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This guy apparently stole copies (along with a bunch of other stuff) from the warehouse he worked at. He posted 40+ minutes of the opening of the game, shot in portrait from his phone with a baby crying in the background. 10 minutes of the footage is him trying to equip a helmet.
Later he posted a review that included phrases like, "It takes time, you gotta read it," and "Todd, no offense, man, but that's a good game," while smoking a blunt on his porch.
He then started requesting money be deposited in his CashApp for more footage.
It was then revealed that he had multiple copies of the game available on his Mercari store, which he linked people to, and filmed videos of him going to FedEx to ship the copies. In his store, he also was selling large lots of other video games, cologne, and other random items.
Now, he was arrested after posting videos of his obvious crimes with his full name clearly visible and the location where he lived as part of his gamertag.
Sounds like your average Xbox gamer.