Could they void the PL due to the Coronavirus? | No | Resuming June 17th

There's still that very real danger that these PL games will not happen if the number of deaths begins to rise. Which it has.
As a Manchester United fan, its not that difficult to fess up and say that Liverpool deserve the title and that although the coronavirus has caused havoc, the they surmounted such a lead that their title was never in doubt.

This thread has 339 pages showing just how childish some football fans are.
No one has genuienly actually said they didnt deserve it i dont think.
There is political will for the season to go ahead and finish, so I don’t see it being cancelled from here.
Against every other bit of guidance going it should be added...

The biggest one being the track and trace 14 day isolation period for anyone thats came into contact with a carrier.

That would mean whole teams should be isolated.
As a Manchester United fan, its not that difficult to fess up and say that Liverpool deserve the title and that although the coronavirus has caused havoc, the they surmounted such a lead that their title was never in doubt.

This thread has 339 pages showing just how childish some football fans are.
Yeah well, you're a stupid head and you're not my friend!
There's still hundreds dying every day.
Thousands of new cases. The UK is moving too fast out of lockdown just the opposite of the start where they were too slow. I fear it's going to take hold again.

The notion that football will boost the nation is a sweeping generalisation at best. What if your team is shit? Back to watching them lose every week?? Maybe get relegated to compound the virus misery?

Its all very odd. I'm not sure how I feel about it but I'm not really interested in how it pans out. It feels hollow and driven by finance.

It's bad for Liverpool as they did deserve to win it and have their celebrations.
Can't imagine what a trophy presentation will look or feel like in an empty stadium.
Would you even stay on the pitch if you were on the other team?
Same goes for FA cup . It's all hollow.
Sporting integrity is hardly mentioned.

I don't understand this view at all, this thread has been full of just call it off right from the start. What was ever wrong with just see where we are in 2 - 3 months time, and see what all the other top European leagues end up doing, as it stands it was a wise choice, as it is now thought we can get it done, and done with minimal risk.

The finance thing is used as stick to beat the clubs with, but so many could be beyond knackered from the financial fallout of calling the season off, and just look at the grief clubs got for daring to look at furloughing staff, they have limited choices here.

Sporting integrity is an one too, this is a totally unique situation, and as such rules are bound to need to be flexed, it's no big deal at all, some clubs will just deal with it better than others.

I'm really looking forward to it, I don't want to see Liverpool win the title, but I want to see us get top 4, and see clubs relegated who would likely have been anyway, and then see Leeds and WBA come up next season, who fully deserve to be in the premiership next season.
There is political will for the season to go ahead and finish, so I don’t see it being cancelled from here.

If we get back up to 600 plus dying each day, Boris will put the breaks on. He has already been quoted as saying this.

Then if we get top August without any football being played they will just hand the title to Liverpool
The bitterness here is hilarious over Liverpool’s title win. They were obviously going to win the title, one of the most dominant title wins ever, and they’ll confirm it when things restart.

I understand the rivalry, but let’s be honest virtually no-one from Liverpool is really involved in the winning of the title, just like very few people from Manchester are involved in Man Utd’s playing squad.
Jesus! I feel sad and alone as the only one that’s looking forward to football restarting! I’m surprised those of you that are so ambivalent are bothering to check and comment on a football forum though!

Redcafe isn't a football forum for the most part. It's a general internet forum that happens to be populated by football fans. The non football forums and discussion on this site are top notch, better than many other places.
Has anyone else not missed it at all?

Perhaps it will all change when it comes back and I'll be there as always but I'm not even sure I'll be watching any Spurs matches, let alone others, for the rest of the season.

I haven't missed it at all. Somewhere in between going to work everyday and hoping that that wasn't going to be the day I catch Covid from one of my patients and now, I realized that I truly have not missed football at all. Sure it'll be fun to watch when it comes back, and once I'm not working or studying I'll watch our matches and any other big matches that are on at the time, but it's not exactly something I'm excited about. Very neutral towards it all.
Has anyone else not missed it at all?

Perhaps it will all change when it comes back and I'll be there as always but I'm not even sure I'll be watching any Spurs matches, let alone others, for the rest of the season.
I don't miss it as well but I'm looking forward for next season, when things (hopefully) get much much better. When international breaks happen I usually want football back as soon as possible but since this time the break is due to a serious issue, I'm okay with it.
The bitterness here is hilarious over Liverpool’s title win. They were obviously going to win the title, one of the most dominant title wins ever, and they’ll confirm it when things restart.

