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2023-24 Performances

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It obviously isn’t every touch. It’s just the bad ones.

Edit - or I should say the ones that the video creator decided were bad ones. It includes winning free kicks etc that weren’t given and a perfectly good pass which one of our other players inexplicably let run out of play. It also doesn’t show the two excellent off the ball runs he made that should have led to clear one on ones if Bruno and Garnacho hadn’t messed up really simple passes, highlighted on MOTD.

The last 10 minutes or so he was on the pitch he did give it away a few times cheaply. The subsequent comments that he was carrying an injury make sense.

Okay, it's just that I can't actually recall any good ones (and I was eventually watching with a specific focus on that and a growing sense of disbelief, thinking "how long is it actually possible for him to go without having one single meaningful successful involvement?"). Until quite shortly before he was substituted, when he had a couple.
How much would Rashford realistically go for if we sold him in the summer? 60Mil?

His lethargic manner and lack of defensive effort are clear as day which I’m sure will impact his value or even the possibility that a top club (apart from PSG if that link is to be believed) would want him.
It's a good question ! I don't think too many Premier league clubs would be interested considering his present form & his big wage. The rumours persist that PSG are interested & they certainly could afford him but after that I can't think of too many destinations for him other than Saudi.
His complete lack of physicality is even more infuriating to me than his laziness. He's just so unbelievably weak.
It obviously isn’t every touch. It’s just the bad ones.

Edit - or I should say the ones that the video creator decided were bad ones. It includes winning free kicks etc that weren’t given and a perfectly good pass which one of our other players inexplicably let run out of play. It also doesn’t show the two excellent off the ball runs he made that should have led to clear one on ones if Bruno and Garnacho hadn’t messed up really simple passes, highlighted on MOTD.

The last 10 minutes or so he was on the pitch he did give it away a few times cheaply. The subsequent comments that he was carrying an injury make sense.

That was by no means a "perfectly good pass".

If the video was just his bad touches and not every touch then I might have been a bit harsh on him. I do remember him being pretty hopeless but that video makes his incompetence seem worse than it was.
Okay, it's just that I can't actually recall any good ones (and I was eventually watching with a specific focus on that and a growing sense of disbelief, thinking "how long is it actually possible for him to go without having one single meaningful successful involvement?"). Until quite shortly before he was substituted, when he had a couple.

I don’t recall him playing any particularly good passes etc - bar one nice one into Bruno which might be around the time you are thinking of.

The reality is that none of our attackers saw much of the ball and when they did they were usually isolated against very good defenders. Whoscored has Rashford down as having 4 unsuccessful touches and Garnacho 6, so both struggled from that perspective.

Rashford, of course, did also manage to score a worldie, to give us some chance, and make at least three defence splitting runs which should have potentially led to one on ones (one messed up by his own touch and the other two by poor passes from teammates).

I’m by no means saying he played well overall yesterday but he did still produce a moment of magic and was the only threat we had to City.
I don’t recall him playing any particularly good passes etc - bar one nice one into Bruno which might be around the time you are thinking of.

The reality is that none of our attackers saw much of the ball and when they did they were usually isolated against very good defenders. Whoscored has Rashford down as having 4 unsuccessful touches and Garnacho 6, so both struggled from that perspective.

Rashford, of course, did also manage to score a worldie, to give us some chance, and make at least three defence splitting runs which should have potentially led to one on ones (one messed up by his own touch and the other two by poor passes from teammates).

I’m by no means saying he played well overall yesterday but he did still produce a moment of magic and was the only threat we had to City.

I can't really recall either, I just remember thinking "oh finally something successful" a couple of times and that it was almost ironic that he was substituted just after that happened.

Garnacho also had a really, really bad game. Bruno was really the only attacker to put in a pretty good performance. Although mainly in the first half.
Was this the best Goal of his career? Can only think of a goal for England in a frieldy vs Costa Rica that was on a similar level.
It does feel very low class to criticize him for the goal, but I think that the lack of team effort is obvious when looking at the seconds before Bruno's pass.
Rashford, and others, jogging up the field instead of sprinting to be in position. Luckily, arriving late gave a good result this time.
How are posters still defending him? It's so weird. He puts no effort in every game! If he was just out of form then it wouldn't be a big deal, but this is pure lack of effort, laziness every game. This is not some weird agenda by everyone against a particular player, if other players were this lazy they'd be getting called out as well.
What do you mean by half-chance? He had one on one with Ederson, until he decided to head the ball down in a way I havent seen a professional player do. I can understand the air kick, but come on, he has to do better on the first one, I'm sorry.
Don't think he had a good game, but that particular ball bounce has nothing to do with "professional player". Hyperbole much.
Was this the best Goal of his career? Can only think of a goal for England in a frieldy vs Costa Rica that was on a similar level.

Meaningless goals shouldnt even be considered.

His free kick vs Chelsea in a 2-1 win has to be his best.
I think he posted it without caring what they'd say because no self respect PR team would think the timing of that is good

Yep and also that post pretty much sums him up as a player, all he really cares about is his personal glory with his selfish play both defensively and offensively.
Yep and also that post pretty much sums him up as a player, all he really cares about is his personal glory with his selfish play both defensively and offensively.
Similar to Spurs game with the hand gesture. We didnt even win the game, but he scored, so job done

I always liked this one. Great finish.
He's quite tall and very well built, so why is he so fecking weak?

