Television Sons of Anarchy

Fantastic finale. Can't wait for next season now.
Damn that was a little anticlimatic. I was expecting shit to blow up but still a very good finale. Next season will be the last and should be brilliant.
Is it me or was that a bit of a let down? Maybe i'm just spoilt after the last couple of season finale's.
The drama was more than enough to be honest. Next season is going to explode like Kozik!

Was a little disappointed with the fade to the photo at the end, I hate when shows don't trust the viewer to connect the images by themselves.
Had to tear myself away from this last night with 3 more episodes to go. The missus is out tonight so that is my evening sorted after the kids go to bed.

Loving this show. It isnt as clever or as original as some, but it plays to its strengths and does it well.
Was thinking the same, was the finale a 2 parter or what? I keep thinking I missed the last one.

It was a two parter, To be Act 1 and To be Act 2, this season had 14 episodes rather than the usual 13. It was still a let down how they ended it, the season 3 finale was one of the best moment I've seen on T.V.
Just caught up on this season and for me it's the best one yet, The Hamlet storyline is really coming through now.
Just caught up on this season and for me it's the best one yet, The Hamlet storyline is really coming through now.

I thought it was very good too. Hard to say which is the best one though. All seasons have had amazing moments. But you might be right, this one might have been the best.

I remember - was it series one? - when Trager and Clay kill Opie's missus. That was unbelievable. And the kidnap of Abel was some cliffhanger.

Fascinated to see how the Clay usurpation thing develops. I can see what people are saying about disappointment, with three episodes to go I thought they might bring that storyline on a bit more, maybe have Jax murder Clay or something, but at least that is stored up for the next series now, I am sure they can crank up the pressure on that a bit more, Clay will cause all sorts of trouble for them.

Next season should be good and agree it is right they are leaving it at that, no point in ruining it, can have a nice, dramatic finale.
Season 5 started last night

Very good first episode of the new season, season looks very promising!

Harold Perrineau is pretty bad ass, enjoyed him in Lost and Oz, will be interesting to see him as a evil character. A lot of 'ow shit' moments in this episode!
Season 5 started last night

Very good first episode of the new season, season looks very promising!

Harold Perrineau is pretty bad ass, enjoyed him in Lost and Oz, will be interesting to see him as a evil character. A lot of 'ow shit' moments in this episode!

Most first episodes of SOA are 'ow shit' anyway. Lets see how they take it from here
That was an excellent opening, I had to re-watch several scenes. The new characters in it, especially the 'enforcer', are great additions.
Do you guys think Clay ordered the beating of Unser at the end or did the new recruit(s) have their own motive? Guy with missing leg was the same who put his legs up on Filthy Phils shoulder at church
That was brutal, really can't believe what happened with Tigs.
It looked like those home invasion the cop/sheriff mentioned.It'll be interesting to know who's behind all that.Maybe Pope ?

If Pope is behind it then he has the new guy Greg the Peg on his payroll since it's very probable that it's him. (Ended with a zoom in on his missing leg).

I don't think Pope is behind it but then again he is very powerful they say. I still believe there is a bigger chance Clay put them on to it either that or the 3 new guys have some sort of ulterior motive (assuming it's them)
I can't really see what all the fuss is about for the 1st episode. That voice-over at the beginning was cringe-worthy, and it just looks like we're in for more of the same over-earnest, albeit very watchable, fare that Kurt Sutter has served up over the last several seasons (the low point being the Belfast angle in Season 3.)

The first two seasons were great though.
I'm going to miss him, one of my favorite characters in the show.

He's got so much shit coming against him and now they just kill him, cnut writers.
When you think about it, I agree with you
if one had to be killed, I'd have preferred it to be Chibs

I think with it all being about Jax; they had to kill someone who would affect him in a emotional way.

IMO Chibbs being killed would not have had the same impact as Opie. How much of an impact, i think we'll find out in the next couple of episodes, the cop for a start.
I should have known better, this is typical of Kurt Sutter's writing. Anyone else remember what happened in The Shield?
Just like any good TV show, the wife (here Gemma) is always an annoying bitch you wanna kill.I cannot stand that character anymore.She's just so stupid
I'm still laughing at this wee's guest star and Tigs reaction. :lol:
I'm still laughing at this wee's guest star and Tigs reaction. :lol:

I thought that whole scene was just brilliant.

The lovely Venus Van Dam


Also, loved another classic line that came from Tig when Bobby was talking about getting back into porn/prostitution

Bobby: We have a new business deal. It's pink, wet and tastes like sunshine.

Tig: It's either pussy or Italian ice cream. Either way its good.
Well, started this couple of weeks ago and I'm completely caught up. Never gone through a show so quickly, I was watching 3-4 episodes every night. What a ride. Second season was the high point for me. Although the third season's finale was fantastic too.

One small thing that bugged me throughout the fourth season was the fact that Tara could have made hundred copies/scanned those letters. Why was everyone so convinced that if they burned the originals that would be the end of it?

Also Gemma's gotten pretty useless now. She used to be Clay's rock and partner, now she's just some crazy lady hanging around the club causing more trouble. With all the shit the club's got going on, the last thing they need is her drama. They should just hold a vote and tell her to stay away.