I understand the rivalry, but let’s be honest virtually no-one from Liverpool is really involved in the winning of the title, just like very few people from Manchester are involved in Man Utd’s playing squad.
Yeah I completely agree.
Apologies if this has been asked but have any fixture dates been confirmed yet?
Jesus! I feel sad and alone as the only one that’s looking forward to football restarting! I’m surprised those of you that are so ambivalent are bothering to check and comment on a football forum though!
Why not? the break felt like a transfer window to me. It's fun to post on here, with or without football. And if that really makes you surprised, you should be even more surprised at people who post 5 times in 3 minutes during a match. Why are They so busy with their fingers and posting on redcafe? Do They even watch the match at all? true football fans watch the match from start to finish without blinking and then They analyze it just like Michael Owen do. Point is, who gives a feck. It's up to them.
There's still hundreds dying every day.
Thousands of new cases. The UK is moving too fast out of lockdown just the opposite of the start where they were too slow. I fear it's going to take hold again.

The notion that football will boost the nation is a sweeping generalisation at best. What if your team is shit? Back to watching them lose every week?? Maybe get relegated to compound the virus misery?
It didn't really matter when the UK went into lockdown as it appears now that Covid was here in December last year.

How much longer do you propose we stay 'locked down'? The economy cannot be ignored forever.
To be honest, Liverpool fans are probably not fussed on where they seal the title (if they do). Of course you'll get some idiots who will congregate at the stadium but all this neutral venue stuff is nonsense. Bundesliga didn't even do that and the fans did not turn up at all.
Would you really trust British football fans not to turn up in their thousands if a title was there to be won?
Been avoiding this thread after I spent like 2 weeks arguing the same point over and over again, now that the league is going to finish, the thing I'm really excited about is the Liverpool posters that will be banned from here, with the exclusion of 1 or 2. Hope that's still happening.
As a Manchester United fan, its not that difficult to fess up and say that Liverpool deserve the title and that although the coronavirus has caused havoc, the they surmounted such a lead that their title was never in doubt.

This thread has 339 pages showing just how childish some football fans are.
Of course they deserve the title. Has anyone said anything else? The reason many of us wanted this season to be stopped is different.

This thread show also lack of respect towards all those who have died or know people who have. Football before lifes.

There is political will for the season to go ahead and finish, so I don’t see it being cancelled from here.
Sadly you are right.

I don't understand this view at all, this thread has been full of just call it off right from the start. What was ever wrong with just see where we are in 2 - 3 months time, and see what all the other top European leagues end up doing, as it stands it was a wise choice, as it is now thought we can get it done, and done with minimal risk.

The finance thing is used as stick to beat the clubs with, but so many could be beyond knackered from the financial fallout of calling the season off, and just look at the grief clubs got for daring to look at furloughing staff, they have limited choices here.

Sporting integrity is an one too, this is a totally unique situation, and as such rules are bound to need to be flexed, it's no big deal at all, some clubs will just deal with it better than others.

I'm really looking forward to it, I don't want to see Liverpool win the title, but I want to see us get top 4, and see clubs relegated who would likely have been anyway, and then see Leeds and WBA come up next season, who fully deserve to be in the premiership next season.
It is not wrong to wait and see. But tell me, what have really changed after 2 months in UK? Death numbers are still high (although less then one month ago) and now we are in a position where time is not on football side to continue. But still they are going to go ahead despite lot of problems. Only for the sake of money. Nothing else.

If football clubs can't survive cancelled season (2-4 months not playing) they should plan their economic better. Maybe thinking of transfers and wages little better next time and not live above their limits.

Sporting integrity. It is unique situation. You are right. But there are so much problems that are piling up that it just isn't worth starting.

Is this how the PL will look when it returns?

Imagine if someone started shagging on there :lol:
I don't know if I should laugh or cry. It just seem so stupid. But thums up for creativity.

The bitterness here is hilarious over Liverpool’s title win. They were obviously going to win the title, one of the most dominant title wins ever, and they’ll confirm it when things restart.

I understand the rivalry, but let’s be honest virtually no-one from Liverpool is really involved in the winning of the title, just like very few people from Manchester are involved in Man Utd’s playing squad.
I think most of fans here understand and accept that title is going to Liverpool. And they deserved it. No question about that. I'm kind of worried that you missed the point why lot of us wanted this season stopped.
Get the feeling a lot of people on here would rather not watch United again than see Liverpool win a title. Crazy.

The Bundesliga has been back for a few weeks. The Serie A and Spanish league are returning soon. There are enough measures in place to ensure a safe return for the premier league as well. Can't wait for the return.
I think most of fans here understand and accept that title is going to Liverpool. And they deserved it. No question about that. I'm kind of worried that you missed the point why lot of us wanted this season stopped.

I think you are being disingenuous if you don't believe if the shoe was on the other foot (i.e. Manchester United in Liverpool's position) a lot of people in this thread would have changed their mind. For the record I was part of the wait and see in 2-3 months brigade and I think it is a good idea to bring football back now although I have reservations about other lockdown relieving measures the government is putting into place as the death toll is still high relative to other countries.
Would you really trust British football fans not to turn up in their thousands if a title was there to be won?

