Pep Guardiola: "Raiola offered me Mkhitaryan and Pogba two months ago.

Maybe we should stop dealing with 'super agents' and their cnutish ways and then maybe Pep or whomever will have nothing to say in this respect. In my opinion, the club is partly responsible for the drama with the way they do things.

I won't be changing my opinion whatever you say.
I'm guessing that St. Pep's shipment of Colombia's finest didn't arrive and he's gone cold turkey.
I'm guessing that St. Pep's shipment of Colombia's finest didn't arrive and he's gone cold turkey.


Think he might have ordered some dirty product based on City's performance against Liverpool.
Pep is 16 points clear, any insults/mind games are futile. if it was 5 points I dread to think what he would be coming out with. He's hardly dialled it back, he's got more bitter with age.

Yeah but even at the start of the season when it was much closer he was quiet. You'd have thought he'd be trying to put Pep off, affect his focus. Instead he's mostly saved his verbal attacks to when he's directly attacked like in the cases of Conte and De Boer.

At Madrid he poked someone in the eye in the equivalent of a charity shield game! Where was that intensity at the start of our season? Just to be clear I don't want him gouging eyes but I don't want him playing the quiet mouse either. I dunno if the powers that be have told him he has to behave himself but it sometimes feels like we're getting Jose lite.
I somehow missed that you were defending Guardiola. You realize that he just using Raiola to get to us before a derby? That's as small time as it gets.
For the love of God and English not being my native language, let me rephrase what I meant. Firstly, I am sure Pep responded to Mino. If there had not been "dog" insults, Pep would have never mentioned neither Mkhi nor Pogs. I also doubt that Pep was thinking whether he should just say "some players" or give the names. By giving the names he makes it easier to verify whether what he said was true or not, though. Also, even if Pep did give the names out intentionally, I doubt that it would destabilize anything within the club. Inside of CAF surely, but at Utd's board's level, hardly. I am sure that Jose knew that Raiola was testing waters regarding Pogs (for whatever reasons). Mou benched Pogs (2 months ago), Woody said that the Board will support Mou. However, for me as a fan, it is good to know that the club are not bending over Pogba's and Mino's demands. So, IF, Pogs moves this summer, I will support Mou's decision.
Finally, if anything, Pep's words leave no option for Pogba but to play out of his skin and put all these rumours to bed, which is bad for City. Bloody hell, people believe that Utd's Board is at the same level as CAF. Believe it or not, Woody knows that agents offer their players privately to various clubs all the time. I am sure we are now also talking to a number of agents about various players, while having not approached those players' clubs officially yet.
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Yes! I miss the old Jose that would get in people's faces and start fights with everybody. That is what made him the manager he is, he is too nice now.
Maybe we should stop dealing with 'super agents' and their cnutish ways and then maybe Pep or whomever will have nothing to say in this respect. In my opinion, the club is partly responsible for the drama with the way they do things.

I won't be changing my opinion whatever you say.
Glad to know but is Raiola even a super agent? He has Pogba and Verrati and who else?
Has he even caused us trouble so far? Youre cryingl as if he's in the news every other week.
Lets not touch Umtiti, Ronaldo etc if you dont like this standard practice.
Feck it, lets buy players nobody else wants.
Hashtag no drama
Yeah but even at the start of the season when it was much closer he was quiet. You'd have thought he'd be trying to put Pep off, affect his focus. Instead he's mostly saved his verbal attacks to when he's directly attacked like in the cases of Conte and De Boer.

At Madrid he poked someone in the eye in the equivalent of a charity shield game! Where was that intensity at the start of our season? Just to be clear I don't want him gouging eyes but I don't want him playing the quiet mouse either. I dunno if the powers that be have told him he has to behave himself but it sometimes feels like we're getting Jose lite.

