FA to investigate Edinson Cavani | This thread is taking a break

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I think you miss a big point, there isn't really a word that you can translate in any language to be literally racist, even the ones which were once used in the US like "negro" (in fact stolen from Latin America) but we won't get into that.
What made it a racist term as like "coloured" in the US and UK and now "urban" in some context now in the UK was the context around it and the culture, not the words specifically.

The context being it is now culturally unacceptable in Western Culture to refer to someone by their race, no matter what word you use.

The word black in English is not a racist term, but if I refer to someone who is black as "Hey black" there will be a problem in the UK, this isn't a language issue as really its more a cultural one which shows the cultural differences between Western culture and Latin American.
Describing features and race is prevalent in their language and widely accepted in their culture.
Focusing on the actual word used misses this nuance, equally, there could be an issue if he used the term "chinito"

With all that said, I don't believe we can expect Cavani to know all of this as someone who has hardly lived in the UK or US, but I'm sure he will probably not post something like that on social media again. Also its not for one culture to preach to another what is right or wrong.
He just happens to be playing in a UK based league which has UK based rules and guidelines.
Thank you for explaining so clearly and eloquently
Ive no idea what he said but i know if found guilty of racism it is a minimum 3 match ban. all those in this thread saying 1 game ban are clearly not aware of the punishment guidelines.
My god, I haven't laughed so much in a while, this thread has been amazing. :lol:

I haven't seen a better roasting since the "Roast of Charlie Sheen", @sammsky1 definitely played a brilliant part in self-imploding, as usual. But then he somehow went even further and reached new peaks of turmoil.

A thread for the classics, no doubt, with all the countless anecdotes and funny multicultural information. I've read through most of it and it has been a ride. Shout out to my SA brothers @antohan and @Marcosdeto, I feel your pain lads, but thanks for the insight and pure entertainment that this shitstorm has brought. :D
If that’s how you see it, it explains a lot on how you view race and racism.
My god, I haven't laughed so much in a while, this thread has been amazing. :lol:

I haven't seen a better roasting since the "Roast of Charlie Sheen", @sammsky1 definitely played a brilliant part in self-imploding, as usual. But then he somehow went even further and reached new peaks of turmoil.

A thread for the classics, no doubt, with all the countless anecdotes and funny multicultural information. I've read through most of it and it has been a ride. Shout out to my SA brothers @antohan and @Marcosdeto, I feel your pain lads, but thanks for the insight and pure entertainment that this shitstorm has brought. :D
So many pages of circular arguments and worse insults being thrown about with each other in this thread than actually is the case with Edinson.

Much of this must be judged on the context and tone of the remark. The equation is not applicable to Suarez in this case. The fact Suarez used the term negrito during a heated game with fierce rivals and with a player he had no history of friendship was telling.

Except Suarez didn't use the term negrito.
You go by the country that you're in.
It's a defence of sorts but it doesn't wash anymore than punching someone in the face and saying that's how you act with your mates.
I don't think they're comparable but heyho...

I get the bit about thinking of where you live but it still feels like some people are saying it meant something which it didn't?

And people from the area/who speak the language say it didn't?
No I’m all good.

Just amused reading all these old geezers unspooling because they are having their white supremacy toys being taken away from them.

Same happened during BLM, Churchill status’s and will continue every time an event that exposes them until finally we have removed all such cruches.

Law is on my side its all good for me.
What are you on about? What law? Who here is a white supremacist? You didnt even know the word until 2 days ago and now you think it is the embodiment of racism and pure evil, and when someone who actually knows what the word means and what the context means you still don’t understand it (or choose not to) ,and somehow you think you’ve come out of this looking good?

What has BLM or Churchill’s Facebook status got to do with this?
So many pages of circular arguments and worse insults being thrown about with each other in this thread than actually is the case with Edinson.

Much of this must be judged on the context and tone of the remark. The equation is not applicable to Suarez in this case. The fact Suarez used the term negrito during a heated game with fierce rivals and with a player he had no history of friendship was telling.
Suarez didn’t say negrito, he called Evra the N-word.

please don’t tell me you’ve bought into that scouse propaganda.
What are you on about? What law? Who here is a white supremacist? You didnt even know the word until 2 days ago and now you think it is the embodiment of racism and pure evil, and when someone who actually knows what the word means and what the context means you still don’t understand it and somehow you think you’ve come out of this looking good?
Good luck reasoning with him.
Ive no idea what he said but i know if found guilty of racism it is a minimum 3 match ban. all those in this thread saying 1 game ban are clearly not aware of the punishment guidelines.

He literally said thank you to a good friend on Instagram. He's guilty of bugger all rather he gets punished or not.
Except Suarez didn't use the term negrito.

He claimed he did when in reality he didn't ?

