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2023-24 Performances

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4.3 Season Average Rating
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Because he is easily our biggest big game player and his goalscoring record against the best teams the country has to offer is pretty much outstanding. He can't go from being a terror vs the best sides to a shadow of a shadow and it just be because, not for me.

I don't think he's a player we can work those issues out with, not on those wages, but whatever has and is going on with him is bizarre, to my mind.

I think it's (partially) because those types of games often have suited the type of tactical environment that's EXACTLY what he thrives in. I can hardly remember but a handful of times when we've gone toe to toe with another top team getting after them from the front and looking to dominate the game. Spurs (who were hardly a "top team" at the time) last season is the most recent example. But largely throughout Rashford's career we've played the Liverpool/City/Arsenal etc. combo as a team looking to sit deep and hit them all on the break. So this alleviates one of his biggest flaws (OOP work rate) while playing to his biggest strengths (diagonal runner for long balls on the counter). Of course he's tended to put away his chances at a better rate in these games too which is a testament to him, but I do think his profile also just happens to be ideal for the style that we've often played against bigger sides post SAF, so he tends to be more successful anyways.
I think it's (partially) because those types of games often have suited the type of tactical environment that's EXACTLY what he thrives in. I can hardly remember but a handful of times when we've gone toe to toe with another top team getting after them from the front and looking to dominate the game. Spurs (who were hardly a "top team" at the time) last season is the most recent example. But largely throughout Rashford's career we've played the Liverpool/City/Arsenal etc. combo as a team looking to sit deep and hit them all on the break. So this alleviates one of his biggest flaws (OOP work rate) while playing to his biggest strengths (diagonal runner for long balls on the counter). Of course he's tended to put away his chances at a better rate in these games too which is a testament to him, but I do think his profile also just happens to be ideal for the style that we've often played against bigger sides post SAF, so he tends to be more successful anyways.
Do subscribe to that, but he also has his moments in those games in general that aren't baser around quick breaks. I'd say if you had only ever watched him in those top 6 games your opinion of him would be so much more removed from the picture framed of him that is quite frankly appalling this season.

I don't want him here, but have questioned what's going on with him for quite some time now, beyond reasoning of him just not being as good as billed.

Sunday's game was telling, imo because absolutely no player goes out to play at Wembley and embarrass themselves with so many eyes on them. I mean, the coverage an FA Cup semi final - involving United, no less - is box office and now people that are casuals or only big game/occasion followers will have Rashford as the talk of the town for all the wrong reasons - it's these kind of showings that might be ruinous to his European Cup aspirations, even.
It’s not beyond the realms of possibility that both he and his friend, Lingard have lost hunger for the game. We need to sell.

This is really bad when Marco Van Basten, a very special talent whose career was genuinely cut short by injuries, is calling you (Rashford) out.

Rashford can retire and carry on with some Bob Geldof-type of shit (and being called out as a cnut like Geldof has been for decades) for all I care. He should never be regarded as a Manchester United player ever again.
this plus multiple injuries must have taken their toll
He hasn’t really had much injury issues, has he, apart from the strained back episode. Remember last season, he even crushed a couple in from headers, using physical strengt h and bravery! None of his issues this year look like injury related, as opposed to Casemiro and Varane’s.

My impression is he has never liked pain, has always shied away from duels, has never seemed naturally keen on winning a ball, and has never been good without a steady girlfriend(?). Many has praised him previously for a great training and self improvement mentality, maybe he is just one of those who are not able to mentally facilitate and focus hunger and desire into different tasks very easily?

Either way, it’s not easy to see him strike back from this, it isn’t.
He hasn’t really had much injury issues, has he, apart from the strained back episode. Remember last season, he even crushed a couple in from headers, using physical strengt h and bravery! None of his issues this year look like injury related, as opposed to Casemiro and Varane’s.

My impression is he has never liked pain, has always shied away from duels, has never seemed naturally keen on winning a ball, and has never been good without a steady girlfriend(?). Many has praised him previously for a great training and self improvement mentality, maybe he is just one of those who are not able to mentally facilitate and focus hunger and desire into different tasks very easily?

Either way, it’s not easy to see him strike back from this, it isn’t.

Yeah people are acting like he's had multiple knee surgeries and lost years.
I have been recently watching the Beckam story on Netflix. There is a point where Sir Alex and Carlos realise that he isn't performing for the team anymore. It's obvious that David loves United but it is time to move on.
We have reached a similiar situation with Marcus. Time to move on, better for both parties
I have been recently watching the Beckam story on Netflix. There is a point where Sir Alex and Carlos realise that he isn't performing for the team anymore. It's obvious that David loves United but it is time to move on.
We have reached a similiar situation with Marcus. Time to move on, better for both parties
Beckham was at his prime when he was sold, I wouldn't characterize this is a not "performing for the team". Basically Fergie got offended that Beckham was getting "distracted" by celebrity things. I still maintain it was a mistake to sell him then. Maybe 2 or 3 years later.
Basically Fergie got offended that Beckham was getting "distracted" by celebrity things.

