Greta Thunberg

If you come for the queen you’d best not miss.
Is there a credible source for the pizza box being responsible for his arrest, or has that fact just spontaneously spawned itself into existence?
Is there a credible source for the pizza box being responsible for his arrest, or has that fact just spontaneously spawned itself into existence?

I think it's almost certainly bollocks

surely the police know he's in the country or not, and his address
Well that's plainly not true. Back in the days before recycling became widespread very few of us were arrested for people trafficking.
Now that he’s in prison, I think Greta should get the cars.

Go on then! I was unfortunate enough to read up on this Tate guy recently. One of the biggest scumbags running around currently. Hope he rots in prison. What piece of lowlife shit would actually root for a guy like him?
I think it's almost certainly bollocks

surely the police know he's in the country or not, and his address

Probably bollocks, but the original suggestion I saw was that all the media attention over the Greta thing may have got them to check if he was back in the country, rather than them being auto-alerted by passport control or whatever. Who the feck knows how Romanian police work though ay