I thought the FA said he did, but they punished him since he used it in a heated altercation and had no history of being friends with evra therefore he couldn't have meant it in a friendly context that the term is usually associated with.
What are you on about? What law? Who here is a white supremacist? You didnt even know the word until 2 days ago and now you think it is the embodiment of racism and pure evil, and when someone who actually knows what the word means and what the context means you still don’t understand it (or choose not to) ,and somehow you think you’ve come out of this looking good?

What has BLM or Churchill’s Facebook status got to do with this?
As I told you, I’m totally at peace with being anti racist and having zero tolerance towards it.
Good grief, we've let the thought police and grievance merchants take over the language. Growing up in the Los Angeles area and playing a thousand football game from the 70's through 2010-ish, I was usually the only white guy playing. There was RARELY a game where I wasn't called pinche wedo (roughly, fecking whitey) at least once. Every Asian was "Chino", (Chinese) no matter where they are from. Bigger guys were "gordo" or "ponson" (fat). There were other more nuanced names based on Latin countries of origin, etc,.... No one was offended. No one pussed out because their feelings were hurt. People need to grow thicker skin and stop using grievance as a weapon.
Can someone tell me in short what's happening here and why its a worst thread ever?
This is a very English-centric viewpoint. The word 'negro' meaning black in Spanish is not intended as a marker for black inferiority - that is only the case in English.

Stop using it in English, sure. But demanding the Spanish change their language to accomodate English? This is why people accuse you of British Imperialism.

In Hungarian, black is 'fekete'. Is that OK with you, or should we stop using it and find something else?

Always thought you were Irish.
He claimed he did when in reality he didn't ?

I thought the FA said he did punished him since he used it in a heated altercation and had no history of being friends with evra.
The FA state that he used the word ‘negro’ rather than ‘negrito’, negrito and the suffix ito/ita is pretty much always a term of endearment. Negro is used in a friendly way but there is a much broader usage.
It's not though. The issue of what he said is being rightly or wrongly called out because of potential connotations in the country in which he is employed. It's not about whether or not it should be considered offensive or not in his native country, pobrecito.

No, his post was idiotic.

He claimed that Cavani might have been using 'Uruguayan Instagram' on a 'Uruguayan phone' - that's the level some people on here are on.
Good grief, we've let the thought police and grievance merchants take over the language. Growing up in the Los Angeles area and playing a thousand football game from the 70's through 2010-ish, I was usually the only white guy playing. There was RARELY a game where I wasn't called pinche wedo (roughly, fecking whitey) at least once. Every Asian was "Chino", (Chinese) no matter where they are from. Bigger guys were "gordo" or "ponson" (fat). There were other more nuanced names based on Latin countries of origin, etc,.... No one was offended. No one pussed out because their feelings were hurt. People need to grow thicker skin and stop using grievance as a weapon.

fecking hell.
43 pages :lol:

Someone just needs to tell him to be careful about words in other countries, the same way I probably should be careful calling someone a cnut in other countries even if I mean it in a friendly way.

He is not racist*, and PC has not gone mad despite the mini Laurence Foxes running about the place.

*Well he might be I suppose for some other reasons, if any photos of him wearing Nazi clothing are revealed I may change my opinion.
He claimed he did when in reality he didn't ?

Correct. He used negro.

I thought the FA said he did, but they punished him since he used it in a heated altercation and had no history of being friends with evra therefore he couldn't have meant it in a friendly context that the term is usually associated with.

Apparently the phrase he may have used which contained the word negro could also have friendly connotations. But Suarez's initial defence was that he'd used negrito and eventually he admitted that wasn't the case. To this day many believe he actually used negrito.
Suarez didn’t say negrito, he called Evra the N-word.

please don’t tell me you’ve bought into that scouse propaganda.
He didn’t use the N word, he used ‘negro’ which doesn’t necessarily imply racism.

Suarez got banned because FA believed Evra (Because you are negro; I don’t speak to you because you are negro) instead of Suarez (why, negro).

The usage of the word itself was not actually what got Suarez banned. In fact, that is even written in FA report (as far as U remember).
Good grief, we've let the thought police and grievance merchants take over the language. Growing up in the Los Angeles area and playing a thousand football game from the 70's through 2010-ish, I was usually the only white guy playing. There was RARELY a game where I wasn't called pinche wedo (roughly, fecking whitey) at least once. Every Asian was "Chino", (Chinese) no matter where they are from. Bigger guys were "gordo" or "ponson" (fat). There were other more nuanced names based on Latin countries of origin, etc,.... No one was offended. No one pussed out because their feelings were hurt. People need to grow thicker skin and stop using grievance as a weapon.

it’s the internet, so many people still living in their parents basements. Their only lived experience of the world is through things like the guardian opinion section. Must seem terrifying out there!
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