Santa Barbara shooting


Balloon headed Pokemon innovator & kitten murderer
Nov 15, 2012
You mean psychopaths? Theres not much we can do about them.

Everyone Ive encountered who have very negative ideas about women have been socially awkward, weird people.
:lol: Irony


"Resident cricket authority"
Dec 26, 2003
You mean psychopaths? Theres not much we can do about them.

Everyone Ive encountered who have very negative ideas about women have been socially awkward, weird people.
Your social circle is quite limited if you think social ackwardness is the only reason or the main reason behind misogyny.

DJ Jeff

Not so Jazzy
Jan 6, 2011
Soaring like a candy wrapper caught in an updraft
This kid really is one weird little bastard. The masturbation stories are ridiculously odd.

Actually the way the whole thing is written unnerves me. I don't think I can read any more of this weird shit after the almost lustful description of over-hearing his sister having sex.

eric le roi

Full Member
Jun 3, 2004
If only all the victims were armed, they could have shot him before he killed so many....
I get the joke but perhaps not the right thread to make jokes?
Obviously he's being satirical and it's entirely appropriate to say it in this thread. Remember after Sandy Hook when the NRA suggested the solution was to arm teachers? There are plenty of people who think that the solution to these armed rampages is more guns.


Dec 31, 2007
One newspaper called him the Hunger Games Assassin. I don't even know where to begin with that. I want to punch the headline writer in the face.


Full Member
Nov 22, 2008
This kid really is one weird little bastard. The masturbation stories are ridiculously odd.

Actually the way the whole thing is written unnerves me. I don't think I can read any more of this weird shit after the almost lustful description of over-hearing his sister having sex.
Dont think i've heard anything about this


listens to shit music & watches Mrs Brown's Boys
Jan 8, 2014
As much as I'm against guns, banning them would only solve a symptom here.

The core of the problem in this case is to me is someone with so much hatred for the world because of a mental issue and it didn't seem like anyone in his family or friends really saw it for what it was or decided to do anything about it. It's clear that this guy was screwed up from an early age. The signs were there and people - like his friend to whom he confessed wanting to torture young couples out of spite - definitely could have seen them according to his manifesto. If it'd been identified early and if he'd been given help we might not be talking about this tragedy. I don't want to blame the people personally involved though because it's such a difficult thing to understand and deal with.

Even putting aside cases as extreme as this, we must have a lot of kids living difficult lives who would benefit hugely in their current and future lives if there was more awareness and action around mental health so that teachers, parents and friends could get them help.

I'm not of the opinion that someone like this shouldn't be blamed for their crimes but if we can do anything as a society to stop this sort of thing from developing then surely we should.

How do we do it though? Mandatory mental health check ups for school children? I personally wouldn't be against something like that if it could be done.

Feeky Magee

keen violinist
Oct 13, 2010
I love the out-of-touch opinion pieces about what could have possibly caused this. I read a piece that said something along the lines of "disturbingly, the killer had 'favourited' a particularly gory scene of Game of Thrones known as the Red Wedding".


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
I can't believe he didn't read his 'manifesto' back & feel totally embarrassed - it's nearly as comic as it is pathetic; the equivalent of "They laughed at my sex I sprayed them with my latte".


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
It's the Mail, so we can disregard it.


Full Member
Jun 20, 2011
Now Accepting Positive Reps.
It should not be ignored, but I feel that is not the primary issue here. His outbursts were gender specific, though his attack was mindless violence that didn't care to target anyone in particular and was meant as way for him to garner attention that he felt he wasn't getting. It's more a culmination of his social ineptitude and the resultant loneliness.

