martial's number, didn't ask, nothing, agent even said that affected him for a few days but he got on with it, i mean it is just a number is all, still, bit of a slap aint it.

Also i guess you were blinkered the majority of the season, before January he was racking up double digit goals and assists on that left side, more than Hazard at that point i believe, he won 3 player of the month awards and even won January player of the month award. But then Mourinho bought Sanchez, dropped Martial for no reason to accomodate him and relegated him to bit parts, like, why? He was our best player and the left side was our best source od attack just why, really pisses me off when Mourinho does this, he did the same when Shaw started to pick up form as well.

Mourinho's alienated him for no reason, its as simple as that, Martials fighting for a place he can't get, i don't blame him for wanting to leave and actually play, because Mourinho has his little favourites that no matter how shit they play never get dropped. Sanchez hasn't played any better than Martial did last season and quite frankly wasn't even needed, we get to keep onto a player coming into the twilight of their career and get rid of a brilliant talent like Martial. YES! lets all cheer guys, Mourinho is a god he knows what to do, he can do no wrong, its all Martial's fault because he doesn't smile!

Give me a break, honestly. Anyone cheering for such a great young talent wanting to leave is such a Mourinho fanboy its unreal, they'd cheer the selling of the class of 92.
As great of a post this is, it also makes me sad that there are people on this forum that don't see this clear as day. It's absolutely absurd how so many people have the memory of a goldfish and couldn't think back into this early season.
The argument of Fergie selling off big names only works if Martial was actually the age of Stam, RVN etc. This is the equivalent of Fergie selling Pogba. Just mind blowing really
We are selling the most talented player we had post Ronaldo because we have a manager who did not like two of the current best players in the world (KdB and Salah) but adores Fellaini. oh boy...

This is a very lazy analysis.
How sad.....a great young talent. Jose had it in for him from before he even arrived. He's such a petty tw@ at times. He's alienated almost all the talented players for the sake of functionality and his outdated methods.

Best of luck wherever you go Tony Martial was a pleasure watching you play at times.

Oh for Sir Alex :(
Because Martial and even Rashford are not Jose's players - the man has such a strict formations, strict group of players, strict un-adaptable tactics - he tries to consistently use Rashford like a Target man that Lukaku is and Martial as a winger who crosses :lol: The guy is outdated. One of the only idiots who would consistently play Martial on the wing & even drop him when he manages to marginally adapt and do some work on the wings.

You want him to come back and score whilst he is told to hug the touchline :nono:

Mate - Martial may be a poor worker; but Jose has some adapting to do with his tactics. It is that which end's young players careers - Lukaku at RW, De Bryune at RM, Salah as a RM defensive winger :nervous: Man has too much rules to get the best naturally out of players that would be appreciated by 90% of managers that have ambition to play football than purely win like this is a damn business.
I didn't know tactic is aging at speed of light. Suddenly Martial was all good and tactic was decent then the next few days after Alexis signed, tactic was outdated and Martial was not suited.

Alexis being criticized for playing too narrow and we need to t fix it, Here you say we want martial to come back (cut back maybe) and score which he did all the time...

Rashford was ultilized as target man... when? Or when he played as central forward, we're exposed for not having a presence. Oh before, we're talking about Mourinho, please remind me why possession football master like LVG played Fellaini that much?

End younger players' career citing example players who moved onto next level. All of those at clubs who has questionable transfer dealing even without Mourinho at helm especially when it comes to young players...

Are you ITK by any chance to know so much about strict rules in Mourinho's team? Or Are you sure you even watch the games?
So if you've paid £50m for him so far and he has 2 years left on his contract if you optionally extend it (as I understand things), you can't reasonably expect that any club is going to pay much more than that given that he wants to leave and has not progressed that much at United.

So if his sale value to United is - let's say and being generous - £60m, is it really so far-fetched to imagine a deal of Toby + £15m being struck? I mean, I don't know (and this a genuine question), but what other CL clubs are there that would offer a better deal?
The world record transfer fee has gone up by around £120mil in that time.

The market is crazy.
So if you've paid £50m for him so far and he has 2 years left on his contract if you optionally extend it (as I understand things), you can't reasonably expect that any club is going to pay much more than that given that he wants to leave and has not progressed that much at United.

So if his sale value to United is - let's say and being generous - £60m, is it really so far-fetched to imagine a deal of Toby + £15m being struck? I mean, I don't know (and this a genuine question), but what other CL clubs are there that would offer a better deal?

Why on earth would United or anyone pay £75m for Toby, when he also only has 2 years left and he also wants to leave, due to being out of favour with Poch and being benched for many games. And please don’t quote me some nonsense quotes where he says he has 2 years left and he will stay at Spurs if needed. He is 29 years old and his situation is very comparable to Martial actually, so I’d like to know why you value an older defender at £15m more? Also he is available for just £25m in 12 months, so again if he doesn’t sign a new Contract that’s his low value set in stone - no negotiating - United don’t have that same choker around our neck with Martial.
Sanchez loses the ball more than him, no guarantee he will come good, but if this move happens, Mourinhio will be on chopping block if he does not deliver.
FC Martial, Jose fanboys, anti Martial posters. Jesus, give it a rest people, it's childish.
To play devil's advocate here.... What happens when we replace Martial with Arnautovic. Not even Willian, but Marko Arnautovic? :wenger:
Sends a pretty great message to the rest of the squad if nothing else... You can have all the talent in the world but if you're feckless and lazy you're warming the bench and watching less talented players start ahead of you.

The absolute minimum we as fans can expect from the team is to work their absolute arses off for the shirt. Martial despite his talent seems to believe he can get away with ambling around the pitch like he's Messi (although Messi would never do that because he's where he is due to hard work).

I really hope we sell him to someone like Spurs... If he goes to Juventus and inevitably scores 20 goals a season in that one team league this thread will be bumped every week about how catastrophic his sale was... However at Spurs he'll be causing the same frustrations we see every week, whilst productive and hard working players like Son will see reduced minutes to accommodate.

If we could get Alderweireld and a big sell on clause I think we're laughing.
The Liverpool debut goal will remain in our memories. United should never keep a player who's heart is not at the club.

PS: I wonder what a manager like Sir Alex would have made of a player like Martial?
Fair point on no one is bigger than the club but the likes of Ince, Hughes, Kanchelskis and Van Nistelrooy were sold so that our younger talents could come through. We've done the reverse here by buying a declining Sanchez to replace our best young player.

They were sold from a position of strength. Not where we are now, begging we win the title before our manager probably leaves.
Another Mourinho masterclass after De Bruyne and Salah.

Watch him tear up wherever he plays while we search for a replacement for the 30 year old Sanchez in the next 2 years.
I agree. Then to hear Sanchez say he's found it hard to adjust to the type of play says it all (bet he adjusted his money clip). Sanchez is also known for regularly giving away the ball (Jose berates players for repeating the same mistake). The list of players wanting to play for him must be shrinking. Jose couldn't get his players onside to beat his former out of form team in a cup final. Not impressed!
It's no surprise, he joined midseason and the pressure was much more intense than at Arsenal. I don't blame him, he's a great pro and will always try his best. Martial could do to learn to be more of a fighter. I just don't get the logic Mourinho had to bring Sanchez and to play him at a position where we didn't need him. To make him instantly the highest paid player etc etc ... The whole thing is bizarre
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