Think it's because he's trying to be a "classy" manager now that he's at United. There was alot of talk in the media about his way of conducting himself did not fit a club like United. Now and then he simply cannot change his ways and we see the old Mourinho but I beleive this is just a mask he put on to prove his doubters wrong.
Glad to know but is Raiola even a super agent? He has Pogba and Verrati and who else?
Has he even caused us trouble so far? Youre cryingl as if he's in the news every other week.
Lets not touch Umtiti, Ronaldo etc if you dont like this standard practice.
Feck it, lets buy players nobody else wants.
Hashtag no drama
Yes I agree. Let's not buy any superstar players with their drama. I'm sick of the drama and nothing happening on the pitch. Hope that's understandable.
Yes I agree. Let's not buy any superstar players with their drama. I'm sick of the drama and nothing happening on the pitch. Hope that's understandable.
Again what drama are you crying about? Youre hysterical.
Yes I agree. Let's not buy any superstar players with their drama. I'm sick of the drama and nothing happening on the pitch. Hope that's understandable.

We barely have drama and we haven't really bought superstars. I can't imagine your state if you were supporting my Rugby team.:lol:
Glad to know but is Raiola even a super agent? He has Pogba and Verrati and who else?
Has he even caused us trouble so far? Youre cryingl as if he's in the news every other week.
Lets not touch Umtiti, Ronaldo etc if you dont like this standard practice.
Feck it, lets buy players nobody else wants.
Hashtag no drama

Lukaku, Mkhi, Matuidi, Donnarumma, Moise Kean
Glad to know but is Raiola even a super agent? He has Pogba and Verrati and who else?
Has he even caused us trouble so far? Youre cryingl as if he's in the news every other week.
Lets not touch Umtiti, Ronaldo etc if you dont like this standard practice.
Feck it, lets buy players nobody else wants.
Hashtag no drama
of course not, Fergie thinks the world of him :D
Yes I agree. Let's not buy any superstar players with their drama. I'm sick of the drama and nothing happening on the pitch. Hope that's understandable.
Which club has achieved domestic and European success of late without superstar players? I'm pretty sure if you offer United the choice of drama in the news (which there will always be given United sells papers) or superstar players it will be a very simple decision.
of course not, Fergie thinks the world of him :D
Fergie let a lot of quality players slip through his fingers due to agents though.
I'd (quietly) venture that Sir Alex was the problem there ( *ducks*)
Which club has achieved domestic and European success of late without superstar players? I'm pretty sure if you offer United the choice of drama in the news (which there will always be given United sells papers) or superstar players it will be a very simple decision.
We never focused on superstar players before when we were winning with Sir Alex. Those that became 'stars' did it mostly because of what they went on to achieve with us. Real Madrid had a whole bunch of superstars back in the day when they had their galactico project, and they barely won anything. I don't agree you cannot achieve domestic or European success with only superstar or mostly superstar players.
For the love of God and English not being my native language, let me rephrase what I meant. Firstly, I am sure Pep responded to Mino. If there had not been "dog" insults, Pep would have never mentioned neither Mkhi nor Pogs. I also doubt that Pep was thinking whether he should just say "some players" or give the names. By giving the names he makes it easier to verify whether what he said was true or not, though. Also, even if Pep did give the names out intentionally, I doubt that it would destabilize anything within the club. Inside of CAF surely, but at Utd's board's level, hardly. I am sure that Jose knew that Raiola was testing waters regarding Pogs (for whatever reasons). Mou benched Pogs (2 months ago), Woody said that the Board will support Mou. However, for me as a fan, it is good to know that the club are not bending over Pogba's and Mino's demands. So, IF, Pogs moves this summer, I will support Mou's decision.
Finally, if anything, Pep's words leave no option for Pogba but to play out of his skin and put all these rumours to bed, which is bad for City.
So what "dog" has to do with Mikhi and Pog? Do you mean Pep implying Mkhi and Pog as well as other Raiola's clients dogs? And it comes to the next point about the need to verification. Do we always know the truth eventually, and if it's truth then, is it not Pep insulted the players/clients instead of Raiola.

The next part was rebuked few times over. It helps nobody. The fan may as well turn on Pogba, even if the club and Pogba himself wish to cooperate. It's only helpful if we're looing to offload Pogba and get the fans behind Mourinho, which is unlikely the case

:rolleyes: What's your problem bro? Just say you disagree and move on.
So we're to blame because of what drama? Pogba underperformed and got benched, but Mourinho and Pogba stated they had no problem.

Pep did his thing with Raiola then we're at fault since the beginning to sign Pogba?

It's like City doesn't have any players represent by super agent at all.