What would stop them turning up anyway no matter where their team is actually playing?

Holding games at neutral venues as a deterrent to fans gathering outside stadiums is nonsense thought up by people who obviously don't understand football fans.

This was Old Trafford in May 2008 when United won the Champions League thousands of miles away in Moscow.


You’d have to be very optimistic to think Liverpool fans won’t turn up at Anfield no matter where the teams actually playing when the league title is secured.

And that’s before even taking into account that Liverpool have thousands of fans in every City in England that could turn up at the neutral venue too. Unless they make them play on the Shetland islands or something.
Would you really trust British football fans not to turn up in their thousands if a title was there to be won?
Wherever the game is played, there will be people gathering at the stadium. You can't really avoid it. Best you can do is have enforcement to not let them do so. You only have to look at the post above me to see the pictures.
Wherever the game is played, there will be people gathering at the stadium. You can't really avoid it. Best you can do is have enforcement to not let them do so. You only have to look at the post above me to see the pictures.
Agreed. You can't stop them.

Just give a warning and any who do turn up get the social distancing £100 fine
It is not wrong to wait and see. But tell me, what have really changed after 2 months in UK? Death numbers are still high (although less then one month ago) and now we are in a position where time is not on football side to continue. But still they are going to go ahead despite lot of problems. Only for the sake of money. Nothing else.

If football clubs can't survive cancelled season (2-4 months not playing) they should plan their economic better. Maybe thinking of transfers and wages little better next time and not live above their limits.

Sporting integrity. It is unique situation. You are right. But there are so much problems that are piling up that it just isn't worth starting.

You could say that about alot of businesses, loads of massive companies would have laid staff off if it wasn't for the furlough system, and loads will no doubt do that when it stops, and many will go bust further down the road even after been allowed to open up in the coming weeks, people are wanting to deny football to do the same and protect revenues a bit, the reality is the money runs out very quickly when the going get tough no matter what the business.

What has changed after 2 months? Well the virus is clearly on the way down, for how long is anyone's guess, but lets say football wrote this season off and prepared for next season as usual, then we get hit by a second wave in October, they'll have to close down all over again, and will have just missed on a potential 3-4 months window of opportunity to play some games, and the most obvious other change is testing, players will know exactly where they are with virus, where as everyone was guessing before the lockdown, it's not perfect, and not without some risk, but that's as good as it is probably going to get for a while.

There are no real issues with integrity, other than people trying to complicate or be uppity about things, it's a once in a lifetime event, and people seem to think there should be a rule book to follow, all industries just need to make the best of a bad job.
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Never had a big problem with the return itself, other than I doubt it can be done without being any problems. There will be.

any idea that there won’t be tens of thousands of Liverpool fans outside the grounds is laughable.
I don’t know what people think can be enforced but I guess you arent watching the news. Thousands of people near where I live crowding the tourist areas and the police we have been told can’t do anything.

waiting for the first footballer to receive abusive messages/death threats from scousers when he says the season should end
Of course they deserve the title. Has anyone said anything else? The reason many of us wanted this season to be stopped is different.

This thread show also lack of respect towards all those who have died or know people who have. Football before lifes.

Sadly you are right.

It is not wrong to wait and see. But tell me, what have really changed after 2 months in UK? Death numbers are still high (although less then one month ago) and now we are in a position where time is not on football side to continue. But still they are going to go ahead despite lot of problems. Only for the sake of money. Nothing else.

If football clubs can't survive cancelled season (2-4 months not playing) they should plan their economic better. Maybe thinking of transfers and wages little better next time and not live above their limits.

Sporting integrity. It is unique situation. You are right. But there are so much problems that are piling up that it just isn't worth starting.

I don't know if I should laugh or cry. It just seem so stupid. But thums up for creativity.

I think most of fans here understand and accept that title is going to Liverpool. And they deserved it. No question about that. I'm kind of worried that you missed the point why lot of us wanted this season stopped.

No I haven’t missed the point, believe me, Premier League football is a great big luxury and if some rich owners lose some money I couldn’t care less because I’m very concerned about football fans’ abilities to socially distance. The financial concern I have would be for the lower level clubs of course. I am just annoyed by the one-eyedness of a lot of people here who don’t realise their attitude to Liverpool winning the title makes them look a bit small.
Never had a big problem with the return itself, other than I doubt it can be done without being any problems. There will be.

any idea that there won’t be tens of thousands of Liverpool fans outside the grounds is laughable.
I don’t know what people think can be enforced but I guess you arent watching the news. Thousands of people near where I live crowding the tourist areas and the police we have been told can’t do anything.

waiting for the first footballer to receive abusive messages/death threats from scousers when he says the season should end
Kind of already happened.
If I was a Liverpool fan I wouldn't be bothered by fans saying there is an "asterisk". Fans in general are fickle and I've seen ones saying a title isn't worst as much if the competition is crap etc. At the end of the day you win what's in front of you and I dont think Liverpool's title will be any "less" than another. Circumstances would be different sure but a title is a title.
I think you are being disingenuous if you don't believe if the shoe was on the other foot (i.e. Manchester United in Liverpool's position) a lot of people in this thread would have changed their mind. For the record I was part of the wait and see in 2-3 months brigade and I think it is a good idea to bring football back now although I have reservations about other lockdown relieving measures the government is putting into place as the death toll is still high relative to other countries.
I don't think they would. Everyone knows Liverpool will win the league. Everybody would know ManUtd will win the league if things were the other way around. Still it wouldn't be ok to finish this season. Not only for health reason. But also for everything else around the game. We are bending the rules and making up new ones as times goes and Everything else just to keep the game going. Not all games, only those who bring big money. Look how little people care about leagues under PL or that there isn't protests what happened in Womans Premier League? I also wonder why we aren't bending rules when it comes to people in society. We are accepting for example homeless people sleeping in the streets but can't accept a finish to a football season for various reasons.

You could say that about alot of businesses, loads of massive companies would have laid staff off if it wasn't for the furlough system, and loads will no doubt do that when it stops, and many will go bust further down the road even after been allowed to open up in the coming weeks, people are wanting to deny football to do the same and protect revenues a bit, the reality is the money runs out very quickly when the going get tough no matter what the business.

What has changed after 2 months? Well the virus is clearly on the way down, for how long is anyone's guess, but lets say football wrote this season off and prepared for next season as usual, then we get hit by a second wave in October, they'll have to close down all over again, and will have just missed on a potential 3-4 months window of opportunity to play some games, and the most obvious other change is testing, players will know exactly where they are with virus, where as everyone was guessing before the lockdown, it's not perfect, and not without some risk, but that's as good as it is probably going to get for a while.

There are no real issues with integrity, other than people trying to complicate or be uppity about things, it's a once in a lifetime event, and people seem to think there should be a rule book to follow, all industries just need to make the best of a bad job.
You are right. We could say that to lot of businesses. And a healthy, well run company would be just fine during economic crises. Of coures they would get hit but they would survive.

Lets say we get hit by second wave in October. Should we close it again or?

There are issues with integrity like many here have said. If you start changing rules, pushing things here and there, changing venues for some teams and so on there is a major issue with integrity. Now, it is not football fault but saying no real issue with integrity is wrong.

No I haven’t missed the point, believe me, Premier League football is a great big luxury and if some rich owners lose some money I couldn’t care less because I’m very concerned about football fans’ abilities to socially distance. The financial concern I have would be for the lower level clubs of course. I am just annoyed by the one-eyedness of a lot of people here who don’t realise their attitude to Liverpool winning the title makes them look a bit small.
There have to be little bit of rivaly between clubs but nobody is denying them the title. They have been best. But in the end it isn't about Liverpool. We have much to lose as them looking at where we stand. EuropeLeague, The FACup and fighting for Champions League. For us it would mean a lot. Not like winning league after 30 years. But lot.

TheFA, EFL and Premier League have lot of money. They can save clubs in lower level if they want. Distribute the money in better way. They are talking about "football family" even if we know that means nothing.
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There's still that very real danger that these PL games will not happen if the number of deaths begins to rise. Which it has.

Deaths are dropping.

What data is saying it's rising? If you mean wed thurs numbers this is from bank holiday lag and numbers are down overall from last week.


Each big spike on the downward trend is a Tues but this Tuesday was as as low as Sun/Mon (see those 3 low points) which are the days the numbers drop massively. The missing Tues spike is in the following days data but added up this week is lower than last by hundreds. Deaths are dropping in care home as well from the data I've seen.

Not saying deaths won't increase in a few weeks, just saying right now deaths are dropping.
Just checking that my asterisk button is working...


Yep, all in order.
Deaths are dropping.

What data is saying it's rising? If you mean wed thurs numbers this is from bank holiday lag and numbers are down overall from last week.


Each big spike on the downward trend is a Tues but this Tuesday was as as low as Sun/Mon (see those 3 low points) which are the days the numbers drop massively. The missing Tues spike is in the following days data but added up this week is lower than last by hundreds. Deaths are dropping in care home as well from the data I've seen.

Not saying deaths won't increase in a few weeks, just saying right now deaths are dropping.

Keep in mind that there is generally a Second Wave which is also generally worse than the first one.