Erik ten Hag vs Sancho


Full Member
Sep 25, 2015
He is well on his way to take Sanchez's place as the worst transfer in the history of the club. Let's see if it happens.
Sancho is already far worse than Sanchez. Sanchez was finished when United got him but he was acquired in a straight swap for the failed transfer Mhkitaryan, who ended up being poor for Arsenal until they terminated his contract by mutual agreement a few years later. Really if you think about it, Sanchez was an attempt to salvage the Mkhitaryan transfer that didn't come off, but didn't really end up costing the club that much more than keeping Mkhi would have. Sancho's massive transfer fee and high wages make him an absolute financial disaster for the club.


Full Member
Sep 25, 2015
Don't think his behaviour is really known at that point though? It's a bit like all the Jude Bellingham stories are coming out now he's at Madrid.
There were newspaper reports of him not applying himself in training while he was at both City and Dortmund.


Full Member
Feb 9, 2021
Hannover 96
There were newspaper reports of him not applying himself in training while he was at both City and Dortmund.
Exactly. And it wasn't only reports or rumuors, at least one time it was confirmed by the club that they suspended him for one match for not coming back from England on time.


Foootball hinders the adrenaline of transfers.
Jul 11, 2015
Really thought we had an amazing player playing for us for years to come.

This is what happens when you pay endgame salaries to 20 year olds.


Full Member
Feb 11, 2016
I like ETH
Useless marquee players cruised for too long at Utd. Move them on asap.


New Member
Aug 8, 2023
Eh? His numbers at Dortmund were at world class levels. Almost everyone here on the Caf wanted him here.

You are just being captain hindsight.
Yes I totally agree most-if not all on here wanted him. In another thread I used him as an example where some on here said pay $200m for him he’s a sure fire generational talent. What I meant was back ground checks into the character and mind set of the player. Sancho has always been a bit of a “ProblemChild“ type. In recent years we have signed too many players that on the face of it seemed decent but when you do a little bit of a digging into them they have problem written all over them. Pogba etc etc etc. we never seemed to learn though finally it seems ETH is working to improve us as a club on this.

Plastic Evra

Full Member
Jul 16, 2023
Hindsight is 20/20, as they say. Sancho had maybe demonstrated motivation issues but that didn't stop him from performing at Borussia. At the time he was a very exciting prospect, I don't think you can blame people for being excited then.

Maybe there's lessons to learn from that but it just so happens that talent can be mercurial and Man Utd has a couple of temperamental ballers that became club legends.


Full Member
Dec 7, 2013
The rainbow's end
Hindsight is 20/20, as they say. Sancho had maybe demonstrated motivation issues but that didn't stop him from performing at Borussia. At the time he was a very exciting prospect, I don't think you can blame people for being excited then.

Maybe there's lessons to learn from that but it just so happens that talent can be mercurial and Man Utd has a couple of temperamental ballers that became club legends.
It doesn't matter what the fans think because they're not the ones making the calls and wasting millions left, right and centre. You'd expect, though, that the people responsible for these decisions would dig a bit deeper than: a) he scores and assists goals, b) he suits counter-attacking football, c) he's young and British, so what could go wrong?, before they put a 5-year-long contract worth 350 grand p/w on the table.

You know, simple things like: He's an end-phase attacker. Meaning, he occupies pockets of space between the lines to receive the ball and be the main creator when the plays go down his (strong) right side. He also gets in good positions at the far post to be the recipient of the final switch-ball/cross/cut-back when the play unfolds on the other side. That's where his assists and goals mainly come from. Someone should have raised a hand and dare to utter some questions like: Eh guys... Bruno is the king of the right half-space and he's like a magnet for the ball, so... it might not work? Or we already have Rashford as a final third player to finish chances, so adding another winger who would be absolutely useless in the first 2/3 of the pitch might not be such a good idea?

There's another thing, too. You can call him lazy and perhaps he is just that. But United, in the post-SAF era, have also allowed an idleness of sorts to be established in the dressing room. There have been - and still are - players who either sulk, look disinterest or have a tendency to show a certain displeasure on and off the pitch when they are asked to step out of their comfort zone. If they happen to be fan favourites, they get all the excuses in the world, too. Don't play x player here, don't use y player there, that kind of stuff. Which can breed entitlement and it can certainly slow the growth of a player. Maybe we should look why United turned from a club every young player wanted to play for to a graveyard for good footballers. So, why was he delivering the goods for BvB. Because he was eyeing the big money move and because in Germany, he couldn't point at (some of his) teammates and say: If they are getting to play exactly how and where they want to play, why shouldn't i be the same?
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Full Member
Oct 3, 1999
He was supposed to be the solution to our right wing and I recall really wanting United to sign him. I guess nothing is certain in football. Very disappointing how he turned out.


