Liverpool FC are up for sale

Judging by what happened with Chelsea, I think any new owner will know they need to invest a lot going in. The era of having owners just sucking clubs dry or adding more debt into it is gone, which can only be good for Liverpool as they do need a lot of investment.

I think there'll come a moment where the Glazers will look around and think too much money is needed for United to remain competitive in this league, and then they'll sell. They aren't different from FSG who realized a lot of money is needed and it's no longer a climate where they can remain competitive without spending regularly.
Whoever comes in needs to spend a lot of money on the squad and I’m not surprised the owners are backing off it.
it’ll be another American consortium and hopefully more chaos because sugar daddy’s don’t exist anymore

It's Hobson's choice. Get an oil club and Liverpool will probably win big stuff with Pep soon gone. But I won't give a toss. Or get hedge funded up to our eyeballs, probably destroy the club in the long run but I can continue supporting.

Is there anything in the middle?
Not sure why you'd find it depressing. This is just telling everyone they don't want to put the £300m+ in to the club which is needed to rebuild keep up with City. So they try to sell and get someone else to either invest or buy the whole club.

They're too late in my view, probably won't be able to sell and the club will rot if they can't or won't put money in to it.
I’d take them having new owners and no klopp over klopp and their current owners. Klopp is the key to success not owners - just like we could win shit with SAF under the glazers spending zilch. If we got Klopp or Pep and gave them 1.2bn do people think we’d have not won a title? Just like do you think if pep wasn’t at City Klopp would only have 1 title to his name?
It's Hobson's choice. Get an oil club and Liverpool will probably win big stuff with Pep soon gone. But I won't give a toss. Or get hedge funded up to our eyeballs, probably destroy the club in the long run but I can continue supporting.

Is there anything in the middle?

Time to keep your fingers crossed for your own Sir Jim to come through. We're still waiting for ours!
They've denied it haven't they?

They put out a statement saying that they would 'consider new shareholders if it was in the best interests of Liverpool as a club.' Which initially lead me to believe they were just looking for third party investment whilst maintaining a majority stake.

Then I saw this tweet:

Which has been retweeted by James Pearce (Tier 1 club mouthpiece), which leads me to believe they're looking for a full sale.
It's Hobson's choice. Get an oil club and Liverpool will probably win big stuff with Pep soon gone. But I won't give a toss. Or get hedge funded up to our eyeballs, probably destroy the club in the long run but I can continue supporting.

Is there anything in the middle?
Honestly, it’s disgusting how a club being run in a way where they keep what they earn and spend accordingly is so far fetched in modern football. Are leveraged buy outs still possible or is it just Chelsea who are weirdly protected as some sort of national treasure?
Then United. That man needs to make up his fecking mind on who he supports if he tries to buy us as well.

Supports United.
Season ticket holder at Chelsea.
I bet he'll say Liverpool were his father's favourite team or something.
Since the leeches have come in will this be Liverpools 3rd or 4th owners? And yet we are still stuck with the leeches
Great Liverpool will get a sugar daddy next and we’ll fall further down the pecking order..
They put out a statement saying that they would 'consider new shareholders if it was in the best interests of Liverpool as a club.' Which initially lead me to believe they were just looking for third party investment whilst maintaining a majority stake.

Then I saw this tweet:

Which has been retweeted by James Pearce (Tier 1 club mouthpiece), which leads me to believe they're looking for a full sale.

They wouldn't go public like this if they weren't.

I don't think anyone would fork out a billion or more to only become a minority stakeholder in the club, yet they can't simply say "we are opportunistic investors and this is the right time for us to get out". So they come with a so-so statement that they'll act in the best interest of the club (but actually first and foremost in their own interest) to appease the fans and make us believe that they'll make the sale process as smooth as possible and will sell to the "most suitable party" rather than the highest bidder (which they of course don't really care about at all).
They put out a statement saying that they would 'consider new shareholders if it was in the best interests of Liverpool as a club.' Which initially lead me to believe they were just looking for third party investment whilst maintaining a majority stake.

Then I saw this tweet:

Which has been retweeted by James Pearce (Tier 1 club mouthpiece), which leads me to believe they're looking for a full sale.

