Club Sale | It’s done!

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Lets all hope the non Glazer shareholders, take them to court like they said they would, if this is true. We will be in exactly the same boat as before as the £1.5 billion will go straight into the parasites arse pocket.
Ratcliffe is a con man. How many times has he changed his bid just so he can say he had a part of a husk of a once great club, before he kicks the bucket. If he hasnt got the money to buy the club fully now and take on the debt, rebuild and transfers, how can he be sure he will have it in the future, whilst the costs keep spiralling?
You post this or something similar to this every single day. In fact, I saw the post before your username and thought “I bet that’s Croadyman” :lol:

I get that you’re anxious mate. We all are. But none of us know what Sir James Arthur Ratcliffe FIChemE or Qatar will bring to the table. Both parties will have positives and negatives.

And how do we know that a third player doesn’t just appear from nowhere? It happens in business all of the time. We all believe every shit report that Bloomberg, Daily Express and McDonalds churn out when in fact, no one has a scooby on what’s actually happening. Every single report is speculation. Has any journalist been correct on the takeover yet? Maybe the ones who play it safe every day “No deal as of yet” but that’s about it.

The fear mongering which goes on in here every single day needs to stop now. Too many of us; myself included, assume that one buyer is going to turn us into Man City and the other will turn us into Barsnley.

Neither are true. Or maybe both are true. But none of us know anything, including the actual facts behind both Sir James Arthur Ratcliffe FIChemE and Qatar’s bids.

It’s like Groundhog Day in here.

This is it. Far too many people seem to be in this threat pretending they know how the club will be bought and what the intention of each owner will be.

Everyone assumes that Qatar will build a new stadium, or redevelop OT. Their statement earlier in the year said they would make investments in the stadium, training ground community etc. But for all we know, that could be a couple of duct rolls of tape for the roof. We really don't know either way.
Lets all hope the non Glazer shareholders, take them to court like they said they would, if this is true. We will be in exactly the same boat as before as the £1.5 billion will go straight into the parasites arse pocket.
Ratcliffe is a con man. How many times has he changed his bid just so he can say he had a part of a husk of a once great club, before he kicks the bucket. If he hasnt got the money to buy the club fully now and take on the debt, rebuild and transfers, how can he be sure he will have it in the future, whilst the costs keep spiralling?

Who said he doesn't have the money? It would seem that its The Glazers that are the ones who are moving the goalposts.

I think as fans all we have to worry about is whether either owner puts competent people in the positions of power at MUFC and doesn't saddle us with debt that will impact our FFP spend.
Was Howson on the Caf?

He's still on the Caf no doubt. I deliberately don't post in threads very often because my opinions are too good, and I don't want anyone to feel inadequate. But I still browse the forum almost every day. I'm sure Steven Segal's fat brother is the same.

And also to keep the thread on topic, feck bicycle man.
I feel sorry for you mate!

How many time are you going to either simply make up information, or just jump to assumptions? Based on what?

How do you know the make up of the deal? How do you know the 25% stake is for "equal shares".

You, I, or anyone else for that matter know forth fifths of feck all about how this sale is going to go.

As i said, it was only two weeks ago you were insistent after speaking to your "mate in finance" that the club would be sold for £7-8billion in total. Now you're backtracking like Victor Lindelof does with a forward running at him!

Want me to dig up your posts? More flip flops than a beach full of havaianas!

They are getting an ROI. You said it yourself - $40 a share. Double todays value. And $15 a share more than the highest ever market value.

I feel sorry for you if you think that The Glazers and their lawyers cant change how class B work.

Laughable if you think this is written in stone, because if it was, then INEOS could never take control of MUFC with Avram and Joel still on place.

Especially, if as I suggested, in my earlier post, if INEOS hoover up all the hedge fund owned class A shares, INEOS and The Glazers can cut any deal they want.

The minority shareholders have no right of recourse if they change the rules on class B once they have already been paid out!
You write a post to suit your agenda, I state the facts that if 1 in 4 gain a windfall why wouldn’t the other 3 kick off.