The issues that I feel need discussion are -

(1) First and foremost the easy availability of firearms that become handy tools for these psychopaths to cause mayhem.
(2) The role social, print and digital media play in inadvertently glorifying these incidents and giving them the attention they seek. Encouraging others to copycat.
(3) Modern culture, society and our surroundings.
(4) Another important issue I feel is parenting. What were his parents and friends doing all this while when he was showing signs of distress. How come no one close to him picked on it and try to get him appropriate help?
What I picked up from his manifesto is that he resented his Father for his absence but I feel the fact that his Father was sexually active and showing his new wife an ounce of respect enraged him which drove him further away. It's hard to tell what action his Father took if any though. It's made clear in the piece that his Father is aware and has witnessed his rage and thoughts first hand. That said, he was given plenty of counselling but didn't commit to it himself because he felt like it was beneath him.

It also talks about p different friendships he had over the years but rather honestly he also recounts the crazy weird shit he did to ruin them as well. The one guy that stuck it out the longest 'James' was privy to his darkest fantasies but seemingly did nothing but distance himself from Elliot. After some time a family party brought hem back together where Elliot holds back from discussing his thoughts in attempt to keep James around.


Full Member
Jun 20, 2011
Now Accepting Positive Reps.
He talks about attending various social events and locations on his own, sometimes half-cut. From house parties to University common rooms. I can picture it quite vividly and wonder how I would react.

I think the occasion where he attempted to push a number of men and women (but specifically women first) off a ledge so as to hurt them was a starting point to the violence. Prior to this he had merely swilled a few happy couples but this event is where it started to get nasty. For anyone that didn't read it, the event resulted in him getting a proper beating. The message that came from this tale though, was that women were to be blame for not taking him home, caring for him and sleeping with him!


binary bot
Jul 14, 2010
I wouldn't believe much that he says in his "manifesto", what truth that is contained within it is probably heavily warped by his view of the events.

The grandfather he talks about in it is George Rodger
Rodger was one of many photographers to enter the concentration camp at Bergen-Belsen in 1945, the first being members of the British Army Film and Photographic Unit. His photographs of the survivors and piles of corpses were published in Life and Time magazines and were highly influential in showing the reality of the death camps. Rodger later recalled how, after spending several hours at the camp, he was appalled to realise that he had spent most of the time looking for graphically pleasing compositions of the piles of bodies lying among the trees and buildings.


Full Member
Aug 16, 2007
This is all due to that Polish Muslim bloke who went to Pakistan for terrorist training.


Desperately wants to be ITK
Jun 26, 2010
This guy was undoubtably a sociopath. If his diagnosis of Aspergers is correct then he likely would have found it difficult to pick up on social cues. It ties in with that story of him spraying Latte at a couple of girls for a perceived snub. His Aspergers may have precluded him from making successful social contact but his narcissistic personality saw only fault in others as his his own self perception was so inflated.

In my opinion, it is ridculous to attach the 'misogyny kils' label to this case. It seems to me that the guy had serious personality disorders that combined with his social situation created a powder keg. He seemed to almost hate the men that he perceived to better him as much as the women that he perceived to reject him.

There are always a myriad of factors that contribute to a tragedy like this and violence in films and so on likely would have had some legitimising effect for violence on him, but you can't sanitise the whole world. I think that his personality disorders are the route cause. You have to wonder if his parents eyes were really on the ball as he was growing up as surely this guy was displaying disturbing behaviour throughout his childhood.

Gun control has to be an issue. At the least a gun buyers medical history should be checked before they can buy a gun.

Will Absolute

New Member
Oct 23, 2009
Southern Ireland
Unfortunately I think the internet is a massive, massive part of this. It's the perfect pit for a cesspool of damaged and misled minds to congregate and affirm each others bullshit.

Harsh. I've always found the Cafe therapeutic.

*Cuts foreskin with razor blade. Doesn't flinch*


Rehab's Pete Doherty
May 30, 2009
This guy was undoubtably a sociopath. If his diagnosis of Aspergers is correct then he likely would have found it difficult to pick up on social cues. It ties in with that story of him spraying Latte at a couple of girls for a perceived snub. His Aspergers may have precluded him from making successful social contact but his narcissistic personality saw only fault in others as his his own self perception was so inflated.

