Club Sale | It’s done!

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How is driving a car equivalent to allowing an evil regime to buy United? They are not just homophobic, they criminalized it. Women are oppressed there. Stop making silly excuses.

A run of two or three bad results and they have cover to fire Ten Hag. They will install their chosen manager.

But that doesn‘t matter really. What matters are women rights and LGTB rights. And not to forget: slave labour.
Your constant nonsense regarding ETH is boring now. Step off it and contribute something more meaningful to this thread.

By the way, do you know homosexuality is also criminalized in many other countries, some of them even the developed ones. I understand they are not buying us but I don't see this fear mongering for those countries ever trotted out in any context.
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Your constant nonsense regarding ETH is boring now. Step off it and contribute something more meaningful to this thread.

By the way, do you now homosexuality is also criminalized in many other countries, some of them even the developed ones. I understand they are not buying us but I don't see this fear mongering for those countries ever trotted out in any context.
You answered it yourself, you're on a United forum. We don't discuss everything all the time, we discuss United.

I'd be just as appalled if the Norwegian government tried to buy us.
You answered it yourself, you're on a United forum. We don't discuss everything all the time, we discuss United.

I'd be just as appalled if the Norwegian government tried to buy us.
I can totally understand a point about not wanting state ownership irrespective of who they are and I respect that. That guy however is not doing that. He is absolutely talking bollocks around how Qatari owners will fire ETH and bring the whole club down.
I can totally understand a point about not wanting state ownership irrespective of who they are and I respect that. That guy however is not doing that. He is absolutely talking bollocks around how Qatari owners will fire ETH and bring the whole club down.

It is disgusting about how you are more bothered about Ten Hag getting fired than the fact that the Qataris are certified homophobic women trampling human trafficking scum.
It is disgusting about how you are more bothered about Ten Hag getting fired than the fact that the Qataris are certified homophobic women trampling human trafficking scum.
It's moronic how you are pretending to know anything about Qatar's plan for United and ETH that you keep on harping about.

This is the kind of obtuse language you see
whenever hostile takeovers happen and the new owners are planning big changes.

No concrete statement that they support Ten Hag or the coaching structure. That is remarkable, since he has so much support now.

They will do whatever they want, including getting rid of Ten Hag mark my words.

But all this doesn‘t matter really. What matters is that they are scum that should not be allowed anywhere near our club.
We need a separate thread to list down the folks here who are declaring that they are done with United if the Qataris or Saudis take over United.

Let them be bold enough to declare their intentions now. Otherwise, it would just sound like some teenage rant.
It is disgusting about how you are more bothered about Ten Hag getting fired than the fact that the Qataris are certified homophobic women trampling human trafficking scum.

Dude, you are losing it. Just step away from the thread for a few days. It might do your mental health some good.

Piece of advice: worry about something you have control over. You are ranting over things you have ZERO input or output in this situation. Why start throwing in the kitchen sink at people? Sounds more like you are projecting at this point.
The Norwegian government wouldn't dare, too many Liverpool fans over there, besides it would be no different to a private investment consortium, it's there to make money for the people of Norway so they can have the things that Brit's can only dream of
Like United? :wenger:
Aren’t Qatar already owning PSG? Isn’t there some sort of rule that they can’t own clubs that can compete in the same competition?
Aren’t Qatar already owning PSG? Isn’t there some sort of rule that they can’t own clubs that can compete in the same competition?
Theoretically, but there are ways around it. Red Bull owns two teams.
This doesn‘t bother me dude, pointing out hypocrisy is just a chore that needs doing.

But the reality is that there is always blood in the hands of the rich & powerful.

Accusing a nation of the stuff you mention reaks of hypocrisy ---- since at some point, every western country has been accused of the very same things at some point in their history -- war crimes, slavery, restricted freedom of the press, anti-LBGT laws etc.

From the US to the UK to France to even little ol' Belgium. Every single country has been guilty of that. From WMD (in Iraq) to the slave trade by the UK/US to genocide allowed by the Belgium govt in Africa.

But if time bar or statute of limitation was the excuse then.... there is a thread I can introduce you to.

