Jurgen Klopp Sack Watch

Klopp will resign within a week. I'm sure of it. :(

The worst thing about the whole situation is, it doesn't matter if he stays or goes anyway. :eek::wenger:
I know people think it’s hyperbole but carragher is spot on, FSG will face a backlash like never before if that happens.

It’s a disgraceful situation he’s been put in and yes he needs to stop going at Gary Neville and focus on the big picture. Make no mistake though, he knows what that is, he’ll be seething inside.

The audacity of these cnuts to announce this when no fans are allowed in stadiums. Spineless leeches the lot of them. Everything needs to be put aside to end this farcical travesty.
He's been personally stabbed in the back by Henry. Money and big money clubs have never been a fascination for him. Worst case for him is he'll get a job back at Mainz or Dortmund. Wouldn't even be shocked if he went to Leicester (should Rodgers go to Spurs). But he's not sticking around for the ESL shit show.

Don't see it happening. Unfortunately. One of the few who can say something and have an impact. But I don't see it happening.

Time will tell.
The fact he blamed Neville for no reason shows you this season has been a lot things for him digest.
He should fecking speak out properly then. He's one of the few managers whose voice could make a real difference and if anything does happen to him would get a massive backlash from the fans. He hates it you can tell by his face. He needs to stop being so diluted.
I hope so, but he's been put in a spot that he shouldn't to begin with, paying for the actions of spineless and coward bureoucrats throwing him under the fire. At least he said that he still maintains his opinions of being against the Super League, that was good. Neville also recognized the tight spot that Klopp is in. I really liked what Neville said in the end of that video.
I hope so, but he's been put in a spot that he shouldn't to begin with, paying for the actions of spineless and coward bureoucrats throwing him under the fire. At least he said that he still maintains his opinions of being against the Super League, that was good. Neville also recognized the tight spot that Klopp is in. I really liked what Neville said in the end of that video.
Pressure is on him as it is pep as they are the 2 world class managers they are the ones of the managers (maybe Zidane too though perez is a cnut) they are the ones who have the security in the bank by MERIT of their achievements. If he speaks out properly against it he has the backing of every single scouse fan Heck every single fan in this country. What I wanted today is his biggest asset his passion yet he was diluted.
Pressure is on him as it is pep as they are the 2 world class managers they are the ones of the managers (maybe Zidane too though perez is a cnut) they are the ones who have the security in the bank by MERIT of their achievements. If he speaks out properly against it he has the backing of every single scouse fan Heck every single fan in this country. What I wanted today is his biggest asset his passion yet he was diluted.
I hope he will show what you want and I want too.
Bottle job

Talks about our penalties doesn't want Neville mentioning their sing song, brilliant.
The fact he blamed Neville for no reason shows you this season has been a lot things for him digest.

Ex United player, what better way to divert. Then the precious ‘anthem’ cringe worthy stuff.
Gazza spoke out against Liverpool and Untied so Kloop made out he was being victimised. I don’t know how managers should deal with this as it’s not their job. Clubs should be allowing access to spokespersons for those who made these decisions. Klopp is wrong to make out any ofthis is Nevs fault.
Imagine holding the view that a ripped off song is sacrosanct gospel & is unable to be discussed by heathen when facing a rather existential crisis in the sport that you love.

Imagine that being your first flag planted in the saga.
Don't see it happening. Unfortunately. One of the few who can say something and have an impact. But I don't see it happening.

Time will tell.
isnt Klopp leaving is 2 years? a great time to go now..
Well done Klopp on *checks notes* having a go at Gary Neville? What a disappointment.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Why does every L O L FC gaffer get so delusionally idolized?

The whole club and everything connected to it are all convinced they this different sort of club full of Romantic tripe.

Danny Murphy telling everyone yesterday what I tell you about Liverpool fans they different to the rest they catch on early with this stuff, because some fan rung up the phone line and is livid like every other football fan.
He's been personally stabbed in the back by Henry. Money and big money clubs have never been a fascination for him. Worst case for him is he'll get a job back at Mainz or Dortmund. Wouldn't even be shocked if he went to Leicester (should Rodgers go to Spurs). But he's not sticking around for the ESL shit show.
Does he shill for Opel for free? :rolleyes: He is money driven.
He's been personally stabbed in the back by Henry. Money and big money clubs have never been a fascination for him. Worst case for him is he'll get a job back at Mainz or Dortmund. Wouldn't even be shocked if he went to Leicester (should Rodgers go to Spurs). But he's not sticking around for the ESL shit show.
Liverpool aren't a money club? They broke the world record fee for a defender and goalkeeper in the past 5 years. Makes Klopp's hysterical comments about Neville following the money look even more ridiculous. What a hypocrite.
Klopp is an idiot after all. Who would have thought.... Btw, I'm not having any hopes that another manager will do something different though
People moaning about Klopp defending his club hahaha
Klopp focusing on attacking Neville rather than the actual issue at hand.

