Has political correctness actually gone mad?

Dunno about other countries, but limits on free speech isn't new. You can't literally say anything. Never have, and with good reason. People are both impressionable and cnuts. Bad combo.

Some restriction gl a bit far though, like the guy who was convicted for yelling feck the king on kingsday.
Trader Joe's renaming some of their products... and it's causing quite the storm in my neighbourhood.

Trader Joses.....

While I don't really shop there some of my neighbour's reactions are :rolleyes:

"No other country in the world would consider making these changes. I’m afraid we are becoming the laughingstock of the world".

And this one who started it all on our local website:: "What I heard that Trader Joes is going to change their name... Because someone started a petition to change the name. because it says Trader! THAT IS SO RIDICULOUS! PEOPLE CALL THE HEADQUATERS : 1(626) 599-3700. ask for management.. Thanks "
She thought the company name was changing, not the products so she didn't even get that kind of important part right before her outrage got her venting online....

Another one that's incensed: "Will someone somewhere grow a pair and stand up to this BS cancel culture that is growing like a cancer in our society.... Anyone?"

And another: "Oh C’mon! I don’t mind changing names of military bases, taking down statues, even modifying some business names, but Trader Joe’s? That’s going too far. It’s sacrosanct In my book - so, leave it alone and go after harder targets!!!"
She's not even researched it that it's just some products...

And this beauty: "..this will lead to more unreasonable changes. That this will lead and is already leading to Maoist tactics of wiping out the past to impose the “new reality” where everyone will be stripped of the liberties and the way of life that we know and enjoy... By cutting connections with the past in one or two generations there will be no reference other than the hard “new order” imposed on us. It was this way that Mao Zedong managed to eliminate more than 5,000 years of history and cultural evolution... "
Trader Joe's renaming some of their products... and it's causing quite the storm in my neighbourhood.

Trader Joses.....

While I don't really shop there some of my neighbour's reactions are :rolleyes:

"No other country in the world would consider making these changes. I’m afraid we are becoming the laughingstock of the world".

And this one who started it all on our local website:: "What I heard that Trader Joes is going to change their name... Because someone started a petition to change the name. because it says Trader! THAT IS SO RIDICULOUS! PEOPLE CALL THE HEADQUATERS : 1(626) 599-3700. ask for management.. Thanks "
She thought the company name was changing, not the products so she didn't even get that kind of important part right before her outrage got her venting online....

Another one that's incensed: "Will someone somewhere grow a pair and stand up to this BS cancel culture that is growing like a cancer in our society.... Anyone?"

And another: "Oh C’mon! I don’t mind changing names of military bases, taking down statues, even modifying some business names, but Trader Joe’s? That’s going too far. It’s sacrosanct In my book - so, leave it alone and go after harder targets!!!"
She's not even researched it that it's just some products...

And this beauty: "..this will lead to more unreasonable changes. That this will lead and is already leading to Maoist tactics of wiping out the past to impose the “new reality” where everyone will be stripped of the liberties and the way of life that we know and enjoy... By cutting connections with the past in one or two generations there will be no reference other than the hard “new order” imposed on us. It was this way that Mao Zedong managed to eliminate more than 5,000 years of history and cultural evolution... "
Personally I think it's all a bit overboard and don't see any racist messaging, but wtf do I know? For those who might be unfamiliar with Trader Joe's it's a popular American grocery chain with a lot of private label foods. Not quite high-end like a Whole Foods, but they have a devoted and loyal following. Always thought they were pretty socially conscious and their shoppers skew educated and liberal, which makes this recent news somewhat more surprising.

A 17-year old girl in CA raised issues with the labeling of their ethnic foods. For example, their Mexican food was labelled as Trader Jose's, Chinese food as Trader Ming's, Italian as Trader Giotto's, French as Trader Jacques, well you get the idea. I guess Ming is a little strange as all the others are some version of Joe, but never thought much about it and just assumed it was cos there's no variation of Joe in Chinese.

@Raoul I know you shop there, what do you think about all this?
Personally I think it's all a bit overboard and don't see any racist messaging, but wtf do I know? For those who might be unfamiliar with Trader Joe's it's a popular American grocery chain with a lot of private label foods. Not quite high-end like a Whole Foods, but they have a devoted and loyal following. Always thought they were pretty socially conscious and their shoppers skew educated and liberal, which makes this recent news somewhat more surprising.