Point is there are no financial angels that will come to rescue United. Even Bill Gates was an evil overlord in the past despite having saved probably millions of 3rd world kids so far.

You are passionate about it because you are allowing the fact that you are a Manchester United supporter -- and that's who you are. You are allowing the fact that as a supporter, you are now associated wth the 'evil' regime and which therefore indirect taints who you are. And defining who you are.

The reality is you are more than a United supporter as who you are. But you are allowing this to define you which is why you are so worked up.
From the SkySports website:

Amnesty International on Qatar Man Utd bid: A wake-up call for PL

An imminent Qatari bid for Manchester United should be a "wake-up call" to the Premier League to strengthen its ownership rules, Amnesty International has warned.

"Coming in the wake of the World Cup and strenuous efforts from the Qatari government to fashion a glitzy new image for the country, it seems highly likely that any Qatari bid for Manchester United would be a continuation of this state-backed sportswashing project," Peter Frankental, Amnesty UK's economic affairs director, told the PA news agency.

"We saw only limited reforms on migrant workers' rights in Qatar in the lead-up to the World Cup, and there's been no movement whatsoever in ending the disgraceful criminalisation of LGBTQ+ people or institutional discrimination against women.

"It's been nearly 18 months since the hugely controversial Saudi takeover of Newcastle United and a Qatari bid for Manchester United would be yet another wake-up call to the Premier League over the need to reform its ownership rules.

"We're not necessarily opposed to the involvement of state-linked overseas financial consortia in English football, but the Premier League must urgently strengthen ownership rules to ensure they're human rights-compliant and not an opportunity for more sportswashing."
But the reality is that there is always blood in the hands of the rich & powerful.

Accusing a nation of the stuff you mention reaks of hypocrisy ---- since at some point, every western country has been accused of the very same things at some point in their history -- war crimes, slavery, restricted freedom of the press, anti-LBGT laws etc.

From the US to the UK to France to even little ol' Belgium. Every single country has been guilty of that. From WMD (in Iraq) to the slave trade by the UK/US to genocide allowed by the Belgium govt in Africa.

But if time bar or statute of limitation was the excuse then.... there is a thread I can introduce you to.

Point is there are no financial angels that will come to rescue United. Even Bill Gates was an evil overlord in the past despite having saved probably millions of 3rd world kids so far.

You are passionate about it because you are allowing the fact that you are a Manchester United supporter -- and that's who you are. You are allowing the fact that as a supporter, you are now associated wth the 'evil' regime and which therefore indirect taints who you are. And defining who you are.

The reality is you are more than a United supporter as who you are. But you are allowing this to define you which is why you are so worked up.

We have a choice: we can let them use us for sportswashing or say no. There will be other bids eventually, no doubt.
This is the kind of obtuse language you see
whenever hostile takeovers happen and the new owners are planning big changes.

No concrete statement that they support Ten Hag or the coaching structure. That is remarkable, since he has so much support now.

They will do whatever they want, including getting rid of Ten Hag mark my words.

But all this doesn‘t matter really. What matters is that they are scum that should not be allowed anywhere near our club.
Jesus give a rest you nutter :rolleyes:

And I'll take any warning given out because it needed to be said.
I'm sorry to rock the boat but, the new PSG training ground and facility looks absolutely beautiful. Can only hope the Qatari's help United manage something like that. Couple that with the fact that I'll never have to worry about the Glazers, or Woodward again, and I'm hesitantly on this Qatar owned train. It's going to leave without me, might as well jump on and enjoy the view.

I'm not painting the Qatar flag on my face and buying robes...but I'm not jumping through mental hoops over this anymore. It's inevitable.
We have a choice: we can let them use us for sportswashing or say no. There will be other bids eventually, no doubt.
"We" can say no? :lol: yeah, I don't think you or I have any say in it.

Also, the owners of the club I love do not guide my morals or my beliefs. I only care about what's best for Manchester United and Qatar as owners are best for the club.
From the SkySports website:

Amnesty International on Qatar Man Utd bid: A wake-up call for PL

An imminent Qatari bid for Manchester United should be a "wake-up call" to the Premier League to strengthen its ownership rules, Amnesty International has warned.