Funny how he talked about what Nevilles earned, I'm sure Klopp is managing Liverpool out of the goodness of his heart.

I'll be disappointed but not surprised if at Oles next press conference when questioned he doesn't have a pop at the owners.
Pre-match comments were good. Came out and said he doesn’t support the idea and confirmed the owners went ahead without discussing with him or the players first.

Right? But the point I made before hand was that he’s as fickle as they come. Knows exactly what to say to get the fans fawning over him and then goes back on his word once the pressure is on. “If I ever spend those sums of money on a single player I will retire” - signs VVD and Allison for world record fees.

To be fair I didn’t expect the flip flop to happen within 90 minutes though. From “I don’t like it” to having a go at those who are protesting against it is quite a jump.
Right? But the point I made before hand was that he’s as fickle as they come. Knows exactly what to say to get the fans fawning over him and then goes back on his word once the pressure is on. “If I ever spend those sums of money on a single player I will retire” - signs VVD and Allison for world record fees.

To be fair I didn’t expect the flip flop to happen within 90 minutes though. From “I don’t like it” to having a go at those who are protesting against it is quite a jump.

It was fecking weird how the media were so determined to portray him as Captain Integrity fighting for the soul of the game, that they just completely ignored everything he actually said.
The whole club and everything connected to it are all convinced they this different sort of club full of Romantic tripe.

Danny Murphy telling everyone yesterday what I tell you about Liverpool fans they different to the rest they catch on early with this stuff, because some fan rung up the phone line and is livid like every other football fan.
They live in a permanent state of delusion. They have sold out everything to try and make money. Then in 90s went they stopped winning they started crying that United were ruining football because we basically did the same. This is a club that stuck a beer sponsorship on a statue of Bill Shankly in the 90s.
Right? But the point I made before hand was that he’s as fickle as they come. Knows exactly what to say to get the fans fawning over him and then goes back on his word once the pressure is on. “If I ever spend those sums of money on a single player I will retire” - signs VVD and Allison for world record fees.

To be fair I didn’t expect the flip flop to happen within 90 minutes though. From “I don’t like it” to having a go at those who are protesting against it is quite a jump.

I think you’re being unfair. I’m with Nev on this one. Klopp’s club is having a poor season, they just dropped points late on in a game, they got abused on the way to the stadium, had the piss taken out of them by Leeds in the changing room, his mum recently died, he’s been in a shitty, prickly mood for ages. Taking all of that into account, it’s not a massive surprise he lashes out when Neville’s name is brought up.

At the end of the day he’s in a shit situation, being asked to speak out against his employer. The fact he did come out and say he remains against this Super League, even after LFC have officially confirmed they’re committed to this should be applauded IMO. I really hope the other “big six” managers have the stones to do the same but I won’t hold my breath. So far we have Ole completely avoiding the topic and Tuchel toeing the party line.
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Klopp would rather have a pop at Gary Neville than speak out about the ESL.

Just shows where his priorities lie - I thought he was supposed to be this moral beacon of light that everybody could look towards? He's no different than anybody else.

Just in it for the money, he doesn't want to upset his future potential bosses :lol:
I think you’re being unfair. I’m with Nev on this one. Klopp’s club is having a poor season, they just dropped points late on in a game, his mum recently died, he’s been in a shitty, prickly mood for ages. Taking all of that into account, it’s not a massive surprise he lashes out when Neville’s name is brought up.

At the end of the day he’s in a shit situation, being asked to speak out against his employer. The fact he did come out and say he remains against this Super League, even after LFC have officially confirmed they’re committed to this should be applauded IMO. I really hope the other “big six” managers have the stones to do the same but I won’t hold my breath. So far we have Ole completely avoiding the topic and Tuchel toeing the party line.

I agree with you about the other managers saying nothing although I think it’s a bit unfair on Ole considering he was asked after the match about it when it had only really broken during the match. Tuchel was weak as piss.

I also think you’re giving his pre-match words too much credit. He admitted he didn’t like it but said he would stick with the club and that people suggesting it might make him quit are wrong and that only makes him want to stay even more. What sort of message is that?

“We can’t count on Klopp, he has integrity and he will speak truth to power and I bet he will quit in protest”

“Well it’s not what I want to happen but I’m the manager of this club and that’s my job so whatever happens doesn’t really matter to me, I want to stay here doing what I like and people suggesting that I might side with the fans on this one are wrong and only make me want to back the owners decision even more”
I agree with you about the other managers saying nothing although I think it’s a bit unfair on Ole considering he was asked after the match about it when it had only really broken during the match. Tuchel was weak as piss.

I also think you’re giving his pre-match words too much credit. He admitted he didn’t like it but said he would stick with the club and that people suggesting it might make him quit are wrong and that only makes him want to stay even more. What sort of message is that?