The discussion about what Pep said then turns around as our fault. Yeah, right... No surprise from CAF :rolleyes:
So what "dog" has to do with Mikhi and Pog? Do you mean Pep implying Mkhi and Pog as well as other Raiola's clients dogs? And it comes to the next point about the need to verification. Do we always know the truth eventually, and if it's truth then, is it not Pep insulted the players/clients instead of Raiola.

The next part was rebuked few times over. It helps nobody. The fan may as well turn on Pogba, even if the club and Pogba himself wish to cooperate. It's only helpful if we're looing to offload Pogba and get the fans behind Mourinho, which is unlikely the case

So we're to blame because of what drama? Pogba underperformed and got benched, but Mourinho and Pogba stated they had no problem.

Pep did his thing with Raiola then we're at fault since the beginning to sign Pogba?

It's like City doesn't have any players represent by super agent at all.

The discussion about what Pep said then turns around as our fault. Yeah, right... No surprise from CAF :rolleyes:
Have had enough really. Ciao.
The fact that Pogba and Miki were reportedly offered to city at the same time they were having issues here ..points me to believe this was a serious offer...not for improved terms but as an actual transfer. Nobody in their right minds would be asking for a raise when you're sitting on the bench.
If they were offered at the same time (during January) then it actually would have been during a spell where Pogba was in contention for our player of the month.

So when was this supposed to be emargoed until?
We never focused on superstar players before when we were winning with Sir Alex. Those that became 'stars' did it mostly because of what they went on to achieve with us. Real Madrid had a whole bunch of superstars back in the day when they had their galactico project, and they barely won anything. I don't agree you cannot achieve domestic or European success with only superstar or mostly superstar players.
We had quite a few superstars under Sir Alex. Sure several were homegrown but they still got plenty of drama - e.g. Becks, Giggs, Ronaldo. Keano wasn't above a bit of drama either. Cantona getting banned, Rio getting banned, those all kicked up far more media frenzy than anything I've seen from the current crop. I don't really care about the drama tbh, it's part and parcel of being the biggest club in the country. The important thing is to have a cohesive and talented team on the pitch. That's what we haven't had since Fergie retired.
Pfff, Raiola is obvious pimping out his top players at every opportunity. That's why they all move all the time. And every time he gets a big fat cheque.

Doesn't mean we would have even considered selling Pogba at the time, or that Pogba wanted to move.

Guardiola is mentioning it now because the Anfield team coach drama is not providing enough distraction from the fact that his almighty team just got humiliated by Liverpool. It's the same game Jose plays after we win.
We had quite a few superstars under Sir Alex. Sure several were homegrown but they still got plenty of drama - e.g. Becks, Giggs, Ronaldo. Keano wasn't above a bit of drama either. Cantona getting banned, Rio getting banned, those all kicked up far more media frenzy than anything I've seen from the current crop. I don't really care about the drama tbh, it's part and parcel of being the biggest club in the country. The important thing is to have a cohesive and talented team on the pitch. That's what we haven't had since Fergie retired.
Agreed. Right now we have 'drama' (as I personally see it), whilst there is nothing dramatic or coherent about our football. I'd just prefer the club concentrate on that, even if it takes less than 'glamourous' players to achieve this goal.
This is such a shit story .
Hes an agent in business of making money .

Had he said Pogba instructed me to ask.... then its a story. Regardless of whether Pep wants him or not.

Click bait
I remember when Dortmund was after Mkhitaryan when they searched for a replacement of Goetze. They had huge problems with Donetzk. Often it is difficult with eastern European and Russian clubs since they refuse completely to let their players go. Many great footballers never left these clubs although they could easily compete in the best leagues in the world (and allegedly wanted to do so). Dortmund and Mkhitaryan kind of "hired" Raiola to get the player out of the contract and he accomplished it. That's how Mkhitaryan got Raiola as an agent. However, it backfired later on since Watzke, Tuchel and co. were not happy with the way he left for you guys. Agents nowadays have tremendous power and Raiola is probably the one that understands and abuses this dynamic the "best". It is like a self fulfilling prophecy. Players want to go to him since they know he will enforce their interests at all costs and the more players he has, the greater is his influence. If a club refuses to do what he demands he simply won't sell them his players anymore. And since other players see this, want to join him as well and so it starts all over.

