SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

I was going on the post that said that 1500 people die on average in the UK in a day. 393 is actually 26% of 1500 so that makes up more than 25% of the average daily total. If the 1500 is wrong then my maths would be wrong.

600,000 a year on average in the UK, so yeah, approx. 1500 /day. Obviously theY don’t all die on the same day though, and there’s just less deaths in the Summer, always.
I've been off the past two days but back tomorrow so we shall see. In fairness the brief from the word go as been to exhaust every option before looking to enforce so not sure how else this can be looked at other than just not bothering to actively do anything (it seems some would rather this).

Thanks for the support. In fairness we've had plenty of well wishers I guess it is just frustrating when you get home and put the tv on only to see the media, and others, are seemingly trying to whip up some kind of anti police sentiment which we can all really do without.
As with police, it only takes one idiot officer for the entire force to come into question or be slated. This is something I’ve kind of just accepted.
That officer who was trying to dish out a fine for someone marking the pavements and then being a massive cock about it... is the one I’m referring to. But yeah people will always react to these sorts of things in the same way. It’s a chance for them to get their pitch forks out. They’re in the small minority though and that should always be remembered, they just happen to shout the loudest. They’ll move onto something else in a few days.
We’ve not been able to get hold of any hand soaps, liquid or bars for ages so it’s been a combination of fairy liquid and hand sanitiser which has absolutely destroyed my hands. I’m using E45 now but it’s not doing much.

Not sure where you are based but there seems plenty on Amazon at not too much of an extortionate price but it is also pretty easy to make and there are plenty of YouTube videos on easy recipes.

Soap is loads better at home than using sanitiser but fairy liquid would be better on its own in the house as long as washed thoroughly.
I was going on the post that said that 1500 people die on average in the UK in a day. 393 is actually 26% of 1500 so that makes up more than 25% of the average daily total. If the 1500 is wrong then my maths would be wrong.

If you want an actual reference, in France in March 2019 53629 people died, in 2018 60407 people died. I think that it would be fair to assume that during March 2020 around 10% of total deaths will be attributed to Covid-19, the mortality from March 1st to 16th as increased by 6% with some areas allegedly seeing a 50% increase.

So while the total increase isn't out of the ordinary when you consider the difference between 2019 and 2018, the fact that one virus is the cause of the increase is still quite impressive.

This may be an incredibly stupid question. But if every single person was to don this, would it not help things get back to normal? Well I mean besides the whole mass Borderlands cosplay we'd have on our hands.

These apparently go for a £100 each, one for every adult in the UK (approx 50 mill), we'd be sorted for about £5 billion. Pocket change compared with all the bailouts going around!

This may be an incredibly stupid question. But if every single person was to don this, would it not help things get back to normal? Well I mean besides the whole mass Borderlands cosplay we'd have on our hands.

These apparently go for a £100 each, one for every adult in the UK (approx 50 mill), we'd be sorted for about £5 billion. Pocket change compared with all the bailouts going around!
Don't the filters need to replaced often? That would add up and then try producing 70m of these when most of the world is in lockdown.

This may be an incredibly stupid question. But if every single person was to don this, would it not help things get back to normal? Well I mean besides the whole mass Borderlands cosplay we'd have on our hands.

These apparently go for a £100 each, one for every adult in the UK (approx 50 mill), we'd be sorted for about £5 billion. Pocket change compared with all the bailouts going around!
It would cost as much to distribute them.

This may be an incredibly stupid question. But if every single person was to don this, would it not help things get back to normal? Well I mean besides the whole mass Borderlands cosplay we'd have on our hands.

These apparently go for a £100 each, one for every adult in the UK (approx 50 mill), we'd be sorted for about £5 billion. Pocket change compared with all the bailouts going around!

I bet you’d be hard pressed to source 50k let alone the 70m you’d need for the UK
Clear message to those who think they will survive this because they're young, fit and health.
Have to say I don’t really get these kind of posts. It comes across as some sort of weird ‘I told you so/bragging’ sort of thing. It’s as if some people on here can’t wait to read or post about a young person dying due to corona. We all get it, this thing is serious, it effects everyone one way or another. But it is a hardcore stone cold fact that it has very little/no effect on the majority of young, fit and healthy people bar the odd exceptions. Waiting for the one in a million young person it effects and then engaging in this weird ‘I told you so’ warning is just really fecking weird.
A young kid dies and people on the internet just want to use it in some strange point scoring exercise.
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Just being a wimp, they’re dry as nun‘s sense of humour.

We’ve not been able to get hold of any hand soaps, liquid or bars for ages so it’s been a combination of fairy liquid and hand sanitiser which has absolutely destroyed my hands. I’m using E45 now but it’s not doing much.
Amazon has hand cream of varying kinds, I just sent some to my sis.

This may be an incredibly stupid question. But if every single person was to don this, would it not help things get back to normal? Well I mean besides the whole mass Borderlands cosplay we'd have on our hands.

