PL L FA Premier League

Brighton & Hove Albion 1:0 Manchester United

Post-match discussion

Fri, 04 May 2018

Sell Martial, Lone Rashford, Boycott Mata, Swerve Lingard, And dump Failaini in the toilet.
Total lack of professionalism. Played like a mid table team thats already fecked off on holiday. Show some fecking pride you fecking cnuts.
Aside from the woeful performance, there's a serious serious issue with time wasting in football. The ball boys were in on it from minute 1, and this is the norm. Forget diving, var etc, this should be top of the list when trying to improve modern football.
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So now the three teams below us could actually take 2nd, 3rd and 4th with us back in the EL ?
I think for a while now watching us is so MEH!
Watching Moyes United was shocking, watching LVG United made me angry.....this Jose football, win/lose/draw is so meh.
I’m not really arsed anymore, it like background noise. We win s game and I don’t feel like celebrating. Jose, the players whoever is at fault has sucked the life out of it for me.
Players are already on holidays. Did not care. Just hoping to get a lucky goal and win. Would worry about these kind of performances for next season.

FA Cup final cannot come quicker. We will be fired up for that though.

What was their excuse at Newcastle? Or Huddersfield?
Guess that wipes out the "If it wasn't for City being out of this world, many a season we would win the title" theorists.

Absolute garbage, Jose or the players to blame/go?
Every time we play Friday we lose and my whole weekend is fecked!

For some reason I'm not the slightest bit surprised or bothered!
You know what , it works the whole way around with me , I get drunk now and forget about this. While losing on a Sunday or Saturday hurts a lot.
This is Mourinho's fault. He failed to motivate the players to perform at a high level.
We all know what kind of performance it was, a terrible one.

But what has me angry is i feel sorry for De Gea! He is the only one week in week out that performs to the best of his abilities and he has had his best season ever this year, He himself thinks so too and our sh#tbag of a defence ls going to make him miss out on a well desered golden glove award to a far inferior keeper.

Not surprised he wants to leave some on here believe our defence is 'one of the best' because of our record and its all down the Davey in goal nothing to do with our bang average defence.
First half of the season: Struggle to big teams, dispatch smaller teams
Second half: dispatch big teams, struggle to small teams
After the way these set of players have played, some fans will still be putting all blame on Jose. But the utter lack of technique and intelligence shown by these set of players is an embarrassment for footballers calling themselves professional.

The only worse thing is we continue to accommodate utter dross and reward mediocrity.
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Dreadful performance from everyone. The fact that it seems to happen so often suggests a large amount of the blame should go to the manager. I mean, what was our plan for this game? I'm sure Mourinho will give an interview where he says the players didn't execute as he wanted, but I don't think there was anything to execute. Our entire strategy was basically hope Pogba creates a chance that we take.
The players saw no incentive.. saved energies for wc.. feel for those who pay to watch these players. Feel for the fans, the legends of the club.. season has been an utter embarresment.
The sign is there to see. Seem like don't have the right mentality into game against side we consider much more inferior.
:lol: So glad I skipped this game.
While Liverpool are gearing up to play Real Madrid in the Champions League final we are losing to relegation fodder in West Brom and Brighton.

Makes me very sad.
I wonder sometimes what instructions have been given. Throughout the entire season we've played too narrow. Our final ball in to the box has been abysmal.

I don't know why, with the way Brighton were playing, we kept trying to play through the middle. No one was on the overlap, no one was trying to get to the line. Seem devoid of ideas. There's no plan B. It just doesn't make sense.
I guess now I know why Jose doesn't play Rashford and Martial.

Jesus christ. Inept.
The players don't care anymore.
Pogba really want to avoid injuries so close to the WC by doing feck all on the pitch.
Can't wait the end of the season.
Want to see Jose absolutely slate the players-that was not poor coaching that was pure can't be ar*ed!
Our record against the top 6 is better than against the 3 newly promoted clubs. Proper weird.

According to the BBC, we only committed 3 fouls tonight, and Brighton committed 4. So many actual fouls just not given both ways. Both sides should have had at least one penalty. We had 2 fouls right on the edge of the ox not given. Weirdest refereeing performance I've seen in ages.