With his history, I wouldn't be surprised if he could manage a transfer like Pogba to City at all. It would be his master piece for sure but if anyone could pull off such a thing, then it's got to be him.

And I don't think that Pep said these things because he wanted to distract from his own person or to cause trouble at United. He never did this at Barcelona or Dortmund, even when the competitors got close and especially not unprovoked. Instead, he even remained silent when Ibra attacked him and only reacted on Mourinho when he had had enough.
I guess he simply had enough of Raiola's abuse and wanted to ridicule him. The trouble for United is probably collateral damage. "If I'm such a bad person, why does he offer me his most beloved players?" That he gave names may be on purpose because he was very well aware how much attention this would bring to Raiola just before the great game.
Pep is not to blame at all. He is taking advantage of a situation to favor his team. Just like Mourinho does.

Point fingers at the Mourinho-Pogba relationship and Riola.
He implied (what is worse is name checking) Raiola treated his clients like dogs. The intention is understandable in context of firing back at Raiola, and relieve some pressure from the CL game. The execution, though is questionable. Calling Raiola names directly straight in his face is better than bringing the players into the conversation in this case.

"...but he can not bring his players to me like you do with a dog..."
If they were offered at the same time (during January) then it actually would have been during a spell where Pogba was in contention for our player of the month.
It also makes no sense because we wanted to use Mhiki in a deal with Sanchez
And there in a few sentences is why Raiola having so much influence at a club is a bad idea.

Since when has he done something without his clients say so?
Mino is scum. Simple as that.
If this is true, it could explain Pogba’s drop in form straight after, yeah?
Hope it’s just Raiola trying to get some leverage for a new record contract for Pogba though.
I think maybe Poggers/Raiola wanted a wage rise, a new deal in light of what Sanchez was getting. United told them to feck off.
He is saying that Raiola is treating his players like dogs. Or in fact worse than dogs.

Actually he was referring to Raiola calling him a dog a few days ago. More a badly worded, "why try and send your players to play under a dog, protect the players"
Actually he was referring to Raiola calling him a dog a few days ago. More a badly worded, "why try and send your players to play under a dog, protect the players"

Nowhere close to imply "under the dog". It's more about "treating one as dog".

"...I'm not the kind of person who has to protect his players, but he can not bring his players to me like you do with a dog..."
No chance Pogba didn't know what was going on if this is true. And if this is true, and Pogba wants out, send him to the U23s for the rest of the season and tell him off this summer. Not worth the headaches.
You know that photo of Pogba and Raiola in the pool just before he was announced here. Look at it again. Happy men. Remember when Rooney's agent was whispering in his ear? Manchester United won't be happy with Raiola after this, you can guarantee that.
Actually he was referring to Raiola calling him a dog a few days ago. More a badly worded, "why try and send your players to play under a dog, protect the players"
Thanks, makes sense.
Nowhere close to imply "under the dog". It's more about "treating one as dog".

"...I'm not the kind of person who has to protect his players, but he can not bring his players to me like you do with a dog..."
That is not what was said at all... ffs.

Railo on Pep.
"Pep Guardiola, the coach, is fantastic. As a person he’s an absolute zero. He’s a coward, a dog,” Raiola said.

Peps Response Exact Words.
"Why the offer? He was interested in Mkhitaryan and Pogba to play with us? So he has to protect his players and has to know he cannot bring the players to a guy like me, like a dog.
“And comparing a dog is bad. It’s not good. He has to respect the dogs.
Daley Blind's agent recently released a book, the guy is close to retiring and decided to have one of country's top journalists follow him around for a year and gave him full authorization to publish anything he wanted.

The agent's called Rob Jansen and he was king of the '90's, doing all the big transfers after Bosman with Bergkamp, Overmars and the likes, and with us Edwin and of course Henke Larsson and Daley Blind now.

Obviously Mino Raiola used to work for him during that time, but they're on bad terms now after he 'stole' Mark van Bommel (and also Bert van Marwijk) at the end of his time at Bayern. But I really wished the book would be translated into English, it gives great insight into how it really works behind the scenes with agents in the world of football. Based on the reactions in this thread people are actually on the naive side of things, shite like this is quite literally the top of the iceberg.
Interesting post. I believe you/him.