You clearly want Jimmy the Rat to become the 7th Glazer and that may happen but don’t for one second think it will be plain sailing, he’s had 5 or 6 bids and try’s already and guess what he still hasn’t signed the deal yet even after keeping the Goblins at the club l

Let me tell you know his convoluted deal will take an awful lot to push through, buying a minority, that’s very different from a full M&A deal. I’m still pretty confident the club will be sold for £7-7.2 billion for 100% sale of the club if a full sale happens FOR the last time the Glazers want £6 billion to relinquish control so if in 3 months we are still going round in circles by then the penny might drop!
Sir Jim has won the bid about 5 times already since the saga began. It typically results in Qatar submitting a new bid within days later.

Will happen again. Will be interesting to know after all this what actually happened behind the scenes.
Was Howson on the Caf?

Howson, Alice, Brent Goldbridge, Beth etc - all of those muppets and conmen will be on the caf, mining people’s posts for ‘content’ for their Utd ‘news’ shows.

Same as with ‘journo’ conmen like Ben Jacobs.

Obviously they’ll be posting anonymously as their content and worth is too weak for them to engage transparently, but they’ll be here, no doubt about that.
Howson, Alice, Brent Goldbridge, Beth etc - all of those muppets and conmen will be on the caf, mining people’s posts for ‘content’ for their Utd ‘news’ shows.

Same as with ‘journo’ conmen like Ben Jacobs.

Obviously they’ll be posting anonymously as their content and worth is too weak for them to engage transparently, but they’ll be here, no doubt about that.
Beth can read my comments anytime :drool:
If the Glazers want to stay so badly, then why don’t they put Jimmy into a period of exclusivity or give him preferred bidder status. He’s the only one that’s giving them a path to stay. Qatar will also leave the process.

So there is clearly a price which they will do a full sale to the Qataris. And it’s been consistent throughout, £6 Billion for the 69% of Class B voting rights.

It actually doesn’t matter what Jimmy Brexit does, if he’s any close to pinching a deal, Qataris know what to do and what number to hit. This is just a game between the Inbreds and the Qataris. Jimmy is just a annoyance to everyone
If what Roades said is true (I believe it is)then I would fully support the INEOS offer, providing Qatar refuse to increase.

Can you elaborate? I've not got time to listen at the moment unfortunately due to work
Basically it's a vanity project, and Jimmy is willing to go to bed with the glazers so he can brag to his mates down the pub he part owns the club.
You write a post to suit your agenda, I state the facts that if 1 in 4 gain a windfall why wouldn’t the other 3 kick off.

You clearly want Jimmy the Rat to become the 7th Glazer and that may happen but don’t for one second think it will be plain sailing, he’s had 5 or 6 bids and try’s already and guess what he still hasn’t signed the deal yet even after keeping the Goblins at the club l

Let me tell you know his convoluted deal will take an awful lot to push through, buying a minority, that’s very different from a full M&A deal. I’m still pretty confident the club will be sold for £7-7.2 billion for 100% sale of the club if a full sale happens FOR the last time the Glazers want £6 billion to relinquish control so if in 3 months we are still going round in circles by then the penny might drop!

You have stated very few facts. Everything is guesswork or assumptions, or something "your mate" told you.

You are all over the place with the valuation. You just said....

"I’m still pretty confident the club will be sold for £7-7.2 billion for 100% sale of the club "

Yet earlier on today...

they will not sell to Qatar until they up their bid to £6 billion!

Pick a lane.

Actually, no. I would probably prefer the Qatar deal if it meant wiping all debt, major infrastructure investment, Glazers gone and no more dividends leaving the club. Leaving all the sportswashing business to the side and the potential of them turning United into PSG Mk2, then it would appear to be the better offer for the fans and the future of the club.

But, I disagree with the notion that INEOS are just going to line The Glazers pockets without a plan to take full control of the club. And i disagree that if INEOS get control with Joel and Avram with a minority stake, then its doomsday for the club.
Can you elaborate? I've not got time to listen at the moment unfortunately due to work
**__Daily Muppet 13/10/23__**

*INEOS Offer*
- New discussions over the last few weeks.
- Orny & Bloomberg both stated that INEOS are in the lead over the last few days.
- INEOS want 100% of the club. (Not _just_ the Glazers shares).
- The aim was to buy out Glazers and then in the long term get those other shares.
- INEOS feel they have had a broad agreement with the Glazers for around 5 months & that it's higher than the Qatari valuation.
- However, they have had to get creative with the structure of that bid.
- There has been in person discussions over the last week.
- INEOS feel they have a viable offer on the table for the club that is acceptable for the Glazers & meets their valuation.
- It is an initial 25% offer, however, it does include route to, not just majority control, but 100% control.
- There are multiple options of how INEOS gets to that 100%.
- But this offer would be done with stipulated options in place to ensure INEOS will complete a complete 100% takeover.
- There will also be stipulations over control of certain aspects of the club. eg: Money put into the club to cover _whatever_ will indeed cover what that money has been put into.
- Simply an alternative route to 100% ownership.
- INEOS do not want a share of the club that they can then flip.

