Cancel Culture

Why not use the opportunity presented by the SpaceJam reboot to educate Pepe (and thereby the children watching the film) instead of just cancelling him?
Why not use the opportunity presented by the SpaceJam reboot to educate Pepe (and thereby the children watching the film) instead of just cancelling him?

Were people watching him though? I'm probably talking through my backside but while I agree with the negative sentiments around Pepe, I suspect that it was an easy PR move because who watches him in 2021?
I don’t think lecturing a skunk about consent would be the light-hearted funny vibe they’re after.

These kinds of films/plots always have a journey of discovery angle. I'd enjoy seeing M. LePew reflect on his past behaviour while lamenting how it seems he no longer has an outlet for his amorouesness and then discover that approaching women female cats that ran afoul of a traffic line painter respectfully actually brings him better results.

That might still leave the interspecies sex angle to talk about but that's for another time.
Were people watching him though? I'm probably talking through my backside but while I agree with the negative sentiments around Pepe, I suspect that it was an easy PR move because who watches him in 2021?

See, the easy move to me seems more like 'pretend it never happened/let's not talk about that' crap that doesn't solve anything and just buries it under the pile of other shit that was treated the same way. If there's no learning, we don't improve as a society.
See, the easy move to me seems more like 'pretend it never happened/let's not talk about that' crap that doesn't solve anything and just buries it under the pile of other shit that was treated the same way. If there's no learning, we don't improve as a society.

I agree with you and your suggestion about self reflection from Pepe would be an interesting move.
These kinds of films/plots always have a journey of discovery angle. I'd enjoy seeing M. LePew reflect on his past behaviour while lamenting how it seems he no longer has an outlet for his amorouesness and then discover that approaching women female cats that ran afoul of a traffic line painter respectfully actually brings him better results.

That might still leave the interspecies sex angle to talk about but that's for another time.

These kinds of films/plots always have a journey of discovery angle. I'd enjoy seeing M. LePew reflect on his past behaviour while lamenting how it seems he no longer has an outlet for his amorouesness and then discover that approaching women female cats that ran afoul of a traffic line painter respectfully actually brings him better results.

That might still leave the interspecies sex angle to talk about but that's for another time.

Yeah but the journey of discovery angle in Space Jam was that Michael Jordan realised he's a better basketballer than he is base baller. Doesn't tie in
Yeah but the journey of discovery angle in Space Jam was that Michael Jordan realised he's a better basketballer than he is base baller. Doesn't tie in

That was minor league baseball, not Space Jam.
It may look silly at first sight, but it's indeed a manifestation of a wider development of society moving forward. In this case, that treating "minor" sexual harassment as boys' fun is becoming socially unacceptable. Which is great.

And at second glance I don't even think it's so laughable. The article makes it clear how cultural-industrial representations (here: in cartoons) have always reflected and promoted moral standards of their time. I certainly wouldn't want the racist cartoon characters of old to be shown to kids today. And while the author probably lacks a critical concept of progress (which makes your dismissal partly true, of course), he's absolutely right about his basic point. So Pepe can do one.

Not going there now, but this is all part of a wider argument to be had about a certain type of criticism of liberalism I regulary see from (some) leftists in here. I think it's flawed in several ways, and sometimes resulting in serious political mistakes. To be clear, not speaking from a standpoint of apologism of liberal capitalism and its culture, but from what I consider radical criticism.
It is really ? Or it is a marketing choice made by the film studio to win over this bizarre new adult audience who embrace at lot of entertainment which is aimed at children. Getting rid of the skunk is decision made for the sickos adults who will watch the new reboot of space jam. Also these stories are great way to generate some free advertisement.

The article is correct that like most art forms cartoons reflected the era they were in but I also can't see it as anything more than an attempt to defend the current cultural train wreck we are living through. This progressive ''politics'' thats gets layered onto these children films(Which is always never progressive enough as the author also mentions the film still includes the problematic Mexican stereotype Speedy Gonzales:wenger:)is really a way for these liberal types to convince themselves more than anyone else as to why they should still care about this culturally void and why it's actually really important thing to write and talk about it. This all started because some liberal goon said the cartoon skunk promoted rape culture(Which seems an insult to victims of sexual assault) but also here's another dumb example from 2018 - Who Said It: Pepé Le Pew or Donald Trump ?

