Foxes Talk goes into meltdown

Can't blame them. Blowing up a 14 pint lead takes some doing.
Not really the same comparison, you don't get anything for losing a cup final. Leicester aren't losing a cup final, they're most likely gonna finish 5th instead of 4th. It's still a good achievement for them.

In the grand scheme of things, yes it is a good achievement. When judging this season it's not though. It's a huge missed opportunity.
It's comparable to if Norwich draw with Liverpool. Great result for them in the grand scheme of things, but if they were 3-0 up at half time the fans would have every right to feel unhappy.
Even before the injuries they were choking. Brenton hasn’t learn from his previous jobs. You can’t always win pretty.
Oh come on, this IS condescending. Any club's fans would be annoyed if they threw away as big a lead as Leicester have done.

This. It doesn't matter what their usual expectations are, having come so close (and it's not over yet) they have a right to feel upset. As a supporter having gone on that kind of emotional journey you don't just say to yourself, 'ahh well that's more than we expected at the start of the season'.
In the grand scheme of things, yes it is a good achievement. When judging this season it's not though. It's a huge missed opportunity.
It's comparable to if Norwich draw with Liverpool. Great result for them in the grand scheme of things, but if they were 3-0 up at half time the fans would have every right to feel unhappy.
Maybe, but everyone apart from Leicester fans knew their run of form in the first half of the season wasn't normal and was unsustainable.
Maybe, but everyone apart from Leicester fans knew their run of form in the first half of the season wasn't normal and was unsustainable.
They were talked as potential champions back in December.
Can't blame them. Blowing up a 14 pint lead takes some doing.
Damn, I knew they had a big lead but I never knew it was that big. They only have themselves to blame then for messing it up.
To be honest, if we lost a 14 point lead I would be crying.
Damn, I knew they had a big lead but I never knew it was that big. They only have themselves to blame then for messing it up.
Yeah. Table from then to now


and their 12 results


You can understand Leicester fans' frustration to be honest, considering how long they seemed to have one of the CL spots tied up.

Clearly the club is trying to solidify itself these days in the tier of clubs like Sevilla/Leverkusen/Roma by having semi-regular Champions League qualification and the odd cup run, building players up to sell for big bucks every other window and redistributing the funds smartly to keep the everything ticking over and the next set of prospects coming in. Obviously the Champions League bit is harder for them with more big clubs ahead of them in the queue and Wolves elbowing them for a similar place so if they blow it this year they'll have missed out on a big opportunity.
Leicester finish 5th
Here we go
Read a few pages and some are going on about the league and refs being bent? Atkinson gave them loads today :lol:
A 14 point lead thrown away, it will be difficult for them to bounce back from that psychologically. I have mixed feelings tbh as they're a decent club.
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Some of them really don't like us.

To be fair, with the lead that they allowed slip and some of the VAR decisions that have gone Utd's way since Jan, I am not all that surprised.
Read a few pages and some are going on about the league and refs being bent? Atkinson gave them loads today :lol:
My favourite was one of them saying how we've always had Atkinson in our pocket. Like, what? He hates us.
33 now. His pace will drop soon and once that happens he won't offer what he offers now.

He's probably on more "special training" let's call it, than anyone in the league, so I doubt his pace drops that dramatically.
He's a weasley build, and has phenomenal pace, even at 33. Even a drop will see him quicker than most.
Read a few pages and some are going on about the league and refs being bent? Atkinson gave them loads today :lol:

I think their coping mechanism to deal with choking a 14 point lead is to come up with a conspiracy theory that the FA are corrupt and don't want them in the CL for some reason.
A 14 point lead thrown away, it will be difficult for them to bounce back from that psychologically. I have mixed feelings tbh as they're a decent club.
yeah but feck'em just because the arrogant Leicester fans in the caf who have now disappeared since the break.
strange one saying they don’t care. I thought they played quite well overall, just let down by a few errors and the fact we’re a better team
14 points ahead of us and 20 goals ahead on GD by the way. They ended up 4 behind us for both.
Lingard scoring in 98th minute and your keeper fecking up after a red card is a case of when everything goes wrong, when you're already down.
I'm glad that Leicester missed out on the top 4, Some of their fans were getting cocky and arrogant at the start of the season.
Do we get a Champions League spot if Manchester United win the Europa League?

I think I’d be sick in my mouth if I had to support them in the final.

I’m struggling to jump on the “happy with Europa” band wagon. I think it’ll screw us over next season.

Feel for them :lol: