SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

what the hell was the point of that message from the queen
What was wrong with it? I thought it was wise and profound.

One can dislike the monarchy and still agree with the Queen on what she just said.
Mixed (though I suppose ultimately positive) thoughts on that.

On the one hand, my immediate reaction is to recoil from such a PR friendly move from an extremely PR-conscious politician.

On the other hand, we've seen a SF senator rightly praised for re-registering so it would be rather unfair not to give due credit to Varadkar for doing similar. Plus in a situation where managing the collective mood of the country is important, there's very real value in seeing the leader of the country "play his part".

I’m going through the same process. Yesterday I had to nominate a “clinical referee” i.e. someone I worked with/for the last time I actually touched a patient. Which will involve trying to get in touch with people I haven’t seen for 20 years. At the end of this, I would very much like a half session a week doing telephone triage like our glorious leader but suspect I’ll be fecked off to the arse end of nowhere to dig out ingrown toenails, or burn warts off. I’m not bitter though. Oh no.

Actually, I‘m really not. Good on him.
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Will lift morale, especially for the older generation struggling to cope.

Did you delete your original post?
I was trying to quote the "what's the point" and the "great message" from 2 different posters, and the second one had gone :lol:
Mixed (though I suppose ultimately positive) thoughts on that.

On the one hand, my immediate reaction is to recoil from such a PR friendly move from an extremely PR-conscious politician.

On the other hand, we've seen a SF senator rightly praised for re-registering so it would be rather unfair not to give due credit to Varadkar for doing similar. Plus in a situation where managing the collective mood of the country is important, there's very real value in seeing the leader of the country "play his part".
Personally I think its great.

Either way, it's a fantastic way to enhance his empathy for what's going on, fortify his resolve and inspire his future decision making.
Will lift morale, especially for the older generation struggling to cope.

Older generation, fair.

What was wrong with it? I thought it was wise and profound.

One can dislike the monarchy and still agree with the Queen on what she just said.

What was wise and profound about it?

To encourage I guess. Thanks to NHS workers, and to understand that it will pass and things will return to normal.

Yeah I guess
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The comments I see below tweets like this one make me think the UK is properly fecked. Completely different attitude here in Ireland, where you’re much more likely to see people go to the opposite extreme. What the feck is wrong with you people? It’s almost as though the whole Brexit thing has made a lot of you wilfully contrary. It’s actually quite depressing. The UK used to be a bastion of sanity and common sense. Not any more.
what the hell was the point of that message from the queen

She's on a hiding to nothing. If she doesn't speak it'll be what the hell is the Quenn doing, if she does then half will be pissed off and half will be jingoistic.

Best to just let it go and worry about the real issues here.
what the hell was the point of that message from the queen
Well, it's very rare that she speaks to the nation. When she does, it's an occasion and people recognise that things are serious. It's not so much what she says, the content is less important than the fact that she's said it.
When Rooney is destroying senior politicians ffs.

Good from him, but the reporting of Hancock suggesting that footballers especially should do the right thing is wide of the mark. I don't need to google for people, but he was literally ASKED about footballers, and his reply was that they, as should ALL members of society do the right thing if they can. It was not a call out to footballers specifically, he was just responding to a question that was loaded towards them and he included them in his response.
Well, it's very rare that she speaks to the nation. When she does, it's an occasion and people recognise that things are serious. It's not so much what she says, the content is less important than the fact that she's said it.

Exactly. I don't particularly care for the royals but many do and they want to hear from her. My mother was very excited to hear the speech and was happy what was said.

The comments I see below tweets like this one make me think the UK is properly fecked. Completely different attitude here in Ireland, where you’re much more likely to see people go to the opposite extreme. What the feck is wrong with you people? It’s almost as though the whole Brexit thing has made a lot of you wilfully contrary. It’s actually quite depressing. The UK used to be a bastion of sanity and common sense. Not any more.

Shoot the fecking lot. Apart from the affluent, like-minded ones and @Regulus Arcturus Black
Well, it's very rare that she speaks to the nation. When she does, it's an occasion and people recognise that things are serious. It's not so much what she says, the content is less important than the fact that she's said it.

If it makes people stay inside, i'm all for it.

She's on a hiding to nothing. If she doesn't speak it'll be what the hell is the Quenn doing, if she does then half will be pissed off and half will be jingoistic.

Best to just let it go and worry about the real issues here.

I don't think she would've been criticised if she said nothing, but I see your point.

It's as pointless as clap for carers or rainbows drawn by children.

Take from that what you will.

:lol: Now that I agree with

The bit when she said "Shout-out to the Caf".

Big up the 'Caf massiv
Personally I think its great.

Either way, it's a fantastic way to enhance his empathy for what's going on, fortify his resolve and inspire his future decision making.

Yeah, you're right. The more I think about it the more it's definitely a good thing to do. It just had to work its way past my reflexive cynicism.

The comments I see below tweets like this one make me think the UK is properly fecked. Completely different attitude here in Ireland, where you’re much more likely to see people go to the opposite extreme. What the feck is wrong with you people? It’s almost as though the whole Brexit thing has made a lot of you wilfully contrary. It’s actually quite depressing. The UK used to be a bastion of sanity and common sense. Not any more.

The message at the start of this whole thing was dreadful. Since then, it's been a massive uphill battle for them to change it & actually get people buying into it.
Football will not be happening for 12 months at least (I think there are 4 countries that have started seasons), closed doors or not.
I think so as well, though they might finish this season behind closed doors... in a year. Would actually be good opportunity to regroup before 2022 World Cup which is supposed to take place in December. They could start the season before that one in November or so next year and have it run until September.