
We will have one in the next few months. Can't answer why it hasn't been in place before now but it will be not too long into the future
We will have one in the next few months. Can't answer why it hasn't been in place before now but it will be not too long into the future
Got it thanks! If it's not classified, could you PM me the reason why? Just professional curiosity on my part, so NBD if you don't want to disclose that info :)
Been wondering the same for a while why it's not over a SSL.
Came here to ask this, but a topic already exists. Weird in this day and age, for such a big forum to have no ssl security. Good thing it will be implemented in the future.
Came here to ask this, but a topic already exists. Weird in this day and age, for such a big forum to have no ssl security. Good thing it will be implemented in the future.

We're upgrading the servers in a few weeks so HTTPS will follow not long after.
Does this mean bye bye captain? :(

I'm sure he'll show up again from time to time, just hopefully a lot less when we lose/sign somebody/don't sign somebody/have a general muppet meltdown :)
Because the site stores all your data and sells it on to a third party.
Thanks for the info because I was just about to ask why the browser kept saying the login was insecure.
Is this why on my iPhone now in the url bar at the top of the screen it’s now saying

Not secure—red