A 17-year old girl in CA raised issues with the labeling of their ethnic foods. For example, their Mexican food was labelled as Trader Jose's, Chinese food as Trader Ming's, Italian as Trader Giotto's, French as Trader Jacques, well you get the idea. I guess Ming is a little strange as all the others are some version of Joe, but never thought much about it and just assumed it was cos there's no variation of Joe in Chinese.

@Raoul I know you shop there, what do you think about all this?

Standard cancel culture silliness imo. Most businesses are bricking it with these petitions because they don't want to draw the ire of twitter mobs. I didn't even know these brands existed until reading about it here.
Political correctness is particularly important to China. If you say something wrong or do something that pisses them off, they'll try everything to punish you. They stopped broadcasting Houston Rockets games because the GM supported Hong Kong; they stopped broadcasting Arsenal games because Ozil supported Xinjiang; now they stop broadcasting the Premier League probably because of the Huawei and the special visa problem.

Political correctness is also one of the reasons that causes the ongoing pandemic. Tedros Adhanom, the director of WHO, defended for China uglily throughout the outbreak. He underestimated the virus, refused to take actions and allowed the widespread of the virus. He cared about stigmatization of China more than people's life. He refused the participation of Taiwan in the WHO meetings even during the crisis.
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After decades of Australia's version of gammon screaming about thin edges of wedges and political correctness gone mad we are finally going to get rid of Coon Cheese. It was the name of the bloke who invented the process by which is was made but I'm fairly sure nobody gave a shit about that.
After decades of Australia's version of gammon screaming about thin edges of wedges and political correctness gone mad we are finally going to get rid of Coon Cheese. It was the name of the bloke who invented the process by which is was made but I'm fairly sure nobody gave a shit about that.

I bet Dean Koontze is shitting himself though.
Top quality banter! :lol:

A US university investigation into one of its professors has ignited a debate over the use of a seemingly innocuous Chinese word.

Professor Greg Patton at the University of Southern California (USC) was telling students in a communications lecture last month about filler, or pause words, such as 'err', 'umm' or 'you know' in English.

Footage of his lecture, which has now gone viral, shows Prof Patton saying: "In China, the common pause word is 'that, that, that'. So in China, it might be na-ge, na-ge, na-ge."

Enunciated, na-ge sounds like the N-word, which led several of the professor's students to complain to the university. Responding to the complaint, the dean of the university, Geoffrey Garrett, told students that Prof Patton would no longer be teaching the course.

"It is simply unacceptable for the faculty to use words in class that can marginalize, hurt and harm the psychological safety of our students," he said.

The university says that Prof Patton "volunteered to step away" from his role amid the investigation into complaints made against him.


Original video below... go to 0:22
All the other professors should threaten to resign imo.

It terrifies me that this implies numerous parents raised their kids to feel like that they should take a stand on this.
Hard to say what's worse... The gormless ignorant brats who complained. The university and the dean's predictable grovelling response. Or the fact the guy actually volunteered to step down despite doing nothing wrong. Scary stuff.

"Caused great pain and upset among students ... unacceptable for faculty to use words in class that marginalise, hurt and harm the pscyhological safety of our students". Truly we live in the age of spinelessness. Also it's actually peak racism to ascribe your own interpretations on to another culture's language and act like they take precedent.


I think spinelessness is being more racist than literally Hitler.
I wouldn't blame anyone for blocking you, but I think witnessing what kind of people you'd automatically excuse vs who you'd call subhuman scum is a lesson most centrists should learn.

Dumbo didn't call you literally Hitler, but I get how you want to deflect. It's natural for people like you.

Edit: We should be clear on the deflection hobbers is going for. No one disputes that the machete guy is initially rushing at the protesters with a machete in hand. A fight ensued, and the machete guy got beaten bad. Verdict by hobbers? We don't know why the machete guy attacked the protesters, he probably lost his mind to fear, and the guy beating his attacker with a skateboard is a vile little runt. The guy charging with a machete is not a vile little runt, just lost his mind to fear.

This is as insane as it gets.
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Wow, how did I manage to miss such a pathetic attempt at misrepresentation scything analysis of my posts?

