Jose Mourinho's press conference - Burnley(A) | 13:30 BST | Quotes updated in OP

What is record of bigotry, towards women or otherwise?

Sacking of Eva probably, if she wasn't a woman it wouldn't be a problem, but since she was, it's obviously bigotry, should go even further and just call it misogyny.

With people like the one you quoted or the other idiot from two days ago, it's at least easier to spot them and throw them right into ignore bin to avoid any further inconvenient shit spouting from them.

With those constant politics references, you have to wonder how shitty lives some have and how much brainwashed with hatred they are.
I've just watched the press conference. It was a pretty rude question to be honest. If you had won as much as Mourinho had why would you let someone ask you: 'would you still be one of the greatest managers in the world or would that just be an old thing based on reputation?' Plus there was an emphasis in the tone of voice on 'old.'

Why is Mourinho expected to sit there meekly while weekly being sneered at by people who, frankly, don't seem to know as much as the best posters on the CAF?

Not even sure if its rude or not. Its just a plain stupid question.

Regardless of what happens with Mourinho this season or in the future, Mourinho IS one of the greatest managers in the world. That wont change. His legacy is pretty secure in that regard I believe.

Honestly, journalists.....easiest job in the world. Just ask a few daft questions and you are in.
He has such a negative and defensive attitude during his press conferences. He was confident during his Chelsea days but somehow in a charming way. He was more relaxed.

If you don’t like the question ignore it or say no comment, it’s not relevant right now, make a joke or something. Nope, he just goes on about his greatness. He always sounds like we expect way too much from the team he has. Kind of depressing.

Eh, he was always like this. I know cos I am a CFC fan.
Thank you for the quotes! It was worrying reading all the posts, thinking he killed someone, but then I realized some of the people on the Caf will do anything to feed their hate for a man. I guess I should have known better.
At least the media won't be writing shit about Martial, Pogba or De Gea now that everything is mostly about Jose.
What is record of bigotry, towards women or otherwise?

Chelsea’s former team doctor heard José Mourinho call her a “daughter of a whore” in Portuguese when she ran on to the pitch during a Premier League match to treat an injured player last year, an employment tribunal has been told.

Carneiro’s decision to run on to the Stamford Bridge pitch to treat Eden Hazard meant the team was temporarily reduced to nine men, and Mourinho afterwards called her and the physiotherapist Jon Fearn, who went on with her, “impulsive and naive”. She did not appear on the bench again for first-team duties and later left the club.

“This is a tale of two employees: one good, one bad,” Carneiro’s lawyers said in their opening argument. “The bad employee forces the good employee out of the job of her dreams and the employer does nothing to stop it. The bad employee berates, sexually harasses and demotes the good employee for carrying out her professional duties.”–2015:_Chelsea

The tribunal was the subject of many newspapers' front pages, and was settled on confidential terms on the second day of the hearing. Chelsea issued an unreserved apology for distress caused to Carneiro and her family, and said "We wish to place on record that in running onto the pitch Dr Carneiro was following both the rules of the game and fulfilling her responsibility to the players as a doctor, putting their safety first." She also concluded the private case against Mourinho. Legal documents submitted to her employment tribunal revealed she had previously rejected an offer by the club of £1.2 million to settle the claim.
if are one of the best managers in the world? you probably dont need to inform journalists about it in a press conference
Do we even know who's available for Sunday's game or the press was just about him?

He really is the Donald Trump of football managers .

Irony here is you've outdone the dimwit journos with the statement. Jose's reference to philosophy applies here as well it seems.

Thank you for the quotes! It was worrying reading all the posts, thinking he killed someone, but then I realized some of the people on the Caf will do anything to feed their hate for a man. I guess I should have known better.

