SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

1) Read my post properly 2) What does having children got to do with anything?

I'm a PE teacher and as a department, we have put provisions in place which enables CHILDREN (yes, those under 16) to exercise everyday at home.

I did read it - it's utter rubbish.

You can't give kids proper exercise in what for many people will be a small flat. Get real.

Surprised a supposed PE teacher would come out with such garbage.
It's going to be 16 degree and sunny tomorrow. One of the first nice days in ages.

After the autumn and winter we've had, it would have been nice.
Is there an updated version of the table showing Italy, UK and Spain deaths off set? I've not seen it the last couple of days (although I have been avoiding the thread a bit), I think the UK is falling behind Italy now, no?
I don't know what the british people think but looking from the outside, Boris and the government over there are doing a hell of a good job during this crisis.
As well from outside
From deaths graphs, UK is the second worse country in the world in projection

As well from outside
From deaths graphs, UK is the second worse country in the world in projection


Nobody knows how this nightmare will play out but the UK is really taking forceful measures, giving this virus the severity it demands.
I don't know what the british people think but looking from the outside, Boris and the government over there are doing a hell of a good job during this crisis.

Really? At very best their response so far has been marked by confused messaging. There is also the issue of them having seemed to diverge from WHO recommendations at various points, particularly in terms of their approach to testing/tracing.

If I was in the UK I would be glad to see the increased measures now but I wouldn't have been at all impressed with how the government has handled the crisis prior to, say, the last week or so. I certainly wouldn't be rushing to praise them just yet.
Have you ever had children...?

Seriously, many (all?) children NEED to exercise everyday. Even if they're just gonna have a run around.

I'm talking kids under 16 here.

Thank you mate, much appreciated.
Most kids will be bouncing off the walls if they don’t get exercise time.
I thought Boris was fine tonight. Can you imagine the pressure he's under right now? He had Brexit to deal with, and now this. Nearly all the government and scientists etc have done really well so far imo.
Same here. Labour's Alan Johnson and Shami Chakrabarti were just on Newsnight basically refraining from point-scoring and supporting the government's instructions, which is the responsible thing to do right now.

Those that see it all as proof Brexit was right or that it was wrong or that everybody is an idiot (except themselves obviously) can feck right off for me.
Being rude and nosy... How much are you worth then?

I'm guessing you own your own home, payed off fully, and maybe £400 grand in the bank?
Erm a "few" homes without mortgage and as I took out a bunch of money to buy another from the stock market about 4 weeks ago then the sale fell through so significantly more than that in the bank right now

Sure there's lots of people better off than me but I'm pretty comfortable / happy and still save a lot more than I spend
Really? At very best their response so far has been marked by confused messaging. There is also the issue of them having seemed to diverge from WHO recommendations at various points, particularly in terms of their approach to testing/tracing.

If I was in the UK I would be glad to see the increased measures now but I wouldn't have been at all impressed with how the government has handled the crisis prior to, say, the last week or so. I certainly wouldn't be rushing to praise them just yet.

I am only comparing to where I am at the moment, why I was asking what the british thought.

Men are more prone to getting the disease than women
~75% of the positive tests in this dataset have been on people over the age of 50.
No one under 30 had died
25% had severe symptoms and 5% critical
So in other words it's what we know, Italy's death rate is being heavily skewed because mild/asymptomatic younger people are not getting tested
I think the death rate per capita is the only consistent measure country to country at the moment given each has different testing criteria
If we don’t get more shopping soon that’s a possibility in my house. Down to eating cream crackers instead of bread for lunch today
Joking aside I hope your situation alleviates somewhat in the near future buddy. I'm hoping that supply will start to catch up with demand soon once people realize they don't really need to buy more food.

Just saying, where I am people are still partying by the 100's at ski resorts, nighclubs, eating our at fully booked restaurants and drinking coffe in sardine packed cafes. Government has done very little to nothing to halt a potential spread. Even more scary when you watch the horror unfold in Italy, Spain and Iran.
Nobody knows how this nightmare will play out but the UK is really taking forceful measures, giving this virus the severity it demands.

Yes, nobody knows what the new measures will have a good effect. What we surely know, is that his measures brought the UK to have the second worst projection in the world for now
I did read it - it's utter rubbish.