Full Member
Jun 18, 2011
Sancho has been a huge disappointment.
Wouldnt be in a rush to buy anymore Dortmund players.
Yet City got Gundogan, Haaland and even Akanji that have been a massive success

Our club is just a clusterfeck isn’t it


Full Member
May 26, 2010
Wasnt he statistically one of the best RWs out there and one of the top 3 hottest prospects in the world?
He was dropped by City for his poor attitude and only got going half way through the season before we signed him because he huffed he didn’t get his move.


Full Member
Feb 3, 2013
If Sancho comes back because of Antony's absence, us fans should demand the highest levels from him and let him know it.

No more of the softy softy 'let's give him 3 more years to settle in' nonsense. We want our 30 G+A per season right now. That's what the club paid 70 million for.


Full Member
Jan 4, 2016
If Sancho comes back because of Antony's absence, us fans should demand the highest levels from him and let him know it.

No more of the softy softy 'let's give him 3 more years to settle in' nonsense. We want our 30 G+A per season right now. That's what the club paid 70 million for.
Love to see it but wouldn't happen though. Our match going fans are way too nice. Imagine thinking you are a "scapegoat" after the reception he received after his 3 month sabbatical last year. What an utter tool he is.

Plastic Evra

Full Member
Jul 16, 2023
It doesn't matter what the fans think because they're not the ones making the calls and wasting millions left, right and centre. You'd expect, though, that the people responsible for these decisions would dig a bit deeper than: a) he scores and assists goals, b) he suits counter-attacking football, c) he's young and British, so what could go wrong?, before they put a 5-year-long contract worth 350 grand p/w on the table.

You know, simple things like: He's an end-phase attacker. Meaning, he occupies pockets of space between the lines to receive the ball and be the main creator when the plays go down his (strong) right side. He also gets in good positions at the far post to be the recipient of the final switch-ball/cross/cut-back when the play unfolds on the other side. That's where his assists and goals mainly come from. Someone should have raised a hand and dare to utter some questions like: Eh guys... Bruno is the king of the right half-space and he's like a magnet for the ball, so... it might not work? Or we already have Rashford as a final third player to finish chances, so adding another winger who would be absolutely useless in the first 2/3 of the pitch might not be such a good idea?

There's another thing, too. You can call him lazy and perhaps he is just that. But United, in the post-SAF era, have also allowed an idleness of sorts to be established in the dressing room. There have been - and still are - players who either sulk, look disinterest or have a tendency to show a certain displeasure on and off the pitch when they are asked to step out of their comfort zone. If they happen to be fan favourites, they get all the excuses in the world, too. Don't play x player here, don't use y player there, that kind of stuff. Which can breed entitlement and it can certainly slow the growth of a player. Maybe we should look why United turned from a club every young player wanted to play for to a graveyard for good footballers. So, why was he delivering the goods for BvB. Because he was eyeing the big money move and because in Germany, he couldn't point at (some of his) teammates and say: If they are getting to play exactly how and where they want to play, why shouldn't i be the same?
I underline fans because people (playfully) dig up posts from that time. Yes the club should have a finer analysis of its recruitment and perhaps there were considerations that made Sancho not a so great recruit football wise back then they should have picked on. I'm not going to disagree here and not unusually for us, once plan A failed and managers changed, suddenly Sancho was stranded in a squad he has no real position in.

Though mentality wise, he's not the first nor last player to change shop and not mesh on that level. I think clubs in general might underplay those and figure that somehow it will be different because change of stature, environment and the player himself aging and maturing.


Full Member
Dec 3, 2017
Sancho has been a huge disappointment.
Wouldnt be in a rush to buy anymore Dortmund players.
Don't worry, there aren't any players there worth buying right now or in the near future.

Only players I would consider being talented enough for a bigger move is Nmecha (ball carrying CM) or Morey (talented RB but coming back from a long term injury).

No where near the constant line of talented players they had the last decade.