Ditto. I'm pretty happy with what he's saying. Dinner transfers didn't go so well, opening matches haven't either. But I'm happy to see the manager stand firm and honestly throw a few jabs. If our manager is going to be undone by these pos journos, how can we expect him to command the players. He is one of the greatest managers in the game.. doing it his way. Its why he's so hated.
:rolleyes: You forget that the male doctor received the same treatment.

This is 2018, and if this poster wants to hammer away at a notion of injustice towards women, or extrapolate an instance as a symbol of something way bigger than it actually is, he has every right to do that and you have no right to query it you mysoginistic pig.

This forum is taking some nosedive, last few days we’ve had social justice bingo - ‘toxic masculinity ‘ ‘snowflake’ ‘bigotry against women’. Let’s go red cafe let’s keep going. Why aren’t there any gender neutral players?
Do we even know who's available for Sunday's game or the press was just about him?


Did you read the first quote in the op? It’s a full update of injuries and anticipated returns.

You’re welcome!
if are one of the best managers in the world? you probably dont need to inform journalists about it in a press conference
He answered a question. Was he supposed to say no? He's always insisted that he's one of the greatest. If he said anything other than what he did, we'd be getting headlines like "Shroud of uncertainty around United as recent performances have Jose doubting his own managerial ability".
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"I am also one of the best managers in the world"

Well fecking prove it then...
He’s probably better just deflecting those type of questions by saying he is here to talk about the Burnley game. After the respect outburst, the press smell blood and will keep trying these things.
Quotes from philosphers. Yes. That's what we want. State of the journalists, I reckon most of them had to google Hegel.

All the press wanted was another episode of "Moody Jose" - where the press look for anything they can say is moody to report as him being moody.

"Jose, why do you react in such a moody way to the way the press covers you?"

"Jose, can't you lively up a bit, maybe cheerily confont an opposing player on the field after the game or something?"

"Jose, why are you not happy with our constantly negative reporting of United?"

Hegel also said:

"We learn from history that we do not learn from history." One for Woodward and the Board?

"Be a person and respect others as persons." Another Jose fave

"Just as little is seen in pure light as in pure darkness."

In a parallel dimension, United had a good run and won the Premier League & the press regard Jose as a deep philosophical genius

Even Teresa May isn't averse to a little jig, on occasion, & she's got it far worse than Jose.
Jose should not worry about what the press says and think. He should have more confidence in his opinions, strengths, and abilities. If he keeps defending himself and his achievements the more it seems they're getting to him.
I have no problems with what he says or does with the press. He can claim 2nd is his biggest achievement, it certainly wasn't for the club as there were too many extraneous factors that favored our finish last season and he probably knows it. I am more concerned with him improving us on the pitch.

Arsenal finished 2nd in that Leicester title winning season as well when Spurs were the better team in the league for great parts of the season. If higher finishes without concern for playing style was progress, they would have been Champions by now and Wenger would be managing them. Freak finishes in 2nd-3rd place without progress in playing style or tactics is not at all sustainable.
:rolleyes: You forget that the male doctor received the same treatment.
I'd appreciate it if you'd point to which male doctor was offered £1.2 million by Chelsea as compensation for constructive dismissal. I can't see any evidence of this having occurred.
I want him out but I have no problem with him defending himself. Or would we rather he just surrender and accept his fate?
His obsession with everyone knowing his past achievements and how great he is comes across as desperate and insecure. Yeah we know you've won league titles and Champions Leagues ffs, now get this team playing some proper football.
Who is the idiot journo that kept harping on the greatest manager question ?


A ridiculous line of questioning. Mourinho is there to talk about Burnley not a 10 minute general goading & provocative cross examination.

Do we think the journalist in question will be banned over that ala Rob Harris?
Eh, he was always like this. I know cos I am a CFC fan.

I think he's been much more grouchier nowadays but maybe I'm just not accustomed to so many sorrows during interviews.