You can't give kids proper exercise in what for many people will be a small flat. Get real.

Surprised a supposed PE teacher would come out with such garbage.

Looks like someones still upset because what they suggested earlier got ridiculed.

You definitely can. You certainly don't need to go for 'runs' to be exercising.

If you're interested, PM and I'll send you some stuff. Give it a go!
Just saying, where I am people are still partying by the 100's at ski resorts, nighclubs, eating our at fully booked restaurants and drinking coffe in sardine packed cafes. Government has done very little to nothing to halt a potential spread. Even more scary when you watch the horror unfold in Italy, Spain and Iran.
I'm not sure where you are but the UK government responds has been awful and constantly behind. This government has wasted vital weeks leading up to their decision today. And even then you've a renter or self employed you've been completely fecked over.
Same here. Labour's Alan Johnson and Shami Chakrabarti were just on Newsnight basically refraining from point-scoring and supporting the government's instructions, which is the responsible thing to do right now.

Those that see it all as proof Brexit was right or that it was wrong or that everybody is an idiot (except themselves obviously) can feck right off for me.

I agree. I haven't seen Newsnight, but it's good to hear that they are supporting the government. This is really starting to bring people together everywhere, as it's the whole human race suffering and worried.

Maybe some real positives will come from all this, and not just temporary changes.
Meanwhile in Japan it's as if we are on a different planet. People out and about, no one avoiding crowds, nothing is closed. Been working from home for a month now but am being asked to go back to the office next week. Genuinely the only thing that has changed is more people than usual wearing masks and using hand sanitisers. Beggars belief really.
Erm a "few" homes without mortgage and as I took out a bunch of money to buy another from the stock market about 4 weeks ago then the sale fell through so significantly more than that in the bank right now

Sure there's lots of people better off than me but I'm pretty comfortable / happy and still save a lot more than I spend

I assume you know that this is the coronavirus thread and not a dick swinging competition?? Actually surprised you are still posting?

conservatism going full death cult.

I think that these people are missing that it is not one or the other. It is either both or neither. You cannot allow the disease going havoc and hope that the economy will not suffer. Dead people do not buy stuff, sick people do not work, and scared people do not get out of their homes. Which is what gonna happen if we leave the virus go unchecked for only another few weeks.

Even if we go form their purely selfish POV that it is okay to sacrifice hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of old people to keep the economy going on, thing is, that is the worst case scenario for both number of lives lost and the economy being damaged.

I don't see any other solution except like South Korea or China. Not shut down the country like Italy is doing, but being extremely cautious, proactive and yes, getting the economy shrinked. The alternative is countless people dying and getting the economy destroyed.
Erm a "few" homes without mortgage and as I took out a bunch of money to buy another from the stock market about 4 weeks ago then the sale fell through so significantly more than that in the bank right now

Sure there's lots of people better off than me but I'm pretty comfortable / happy and still save a lot more than I spend

Well unlike you I've only got the one property haha, and the bank account could be better at the moment! but fair play to you sun, sounds like you are doing well for yourself.

The most important thing as you say is that you are pretty happy. That's a good place to be.
Is this actually enforceable for those going to work? Considering the government advice is still unless you can't work from home at this moment.

As it's not at all clear. And even if so, how would you know. For example my GF is going to work tomorrow, at a car body shop. Do you have any powers to stop and fine her?
Can the car body shop guarantee they can maintain a safe place of work (i.e. in line with public health social distancing measures?)... Or would they sign a document to admit they were asking people to work outside of the recommendations... Suspect that's why McDonald etc shut... The lawyers told them they would be raped in court if they didn't
I agree. I haven't seen Newsnight, but it's good to hear that they are supporting the government. This is really starting to bring people together everywhere, as it's the whole human race suffering and worried.

Maybe some real positives will come from all this, and not just temporary changes.

Even if Labour wanted to oppose, they know full well it would be political suicide to be trying to point score in the current situation. I’m pretty sure usual politics will resume once Corona is dealt with.
He's been doing it for years (I vaguely remember him being similar in the Newbies).

The reason I remember is because his 'Location' is so ironic given his obvious arrogance.
At least he's already prepared for self-isolation.

Boom, roasted.