Just weird.

Away form is garbage. Moyes up next. Yikes.
That United beaten by all the promoted clubs.!!!!!
Embarrassing to watch , no passion , no commitment some of them just wearing the shirt for the money , what does Pogba actually do.
I would not blame DDG if he fecked off in the summer , without him we would be mid table or lower.
Is Jose the right manager ? I said no when he was appointed and still think that now, but I am not calling for his head, but it must be close for the masses, mind you the Facebook experts will be doing just that.
Lose the FA Cup Final and playing the way we are, dont see how we can win it !! Calls for his head my be too loud to ignore.
This is Mourinho's fault. He failed to motivate the players to perform at a high level.

It’s got to be more than this, cmon. So the players can only perform if Jose motivates them enough? That’s depressing. They need to be accountable for their own performances.
Wouldn’t bat an eye-lid if they were forced to walk naked through Manchester over broken glass whilst a nun rings a bell shouting “Shame, Shame, Shame!!”
We totally deserved to lose this match and I don't think the players want to play and win the match. Pogba and Martial played so badly. Rashford is isolated upfront. These three players played much better last season.
Under Mourinho:

When we win we are lucky.
When we lose we are crap.

It's never:

When we win we are awesome
When we lose we're unlucky
Sick to death of supporting this bunch of shit players (bar Matic and De Gea), and dinosaur manager. I hope they finish 4th with an absolute embarrassing end to the season, they deserve nothing better.

Well done you Seagulls on remaining in the Premier League.
This is Mourinho's fault. He failed to motivate the players to perform at a high level.
I disagree there. Why would they need motivating at all? He has just given them a chance to play themselves into the FA cup final, no motivation needed. The players have a lot to answer for.
Apart from De Gea,nobody deserves to wear that red shirt.None of them fecking care anyway.
Positional discipline and Matic's immobility is killing these young players. I watch football for skill, flamboyancy, creativity and to see players enjoying themselves and working hard for each other. Mourinho's anti-football is getting tiresome and it's really sucking the joy out of the game for me.

Don't worry though, he'll spend another £150m in the summer and we'll probably still see Fellaini in the side.
Guess that wipes out the "If it wasn't for City being out of this world, many a season we would win the title" theorists.

Absolute garbage, Jose or the players to blame/go?

Jose. It doesn’t matter who we put out on the field it is always the same. We look clueless.

If it was 1 or 2 players then fair enough, but 7 or 8 nearly every game? That’s on the fecking manager.
It’s got to be more than this, cmon. So the players can only perform if Jose motivates them enough? That’s depressing. They need to be accountable for their own performances.

What do you think the role of the manager is. If he allows a pedestrian mentality then it will show in games.

Player Ratings

4.0 Total Average Rating

Highest Rated Player

Lowest Rated Player

Compiled from 303 ratings.

Score Predictions

  • Man Utd win
  • Brighton win
  • Draw

Detailed Results

  • 43% Brighton 0:2 Man Utd
  • 13% Brighton 0:3 Man Utd
  • 11% Brighton 0:1 Man Utd
  • 10% Brighton 1:2 Man Utd
  • 9% Brighton 1:3 Man Utd
  • 4% Brighton 1:1 Man Utd
  • 3% Brighton 0:4 Man Utd
  • 3% Brighton 0:5 Man Utd
  • 1% Brighton 0:0 Man Utd
  • 1% Brighton 2:0 Man Utd
  • 1% Brighton 1:0 Man Utd
  • 1% Brighton 1:4 Man Utd
  • 1% Brighton 2:1 Man Utd
  • 1% Brighton 5:0 Man Utd
  • 0% Brighton 2:2 Man Utd
  • 0% Brighton 3:0 Man Utd
  • 0% Brighton 3:1 Man Utd
Compiled from 386 predictions.
Show more results Score Predictions League Table

Match Stats

  1. Brighton
  2. Man Utd
32% 68%
11 16
Shots on Target
4 3
5 6
5 3


Craig Pawson