That's what I meant that Fergie thought he was not performing for the team. I agree with you we should have kept him a few years longer. He was United thru and thru
I agree with some of the comments here about him losing that hunger and drive which he showed when he first came onto the scene.

I think a huge part of the problem is mental. There is a lot of scrutiny on his performances and he knows whenever he has a bad half/moment/game that he will be criticised by everyone, including man utd fans. I think the relationship has soured and it's probably for the best that both parties go their own way at the end of the season.
I agree with some of the comments here about him losing that hunger and drive which he showed when he first came onto the scene.

I think a huge part of the problem is mental. There is a lot of scrutiny on his performances and he knows whenever he has a bad half/moment/game that he will be criticised by everyone, including man utd fans. I think the relationship has soured and it's probably for the best that both parties go their own way at the end of the season.
Yeah, I think it can be to the player's advantage too and anyone can say that without being toxic or whatever. If you look at Pogba's last few seasons where he was linked away from the club seemingly every week, it was just a colossal waste of time for him to stay, both for his career and, more importantly, for us as a club. A new challenge for Rashford, maybe a new country to play in and we get a transfer fee to rebuild.
I can see how they were possibly expecting Rashford to be a handful and level above what they're used to. If you play football you will come across players a level or two above and it's very notable.

Rashford is basically phoning it in right now or quiet quitting. There is no explosiveness or quick turns, he would be skipping past Cov players last season.

He seemed to turn it on against Liverpool at home, in the 4-3, he helped us attack in waves, we had 28 shots and created lots of great opportunities. He's the type of player (or was) to put the fear into defenders and set them back.
"Sources close to Rashford have suggested Coventry players and Marco van Basten are talentless clowns who know nothing about football"
"Sources close to Rashford have suggested Coventry players and Marco van Basten are talentless clowns who know nothing about football"
His brother will probably post on instagram that Van Basten's icon card is shit anyway, what does he know about football.
A few of us said we should use the opportunity to sell him last summer but alas gave him a new contract which he doesn’t deserve
I'm actually starting to feel a bit sorry for him now.

Well, I don't.

I have seen enough football in my lifetime to see that playing with grit like a merciless warrior (ie.g. Rooney, Keane, etc.) is the best way there is to get out of a slump. If Rashford doesn't have that grit, he should not bother playing professional football ever again because he's currently in the wrong profession.
I find it disgusting that people look for excuses for this millionaire footballer who can't even be bothered to run anymore.
No doubt Rashford will follow in the footsteps of Martial/Mbappe and run his contract down. Anyone who thinks we will be able to move him on for decent money is delusional. His stock is no where near where Beckham’s was when he left.
Would love it, if ETH threw a boot at Rashy, though.
Haterz gonna hate or something. The state of this clown new 350k contact and retire where have we seen that before.
My Nephew brought home from school one of the children's books Rashford definitely wrote and had no ghost writers for. Just seeing a book associated with him pissed me off.
I'm actually starting to feel a bit sorry for him now.

Because the excuses have run dry. No more PR interviews, still the same gutless performances on the pitch.

How can an academy player give up on his club year in, year out?

When all his promises are not backed with actions, all they become are just that, promises.
Honestly think the only way he leaves is IF Utd lower that ridiculous £100m valuation and be realistic
Can't help but feel he believes effort and hard work are attributes he things he's too good a player to need to worry about. He has he swagger of a 34 year old club legend that reserves energy and decides on a game by game basis, how much energy we're deserving to see him expend each game.

His paper- thin skin when it comes to the mildest of criticisms just shows his petulance whenever he encounters those who do not share the same opinion.

Sadly what we have is the example that should be used throughout the ages of what happens when a young player is paid like, indulged as and portrayed to the public like a superstar.

It's bred what I think it's a clearly arrogant and lazy young man who in football terms really isn't that young any more
No doubt Rashford will follow in the footsteps of Martial/Mbappe and run his contract down. Anyone who thinks we will be able to move him on for decent money is delusional. His stock is no where near where Beckham’s was when he left.
Would love it, if ETH threw a boot at Rashy, though.

I would not put Mbappe there. He was open to be sold. He wanted to leave.

I do believe if we are sensible enough with our asking price (40 mil), someone can take him.

Last year was the time to be sold. But anyone who was in favor of selling him was treated as a stupid, unintelligent human being who doesn't get what a top red is.
Rashford epitomises everything that is wrong with the mentality of many modern footballers. They are overpaid and it goes to their head. He is a joke of a player and his performance on Sunday was farcial. If a youngster had come into the squad and put that amount of effort in, we wouldn't see him again.
I hope his injury is enough to keep him out for the rest of the season and we don't have to watch his demise anymore.
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