“We can’t count on Klopp, he has integrity and he will speak truth to power and I bet he will quit in protest”

“Well it’s not what I want to happen but I’m the manager of this club and that’s my job so whatever happens doesn’t really matter to me, I want to stay here doing what I like and people suggesting that I might side with the fans on this one are wrong and only make me want to back the owners decision even more”
You forgot “also, feck Gary Neville, YAWN”
I agree with you about the other managers saying nothing although I think it’s a bit unfair on Ole considering he was asked after the match about it when it had only really broken during the match. Tuchel was weak as piss.

I also think you’re giving his pre-match words too much credit. He admitted he didn’t like it but said he would stick with the club and that people suggesting it might make him quit are wrong and that only makes him want to stay even more. What sort of message is that?

“We can’t count on Klopp, he has integrity and he will speak truth to power and I bet he will quit in protest”

“Well it’s not what I want to happen but I’m the manager of this club and that’s my job so whatever happens doesn’t really matter to me, I want to stay here doing what I like and people suggesting that I might side with the fans on this one are wrong and only make me want to back the owners decision even more”

Well that certainly wasn’t my expectation. And half-arsed protests are better than none. Now over to the other managers. Let’s see what they say.
Would be interesting to see what he does at the end of the season. It's not easy for a manager to leave mid-season after putting in work for the whole year, especially when you still have a goal left in the season (to reach the top 4).

Once the season is done, then I feel he can think more about resigning (same with other managers) but right now he's right in saying he has a job and a responsibility towards his players.
Would be interesting to see what he does at the end of the season. It's not easy for a manager to leave mid-season after putting in work for the whole year, especially when you still have a goal left in the season (to reach the top 4).

Once the season is done, then I feel he can think more about resigning (same with other managers) but right now he's right in saying he has a job and a responsibility towards his players.
Reaching the top 4? What does that do?
Perez taking the leadershhip of this just to save themselves and barcelona from the massive amount of debts they are in.

No way these two teams would back English teams otherwise.
Would be interesting to see what he does at the end of the season. It's not easy for a manager to leave mid-season after putting in work for the whole year, especially when you still have a goal left in the season (to reach the top 4).

Once the season is done, then I feel he can think more about resigning (same with other managers) but right now he's right in saying he has a job and a responsibility towards his players.
Do we though? Wouldn't the ESL replace the CL for the "founding clubs"? The season seems meaningless for us know. I didn't celebrate when we scored and I felt nothing when Leeds equalized yesterday, the game felt as useless as could possibly be to me.

Re: Klopp, I would've liked him to come out stronger than he did but it's clear he's against the idea and he confirmed that as well. Anyone expecting him to quit on the spot was living in an alternate reality.
Reaching the top 4? What does that do?

That's a valid question :lol:

It's still a psychological thing maybe, it was a goal they have had for a while and he probably still thinks it is. Do you think, even after this, that if Liverpool don't make the top 4 the players and manager will be criticised for not reaching it?

It's a strange situation for everyone at the club, which is also why I agree with Klopp's sentiment that Neville's aim was a bit off in his criticism. He was saying Liverpool, United etc are evil etc but he has to remember 99% of the people associated with the clubs had no idea about this, it was a couple of people who made the decision and the rest of the club (the fans, players, managers, staff) should not be included with them.

Obviously you can't expect Neville to name the owners every time and he would have to say the clubs name, implecitly meaning the owners, but then you have to understand the frustration of Klopp with having everyone dragged in the mud with them. One can say it's obvious Neville means that, but with the disrespectful sh*te Leeds pulled on the Liverpool players you can understand why Klopp feels people need to be careful in where they are aiming their criticism.

Both are wrong and right at the same time. It's just a mental situation for everyone associated with club football, except those fecking owners who are calmly watching this from their mansions.
He's always been a massive cry baby with contempt for other clubs. I support West Brom and we've had him making snide comments numerous times for having the audacity to take points off them. Most famously his tirade that us drawing against them was pointless because we didn't need the point and they did: " "It feels like a complete waste of points, they don’t need it, we would have needed it. ".

I am the least surprised person this bitter clown doesn't actually oppose the Super League
when pushed to club. He showed his true colours against us ages ago in how he deems teams like us not worthy.
Nail on the head. This was never a surprise, the ones surprised are gullible children. All it took was for him to lose points and his faux hero persona went down the gutter quicker than scousers leaving jobcentres.
I really hope the other “big six” managers have the stones to do the same but I won’t hold my breath. So far we have Ole completely avoiding the topic and Tuchel toeing the party line.
Klopp is in a much stronger position of power than those two are. He can say what he wants and keep his job. Or if he loses it, he gets a huge pay off and he walks into just about any other job he likes. Him and Guardiola are the only ones in that position. I think it’s a little unfair to expect Solskjaer to do it. Firstly because he won’t walk into any other job he likes and managing Manchester United is the only job that matters to him. That doesn’t apply to Guardiola or Klopp. Or Tuchel for that matter.