It can't help but see this as media websites looking for clickbait and dullard liberals trying to justify their own shite cultural taste(The conservative right do the same thing but bizarrely now see tradition as bringing back the bunny with the giant tits).
Pepe was cringeworthy when I was a kid and extremely awkward. It never crossed my mind that other people felt the same though.
As I remember, Pepe was the same to me as any other kind of cartoon entertainment. I also don't think it influenced my attitude or behaviour towards girls. Similar to the video games/violence issue, I'm sure most kids can distinguish between real life and cartoons. If kids imitate shitty behaviour seen on media, something else has probably gone wrong in the first place.

On the overall topic again, I think the same distinction must be made regarding social progress and media codes. Progress obviously happens outside of the media realm, and the latter just opportunistically follows suit after a while. Which is more or less how I understand this little incident. (While being fully aware how hollow and calculated corporate image makeovers are.)

@Sweet Square
I've read your post and will reply some time later as well
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Pretty much :lol:
The same thing happens with a lot of older music.
That being said there was a song in the charts recently that had the line "can't make a wife out of a hoe".

There are some incredibly creepy old songs out there. But they were always creepy.

Brown sugar
How come you taste so good?
Brown sugar
Just like a young girl should

Never gonna stop, give it up, such a dirty mind
Always get it up for the touch of the younger kind
My, my, my, ay, ay, woah
M-m-m-my Sharona
My Sharona

Girl, you'll be a woman soon
Please come take my hand
Girl, you'll be a woman soon
Soon, you'll need a man

I'm just mad about fourteen
Fourteen's mad about me
I'm-a just mad about-a fourteen
A-she's just mad about me
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I just got into the Rolling Stones in the last couple of months - I know I'm Mum played exclusively African gospel music growing up. :lol:

Stray Cat Blues holds up really well as a song, still sounds fresh, but the lyrics would never fly nowadays.

Apparently they even changed the lyric from '15' to '13' at live performances because Jagger didn't feel it was provocative enough.
I just got into the Rolling Stones in the last couple of months - I know I'm Mum played exclusively African gospel music growing up. :lol:

Stray Cat Blues holds up really well as a song, still sounds fresh, but the lyrics would never fly nowadays.

Apparently they even changed the lyric from '15' to '13' at live performances because Jagger didn't feel it was provocative enough.
100% agreed - so many old rock songs extol the wonders of underaged girls and it was very hard for me to process growing up, my mom's a big Rolling Stones fan and I still remember how awkward I felt listening to Stray Cat Blues in the car when I was younger, also remember her trying to somehow explain Brown Sugar to me without going into the details :lol:

My Sharona is hella creepy too, I feel kinda uncomfortable listening to it today even if it is so damn catchy.

Any guesses on how long it would take for The Beatles to be cancelled today after lyrics like this? "I'd rather see you dead, little girl / Than to be with another man" (such a shit way to end a great album)

Also, Rolling Stone the magazine always struck me as kind of leftist boomer propaganda in recent times, weird that they're now being boycotted for apparently supporting Trump! Not exactly a news org that seems very relevant today.
I’m visiting family for Easter and the kids wanted to watch white chicks for some reason

Never seen it before but fecking hell how is this not cancelled into oblivion?

it’s racist as feck, homophobic, sexist, and they even through in a bit of date rape for good measure

also it’s just a terrible terrible film
I’m visiting family for Easter and the kids wanted to watch white chicks for some reason

Never seen it before but fecking hell how is this not cancelled into oblivion?

it’s racist as feck, homophobic, and they even through in a bit of date rape for good measure - it’s an abomination!
How do you cancel a 17yr old movie ?
illuminating thoughts from a professor of politics affiliated with the manhattan institute

illuminating thoughts from a professor of politics affiliated with the manhattan institute

Number 3 tickles me for two reasons:

1. How do you prove/disprove neutrality?
2. I thought that Americans generally found the idea of political neutrality to be impossible? That's why Fox News etc is given so much slack.
Ok, it's definitely gone too far. First they went for ContraPoints, now they're going for Lindsay Ellis... What the feck is wrong with the left in the US? Why can't you be more like the left here in Scandinavia(for instance)? :/

If cancel culture abolishes all youtube creators except redlettermedia I will support it.

On this specific one, it looks like she is being canceled over almost nothing, but she was part of that call-out crowd too, so, whatever. Also I think if she had just said nothing for a day when they were attacking her she would have been fine and not felt the need to deactivate.

E-about the length of the videos from both her and contra regarding this
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the threat of cancel culture is the end of free speech and the censorship of ideas it deems doubleplusungood