Grand Christmas Board of Fortune Game (2017) - Guess Who's Who?

my bio has been around for a while now someone was bound to pick it up.

It was the 29th of April 1945 Goebbels had just entered my room and told me Hitler needed to speak with me urgently, I quickly stood up and rushed briskly past Goebbels in an attempt to hide the sudden feeling of self-importance and superiority that was trying to escape from my face in the shape of a smirk.

I knocked on the door, finally I was getting the recognition for all my hard work and sacrifices so many sacrifices, every time I make a kill I feel further from myself and the ones I love. “come in Mr Muffy…make yourself at home” and then it happened, how I didn’t see it coming I’ll never know but out prances Hitler wearing a full gimp suit and whip. “This is the new uniform do you like it” he giggled oblivious to the state of shock my face had contorted too. “yes its wonderful sir, excuse me while I use the bathroom” I jumped from 4 stories breaking my ankle in two places but I no longer cared about pain and proceeded to vault the wall nearest to the garage and commandeered a motorcycle. As I sped of my mind was racing I began to think back over all I had done for this vile twisted insane monster, to think how many believed in him and he turns out to be one of those woofters, if this ever gets out his reputation will be tarnished forever.

I made it to the boarder of Switzerland only to spot an ambush lying in wait for me, I abruptly diverted my course towards the nearest hillside that provided me with some cover. This is when I really began to panic where could I go that I would not be known and swiftly captured to be placed back into the clutches of that unforgiving man. “feck it” I said and headed to the nearest forest from there I tracked down a wolf den and proceeded to howl out until I forced a show down with the dominant male. Once I ripped his throat out, the rest became submissive. Fine I thought to myself I’ll just wait it out Hitler can’t live forever, unlike me, I’ll give it 15 years just to be on the safe side as long as none of these wolves make a pass at me everything should be fine just fine. Yes things really were looking up for Muffled funk. End of part 2
there's 3015 parts

ffs :lol:

1) The Squeezy Scrotum
2) Secretaries!* Hate your boss? Give his man bits a good squeeze and hear him yowl in agony.

*Apologies for gender stereotyping, but it is a female in the picture
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Shouldn't it be lilleskadet, in that case? I thought små was only used for plurals.

lille and små means roughly the same, but used differently.
lilleskadet has probably never been said in a serious sentence in Norway :p
1) The Squeezy Scrotum
2) Secretaries!* Hate your boss? Give his man bits a good squeeze and hear him yowl in agony.

*Apologies for gender stereotyping, but it is a female in the picture

lille and små means roughly the same, but used differently.
lilleskadet has probably never been said in a serious sentence in Norway :p
Knowing me, I probably would have said that at some point in a serious convo :lol: Cheers for the info.
1) The Squeezy Scrotum
2) Secretaries!* Hate your boss? Give his man bits a good squeeze and hear him yowl in agony.

*Apologies for gender stereotyping, but it is a female in the picture

Sexist pig :nono:

Shouldn't it be lilleskadet, in that case? I thought små was only used for plurals.
Små is, as you say, used for plurals.
So småskadet is probably not a grammaticly correct word, you wont find it in the dictionary, but it’s being used either way.
Liten is the singular version of små, so the correct thing to say would probably be liten skade.
Post shit about yourself

The year is 1997. A young ROFLUTION is sat in 4th grade during a semi-bright december morning. He's about to have christmas-fever. The whole class has each delivered one wrapped gift and put it up on a big christmas tree consisting of 24 gifts in the class-room. Some are small - they could be candy, some are bigger - they could be action-men. Every day one new kid walks up to the exciting christmas-tree and picks the gift of his choice.

ROFLUTION has been sweating, waiting for his turn for 12 days now. And the biggest present of them all has yet to be taken. The jolly class-mates of his has each gotten fantastic gifts, ranging from Smurf-toys to Ferrero Rocher, but they have all been so idiotic to leave the biggest and best gift of them all hang there.

It is time. The young and bambi-eyed ROFLUTION gets the nod from the teacher. Slowly he walks up to the tree in front of everyone in class cheering him on. "GO ROFLUTION!! YOU CAN DO IT ROFLUTION"
"Don't pick the big gift ROFLUTION, thats mine" they say.

But ROFLUTION hears nothing. ROFLUTION is blinded by the amazing gift. He tears it down from the tree. Proudly walks backs to his desk with the gift in hand. Everyone is exploding from excitement to see what was in the biggest gift of them all. The little boy is about to get the toy dreams are made of.