In my opinion, it is ridculous to attach the 'misogyny kils' label to this case. It seems to me that the guy had serious personality disorders that combined with his social situation created a powder keg. He seemed to almost hate the men that he perceived to better him as much as the women that he perceived to reject him.

There are always a myriad of factors that contribute to a tragedy like this and violence in films and so on likely would have had some legitimising effect for violence on him, but you can't sanitise the whole world. I think that his personality disorders are the route cause. You have to wonder if his parents eyes were really on the ball as he was growing up as surely this guy was displaying disturbing behaviour throughout his childhood.

Gun control has to be an issue. At the least a gun buyers medical history should be checked before they can buy a gun.
It's absolutely a misogyny issue. Even the men he hated, he hated because they had women that he thought he deserved. Everything about it stems from deep-rooted misogyny that was only amplified by depression, social anxiety and a great deal of entitlement. Asperger's, narcissism, depression and social anxiety are not causes of violence targeted towards women, misogyny is. The guy had a manifesto detailing how he wanted to put all women into concentration camps and watch them starve to death, how he wanted to boil them alive for not smiling at him, and it resulted in him driving to a sorority house to kill the women that lived there. Blaming mental illness and developmental disorders is insulting to the millions of people that live with them every day. I said it earlier in the thread, not all mentally ill people are misogynistic killers, and not all misogynistic killers are mentally ill, the common denominator is misogyny.

His hatred of women also extended further than his desire for revenge against the women that he perceived to have rejected him. In his manifesto he expresses resentment towards his father for allowing his step-mother, what he deemed, too much power, and saw himself as above her. He even supposes that the only reason his father was with her was because she was good in bed. He was appalled at being insulted by a girl in summer school. He begged on multiple occasions for his mother to marry a wealthy man to make his life easier. He explicitly states that he felt entitled to a girlfriend and sexual encounters.

Yes he hated men as well, but he only hated them because he believed that they'd denied him the women that he thought he deserved. Whilst his mental state was clearly a contributing factor, it is undeniable that this was a product of misogynist beliefs.

Lu Tze

Full Member
Dec 8, 2012
Blaming mental illness and developmental disorders is insulting to the millions of people that live with them every day. I said it earlier in the thread, not all mentally ill people are misogynistic killers, and not all misogynistic killers are mentally ill, the common denominator is misogyny.
In your opinion can any crime be attributed to mental illness - or is it "insulting to the millions of people that live with them" to do so? Furthermore, do you believe Rodger would have committed his crimes if not for his mental illness? If so, the mental illness clearly played a decisive role in his actions and you're drastically underselling its influence.
Last edited:


Contributes to username and tagline changes
Jan 17, 2009
YESHHHHH, We'll GOOO for it.
It's absolutely a misogyny issue. Even the men he hated, he hated because they had women that he thought he deserved. Everything about it stems from deep-rooted misogyny that was only amplified by depression, social anxiety and a great deal of entitlement. Asperger's, narcissism, depression and social anxiety are not causes of violence targeted towards women, misogyny is. The guy had a manifesto detailing how he wanted to put all women into concentration camps and watch them starve to death, how he wanted to boil them alive for not smiling at him, and it resulted in him driving to a sorority house to kill the women that lived there. Blaming mental illness and developmental disorders is insulting to the millions of people that live with them every day. I said it earlier in the thread, not all mentally ill people are misogynistic killers, and not all misogynistic killers are mentally ill, the common denominator is misogyny.

His hatred of women also extended further than his desire for revenge against the women that he perceived to have rejected him. In his manifesto he expresses resentment towards his father for allowing his step-mother, what he deemed, too much power, and saw himself as above her. He even supposes that the only reason his father was with her was because she was good in bed. He was appalled at being insulted by a girl in summer school. He begged on multiple occasions for his mother to marry a wealthy man to make his life easier. He explicitly states that he felt entitled to a girlfriend and sexual encounters.

