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2022-23 Performances

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5.6 Season Average Rating
Yellow cards
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He was incredibly lucky Dier planted that header wide, god knows what kind of tracking/marking that was.
not romanticising the last game where we beat them at all

he’s not good enough though as I said
Ah you’re right, it’s not romanticising, it’s cherry picking. Cause when we lost 4-1 last season doesn’t count, or the 2-0 loss either.

Re-read the post. I acknowledge that half the time he may do something right. You’re a prime example of what I’m on about though. He’s been terrible multiple times against City but he played & we won last time so. . .

As you say he isn’t good enough, it’s futile arguing over his few good performances a season.
We've played the he'll come good game far too long now. You just don't know if he'll be playing for us or the opposition all match.
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Ah you’re right, it’s not romanticising, it’s cherry picking. Cause when we lost 4-1 last season doesn’t count, or the 2-0 loss either.

Re-read the post. I acknowledge that half the time he may do something right. You’re a prime example of what I’m on about though. He’s been terrible multiple times against City but he played & we won last time so. . .

As you say he isn’t good enough, it’s futile arguing over his few good performances a season.

you seem intent on arguing
Get some fresh air
My bad then, felt like he's been gradually getting less and less game time. Maybe it just appears so as we've lacked options and he's still not been trusted.

Well it only took 5 years for someone to decide he just isn't good enough to be playing every week.

It's about time too. I've never rated him.

All this nonsense about him being played out of position etc etc etc. The simple fact of the matter is he neither has the brains nor the technical ability to be good enough for a top team. No amount of running around can change that.
you seem intent on arguing
Get some fresh air
From the guy who responded to my post, highlighted a game this season then tries to subvert the discussion.

I’m good mate, I’m certainly not going to argue over the validity of Fred. I actually agree with you at the end of the post. . . you sound sensitive, you should get some fresh air.
From the guy who responded to my post, highlighted a game this season then tries to subvert the discussion.

I’m good mate, I’m certainly not going to argue over the validity of Fred. I actually agree with you at the end of the post. . . you sound sensitive, you should get some fresh air.

I would have thought the last game v Man City was fairly relevant (you mentioned the forthcoming one)
The only time Fred is ever effective seems when he has a job to do nullifying a player (like v city & Barca etc)
Get a life
Fred has a few games like that every season. It's obviously nowhere near good enough and he rightfully should be raked over the coals for it. But we also shouldn't pretend he's like that all the time. He should still be Eriksen's main cover (or Bruno dropping deeper into that role depending on the opposition), but it wouldn't surprise me if ETH drops him further down the pecking order after that disaster-class.
You never know what you’re getting with Fred and tonight what we got was one of those everything he touches turns to shit kind of performances.
True, his inconsistency is shocking. I thought his introduction against Brighton in the Semis was instrumental in us reclaiming a foothold in the game. When Spurs were all over us I was actually calling for him to come on early, then he comes in and drops stinker like that. We need to get shot of players like him.
True, his inconsistency is shocking. I thought his introduction against Brighton in the Semis was instrumental in us reclaiming a foothold in the game. When Spurs were all over us I was actually calling for him to come on early, then he comes in and drops stinker like that. We need to get shot of players like him.

To quote Carl Anka you either get Good Fred, or Bad Fred. Last night he was the ultimate Bad Fed, Bad Freds final form.
Was so far off the boil last night…he couldn’t have warmed up properly or got his mind right before coming on.
This guy needs to go. Yes he has some good games but it can’t be easy for the manager to trust a player if he has not idea which kind of performance he will get.

If we want to build something then we need to build on a base of consistent performances. People like Carrick, delivering 7 or 8 out of 10 every game

Midfield and defence are not the areas to tolerate inconsistent performers. You can discount a bit of inconsistency in your attackers because creating and scoring are the hardest part of the game.

Ship him and anyone who can‘t consistently perform the basics.
Man Utd 1:0 Aston Villa
After a few steady performances mid season, he seems to have reverted to form. Very poor today when he came on as he was against Spurs. Gives away needless fouls and picks up bookings for petulant behaviour. I’d keep Sabitzer over him.
After a few steady performances mid season, he seems to have reverted to form. Very poor today when he came on as he was against Spurs. Gives away needless fouls and picks up bookings for petulant behaviour. I’d keep Sabitzer over him.