He sounds personally attached? Is he a Liverpool fan?
They wouldn't go public like this if they weren't.

I don't think anyone would fork out a billion or more to only become a minority stakeholder in the club, yet they can't simply say "we are opportunistic investors and this is the right time for us to get out". So they come with a so-so statement that they'll act in the best interest of the club (but actually first and foremost in their own interest) to appease the fans and make us believe that they'll make the sale process as smooth as possible and will sell to the "most suitable party" rather than the highest bidder (which they of course don't really care about at all).

Agreed. Saw a tweet from Ben Jacobs saying that there are US and MENA based consortiums looking for a purchase. They'll go with whoever gets them the most money.

He sounds personally attached? Is he a Liverpool fan?

Yeah he is. Writes a lot about Liverpool.
He sounds personally attached? Is he a Liverpool fan?

This is his 'about me' bit on the athletic. Sounds like he's a huge fan to me.

" Simon Hughes joined from The Independent in 2019. He is the author of seven books about Liverpool FC as well as There She Goes, a modern social history of Liverpool as a city. He writes about football on Merseyside and beyond for The Athletic. "

"We expect the fans to be part of the process", yeah :lol:
Honestly, it’s disgusting how a club being run in a way where they keep what they earn and spend accordingly is so far fetched in modern football. Are leveraged buy outs still possible or is it just Chelsea who are weirdly protected as some sort of national treasure?

Yes, because we're just special like that. But nah seriously, it wasn't the government that insisted on that anti-glazer clause (basically banning any leveraged buyout candidates from the process), it was Abramovich (via Raine Group). I doubt the government give a shit about this stuff, even if they say they do.

"We expect the fans to be part of the process", yeah :lol:

They'll get to sit in the meetings with a colouring book whilst Goldman Sachs regale Chinese diplomats with the possibilities for an LFC tour of Xinjiang
Yup the ESL is truly dead and buried if they’re willing to sell. No way they pass up on that cash cow otherwise. These guys are so slimy, selling up when they know the team needs major investment,

If FSG do sell, and the ESL is seriously a non runner, then surely the Glazers wont be far behind? They need to be investing in hundreds of millions of stadium investments, investment in training grounds, squad enhancements etc. I cant see the point in keeping it, its been milked dry.
Liverpool will get bought by a sovereign state, and then the Glazers will finally sell and the FA/UEFA will bring in a new rule that outlaws any state buying a club from that point forward.
Honestly, it’s disgusting how a club being run in a way where they keep what they earn and spend accordingly is so far fetched in modern football. Are leveraged buy outs still possible or is it just Chelsea who are weirdly protected as some sort of national treasure?

Chelsea only had that clause because RA insisted that they have it in there to avoid a Utd situation. If you're a Dipper, you've got to hope that FSG put something similar in but I wouldn't hold your breath as they're most likely selling because they know the Super League is dead which was their dream; plus they're American capitalists, so they'll be money first.
I was jealous when Newcastle was for sale (not that I want Saudi owners), now I’m even more jealous that Liverpool are for sale.. when is it our turn?
Hope they have a leveraged buy out. In this day, with interest rates as they are, they'll not be competitive for years' at best.
Is Kuwait considered an OK country?
*I am not sure if Kuwait is rich or not.
How many rich ones are left? Azerbaijan? Bahrain? By the time the Glazers go we will end up with some scrubbers like Guam or something.

Unless the likes of Norway start getting into sports washing to deflect away from their crimes towards humanity.
I was jealous when Newcastle was for sale (not that I want Saudi owners), now I’m even more jealous that Liverpool are for sale.. when is it our turn?
Think we will see 30 years of Glazer ownership before they are gone. Certainly no time soon.
I'm not sure who would step forward to be glazers mk2. It's a hugely unpopular move now, and too competitive to just tread water

Woody Johnson and the Ricketts family say, hold my beer.
Hopefully they get someone worse than the Glazers

Oh wait, the league and government don’t allow that to happen anymore except when it is being done to United, but countries owning clubs is absolutely fine.

It was done to Burnley so the "fit and proper" test for owners is bollix. They could get someone like the Glazers or someone better.