First two are the same event and we can replace 'black people/youths' with 'clearly multicultural mob of masked rioters'. Also would have helped to see the video of that particular incident because 'sub-human scum' is very much the default immediate response, albeit hyperbole, to it from anyone with eyes and a conscience. Then what have we got? A few posts of innocuous observations with seemingly random bits bolded. And the last one is referring to the fact that thug is only a racially loaded term in America and nowhere else, which is true.

Hope poor old dumbo has at least blocked me after that, wouldn't want the lamb having a panic attack whenever he sees another post from literally Hitler. :lol: Still, nice to have a fan.

Hi, I wondered why my ears were burning. I had noticed you slowly crawling back out into the sun.

No I won't block you, you are to useful to block. I find you a perfect illustration of how underlying bigotry, (if I'm being generous) ingrained prejudice, or a general unpleasantness can inform bad arguments.

I highlight you as the most glaring warning to others of why we should all (me included) analyse the opinions we hold and inspect the reasons for any underlying prejudice, lest we come across looking like hobbers.

Here is another good example of hobbers getting a ducking for his knee jerk lack of comprehension and poor reasoning in defense of Harris, Peterson... Y'know for any archivists out there:

Oh yeah and @hobbers I'm talking about you not to you. Don't confuse this with me wanting a conversation because as willing as I often am to journey into futility, I do have some limits.

But feel free to insult me if you so choose (genuinely).
Nobody was excused though. Which would be apparent if posts were represented objectively and not cherry picked with descriptors that were deliberately factually wrong. But obviously no one who reads the CE forum would ever expect that sort of approach. And since you seem to want to dive into that particular event.... We're talking about an unhinged idiot who was running around with a sword, and a mob of 20 odd masked rioters (some of whom were white!) that tried to stomp him to a pulp. In the video he isn't initially rushing at anyone, he's being hounded into a corner by several guys who are throwing things at him, if memory serves. And eventually he unleashes a war cry that's more of a petrified squeal, and runs with his sword (katana?) brandished. Was that because he felt he confident to unleash his fury upon the legions of enemies around him? Or was it because he was terrified and wanted to scare someone out of the way so he could flee? Who knows.

But the kid who smashes the unconscious guy on the floor over the head with his skateboard had categorically not lost his mind to fear, but rather a collective bloodlust. tldr; both are wrong but one is worse than the other.

I know, that was aimed at you. And I understand why a lot of politically fervent people always seek to demonise those who disagree with them, it's natural for them to want to find some level of justification for their seething resentfulness in life.

Your memory vs witness statements.

Police statement: A Dallas police spokesman said Tuesday that the man went to that area wielding a “machete type knife” at protesters because he allegedly wanted to “protect his neighborhood, not his or any other property/business.”

Yeah, what a vile little runt.
Hard to say what's worse... The gormless ignorant brats who complained. The university and the dean's predictable grovelling response. Or the fact the guy actually volunteered to step down despite doing nothing wrong. Scary stuff.

"Caused great pain and upset among students ... unacceptable for faculty to use words in class that marginalise, hurt and harm the pscyhological safety of our students". Truly we live in the age of spinelessness. Also it's actually peak racism to ascribe your own interpretations on to another culture's language and act like they take precedent.

we live in a world where it took 100 years for America to pass a bill making lynching a federal crime you could ease off on the hyperbole a bit here
Not sure where to put this, definitely not thread material, but Dutch side FC Emmen are not allowed by the Dutch FA to use a sex toy producer as their main shirt sponsor for not being in good taste. The same FA that had our league sponsered by a fecking Casino.

The 19th century called, they want their values back.
Not sure where to put this, definitely not thread material, but Dutch side FC Emmen are not allowed by the Dutch FA to use a sex toy producer as their main shirt sponsor for not being in good taste. The same FA that had our league sponsered by a fecking Casino.

The 19th century called, they want their values back.

Probably harder to explain to children what a dildo is than where Ocean's Eleven is set.
Saying that if theyre anything like a lot of vegan sweets I’ve had before I won’t eat them because they’ve been gross
I’ll be honest, I never bought fruit pastilles for the meat content.
That’s basically what Wetherspoons are for, isn’t it? Other than cheap beer near its sell by date.
The 3 or 4 spoons near me are always more full of kids than old people, though there is a mix of both.