Queen Elizabeth II | 1926-2022 | Rest in Peace

He will be incandescent. Throwing things across the room. "Why couldn't she have died a few weeks earlier!" One of the greatest photo ops in history, missed.

I'm sure he'll still get invited to St Paul's.

No no he said he was going to slink off to some island somewhere and never be seen again. He wouldn't lie to us, would he?
You “now is the time to end the monarchy” folks know that King Charles III is already king, right?
I suppose the sentiment is for a nation in the 21st century to wake up finally now that the last relic of their past is gone.
New PM and Monarch in the same week. If the rule of three's apply, then what do we need to expect before the end of the week.

You're forgetting new Chelsea manager.
Die hard republicans don't care of her apolitical behavior that it only served their own survival ( As someone would accept the royals meddling in politics)

Die hard republicans care, among other things, that no one should have the birth right to be in a government institution symbolic power place and have the right over money through taxes, nobiliary titles, corruption, impunity and live on properties plundered along the centuries. It doesn't make sense

When was the last time you met a die hard republican? The very notion of this gives them the biggest erection you've ever seen.
I suppose the sentiment is for a nation in the 21st century to wake up finally now that the last relic of their past is gone.

And what? Spend loads of money to have elections every four years for a position that has no power? Spend loads of money on a referendum on removing the monarchy? Then, after all that, ending up with William as King/Head-of-State because he is the most popular option. Just seems a completely stupid idea. No money will be saved with removing the monarchy, either, as the vast majority is spent on staff and maintenance for the properties.
Ok. So the Queen is finally gone, and good riddance, don't you think it's time to get rid of the fecking monarchy? What is this, the Middle Ages?

I think its time to get rid of democracy with the way its gone down the shitter.

These kind of comments are so out of place. Millions if not billions of people show and have to show these traits on a daily basis from struggling positions. She isn't the one making that comment so she isn't the target of my point but she exemplifies nothing, the millions of people who wake up every morning not knowing if they will be able to work enough to earn food for their family and themselves and still go about their day with a smile on their face those people are many, too many.
And what? Spend loads of money to have elections every four years for a position that has no power? Spend loads of money on a referendum on removing the monarchy? Then, after all that, ending up with William as King/Head-of-State because he is the most popular option. Just seems a completely stupid idea. No money will be saved with removing the monarchy, either, as the vast majority is spent on staff and maintenance for the properties.
The majority of the world's population views the monarchy and everyone associated with it, past and present, as murderers and colonisers.

You'd think there would be a semblance of guilt and national embarrassment after ravaging the better part of the world for 250 years.
@Niall @Damien

Please, this cannot be allowed here. For gods sake someone has passed away, this is not right mods. I know this poster has a longstanding history here, but this is not right. I can't be the only one that thinks this?

it’s inappropriate at worst imo
I suppose the sentiment is for a nation in the 21st century to wake up finally now that the last relic of their past is gone.
There are many relics of the past like inheritance. I propose no one should inherit anything from their parents, it should all go to the govt.

Whats this feudal concept of inheritance ? Get rid.