These apparently go for a £100 each, one for every adult in the UK (approx 50 mill), we'd be sorted for about £5 billion. Pocket change compared with all the bailouts going around!

They aren't very comfortable to wear for prolonged periods of use, particularly if you wear glasses. The cartridges also need replacement and collectively would cost more than the masks themselves over the period of time that you need them for. Lastly, they need a good seal and this isn't always easy to achieve so many people wouldn't wear it properly anyway.
My mum is Catholic so I know they’re not all bonkers.....though she definitely is :lol: :lol:
Income is a worry everywhere, but if he’s surviving on donations then he can ask for online donations maybe? I suspect, given the ‘virus-zapping machines, that he’s just bonkers
He won't be just surviving on donations, he'll be making lots of money from them!
My mum is Catholic so I know they’re not all bonkers.....though she definitely is :lol: :lol:
Income is a worry everywhere, but if he’s surviving on donations then he can ask for online donations maybe? I suspect, given the ‘virus-zapping machines, that he’s just bonkers

More likely he sees this as a unique opportunity to fleece his followers and attract new ones.
Just being a wimp, they’re dry as nun‘s sense of humour.

We’ve not been able to get hold of any hand soaps, liquid or bars for ages so it’s been a combination of fairy liquid and hand sanitiser which has absolutely destroyed my hands. I’m using E45 now but it’s not doing much.

It will be the fairy liquid. I’ve never had skin problems on my hands up until the last week or so. Clearly I was previously a dirty bugger and not washing my hands properly :wenger:.
Don't the filters need to replaced often? That would add up and then try producing 70m of these when most of the world is in lockdown.


I bet you’d be hard pressed to source 50k let alone the 70m you’d need for the UK

50k eh, sounds just about enough to restart the Premier League! Prob one for left field thread in the football forum.

They aren't very comfortable to wear for prolonged periods of use, particularly if you wear glasses. The cartridges also need replacement and collectively would cost more than the masks themselves over the period of time that you need them for. Lastly, they need a good seal and this isn't always easy to achieve so many people wouldn't wear it properly anyway.

Yes tis a daft idea. I was just reminded today of how during world war 2 gas masks were distributed to the general public in anticipation of mass chemical warfare. Perhaps something of that sort (N95 masks, basic PPE) should be on hand to distribute to the general public in anticipation of something like this. I mean I know the UK government haven't sourced enough PPE for the NHS never mind us, but still going forward, this has to be something to be considered. I'd feel much safer if people wore masks every where like in East Asia.

This may be an incredibly stupid question. But if every single person was to don this, would it not help things get back to normal? Well I mean besides the whole mass Borderlands cosplay we'd have on our hands.

These apparently go for a £100 each, one for every adult in the UK (approx 50 mill), we'd be sorted for about £5 billion. Pocket change compared with all the bailouts going around!

The point would be limited, you mainly get infected through contact. People will have to take their masks off, to eat or drink or scratch their faces and will get pathogens in their mouth, eyes or nose by contact. You basically rely on the same factor, that people wash their hands regularly and don't touch their faces.
The point would be limited, you mainly get infected through contact. People will have to take their masks off, to eat or drink or scratch their faces and will get pathogens in their mouth, eyes or nose by contact. You basically rely on the same factor, that people wash their hands regularly and don't touch their faces.
What if we are fed through a tube?
The point would be limited, you mainly get infected through contact. People will have to take their masks off, to eat or drink or scratch their faces and will get pathogens in their mouth, eyes or nose by contact. You basically rely on the same factor, that people wash their hands regularly and don't touch their faces.

Yes thats true. I suppose its just my own pathological fear of being coughed on , on the London Underground which makes me think this would be a good idea.

Although I think its increasingly becoming obvious that the instructions issued to the public to avoid wearing masks (surgical or N95) was plainly suspect. Loads of research has come out saying it does help in slowing down transmission.
To be honest I think the approach Sweden have taken is right given the information that's available.

It's not so much that "oh well a lot of these people are old or quite unwell so would probably die soon anyway"'s more that there is actually very little reliable evidence to suggest the lockdown measures will actually save that many of those people, and no evidence at all that many of the ones it does save will not then be just as vulnerable due to the economic impact or impact of prolonged social isolation.

Lockdown is a pretty extreme measure with dire immediate situations for a lot of people and even worse longer reaching consequences, and it's all been done on some pretty baseless modelling and very basic science/maths. The slowing down the rate of infection thing makes sense, but the problem being if you are only testing people who are already ill, and don't know how long the virus has been in the open for, you have literally NO idea how many people already have it and have already passed it on, so no idea at what point you are starting that calculation from. After a time it becomes less and less effective if enough people arlready have it, and at a certain point it becomes fairly ineffective...and we have no idea. We might already have been at that stage a week ago. It's not a plan, it's a knee jerk reaction.