Full Member
May 20, 2001
But I'm not trying to defend Sancho, I'm trying to understand Ten Hag's motivation for saying what he said in public. If he was hoping to motivate Sancho, it appears to have failed catastrophically. If he was hoping to deflect attention from his poor start to the season, focusing the fan's anger on the players and not him, it seems to have succeeded somewhat, given the rage being vented at Sancho every half an hour for the last week or so in this thread.
I don't believe he was trying to deflect attention, I haven't seen anything in ETH's character to suggest it. I think he was challenging Sancho to do better. That IS in ETH's character. And Sancho blew it.

Sometimes the simple answer is the right one.


New Member
Jun 24, 2020
ETH is in the right and calling out players who are not putting in any effort and simply not doing the job they’ve signed up for needs to become normalised.

Sancho, one of your highest paid players has looked like he’s never gave a shit on the pitch. His effort and performances have been very poor which, no shocker, translates to training.

ETH has every right to call him out, he has been there for years, not like he’s a new signing who doesn’t know the league or speak the language and needs to settle in (which in itself is only a reasonable excuse to a certain extent). This keep it behind closed doors rubbish needs to stop. If that route doesn’t work, the fans have a right to know the players who aren’t doing their job and not taking playing for their club seriously.

The self-entitlement of these players is shocking. And it is frustrating as an average joe working my ass off to make a minuscule amount of what these players make in a week, and slacking off in my job would lead to repurcussions, so should theirs.

I find anyone defending lazy players strange, it’s kind of a spit in the face to the fans.
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Chairman Steve

Full Member
May 9, 2018
Sancho‘s probably going to be up there for worst transfer we ever did, if we don’t get a good resale price for him.

To me, he gives off that vibe of someone who just happens to be good at football but doesn’t enjoy playing football, which I don’t think works at the highest level when expectations are through the roof and most performances have to be a 7/10 minimum, and if they don’t enjoy football, then they’re playing for the paycheque and once we rolled in with £350k a week, you could theorise that the motivation dries up.

Solskjaer should also bear some criticism for it since he chased him for two years.

Gordon S

Full Member
Mar 20, 2018
Really thought we had an amazing player playing for us for years to come.

This is what happens when you pay endgame salaries to 20 year olds.
The problem is, when you are looking for standout talents, there will always be an agent there, squeezing every penny out of the interested club.
Sancho was definitely one of the most talented young players around at that time.


New Member
Jan 10, 2018
But I'm not trying to defend Sancho, I'm trying to understand Ten Hag's motivation for saying what he said in public. If he was hoping to motivate Sancho, it appears to have failed catastrophically. If he was hoping to deflect attention from his poor start to the season, focusing the fan's anger on the players and not him, it seems to have succeeded somewhat, given the rage being vented at Sancho every half an hour for the last week or so in this thread.
Imo ETH simply run out of options with Sancho. He tried basically everything possible and had to resort to the last option to try to get a reaction from the player. Either Sancho responses positively and starts training and playing better or it's time to get rid. Guess it's the later now.

No Idea For Nickname

Patroness Saint of the anti-RAWKites
Jan 1, 2015
Split, Croatia
But I'm not trying to defend Sancho, I'm trying to understand Ten Hag's motivation for saying what he said in public. If he was hoping to motivate Sancho, it appears to have failed catastrophically. If he was hoping to deflect attention from his poor start to the season, focusing the fan's anger on the players and not him, it seems to have succeeded somewhat, given the rage being vented at Sancho every half an hour for the last week or so in this thread.
Rubbish. What Erik said is nothing that normal players would cry about. If Sancho had a brain instead of ego and that PR thing is not posted, everybody forgets what Erik said hour or two after. Player with a brain and a heart and cojones would roll up his sleeves and work his socks off to get back. Only soft little inflated ego Divas like Sancho, Lingard, Martial would use their PR machinery to show everybody how wonderful people, great players, love United they are and the fact they are rubbish on the pitch is not their fault. And naive fans believe them.
Pep said about Phillips being overweighted, Did player throw fissy fit? PR essey? No, kept qiuet and worked hard.
Erik said something about Garnacho year ago in Bangkok, I believe. Hissy fit? No. Worked, learned, got better, got chances. That is how it is suppossed to be. Not turn against manager soon as he does not pamper your huge ego and makes you cry. Living in the world where players are more important then the clubs, twitter and instagram followers, PR machinery deflecting the attention from their shite behaviour, crap attitude and nothing performances on the pitch, money, popularity, image, media overhype and protection, players egos pampered so they turn into primadonnas who don't care about footbal, just money, popularity and marketing. We have team filled with those precious little flowers.
Thanks Ed. You turned us from Man United Football Club into Man United Marketing Agency.


