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Chris Smalling England flag

2014-15 Performances

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6.0 Season Average Rating
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The change of mood in this thread between the arsenal game to now :lol:

The gimps that were criticising him have gone into hiding. He's great, if he could guarantee us 40 starts next season I'd only buy one LCB and a RB.
The gimps that were criticising him have gone into hiding. He's great, if he could guarantee us 40 starts next season I'd only buy one LCB and a RB.

I've always been ChrisPlusOne, it's just so easy to find a scapegoat like him.He absolutely bossed the most in form striker in the premier league today.
I've always been ChrisPlusOne, it's just so easy to find a scapegoat like him.He absolutely bossed the most in form striker in the premier league today.

Indeed, he continues to grow. At centreback. Where he should have been playing for the last 4 years.
Had an excellent game today. His passing is very erratic, but made some good runs forward and did his job incredibly well defensively.
Indeed, he continues to grow. At centreback. Where he should have been playing for the last 4 years.

His prior mismanagement has been a crime.

Another very good display. Three league clean sheets off the belt with him at the back?
His prior mismanagement has been a crime.

Another very good display. Three league clean sheets off the belt with him at the back?

Look at how comfortable he looked on the ball this match. Playing as a RB helped him become a better CB.
Harry who? another commanding performance.
When a ball is punted into our box and then just gets cleared about 30 yards, you always knows it's him who's decided to to beast every single other player in the box to get his head on to it.

Complete defender.
I want to see him pass better and defend like this for a couple of months before I get on a bandwagon as we've had these games before from him followed by brainfart games.
It really hasn't. It just set him back about two footballing years in development terms.

This. We've tried our best to ruin by far the most talented English CB around. Its just a testament to his own talent that he is still such an accomplished defender.
Kane was well and truly in his pocket today. Didn't get a sniff. Liked his "attack-the-space" runs too. Pulled off some lovely passes, while also misplacing a few.

Good performance for him - hopefully he can build on it now. Definitely seems the type of player who needs confidence to play well.
I want to see him pass better and defend like this for a couple of months before I get on a bandwagon as we've had these games before from him followed by brainfart games.

Yep, consistency is a big issue. He has games where he can look like an incredibly solid CB, but then look like someone who's no more than a squad player for us. He was good on the ball today when he was running with it, but not so much with his passing of it.
It really hasn't. It just set him back about two footballing years in development terms.

What would have been the alternative? He would have spent a lot more time on the bench if he only played CB. And there is a lot of quality CBs who also played a bit of RB in the early portion of their careers.
Very good performance but got too excited a couple of times with his runs and passing. Other than that a wonderful performance
Yep, consistency is a big issue. He has games where he can look like an incredibly solid CB, but then look like someone who's no more than a squad player for us. He was good on the ball today when he was running with it, but not so much with his passing of it.

Exactly, I can't get excited about him and Jones until we see the performances become the common place we expect and the errors fade to a bare minimum.
Exactly, I can't get excited about him and Jones until we see the performances become the common place we expect and the errors fade to a bare minimum.

I'd say I'm a lot more convinced about Smalling than Jones personally since Smalling probably is our best centre back at the moment, but even that's not much of a compliment.
I can't believe there are people who refuse to see the fecking obvious. Smalling is our best CB by a huge distance!
He's clearly had a good one, following up on a good one the season before

Overall? Meh, he's been okay. The strongest centre back in what's often been a dodgy defence. Put in some very good performances at times, but had plenty of poor ones too.
Might be a bit harsh from him, although I don't think it'd be ridiculous to say he's not had a particularly great season.
I do. He's got better and better as the season's gone on and is looking more and more comfortable on the ball too. I genuinely think he'd be talked about as one of the best centre backs in the league if he could stay full for a full season.
What would have been the alternative? He would have spent a lot more time on the bench if he only played CB. And there is a lot of quality CBs who also played a bit of RB in the early portion of their careers.

Dropping a clearly unfit Ferdinand that could no longer head the ball or travel the length of the field to compete for a corner. Smalling was brutally mismanaged and it's a crying shame.
I do. He's got better and better as the season's gone on and is looking more and more comfortable on the ball too. I genuinely think he'd be talked about as one of the best centre backs in the league if he could stay full for a full season.

He's looking more and more comfortable controlling the ball, although his passing on it's still not great.
Overall? Meh, he's been okay. The strongest centre back in what's often been a dodgy defence. Put in some very good performances at times, but had plenty of poor ones too.

He's had a couple of off games this season for sure, but he's been impressive defensively and the standout in a defence that has conceeded less than City, Liverpool and Arsenal. Only Southampton and Chelsea are letting in less

Dribbled by an opponent only 21 times over the past 5 1/2 seasons of Premier League and Champions League football.
436 minutes is how long you need to wait for some cheeky goblin to dribble past him.
Nobody in Europe can match that.

Newbie in the match day thread. Don't know how legit it is, but I don't really find it hard to believe. I can barely remember anyone getting past him one v one, even at RB.
He can be a boss, I like Smalling. He's our only CB I feel confident will not be physically dominated by any striker in the PL. He still has the capacity to make silly mistakes every now and then, but, he's very good.
He's had a couple of off games this season for sure, but he's been impressive defensively and the standout in a defence that has conceeded less than City, Liverpool and Arsenal. Only Southampton and Chelsea are letting in less

I think most would agree though that De Gea has been the primary reason for our defensive record due to how good he's been. Not that Smalling hasn't had an okay season, but I think there's a little bit of a kneejerk reaction here at the moment because he's off the back of a very god performance. Just a little bit, though.
Another great performance by Chris. Dominant in the air, composed on the ball, pass it well, drove out with the ball. Simply superb. Had Kane in his pocket. Him and Jones seem to compliment each other.
He's looking more and more comfortable controlling the ball, although his passing on it's still not great.
True, but it's definitely getting better. He's played off a few great long balls in recent weeks. Still needs to work on the weight of his passing but I'm confident that will come with more game time.
True, but it's definitely getting better. He's played off a few great long balls in recent weeks. Still needs to work on the weight of his passing but I'm confident that will come with more game time.

Yeah, hopefully. I think he's always been the most promising out of Jones, himself, and Evans to be fair.