Yes he hated men as well, but he only hated them because he believed that they'd denied him the women that he thought he deserved. Whilst his mental state was clearly a contributing factor, it is undeniable that this was a product of misogynist beliefs.
I don't think anyone doubts here that misogyny played a part, but it seems likely that he had more skeletons in his closet. Misogyny undoubtedly kills and irrational hatred of females ending up with abusive relationships are the worst kind, as if they don't result in murder, they more or less always seem to produce narcissistic psychopath offsprings.


Rehab's Pete Doherty
May 30, 2009
In your opinion can any crime be attributed to mental illness - or is it "insulting to the millions of people that live with them" to do so?
Like I said, it played a part, but you can't deny the role his misogynistic beliefs played either. People are trying to blame this entirely on his mental state, despite the swathes of evidence, including a blunt confession, that he killed them because of his misogyny. I've not denied that his mental state didn't play a role, but others are trying to gloss of the blatant misogyny that also played a huge part.

I don't think anyone doubts here that misogyny played a part, but it seems likely that he had more skeletons in his closet. Misogyny undoubtedly kills and irrational hatred of females ending up with abusive relationships are the worst kind, as if they don't result in murder, they more or less always seem to produce narcissistic psychopath offsprings.
Look at the post that was in reply to.

"In my opinion, it is ridculous to attach the 'misogyny kils' label to this case."

Ibi Dreams

Full Member
Oct 23, 2010
Most attractive virgin and serial killer I've ever seen. Maybe he knew that and that's what made it so confusing that girls wouldn't touch him.


Feb 1, 2012
Mental illness can make one want to do things. However, personal responsibility and logic are still there, and it's these qualities that stop these people from acting on certain urges, no matter how much they might want to. Of course there are exceptions, but they're rare.

Mental illness can give you the urge, acting on it is another thing.


Contributes to username and tagline changes
Jan 17, 2009
YESHHHHH, We'll GOOO for it.
If being a virgin at 22 makes one a serial killer, India's population would have been wiped out a long time ago.

There are a lot of reports on how their parents arranged for good psychological care for him and he was always seeing therapists. How in the hell did he manage to buy a gun in CA with the most strict laws regarding Gun Control? Watch the NRA spin this tragedy into a 'Gun control doesn't work, someone with a guy could have stopped him' nonsense.


Feb 1, 2012
If being a virgin at 22 makes one a serial killer, India's population would have been wiped out a long time ago.

There are a lot of reports on how their parents arranged for good psychological care for him and he was always seeing therapists. How in the hell did he manage to buy a gun in CA with the most strict laws regarding Gun Control? Watch the NRA spin this tragedy into a 'Gun control doesn't work, someone with a guy could have stopped him' nonsense.
It's messed up isn't it. Up until recently he couldn't walk into a shop and buy alcohol, yet despite his psychological issues, he could freely purchase lethal weapons. America is a very stupid country.

Zak Smith

New Member
Mar 23, 2014
Theres somes to be lots of people approaching this story from a vested viewpoint, Pro/Anti-Gun, feminists etc.

The lad was a raving loon, and raving loons shouldn't be allowed guns. Anyone who is seeking counselling like this kid, should not have been allowed to purchase a gun.


Contributes to username and tagline changes
Jan 17, 2009
YESHHHHH, We'll GOOO for it.
It's messed up isn't it. Up until recently he couldn't walk into a shop and buy alcohol, yet despite his psychological issues, he could freely purchase lethal weapons. America is a very stupid country.
Listen to the interview of a dead kid, asking about his right to live. Heart breaking. What about our rights to live? Right to bear firearms according to a constitution written in 1700s Wild West. FFS, how many times have we read about cultures not adapting to changes being left for nothing. Wake the feck up America.