Fred has been poor lately, he should be moved on either this summer or next summer. But keeping Sabitzer makes no sense, it would just be signing another player we won’t want in 12-18 months.
Another shit show from him today. Didn't really get anything right and looked a liability as usual. He's on my list of people to go in the summer.
Fred has been poor lately, he should be moved on either this summer or next summer. But keeping Sabitzer makes no sense, it would just be signing another player we won’t want in 12-18 months.

Unless we sign a replacement, Sabitzer should be kept over Fred
Unless we sign a replacement, Sabitzer should be kept over Fred

Sabitzer would just be deadwood in 12 months, no need to add more than we already have. If they were both already on the books I wouldn’t care which one left but bringing Sabitzer back makes no sense.
Fred seems more useful than sabitzer. Sabitzer whilst he scored a few goals v Sevilla, just doesn't seem to be a midfielder who looks for the ball, or makes an impression that helps us dominate a game.
And in the number 10 he's not better than Bruno.

Fred is a weird player himself and his price tag is an issue. As a sub for something different when we're already getting dominated so that he can put himself about, it's fine. But it's so weird we paid 50m for him. At least he contributes goals here and there (6 goals and 5 assists)

I can't fault Fred for at least trying to get involved and showing for the ball
Unless we sign a replacement, Sabitzer should be kept over Fred
Sabitzer is here now on loan. So you're saying here is that we pay Sabitzer as replacement for Fred.

You don't need to sign replacement for Fred. You upgrade on Ekrisen and have Eriksen as back up/rotation option. We need higher quality starter. Counting van de Beek return from injury next season, we have enough number. It's not like clubs are desperately paying us big bucks to take Van de Beek, Fred off our hand. Just don't buy more meh players to add to this squad.
Fred seems more useful than sabitzer. Sabitzer whilst he scored a few goals v Sevilla, just doesn't seem to be a midfielder who looks for the ball, or makes an impression that helps us dominate a game.
And in the number 10 he's not better than Bruno.

Fred is a weird player himself and his price tag is an issue. As a sub for something different when we're already getting dominated so that he can put himself about, it's fine. But it's so weird we paid 50m for him. At least he contributes goals here and there (6 goals and 5 assists)

I can't fault Fred for at least trying to get involved and showing for the ball
Sabitzer is a decent player but not one we should be looking to sign permanently.

On Fred, its not just the price tag that’s the problem. Even if we had acquired him for free he should be sold. We can’t have a midfielder in the squad with a bottom level as poor as him. Its not a position where you can carry a player like him if you want to be a title challenging team.

Over the years, we have had a lot of midfield back-ups who were not good enough for a regular role but you could rely on them to not screw up. The likes of Butt, P neville, Fletcher, Hargreaves, Herrera were all hard working players but with an average bottom level. The only other midfielder with such a poor bottom level I can think of is Anderson.

Bottomline is Fred needs to go and we need to add genuine quality in his place.
Brighton 1:0 Man Utd
We paid £50m for Fred. Let that sink in.
This place is overreacting, he's usually very good..
Zero structure or quality with this guy

Just runs around putting out fires, usually of his own making
There were seven midfielders on the pitch and he was comfortably the worst of them all.

How many times will I have to watch him hold his hands up to apologise after yet another boneheaded play.
Have no idea how he's a professional footballer, let alone playing for Manchester United.

Guy is utter utter garbage at everything. Hope to christ he's sent packing in the summer.

Couldn't bare another season of seeing him play.
5 years...

5 fecking years...

And yet some people want more..

Fecking sadists.. must be sitting at home watching this cnut play with nipple clamps on and their nuts hooked up to a car battery.
Poor performance. Gave the ball away cheaply far too often.
Really tired of comments like this, it's like you guys don't even watch football or just make your stupid posts out of your own bias. He was by far our best player, really good at breaking the play and some one touch passing. I am sure, some of the criticism comes off the one misskick in midfield near the end of the first half, which was a difficult half volley, which happens.

But noone even mentions Casemiro having a horrific time on the ball today again, losing the ball like prime Pogba in dangerous situations, let alone being lucky to finish the game without third red card in the season. Fred was definitely one of our best players and kept the ball rolling very quickly with one time passes too, kept Anthony in the game as a bonus as well.

It's just so annoying people here really don't understand football, that breaking up play and one touch football is a skill too. Noone is on Bruno's back too for having like 50% passing accuracy being invisible in the last 30 minutes... Sabitzer and his speciality invisible man too... Yeah the game fell apart in the last 20 minutes after we subbed Fred off, yet some jerks will blame Fred again. Big sigh this forum.
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