Day 24: Sweden vs England and Russia vs Croatia

What is 'coming home'?

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I may be wrong after all... it might just be coming home:lol:
Comfortable win for England in the end. Didn't waste huge amount of energy either which is important.

If Russia win tonight England in World cup final imo.

Don't know about that Russia would be a very tough game with their entire country behind them.
The so-called better teams weren't knocked out by bad luck, they were knocked out because they weren't good enough. So the fact we've played Sweden and Colombia is nothing to do with luck. You need to go and learn what the literal definition of luck actually is.

What nonsense. You so realise that even a strong favourite doesnt always win? Spain were expected go through only 70% of the time vs. Russia. And if the most unlikely outcome happens in all these games, and all in favour of England, then of course it's luck. It's simple math for Christ's sake. If you throw a coin 10 times and get heads 10 times does that mean heads was "stronger" than tails? Of course not, it's just luck. I really get annoyed with the result-orientedness and ignorance of variance on here sometimes.
Semi-finals of the world cup, who would have thought England capable of such an achievement? Certainly not I.
I see you found @Ramshock's entry in the 'I want your pics' thread.
Congrats to England,a semi final is something to be proud of.
Well deserved victory
Pathetic dancing at the end there.

Get into the dressing room. Its a semi final you are in. You have won nothing
Good job England. Yes the plan to finish 2nd in group immensely helped.
But you can only beat the team that is in front of you
They've been fortunate in the draw, but who cares? No one remembers the draw when you win it.

How fortunate have we really been though? We beat Panama and Tunisia as expected. But then got beat by Belgium and were took all the way to penalties by Colombia. Its not as if we've been given easy matches and steamrollered everyone. This is a hard fought tournament.
What nonsense. You so realise that even a strong favourite doesnt always win? Spain were expected go through only 70% of the time vs. Russia. And if the most unlikely outcome happens in all these games, and all in favour of England, then of course it's luck. It's simple math for Christ's sake. If you throw a coin 10 times and get heads 10 times does that mean heads was "stronger" than tails? Of course not, it's just luck. I really get annoyed with the result-orientedness and ignorance of variance on here sometimes.
Spain and Germany being pants is no luck.
What nonsense. You so realise that even a strong favourite doesnt always win? Spain were expected go through only 70% of the time vs. Russia. And if the most unlikely outcome happens in all these games, and all in favour of England, then of course it's luck. It's simple math for Christ's sake. If you throw a coin 10 times and get heads 10 times does that mean heads was "stronger" than tails? Of course not, it's just luck. I really get annoyed with the result-orientedness and ignorance of variance on here sometimes.

So to sum's coming home.
Overall a very comfortable win for England. Congrats to all English fans here, reaching semi final is a massive result regardless from the draw and they exceeded the expectations.

Hopefully Croatia win tonight so we see a proper game in semi final.