"Coming in the wake of the World Cup and strenuous efforts from the Qatari government to fashion a glitzy new image for the country, it seems highly likely that any Qatari bid for Manchester United would be a continuation of this state-backed sportswashing project," Peter Frankental, Amnesty UK's economic affairs director, told the PA news agency.

"We saw only limited reforms on migrant workers' rights in Qatar in the lead-up to the World Cup, and there's been no movement whatsoever in ending the disgraceful criminalisation of LGBTQ+ people or institutional discrimination against women.

"It's been nearly 18 months since the hugely controversial Saudi takeover of Newcastle United and a Qatari bid for Manchester United would be yet another wake-up call to the Premier League over the need to reform its ownership rules.

"We're not necessarily opposed to the involvement of state-linked overseas financial consortia in English football, but the Premier League must urgently strengthen ownership rules to ensure they're human rights-compliant and not an opportunity for more sportswashing."


The migrant workers stick has already been debunked many times. So, I'll just leave it there.

However, it's hilarious to the women of our gulf nation to hear you coming with accusations defending them. Women are not being discriminated here, for example I have a sister who's a doctor and other one who's doing great in computer since fields. They're happy living their life while you are here crying out-loud about their rights.

Just stop this ridicules drivel, mate.
"We" can say no? :lol: yeah, I don't think you or I have any say in it.

Also, the owners of the club I love do not guide my morals or my beliefs. I only care about what's best for Manchester United and Qatar as owners are best for the club.

Bizarre how people seem to think they have a say in the matter either way :lol:

I agree with you, if I decided to live my life by opposing every product or consumer experience that might have connections to someone that has terrible beliefs/etc I'd have to live in the fecking woods and build my own cabin while growing my own food. Bottom line is I want the new owners to be whoever runs the club the best, which includes all of the things we've already mentioned ad nauseum in this thread (debt clearance, infrastructure and stadium investment, etc.).
This is the kind of obtuse language you see
whenever hostile takeovers happen and the new owners are planning big changes.

No concrete statement that they support Ten Hag or the coaching structure. That is remarkable, since he has so much support now.

They will do whatever they want, including getting rid of Ten Hag mark my words.

But all this doesn‘t matter really. What matters is that they are scum that should not be allowed anywhere near our club.
This is the kind of obtuse language you see
whenever hostile takeovers happen and the new owners are planning big changes.

No concrete statement that they support Ten Hag or the coaching structure. That is remarkable, since he has so much support now.

They will do whatever they want, including getting rid of Ten Hag mark my words.

But all this doesn‘t matter really. What matters is that they are scum that should not be allowed anywhere near our club.
Wtf is this nonsense that they'll ditch ETH coming from? And hire who? The guy is working miracles at the moment. With a transfer chest the sky is the limit. Some of you are coming up with ridiculous fantasy scenarios to support your narrative.
Bizarre how people seem to think they have a say in the matter either way :lol:

I agree with you, if I decided to live my life by opposing every product or consumer experience that might have connections to someone that has terrible beliefs/etc I'd have to live in the fecking woods and build my own cabin while growing my own food. Bottom line is I want the new owners to be whoever runs the club the best, which includes all of the things we've already mentioned ad nauseum in this thread (debt clearance, infrastructure and stadium investment, etc.).

Exactly.They have to think to what's better for the club as a deciding factor not this nonsense we hear every now and then. The dippers fanbase are gutted that the Qataris have looked over them while we have some fans creating dilemmas out of nothing, dear me.

for an example:

and other who's a realist:

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Meant to type UAE which Qatar ceded independence from in 1971 (although really they weren't a part of for long if at all)

I think you missed the point of my quote.

I really didn't. You don't seem to know the difference between Dubai (an Emirates within the United Arab Emirates) and Qatar. And got them confused.

You went on about how the QSI heads riding their camels? I asked you whether your actually believe they get up every morning and ride their camels to work, and you dug your heels in and got the UAE mixed up with Qatar in your reply.
Exactly.They have to think to what's better for the club as a deciding factor not this nonsense we hear every now and then. The dippers fanbase are gutted that the Qataris have looked over them while we have some fans creating dilemmas out of nothing, dear me.