The ribbon is slowly taken away. The gift-wrap slowly torn off. A glimpse of pink is appearing under the gift-wrap. More gift-wrap comes off and more pink and some wings are spotted. Blonde hair is spotted too. Finally the full figure emerges in full. ROFLUTION has gotten a super girly toy with glittery wings and the looks of a barbie that can fly into the air by pulling a string. A so called skydancer.

The whole class bursts out laughing leaving ROFLUTION destroyed in full tears, while everyone chanting together on and on and on "ROFLUTION'S GOT A SKY-DANCER, ROFLUTION'S GOT A SKYDANCER"

The end. (And im not named ROFLUTION in real life)

Små is, as you say, used for plurals.
So småskadet is probably not a grammaticly correct word, you wont find it in the dictionary, but it’s being used either way.
Liten is the singular version of små, so the correct thing to say would probably be liten skade.
Got it, cheers!
Post Shit about yourself

I got wasted at a mates party, to wake up to find I had been texting a senior at work.
Telling her that I was drunk (would have been ok had I just said that),
also texted her calling her a cnut as she didn’t put a x at the end of a message.
then to round it off I texted saying that she was a 10/10 and how much I fancied her and if she didn’t feel the same I would leave my job.

No prizes for guessing who I was on shift with that afternoon, thankfully it just gave her a good laugh
Post shit about myself

When podurban2 was 16 he was at a party and met this girl five years his senior. Unexperienced podurban2 somehow managed to get her in a bedroom. Being a virgin he was a bit weary, and the vodka he had poured into himself just minutes ago was not helping. As things got heated and the boy began undressing himself he suddenly felt a bit weird in his stomach, a convulsion grew and before he knew it he was hauled over the toiletseat puking his guts out, the girl giving him a back rub while his friends crowded him and laughed at his foolishness. Podurban2 is still haunted by this to this day. Poor lad.
Round 2 task
Push the Scrote out
For when you need to relieve yourself at work
Ready for battle,
his last one at anfield
less than a minute
Round 2 task:

1. Jingle Balls
2. Pull for Christmas every day!
I think you should just set the draw at say 3pm gmt and that should help everyone.
Now have earworm of "Thatcher the man-milk snatcher" in my head!

How to Get Songs Out of Your Head

Unfortunately, there's no tried and true way to get songs out of your head once they're stuck in there. They can stick in your brain for anywhere from a few minutes to several days -- long enough to drive even the sanest person batty. Most earworms eventually "crawl out" on their own, but if a song is nagging you to the brink of insanity, here are a few tips to try:

1. Sing another song, or play another melody on an instrument.

2. Switch to an activity that keeps you busy, such as working out.

3. Listen to the song all the way through (this works for some people).

4. Turn on the radio or a CD to get your brain tuned in to another song.

5. Share the song with a friend (but don't be surprised if the person become an ex-friend when he or she walks away humming the tune).

6. Picture the earworm as a real creature crawling out of your head, and imagine stomping on it.
Same here that post was shocking.
At least my suggestion took into account the context; i.e. the girl at the desk, which nobody else seems to have hit upon. The assumptions that (a) she was a secretary and (b) secretaries are all female were not to be taken seriously, as the asterisked bit should have made clear.
Or am I being unnecessarily touchy :confused:
How to Get Songs Out of Your Head

Unfortunately, there's no tried and true way to get songs out of your head once they're stuck in there. They can stick in your brain for anywhere from a few minutes to several days -- long enough to drive even the sanest person batty. Most earworms eventually "crawl out" on their own, but if a song is nagging you to the brink of insanity, here are a few tips to try:

1. Sing another song, or play another melody on an instrument.

2. Switch to an activity that keeps you busy, such as working out.

3. Listen to the song all the way through (this works for some people).

4. Turn on the radio or a CD to get your brain tuned in to another song.

5. Share the song with a friend (but don't be surprised if the person become an ex-friend when he or she walks away humming the tune).

6. Picture the earworm as a real creature crawling out of your head, and imagine stomping on it.

Maggie Thatchers coming to town, Maggie Thatchers coming to town... she's taking your milk checking it twice... she's gonna find out if your dad's signed on twice..MAGGIE THATCHER IS COOOMING TOOOO TOWN!
At least my suggestion took into account the context; i.e. the girl at the desk, which nobody else seems to have hit upon. The assumptions that (a) she was a secretary and (b) secretaries are all female were not to be taken seriously, as the asterisked bit should have made clear.
Or am I being unnecessarily touchy :confused:
You are I doubt anybody is serious here.
Post shit about yourself.

Kissed my own cousin once.
Post shit about yourself

When I first heard of redcafe, I was told it was a porn site ala redtube and things of that sort. I believed.