Club Sale | It’s done!

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The only thing Bloomberg are reporting is Qatari confidence. They’ve been saying they’re confident for months.
So Muppetiers on twitter. What’s the craic with him? He seems to post about 2 minutes before a story breaks. Clearly no sources himself but seems to know when somebody else is going to break the news
So Muppetiers on twitter. What’s the craic with him? He seems to post about 2 minutes before a story breaks. Clearly no sources himself but seems to know when somebody else is going to break the news
He does know people although he's a smug cnut
So Muppetiers on twitter. What’s the craic with him? He seems to post about 2 minutes before a story breaks. Clearly no sources himself but seems to know when somebody else is going to break the news

Access to Bloomberg terminal maybe
There's nothing in the article in terms of quotes from anyone. It reads like the guys from Bloomberg may have been briefed by some people on the Qatari end that they are confident. Almost like a backchannel message to fans letting them know they feel the end is within sight.
There's nothing in the article in terms of quotes from anyone. It reads like the guys from Bloomberg may have been briefed by some people on the Qatari end that they are confident. Almost like a backchannel message to fans letting them know they feel the end is within sight.
Yeah, it is pretty standard for BBG. They are very reliable on these.
Saying they’re confident means nothing though, they were saying Ratcliffe was confident at one stage and it’s dragged on long after that. They say they hope it’s just a matter of time before there’s confirmation they’ve been successful but with the way the Glazers operate they could be still be mulling it over in another months time.
Share price just exploded upwards $1.50 within a couple of minutes (probably based on the Bloomberg piece)
It genuinely feels like I’m just rereading tweets from three weeks. Has Rio popped up yet?
To be fair, they've covered EVERY single scenario in that bloomberg article, including the glazers taking minority investment on the strength of record revenues being projected.

So I'm not sure what to think of it.

They even seem to think we have 260m to spend this summer. Someone tell levy we're preparing the bid. :lol:
I have been using BBG terminal for a long time. They only release news when they have rock solid sources, things must be close.
Went to $25.50 before dropping back to about $24.8

Similar to the Reuters reaction 13 days ago. The difference this time is that hedge funds have been quietly taking positions over the past 2 weeks betting on a sale, which is what kept the price in the low 20s. Otherwise it would've probably dipped into the high teens after the Reuters news wore off.

Genuine news on that one regarding the summer transfer budget... And she's a biggie!
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