I hope he won't have a meltdown one day. Hope his strategy against media will work out for him and the club. Trying to stay positive but I feel like I'm clutching at straws.
Its getting tiresome hearing him talk about how great he is and all his achievements when we continue to do badly (both in terms of winning and playing style). All he needs to really say if he wants to defend himself is that his record speaks for itself.

Btw there should be a thread solely about our football, formation, tactics etc (not just the matchday threads). Nowadays its all about Jose and Woodward etc and no discussion on details of our actual football.
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Jose misquoted Hegel though. "The truth is the whole", not: the truth is IN the whole.
Yes indeed.He would be better suited quoting Hans Chistian Andersen - he should be able to quote a few lines from 'The Emperor's New Clothes'.
Say what you like about the journalist, he's done his job pretty damn effectively in getting Mourinho to go off once again on one of his "I've done this, I've done that" rants.

Mourinho should start to do his job effectively and try to reduce the negativity around the club and get us winning football matches. Him reeling off past achievements with other clubs is unbelievably tiresome, and that's coming from someone who's actually quite sympathetic towards him.
Which was a ridiculous claim. Daughter of a whore/Son of a whore is a pretty standard curse, much like we'd say son of a bitch - the principal difference being that latin languages are more gender sensitive [for example, nice in English (which doesn't change regardless of gender) is simpatico(male)/simpatica(female.]

If anything, 'son of a bitch/whore' is only sexist in that it calls one's mother a sex worker. But if you take issue with that, then you'll have to find just about every sportsperson guilty of sexism (I have no doubt Fergie has used the term before.) I could just imagine the uproar if he'd said 'filho da puta': 'Carneiro claims that Mourinho questioned her gender identity by calling her a man...!' Jamie Jackson would have a field day with that one.

Mourinho was way out of order in the whole Carneiro affair, but in my opinion, Carneiro did herself no favours playing the sexism card, when what was really at issue was Mourinho's questioning her (and the other doctor's) professional abilities.
Were there any actual questions on player selections, tactics the things as a football fan I am actually interested in
I'm curious which journalist asked this question. If it was Jamie Jackson, then one has to start asking if he's just out to wind Mourinho up. The role of the media should be extract information that we, the fans, could find interesting/useful/enlightening. Simply trying to wind him up for its own sake, is extremely low-level journalism, particularly if it comes from someone working at a paper like the Guardian.
Say what you like about the journalist, he's done his job pretty damn effectively in getting Mourinho to go off once again on one of his "I've done this, I've done that" rants.

Mourinho should start to do his job effectively and try to reduce the negativity around the club and get us winning football matches. Him reeling off past achievements with other clubs is unbelievably tiresome, and that's coming from someone who's actually quite sympathetic towards him.
But it's pathetic that the journalist feels the need to do that. Ok, we get it: Mourinho is insecure, has a monstrous ego, and loves to talk about his past achievements. Now find out how he plans to approach this next game and what updates can be given on player health, etc.
It’s almost like Jose got an early copy of the new Eminem album. Those first two songs, Ringer and the greatest seem to reflect Jose’s current situation and words.
As someone who speaks Spanish you guys should have seen some of the ludicrous stuff he was saying during his stint at Madrid.

Just be glad he's quoting philosophers and hasn't reached the point of poking coaches eyes and blaming UEFA conspiracies for poor form. On the bright side it doesn't look like he's lost the dressing room so as long as he' starts winning again you guys should be all good.

Although I hope for his sake the behind the scenes stories when he thought his players were leaking his starting 11 to the media aren't true.
Cannot please you lot. :lol:

If Jose gave one back to the idiots masquerading as paid writers: Why is he bragging about past achievements? He is being soooo insecure and has lost it.

If Jose kept quiet: ffs fergie would have banned those cnuts. Grow a pair. Show some fight.

At the very least, he is going down fighting.
The actual story from that press conference is his praise for Shaw but the media after basically asking him if he's now a shit manager spin elsewhere while our resident idiots lap it up. Sad or hillarious I'm not sure