What exactly is "better for the club" ? Foreign sugar daddy ownership by suspect owners in an autocracy ?

And to what ends precisely ? So United can sell its identity and participate in a financial arms race with 3 or 4 other clubs owned by similar middle eastern owners ?

It seems neither moral, logical, or sustainable.
No, what is weird is “Hey, look at me taking a stance” posts on a forum claiming they’ll give up watching the team they’ve invested their whole life and that Utd will cease to exist for them. If you take that stance, good for you. There’s no need to post ranting and raving about it. Just do it. Leave those who will continue to support the club regardless carry on.

Im with @sglowrider 's suggestion to have a list of all these "look at me" posters in a thread :lol: I wonder how many of them will actually stop following the club after all that umbrage and indignation.
What exactly is "better for the club" ? Foreign sugar daddy ownership by suspect owners in an autocracy ?

And to what ends precisely ? So United can sell its identity and participate in a financial arms race with 3 or 4 other clubs owned by similar middle eastern owners ?

It seems neither moral, logical, or sustainable.

clearing the debt, revamping Old trafford and carington plus a healthy balance to fund Ten Hag's plans. Also, giving the club a hierarchy that has direction and start to function like a modern club in this day and age.

isn't that enough to sway you to their side?
clearing the debt, revamping Old trafford and carington plus a healthy balance to fund Ten Hag's plans. Also, giving the club a hierarchy that has direction and start to function like a modern club in this day and age.

isn't that enough to sway you to their side?

Taking care of the debt would be expected of any owner wouldn't it ?

The broader point being the question of how long is competitive football sustainable if a small handful of clubs are owned by sugar daddy owners seeking to buy their way to trophies.

It seems to widen the gap between the few elite clubs and creates a permanent servant class among those who don't have wealthy benefactors.
It is disgusting about how you are more bothered about Ten Hag getting fired than the fact that the Qataris are certified homophobic women trampling human trafficking scum.

Relax Ten Hag aint getting fired. You're having a bit of a nightmare in this thread in all honesty.
We need a separate thread to list down the folks here who are declaring that they are done with United if the Qataris or Saudis take over United.

Let them be bold enough to declare their intentions now. Otherwise, it would just sound like some teenage rant.

I'd happily be added to such a list.

Made my views very clear in the past about this.

If this list happens then sign me up on the condition that those who promote this type of ownership are happy to be on a list too so that when the new owners are shown to commit human atrocities we can see you believe football is more important than humans.
Wondering if glazers will sell up at £5billion or if thats not enough for them. Telegraph saying that qataris will make £5billion bid.
Taking care of the debt would be expected of any owner wouldn't it ?

The broader point being the question of how long is competitive football sustainable if a small handful of clubs are owned by sugar daddy owners seeking to buy their way to trophies.

It seems to widen the gap between the few elite clubs and creates a permanent servant class among those who don't have wealthy benefactors.

Isn't the financial fair play rules are put in place to sustain a fair climate for everybody. We're huge and could afford many leeways due to our substantial exposure. It's about time we spend what we are worth and not be strapped by the glazeres. As an example, every time we reach the top 4 they cut the funding causing damage to the club and when we're out of it next season they start to invest a little tad much. It's a pattern that been happening since Fergie, who used to bail them out, retired and I'm sick of it as it has no direction to the glory that United deserves. it'll run like a proper club at last and I'm happy for that.
Why would INEOS (2021 turnover £18.8Bn, profit £3.5bn) take money from the club (2021 turnover £583m, loss £115m) to pay off a debt in INEOSs name? Where and how does that make any sense?

Turnover does not matter infact even profitability can be skewed in accounting from year to year. (Provision reversal is a good example)

The main concern is equity, how much INEOS have in reserve. Plus they are a listed company who will be lending money and will require return on its investment.

