Club Sale | It’s done!

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Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
He's missing the point

If United had owners with their "shit in order" now, then very, very few people would be championing a takeover bid of any kind

I don't think "oil money" is the attraction - it's owners who'll allow United to fulfil their potential, which has been blocked with debt and poor ownership for the last 17 years
I think you've missed his point. He isn't saying we shouldn't want new or more competent owners. He's disagreeing with the fans who specifically want state owners, because we're one of the few clubs on the planet in a position to compete with state-backed clubs without being a state-backed club.

Which makes it odd for anyone to be desperate for state ownership anyway. As your last paragraph suggests, all we need to be competitive is for the club's own resources to be used correctly and not leeched.


Full Member
Mar 15, 2021

How can I take a poll seriously by a journalist writing this? How is that not subtle racism and agenda in their journalism? This is disgusting, their true coulours are showing. Stereotyping arabs.
Talk about missing the point...


Full Member
Aug 24, 2013
No. He isn’t. Clearly.
I will not give the benefit of the doubt to Luckhurst, he has a long history of subtle racist remarks before many times. I know he is referring to the fans, but I know he is using it because he has other motives.

Wednesday at Stoke

Full Member
Feb 11, 2014
Time Travel
Al Thani (the owner of Malaga) is a member of the Qatari ruling family. Prince Abdullah (the owner of Sheffield United) is a member of the Saudi ruling family the former President of Saudi Arabia's General Sports Authority. These are exactly the type of people who are being linked with the takeover over United (Qatari bid reportedly being lead by the Emir's uncle and the former prime minister).
The "ruling family member" could mean a lot of things. They could be the second cousin, twice removed on the mother's side to the prince's fourth concubine or they could also be the brother of the monarch. The former would have enough to buy and run Malaga or Sheffield United, but the latter would have 10 billion in liquid cash sitting in his bank account to buy Manchester United.


New Member
May 12, 2019
I think the majority of us would want squeaky clean billionaire owners, not linked to any form of human rights abuses or any dodgy dealings but it's just not realistic.

For all the talk of the soul being sucked out of the club if we end up with Middle Eastern oil/gas money, I think we are all forgetting that WE are the soul of this club. The fans, community in Manchester and further afield, have been with this club the whole journey - Newton Heath to today.

New owners cannot wipe out the history of Manchester United - that's the difference between us and City. It was the difference between Chelsea and us when Roman took them over too. We have much more to us than success on the pitch and that can't be taken away.

Whatever outcome this brings, we will be free of the leech Glazer family and have an owner who is willing to invest to bring the success back to the club.
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Wants players fined for winning away.
Jan 25, 2015
It’s weird how there’s a bunch of rival fans concerned about United’s ownership all of a sudden. Where have they been the last 10 years?
As I've said too many times on here, funny there's no action needed when we're getting asset-stripped live on air but now that someone has appeared and willing to reverse the 17-year-long decline, it's a problem. Well, if our club wasn't chewed down to the bone in the first place, we wouldn't have to have this discussion.

It's infuriating but United fans should be used to being measured differently and the sale of the club is no exception.


He's no Bilal Ilyas Jhandir
Dec 12, 2012
Oslo, Norway


Full Member
May 13, 2013
You also have to put context into it.

Mbappe is a big big player for PSG, not just on the field but off it too because he was the face of PSG and Qatar.

To keep him in the French league, they had to do that.

With United, if we are competitive, you wouldn't need to give players that power because the PL already attracts top talents.
Yeah I agree with that. It's still a bit of a concern though, as it seems they're putting PR/image ahead of what is best for the manager and club.


Full Member
Mar 15, 2021
I will not give the benefit of the doubt to Luckhurst, he has a long history of subtle racist remarks before many times. I know he is referring to the fans, but I know he is using it because he has other motives.
Can you share any? I honestly can't remember any but could be wrong.

Also, if he is being racist, what is on any way subtle about it in that context?


New Member
Oct 28, 2021
Hi there,

I don't wish to get in an argument but your comment is (maybe unintentionally) flippant. Please read about human rights in Qatar right now:

Women cannot make any decisions without male guardians. If they get a divorce they lose custody of their children. It's illegal to be LGBTQ, there is censorship of media and press and the right to assemble. These are not silly issues or a case of "throwing your toys out the pram". What does it say to our ladies team that in the country their employers are from they wouldn't be able to play football or have any of their rights and freedoms they currently have? What would it say to our whole fan base that certain groups have little to no rights in Qatar?

I think a lot of fans like me would be worried about that, and it's not a small or trivial thing. I think we should all be mindful and engage in respectful discussion about them.
I don't think the issues are small or trivial. Human rights in the Gulf states is a major issue.

But the sad reality is, it isn't for most football fans. You can take it from me that there'll be no mass boycott from Utd fans if the Qataris take over and and protests that might occur will be tiny in size in comparison to say, the anti Glazer protests.