Actually Nostradamus
Jan 12, 2011
Targaryen loyalist
Putting in the work on his week off.

"It's his time off. He can do whatever he likes."

Yeah yeah, don't want to hear it. Fans can see how lazy he is on the pitch. His manager has publicly criticised his training. His career at United is hanging by a thread and he is partying in New York. Tosser. Roll on January and draw a line under him. Give his minutes to Amad (when fit) and Pellistri.


Full Member
Apr 10, 2015
What's the latest count of ex-Dortmund players who failed at United? 3 - Kagawa, Mkhi, Sancho...?

What if we include failed Dortmund players in England in general?


Full Member
Feb 9, 2021
Hannover 96
What's the latest count of ex-Dortmund players who failed at United? 3 - Kagawa, Mkhi, Sancho...?

What if we include failed Dortmund players in England in general?
There haven't been that many transfers. This season it looks like Dahoud moved from Dortmund's bench to Brighton's, but I don't think that counts as failed (especially as the season just started).

Last season Haaland and Akanji moved to City and have been quite successful, as well as Aubameyang who moved to Arsenal during the season 17/18. He might have fallen out later on, but his first two seasons were definitely successful.

And there are not really more transfers to the PL in recent years. So I count three successes and three failures that can be rated. The common theme of the failures is that they moved to United...


Full Member
Nov 26, 2012
Replace this waste of space with a good right winger and replace Martial with a good back up striker and our forward options actually look alright. Hopefully Pellistri and Diallo can show enough to be at least quality squad players. Sancho has an awful attitude and I'm glad ETH has called him out and I hope he'll never play for this club again. No more being a retirement home for uninterested players.


Full Member
Feb 22, 2013
Sancho‘s probably going to be up there for worst transfer we ever did, if we don’t get a good resale price for him.

To me, he gives off that vibe of someone who just happens to be good at football but doesn’t enjoy playing football, which I don’t think works at the highest level when expectations are through the roof and most performances have to be a 7/10 minimum, and if they don’t enjoy football, then they’re playing for the paycheque and once we rolled in with £350k a week, you could theorise that the motivation dries up.

Solskjaer should also bear some criticism for it since he chased him for two years.
Slightly different but I think he might be one that enjoys playing football, but more for the fun of it, rather than being extremely driven to get the very best out of himself. Even though he's scored against quite a few of the tough teams, when the going gets tough, be it match situations, criticism from managers or battling for his place, not sure he has the mental resilience of other top players.

Hazard was miles better but their mentalities seem similar. Sancho is still young and has time to turn things around at least but right now it seems that he would probably thrive in an environment, where the expectations aren't too high and he's a guaranteed starter. If Spurs decide to start Son as a no.9, somewhere like Spurs might be more of an environment where he could thrive in England.


Full Member
Oct 19, 2010
Near Vida's hometown
Replace this waste of space with a good right winger and replace Martial with a good back up striker and our forward options actually look alright. Hopefully Pellistri and Diallo can show enough to be at least quality squad players. Sancho has an awful attitude and I'm glad ETH has called him out and I hope he'll never play for this club again. No more being a retirement home for uninterested players.
Atm. we cannot rely on transfers, so we really have to try and get as much as possible from Diallo and Pellistri. They've already shown the talent (especially the latter), so whether we like it or not it's time for them to get some serious minutes even if it means throwing them in at the deep end


Full Member
Nov 26, 2012
Slightly different but I think he might be one that enjoys playing football, but more for the fun of it, rather than being extremely driven to get the very best out of himself. Even though he's scored against quite a few of the tough teams, when the going gets tough, be it match situations, criticism from managers or battling for his place, not sure he has the mental resilience of other top players.

Hazard was miles better but their mentalities seem similar. Sancho is still young and has time to turn things around at least but right now it seems that he would probably thrive in an environment, where the expectations aren't too high and he's a guaranteed starter. If Spurs decide to start Son as a no.9, somewhere like Spurs might be more of an environment where he could thrive in England.
He'll never thrive in England. He'll thrive in Germany again or another less competitive League and even then it'll only be for one of the top teams there. The lad has zero intensity. For some reason I keep thinking about all our fans laughing at Anderson. For perspective Anderson is a bit of a joke but had twice the mentality of Sancho and Ando didn't have the best mentality. Sancho is simply a bust. Pep and City not being bothered to keep him should have been warning enough.