I don't want an owner where we have to fund their investment again. Because whatever INEOS will give our owner, they will want it returned with interest and guess who is going to generate income to repay off that initial investment, our club.
I learnt history in the uk both in an english school and a private indian school aswell as then abroad! Ive learnt it from a whole different level to you who only learnt it from the english led education system that has an british ministry propaganda built structure just as much as the bbc! :lol:
You probably think the pure Aryan people philosophy was built by germany right?:lol:

Great Britain literally created Racism by creating a Race Science.

“In the nineteenth century, however, an emergent biological “race science” attacked the authority of the Orientalists. The spectacle of a dark-skinned people who were evidently civilized challenged Victorian ideas, and race science responded to the enigma of India by redefining the Aryan concept in narrowly “white” racial terms.“

At the time it was Great Britain’s your peaceful country that was killing people in Native America continent, all of Africa, all of the Indian Countries, All of the Australian subcontinent, all of the oriental subcontinent, The Irish and all their anti war Songs against England when they caused a death by literally causing an organized potato famine - and then made to look like Germany was the only bad guy.

Get off my back son. I was born in England and can see history in a bigger version than you. Low Historian IQ.

Stick to your Aryan Monastery of the pure Great British Kings and Queens :lol:

Literally turned Ireland to a Potato only country - to For who? Great Britain.

Turned the whole of the Indian Countries to do what? Sell and use Spices for who? Great Britain.

Invaded Australia and literally wiped the original Australian’s ethnicity away from this earth why? So Britain could create a prison system where all there prisoners gets put in Australia.

Literally turned and used the whole of Africa in to their slave system. The whole of bloody Africa.

Wiped away the Native American culture/ethnicity from their subcontinent!

How can you be so so so so deluded! :lol:

You wonder why English is the most spoken language in the world? Because they literally ruled all over the world and all the benefit these countries got was the bloody education system of Great Britain! You wonder why English Universities are the highest rated in the world:lol: You wonder why now England has arguably is one of the most multiracial countries in the world? Because they literally owned these countries and people by invading them in the first place.

The Education system then also has a built up propaganda of a history that has influenced people like you.

Your just a Fred on the pitch when it comes to this. You know absolutely crap all.

Stick to BBC and sing about your queen or king everyday.
That made me laugh. Poor Fred, being used in this analogy :lol:

45k votes
62% Qatar

I'm going to hazard a guess that the age range of people voting on that are 13-25 years old and think the Qataris owning United = United buying Mbappe.

Nowhere does it mention ten Hag has the confidence of the Qataris, just that he'll be financially backed, buzzwords fans will lap up during a takeover.

They won't think twice of dropping him as manager when we get ourselves in a rut as they'll have their own guy they'd like to bring in, waiting in the wings. They want to be seen as the best and the club winning everything, as soon as that doesn't happen, ten Hag will get the boot.

The migrant workers stick has already been debunked many times. So, I'll just leave it there.

However, it's hilarious to the women of our gulf nation to hear you coming with accusations defending them. Women are not being discriminated here, for example I have a sister who's a doctor and other one who's doing great in computer since fields. They're happy living their life while you are here crying out-loud about their rights.

Just stop this ridicules drivel, mate.

Sadly the western media just spin spin spin and people lap it up.

I wonder how many have actually been to the ME and lived there for a period of time.

No country or regime is perfect. But a lot of people clearly have an agenda.
I'm going to hazard a guess that the age range of people voting on that are 13-25 years old and think the Qataris owning United = United buying Mbappe.

Nowhere does it mention ten Hag has the confidence of the Qataris, just that he'll be financially backed, buzzwords fans will lap up during a takeover.

They won't think twice of dropping him as manager when we get ourselves in a rut as they'll have their own guy they'd like to bring in, waiting in the wings. They want to be seen as the best and the club winning everything, as soon as that doesn't happen, ten Hag will get the boot.

Ten Hag, like any other manager, will get the boot if we are underperforming for a long period of time.

It’s not as if we have done any different since SAF. Actually, there were people calling for him to retire/leave multiple times during his tenure.

I mean if you look at the most successful clubs in Europe the last ten years or so, they have all changed managers multiple times. I don’t see it as an issue.
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