I'm not saying this is right or wrong, it's just patently what would happen.
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Full Member
Dec 10, 2020
There’s absolutely no doubt if Qatar took over there’s the potential for United to be dominating the Premier League again. We have a generation of fans who subscribed to glory every single season and are getting sick of it not happening, hence people welcoming Qatar with open arms.

Unlike City and Chelsea, United’s history is actually based on winning and success is part of the club tradition. However, all success was not as a result of Arab money being pumped in.

I get the argument that United don’t need a sugar daddy and Qatar would just be at the other end of the spectrum to the Glazers i.e. not taking money out the club and and actually interesting in building a football team. For United the huge spending power is already there so it wouldn’t be as contrived as City and Chelsea, I agree.

I also get the hypocrisy argument given Qatar’s money is all over the UK and it’s institutions and indeed football (obviously the World Cup).

However, I just don’t want these cnuts to own us. United are better than that. This is a club with genuine tradition and built through great football heritage. Any success that follows would be undermined.
I don’t think we will dominate the league simply because the other teams don’t lack of resources. But, we will be right there to compete throughout.


Full Member
Nov 7, 2021
Look at this clown. You can already see the ex-players and domestic media establishment pushing Ratcliffe, as if their life depends on it.
Look at it from their point of view. If the Qatari come in, I imagine they will trim a lot of the fat over time.


Full Member
Mar 15, 2021
Why? It deserves to be pointed out
What did? There's precisely nothing racist about that. The journalist is referring to exactly what happened when city and Newcastle were taken over. It's utterly ridiculous to think anything else.


Sep 28, 2003
Fans who don't distance themselves from these pigs and say it clearly are plastic. It's not even a topic to discuss.

All the titles United win after such a takeover will be attributed to dictator money no matter how much we want to claim that United make money themselves.

All true supporters of Manchester United should go to Mohammed Bin Hamad's Instagram page and tell him to feck off from the club. It must be possible to achieve a coordinated coordinated posting on his Instagram account at an agreed time. It may not stop the acquisition, but it's worth a try:


Full Member
May 26, 2010
Remarkable. These people have such a hard-on for the most cash from wherever it comes from and if anyone challenges their lust, they'll cry racism. It's pathetic.
Or they can point out subtle racism without wanting Mbappe up top?
What is genuinely wrong with pointing that out? Does it bring Qatar closer to buying United?


Full Member
Mar 15, 2021
Or they can point out subtle racism without wanting Mbappe up top?
What is genuinely wrong with pointing that out? Does it bring Qatar closer to buying United?
It's not racism, as explained above. And if it was actually racism - ie if the journalist wasn't referencing the stupid outfits donned by city and Newcastle fans in the past and was just saying that Qataris wear tea towels on their heads - there would be absolutely nothing subtle about the racism.


Enjoys watching fox porn
May 17, 2012
I think you've missed his point. He isn't saying we shouldn't want new or more competent owners. He's disagreeing with the fans who specifically want state owners, because we're one of the few clubs on the planet in a position to compete with state-backed clubs without being a state-backed club.

Which makes it odd for anyone to be desperate for state ownership anyway. As your last paragraph suggests, all we need to be competitive is for the club's own resources to be used correctly and not leeched.
I think you've missed the point (not really, I just wanted to keep that going) - Maybe others will correct me, but I'm not seeing the argument that some specifically want United to be owned and funded by oil money, like city are. They'd fall to the Championship within 5 years of their owners leaving and extremely reliant on their oil money. I get the impression that some want Qatar mainly because it would mean they'd provide some capital investment and allow United to spend their own money without having to service debt (which alone would probably afford Mbappe)

And others seem concerned that any other of the widely reported interested parties will just saddle United with more debt.

Ratcliffe is actually my preferred, but I need to know more about his plans and his ambitions.


Full Member
Jan 23, 2018
Banu Tamim

How can I take a poll seriously by a journalist writing this? How is that not subtle racism and agenda in their journalism? This is disgusting, their true coulours are showing. Stereotyping arabs.
Thats horrendous. It has a name and it's valued dearly to the whole gulf region where we're the only once that wear them. It is beyond heinous to just call them like that. The Qataris even made it the mascot of the World Cup for crying out loud.

There are many names for it, the one where it's red and white we call it 'Shemagh'. Saudis, Qataris and Bahrainis are known to were them. You'll never find them worn in Kuwait, Emirates and Oman. The plane white one, called 'Ghutra' and it's the common one in the whole Gulf.

It's not that hard to google it.


New Member
May 7, 2014
I wish all these journalists and protective groups cared like this in 2005 when the glazers bought us with leveraged debt.


career ending
Jun 5, 2010
It’s not really is it? If more terrible owners bought us, let’s say loosely responsible for some sort of genicide, riddled the club with £6b worth of debt that the club had to service and took a massive dividend you’d all still support right? But because there’s something positive for United in this takeover everyone’s going to walk away? Not buying it. Fans take the rough with the smooth regardless.
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