*What next?*
- INEOS will present this formally.
- We are getting to the point where the board could vote on this offer.

- Won't take that long. Potentially a few weeks or a month.
- Unsure if this would be public.
- If this isn't accepted, James believes we will just enter a dead end.

*Locker Room*
- Some players do believe there is favouritism within the squad.
- Most players, however, have remained professional.
- There are players who have raised their concern, but it's nothing unusual within a Football Club.

- Inácio.
- Looking at both LCB & RCB & a Case replacement.
- Looking at wingers as well after offloading Sancho.
- Won't spend big in Jan.
The guy knows nothing, save your time.
I don’t agree. I think he’s quite specific on certain things at times, I believe he has a source on the INEOS side.

I personally am not a fan of the guy either, had various exchanges with him on the discord and we rarely agree but I think he’s pretty close to the truth here.
I don’t agree. I think he’s quite specific on certain things at times, I believe he has a source on the INEOS side.

I personally am not a fan of the guy either, had various exchanges with him on the discord and we rarely agree but I think he’s pretty close to the truth here.
Hes chatting absolute bollocks and had said literally nothing new. It's astounding how you've just thought he was credible.

Literally anyone can pull out their phone and say "let me read out my note. Oh INEOS were struggling with a legally viable offer but they made one now".

Hes taken publically available information that's 2 months old and made a mug out of anyone believing him.
Hes chatting absolute bollocks and had said literally nothing new. It's astounding how you've just thought he was credible.

Literally anyone can pull out their phone and say "let me read out my note. Oh INEOS were struggling with a legally viable offer but they made one now".

Hes taken publically available information that's 2 months old and made a mug out of anyone believing him.
To be fair he has added specificity regarding the obligation to buy 100% of the club.

I believe the debate was whether it's just a minority investment and nothing else.

Not saying he's right or anything. But he seems to have very, very specific information for some reason.
You have stated very few facts. Everything is guesswork or assumptions, or something "your mate" told you.

You are all over the place with the valuation. You just said....

"I’m still pretty confident the club will be sold for £7-7.2 billion for 100% sale of the club "

Woziak said;
What part of £6bn for 69% don’t you get and £1.3bn for the remaining 31% Jesus it’s like hitting your head against a brick wall !!!!

Woziak Says ;
Let’s agree to disagree and politely not address each others posts that’s what the mature people do when they don’t understand what someone else is actually saying simply because it doesn’t suit or fit their agenda!

Pick a lane.
Woziak says ;
I have, your the one who wants the Glazers to stay with Ratcliffe as a 73 year old man waiting 3 or 4 years to miraculous drag the club out of the mire!!!!

Actually, no. I would probably prefer the Qatar deal if it meant wiping all debt, major infrastructure investment, Glazers gone and no more dividends leaving the club. Leaving all the sportswashing business to the side and the potential of them turning United into PSG Mk2, then it would appear to be the better offer for the fans and the future of the club.

But, I disagree with the notion that INEOS are just going to line The Glazers pockets without a plan to take full control of the club. And i disagree that if INEOS get control with Joel and Avram with a minority stake, then its doomsday for the club.

Woziak says;
That’s an opinion just like mine and I respect other peoples opinions, try it one day it’s quite refreshing ?
To be fair he has added specificity regarding the obligation to buy 100% of the club.

I believe the debate was whether it's just a minority investment and nothing else.

Not saying he's right or anything. But he seems to have very, very specific information for some reason.
Ben Jacobs eludes the same yesterday.

He's taking an amalgamation of what everyone else is saying and pretending to claim inside knowledge.
If there is going to be a board meeting about INEOS latest offer, then how long does the 92 Foundation to perhaps make an increased offer?