In this kind of situation we really should be modelling a strategy on what reliable information there is, not just doing things and hoping they work then changing our minds as we go.
They didn't want the public also stockpiling something which was more needed for frontline medical workers.

Decent article on this issue:

Obviously with the supply chain of such items being under severe pressure, its probably not practical at this stage for the UK for example to prioritise masks for the gen public when the NHS is facing shortages. However again, given that masks are incredibly cheap to procure, it does beggar belief why developed countries do not have larger stocks on hand for just such a pandemic. It would not cost billions thats for sure.
600,000 a year on average in the UK, so yeah, approx. 1500 /day. Obviously theY don’t all die on the same day though, and there’s just less deaths in the Summer, always.
Yeah I know it was based on an average. I should have put that but because the post I was quoting said it was an average I din't think I needed to say that it was 25% of a year on average day.
My mum is Catholic so I know they’re not all bonkers.....though she definitely is :lol: :lol:
Income is a worry everywhere, but if he’s surviving on donations then he can ask for online donations maybe? I suspect, given the ‘virus-zapping machines, that he’s just bonkers

Not bonkers, just a con-artist.
Bloody hell. A more than 25% increase in the daily death rate.

No no no. You gotta find the numbers for total daily deaths, then covid 19 daily deaths. Then anything over 1500 is an increase. Doubt we are quite upto that 25% increase yet, unless 1500 died of something not related to covid 19.

Chances are, some of those who died due to covid 19 were likely to die soon due to health conditions, age, etc. Covid 19 may have just sped it up.
I realise this is the most first world of problems right now but are anyone else’s hands absolutely ruined at the moment?

I found out some days ago that I was intolerant to perfumed soap. My hands looked like an old mans hands with loads of pockholes and zits. And it itched like hell too. Bought perfume free soap and voila. Now my hands are getting back to normal again. Maybe the same with you so try perfume free soap.
Have to say I don’t really get these kind of posts. It comes across as some sort of weird ‘I told you so/bragging’ sort of thing. It’s as if some people on here can’t wait to read or post about a young person dying due to corona. We all get it, this thing is serious, it effects everyone one way or another. But it is a hardcore stone cold fact that it has very little/no effect on the majority of young, fit and healthy people bar the odd exceptions. Waiting for the one in a million young person it effects and then engaging in this weird ‘I told you so’ warning is just really fecking weird.
A young kid dies and people on the internet just want to use it in some strange point scoring exercise.

Exactly this. Everyone understands 0.1% = somebody.
I really don’t think we will loosen up anything before vaccine.

Even in the event that a vaccine is created and fast tracked by early 2021 (which is far from sure) testing, approval, manufacturing, distribution and administering it to people on the scale required could take far longer. So I very much doubt many if any countries will be on full lock down for that long.
No no no. You gotta find the numbers for total daily deaths, then covid 19 daily deaths. Then anything over 1500 is an increase. Doubt we are quite upto that 25% increase yet, unless 1500 died of something not related to covid 19.

Chances are, some of those who died due to covid 19 were likely to die soon due to health conditions, age, etc. Covid 19 may have just sped it up.
1500 is an average day in an average year.
Even in the event that a vaccine is created and fast tracked by early 2021 (which is far from sure) testing, approval, manufacturing, distribution and administering it to people on the scale required could take far longer. So I very much doubt many if any countries will be on full lock down for that long.

Isn't this what the herd immunity is partially about though? Lockdown is to stop the current spread rate, by time the vaccine is out herd immunity would have a lot of people who already had it and have the immune system / antibodies to fight it off a 2nd time so the amount of people to be vaccinated would be much less and easier to cope with the demand.

Lockdown till it's all over isn't feasible. Loads of reasons stated in here, the deaths from a recession would outweigh the deaths from the virus...

Or am I understanding this wrong?

Lockdown then vaccinate everyone isn't gonna happen.
Even in the event that a vaccine is created and fast tracked by early 2021 (which is far from sure) testing, approval, manufacturing, distribution and administering it to people on the scale required could take far longer. So I very much doubt many if any countries will be on full lock down for that long.


Based on Imperial College's modelling, there will be a surge once the lockdown winds down (assuming the suppression/social distancing lasts until September). We obviously won't have a a vaccine out in Nov/Dec 2020 so the only thing we can hope for is a better treatment/more ventilators being online plus more field hospital in place.
Not sure if it's posted yet:

TLDR; the new estimated death rate for this virus is 0.66%. This is about 6.6 times higher than the death rate of regular flu. For young people it's significantly lower, for old people significantly higher.

That would be good news if it turns out to be accurate (less than the initial low end estimates of 1% or more) but of course even lower would be better.
No, the 1789 are from the hospitalized population.

Thanks, just got in from work and came to the thread, haven't seen all the graphs and that yet. They did expect a spike around now though due to mothers day the other week? Start or this week to end of this week was "peak time" ?