Rashford wasn't always like this. I remember him being the type of player who wasn't scared to get into physical duels before the bad back injury. There's a fairly popular video from a few years ago where he beats Van Dijk to a loose ball then basically outmuscles him to win possession.

It seems like ever since he had that back + shoulder injury he just doesn't use physical attributes as much (except pace). He pulls out of 50/50s and barely tries to win aerial duels as well. Plays the game like a 5 ft 7 winger instead of a 6 ft 1 forward. He needs to be instructed to be stronger in duels. I'm really worried about Højlund not being back for the Everton game, Tarkowski and Branthwaithe are probably looking forward to an easy game if Rashford plays striker again.
As someone who’s had a bad back injury, I can vouch for it being difficult psychologically afterwards when it comes to going in for challenges. It’s probably all in his head.
He's quite tall and very well built, so why is he so fecking weak?
He absolutely is lazy. He doesn't even challenge for headers 90% of the time.
His complete lack of physicality is even more infuriating to me than his laziness. He's just so unbelievably weak.

I think the stress fracture permanently fecked him up in some way

He basically goes down like that photo every game these days. Ole's comments (“aggravated his back [against Wolves]; he has had trouble [there] before”) are also indicative of a condition that he's managing.
I think the stress fracture permanently fecked him up in some way

He basically goes down like that photo every game these days. Ole's comments (“aggravated his back [against Wolves]; he has had trouble [there] before”) are also indicative of a condition that he's managing.
I remember lots of comments after that where it was always said he looked injured and not at his best. Maybe injures have taken their toll on his body and it was too much football for him back then? Worth remembering we went into that season with Martial, Rashford and Greenwood as our strikers and all of them were very young and played a lot of games.

I always remember Sir Alex saying that Liverpool ruined Michael Owen's fitness and that it wouldn't have happened at United. Not sure that's true but it's an interesting observation.

I always liked this one. Great finish.

He was such an entertaining player to watch as a youngster. So direct and full of energy, and all those goals in the big games :drool:. Such a shame that he's evolved into this pathetic Ronaldo wannabe.
The 'bad back injury' was a Pars Fracture/Spondylolysis. 1 in every 5 athletes experience it. For specific sports - football is one of them - that number goes up to 1 in 4.

From John Hopkins.
Spondylolysis doesn’t always have symptoms. When it does, the only symptom is usually back pain. The pain often gets worse with activity and sport, and is more notable when bending backward. Generally, the pain doesn’t interfere with everyday activities.

Being human and walking upright is the most basic risk factor for spondylolysis. Certain sports that involve excessive or repetitive bending backward may increase the risk of spondylolysis. Examples include gymnastics, football and soccer.

With conservative treatment the vast majority of patients will make a full recovery within 6-8 weeks, although severe cases may require up to 6 months to achieve full resolution of symptoms

On a pure numbers basis, it's likely that at least a handful of the squad have had it at some point - they just don't have a PR team with a direct contact to influential journalists to let everyone know about it. Lindelof played through longstanding back issues in 2020/21, Hojlund had a back problem when he arrived (which Andy Mitten said was a Pars Fracture). Wild that it's still a discussion years down the line with Rashford.
Great goal but complete shit otherwise.

Exactly. Don't get me wrong, it's an unreal strike, but then he fecks up two absolute brilliant chances that top forwards take (or at very least get a shot on target). He simply cannot do the basics! He's become more lazy each season, for a bloke that is pretty ripped by all accounts, he's eased off the ball far too easy.

He's not alone though, he's just one of the bigger names that are easy to target that when the chips are down, they down tools. He's on a list of at least 6-8 first team players I can't wait to see the back of. With Rashford (similar to Bruno and Casemiro), we have the ability to move players on their way down with big wages for a decent fee. There's £150million at least in those three and with a competent recruitment team and Ineos dollars, I'm sure we'd do much better.
How are posters still defending him? It's so weird. He puts no effort in every game! If he was just out of form then it wouldn't be a big deal, but this is pure lack of effort, laziness every game. This is not some weird agenda by everyone against a particular player, if other players were this lazy they'd be getting called out as well.

Welcome to the Caf. Posters become weirdiy obsessed with players/managers and will defend them no matter what. They seem to think it makes them better fans or something. The reality is that they end up looking like oddballs when they can't see what literally everyone else is seeing.
Also, remember the sheer condescending behavior from some posters last season about the 'x'% of posters who wanted him sold :lol:
Can not be dropped this dude.. Unbelievable, it makes supporting team so much harder, when performances is never the key metric. It's all about names, market value and power.

Useless broken club.
Can not be dropped this dude.. Unbelievable, it makes supporting team so much harder, when performances is never the key metric. It's all about names, market value and power.

Useless broken club.

The problem is there is literally no-one else. The squad is empty I mean just look at the bench all kids except Antony, Amrabat and Eriksen.
Man Utd 2:0 Everton
Pleased with him today. Got very little service but fitness looked strong and he kept making good runs throughout. Didn’t see any of the irritation he’s shown earlier in the season in his teammates’ lack of quality. Nice penalty.
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