Time must be running out.
**__Daily Muppet 13/10/23__**

*INEOS Offer*
- New discussions over the last few weeks.
- Orny & Bloomberg both stated that INEOS are in the lead over the last few days.
- INEOS want 100% of the club. (Not _just_ the Glazers shares).
- The aim was to buy out Glazers and then in the long term get those other shares.
- INEOS feel they have had a broad agreement with the Glazers for around 5 months & that it's higher than the Qatari valuation.
- However, they have had to get creative with the structure of that bid.
- There has been in person discussions over the last week.
- INEOS feel they have a viable offer on the table for the club that is acceptable for the Glazers & meets their valuation.
- It is an initial 25% offer, however, it does include route to, not just majority control, but 100% control.
- There are multiple options of how INEOS gets to that 100%.
- But this offer would be done with stipulated options in place to ensure INEOS will complete a complete 100% takeover.
- There will also be stipulations over control of certain aspects of the club. eg: Money put into the club to cover _whatever_ will indeed cover what that money has been put into.
- Simply an alternative route to 100% ownership.
- INEOS do not want a share of the club that they can then flip.

*What next?*
- INEOS will present this formally.
- We are getting to the point where the board could vote on this offer.

- Won't take that long. Potentially a few weeks or a month.
- Unsure if this would be public.
- If this isn't accepted, James believes we will just enter a dead end.

*Locker Room*
- Some players do believe there is favouritism within the squad.
- Most players, however, have remained professional.
- There are players who have raised their concern, but it's nothing unusual within a Football Club.

- Inácio.
- Looking at both LCB & RCB & a Case replacement.
- Looking at wingers as well after offloading Sancho.
- Won't spend big in Jan.

I still truly believe that any money given to the Glazers for this 25% will go right into their pockets and not into the club. Surely if they're selling their stake, they're under no obligation to pay into the club? Not sure how it works or what legal right Jim would have to say they MUST invest the money.
If there is going to be a board meeting about INEOS latest offer, then how long does the 92 Foundation to perhaps make an increased offer?

Time must be running out.
If it's going to happen, it's going to happen.

The fact that Qatar are still quiet tells me they're not out of it and are still committed to a full takeover. If they were pulling out, they'd absolutely put out some statement about the Glazers being the issue and that they felt the offer they submitted was fair etc

I still truly believe that any money given to the Glazers for this 25% will go right into their pockets and not into the club. Surely if they're selling their stake, they're under no obligation to pay into the club? Not sure how it works or what legal right Jim would have to say they MUST invest the money.
He wasn't referring to the money which would be purchasing the 25%

He was saying INEOS want the option to be able to invest money into the club for various things.
If there is going to be a board meeting about INEOS latest offer, then how long does the 92 Foundation to perhaps make an increased offer?

Time must be running out.
IF there’s a Board Meeting about the INEOS offer, then the 6 non-Glazer members of the Board should vote against. The offer does nothing for the club, and that is their fiduciary responsibility - as well as their obligation to serve in the best interests of all shareholders.
He wasn't referring to the money which would be purchasing the 25%

He was saying INEOS want the option to be able to invest money into the club for various things.
So INEOS want to be able to invest in the club until a full buyout is achieved?

I'm not sure the Glazers would go for that would they? Surely INEOS could then say that whatever they've invested into the club would come off the final value in the end meaning they get less?
He wasn't referring to the money which would be purchasing the 25%

He was saying INEOS want the option to be able to invest money into the club for various things.
So let me get this straight, INEOS want to pay the Glazers 1.5 billion keep the Glazers on, and are begging then to invest 100's of millions back into the club. Just to make the Glazers even richer. Ok you convinced me.
IF there’s a Board Meeting about the INEOS offer, then the 6 non-Glazer members of the Board should vote against. The offer does nothing for the club, and that is their fiduciary responsibility .
I'm not totally convinced that the other 4 gremlins aside from Joel and Avi would vote for this anyway. They want gone, they want to get their big payday and run far away into the sunset with their sacks of cash in tow.

Seems that by "Glazer Family" most people take that to be Avi and Joel who are the kingpin gremlins, they want to milk the club until there is nothing left and it all turns to dust before selling the dregs and running off with their billions of dollars.
At this point I'm convinced the only way we get rid of the Glazers is if they all pass and the executor of the estate sells to cover all their debts.
So INEOS want to be able to invest in the club until a full buyout is achieved?

I'm not sure the Glazers would go for that would they? Surely INEOS could then say that whatever they've invested into the club would come off the final value in the end meaning they get less?
That's what he sais he got from his source yes.

That is probably what is currently being discussed and hashed out.
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