Suarez bites | "sorry for falling into him and biting him and that"

Exactly! They will probably give him a new contract and think of a new song for him

They already did in that giant RAWK thread about Uruguay game. I can't be arsed to go through it all again to find it, but they managed to call Chiellini a wop in one of the verses. Classy as always..
If Suarez lost his tooth biting Chiellini I'm sure it would be similar to when a deer loses an antler or an elephant loses a tusk

His teeth are fecking huge

Ever seen the inside of a shark's mouth? When a tooth is lost, another appears from behind to take its place. Suarez has similar teeth and, like a shark, when it's in the mood, he'll take a chomp at anything within range. Maybe he'll offer the shark defence: "I was just taking a sample bite to see if it was edible."

I thought he was harsh on the ref, not sure what else he could have done, it's an easy one not to see.
Next season rabies shots will be mandatory before every Liverpool game...
I just hope the photos going round of the bite marks on Cheilini's shoulder actually force Fifa to act on it and ban him, honestly wouldn't have been surprised if they did nothing they're that shockingly shite and corrupt.
Looks like a rat, acts like a rat, plays for a team of rats with rat fans from a city filled full of rats.

Must be a rat.
The Suarez and Lugano excuses are shameful. It would be better to just say you have nothing to comment on. I will be really mad if the player doesn't get banned out of the tournament.
If he isn't suspended the next team to face Uruguay should refuse to play the game. Obviously won't happen but I'd hope for some reaction from the world-wide footballing community anyway.
They should make him wear a muzzle in all future games - he needs it really.

And it would be a suitable punishment really.
He's definitely played his last game at this WC, don't worry about that. FIFA will hammer him for this.
He'll be banned then right? Ah, that will make Uruguay qualifying alright then.
He's definitely played his last game at this WC, don't worry about that. FIFA will hammer him for this.
Indeed. He got a lot of criticism for the handball 4 years ago and they won't stand for having a player who is notorious for disrespecting competition on the field. It's not like Uruguay are getting any further than last 16.
If he were banned, would I be right in saying the ban would be against representing his country only and not impact his club career?
Uh I think FIFA can ban him in any league if they want to go that far but you're right, his talent is quite legit, many clubs would line up to sign him so it wouldn't affect his carrier much.
So instead of criticising Suárez you criticise everyone else? Wonderful.

Hehe, if a professional sportsman repeatedly biting opponents in arguably the biggest sporting event there is doesn't cause a commotion there would be something seriously wrong. It's quite unnerving when a toddler does it ffs.

He's been an extremely silly boy, don't get me wrong. But calls for (edit: permanent) bans from international football etc are just silly, for me.
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Cheers for clarifying. Surely if a complete ban could come in, especially with 24 matches or a 2 year ban being speculated, puts Liverpool in a very difficult position. And one they cannot possibly defend him.
He's been an extremely silly boy, don't get me wrong. But calls for bans from international football etc are just silly, for me.

FIFA banned Leonardo for 4 matches, and Tassotti for 8, why is it silly to call for some disciplinary action beyond just a fine for a player who's a serial offender and when there's video evidence of violent, off the ball conduct? Calls for a season-long ban are ridiculous, of course, but if FIFA doesn't throw down a ban on Suarez they'll not only be going against precedent but they'll look weak.
Ever seen the inside of a shark's mouth? When a tooth is lost, another appears from behind to take its place. Suarez has similar teeth and, like a shark, when it's in the mood, he'll take a chomp at anything within range. Maybe he'll offer the shark defence: "I was just taking a sample bite to see if it was edible."

Have him sent to a dentist and have all his teeth extracted but feck like you said about sharks it will grow back in no time...