Kanye West why?


The Oracle
Jun 5, 2016
Well he finally found Candace Owens and

In Candace's case, it is true. They pay her money to hate on her own. Kanye, Ye or whatever he is now is just nuts.
Snoops had it right, this guy is just wingnut level and he's been drinking his own koolaid far too long. Overrated as a hip-hop artist as well IMO.
"I smoke weed. Weed don’t make you do shite like that.. wtf is he on”
What’s everyone’s problem? Do white lives not matter?
I don't think there are any more excuses like medication or not well or just looking for attention.

The guy has been pandering to white supremacists for too long now whether it's wearing Dixie flag emblems his Maga gear and now this.

That's not even taking into account getting with Candace.

Someone has to say enough
He's been crazy every since becoming famous. College dropout was dope but everything since has been crap anyway.
Donny and Kanye 2024. Make America grate again.
He's a self-proclaimed attention seeking narcissist, not sure why people are acting surprised.
I just feel sorry for him, he’s living out a mental health crisis in the public eye which must be torture
Usually mental health crises would be characterised by their discrepancy with periods of being ‘well’. He’s been acting out constantly, for years.

Well, he’s a dickhead. And sometimes he’s just being a dickhead. There are other times when it looks like he’s lost grip on reality.

How would you know that he doesn’t have periods where he’s doing better? He probably does, it’s not like we get daily updates.
Well, he’s a dickhead. And sometimes he’s just being a dickhead. There are other times when it looks like he’s lost grip on reality.

How would you know that he doesn’t have periods where he’s doing better? He probably does, it’s not like we get daily updates.

That’s what I’m getting at. He probably does have some sort of mental Illness but that’s layered on top of a deeply unpleasant narcissistic personality. Which makes it harder to pity him or blame poor mental health for all the drama he ends up surrounded by.
Owens is a proper grifter, but Kanye is simply not bright enough to understand what's wrong with what he's doing.

I mean..

That’s what I’m getting at. He probably does have some sort of mental Illness but that’s layered on top of a deeply unpleasant narcissistic personality. Which makes it harder to pity him or blame poor mental health for all the drama he ends up surrounded by.

That's a mental illness too, for what its worth.
Too many excuses are made for this fellow.

Ain’t that the frigging truth.

“He’s just not very bright”
“He’s troubled”
“He’s unstable”
“He’s been led astray”
“He’s mentally unwell”

Nah, he’s just a fecking asshole.
Gonna be slightly controversial here, but I genuinely think West does shit like this to disarm / be iconoclastic to modern racist symbols.

Of course he’s a dickhead, and clearly has lots of issues, but he’s also smart in imagery and race politics. All of the White power items he’s co-opted - the Dixie flag, MAGA hat, WLM shirt - have been debased and disarmed to an extent by him wearing them.

Do you really think hardcore racists will find it pleasing, or even funny, when West co-opts this stuff and it’s plastered all over the news!? Of course not, they’ll be seething.

I’m not a fan of the guy, I think he’s way overrated as a rapper and I despise U.S celeb culture that he’s part of, but on this stuff I think there’s reason to it beyond him wanting attention.

He’s trolling the trolls. It’d be like if a famous gay musician wore a t-shirt saying ‘straight pride’, you’d know they were taking the piss and provoking conversation on homophobia.
One of only 5 people to be followed by Dom Cummings.