Suarez bites | "sorry for falling into him and biting him and that"

Lance Uppercut

This Lugano asshole needs his own thread.



Harbinger of new information
Nov 4, 2009
But former West Brom defender Lugano told the BBC: "What incident? The pictures don't show anything. They show an approximation."



All about the essence
Jan 10, 2008
These Uruguayans really do stick together don't they :lol: quite admirable in a way.
they've instantly put me off the whole nation. i just assumed suarez was a lunatic, but no, it's apparently all of them.


New Member
Sep 22, 2013
Lost in the desert...
Every manager will defend their top players. It's just part of the game. Don't pretend united wouldn't do the same if he was at our club as we have defended players who did worse then take a nibble out of opponents...
No need to pretend anything! Also, no need to accept any bullshit!

They can say whatever they want. Me and you (and anyone who is not making any money from this) have to remember that Liverpool is also responsible.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
These Uruguayans really do stick together don't they :lol: quite admirable in a way.
No, no, it isn't; not when having a siege mentality means forgiving just about anything, even if it disgraces you all. It's a really limited, and limiting, way to act & think.


New Member
Feb 25, 2014
These Uruguayans really do stick together don't they :lol: quite admirable in a way.
You need that type of mindset when you are a country of about 600 people trying to compete with nations 20 or 30 times your size.


Pokemon expert
Jun 7, 2012
Lemmy has forsaken us....
To me the worst part of all of this is that he snuck up on Chellini from behind and Chellini had no way of defending himself or protecting himself.

Who is to say that Suarez doesn't choose plant a boot in someone's back from behind which is a far more dangerous action and as a result a player gets paralyzed.

Sure I am talking about a remote and extreme theoretical action, but if that did happen and FA did nothing they would be sued for failing to provide a safe work environment.

That's exactly where this is currently at I can't imagine that anyone would feel at ease playing against him currently.

I think he should receive a lengthy ban and I think he should not be allowed to return to any football until he is psychiatrically cleared to do so.
Par for the course with him, kicking a Dawson on the ground, belly punt to Parker, gouging Parkers eye, stamping on people achilles tendons.

Then there is this.



New Member
May 3, 2010
I would rather be Kung foo kicked than bitten. What's it got to do with pain? Would you rather be slapped around the face or spat on on your face? I know which I would rather.
The fact that a kick to the face could potentially cause severe injury, including brain damage. A slap or being spat on, I'd rather be spat on, but a kung fu kick is much more severe then a slap.


Full Member
Apr 7, 2011
No, no, it isn't; not when having a siege mentality means forgiving just about anything, even if it disgraces you all. It's a really limited, and limiting, way to act & think.
Indeed, ask Dalglish.

Wonderful player and, at least in his first stint, reasonable manager as well, but the enduring image of the man will be him stood in that fecking T shirt, the dumb sod.


Too Boring For A Funny Tagline
Nov 3, 2011
Par for the course with him, kicking a Dawson on the ground, belly punt to Parker, gouging Parkers eye, stamping on people achilles tendons.

Then there is this.

That one always makes me so angry! Why did he dive in like that and then the cheek to feign injury.


New Member
May 3, 2010
By this rationale I can spit in your face and call you a racist chant, but hey, a tackle is much worse. No physical harm can be gotten from a spit or a chant?
Is not the point. A dangerous tackle is worse, just saying. That doesn't mean I'm suggesting it's okay to make racist chants, bite people or spit on them so I'm not sure why you're implying that's what I mean.

Oga on top.

New Member
Feb 27, 2014
I <3 D. Sturridge
It's absolutely mental the way they are burying their heads in the sand :lol: but it is what it is.. Funny as hell though. I actually think he's lost a lot of supporters now in the form of Liverpool fans, some will defend him but those who do are just as mental as him IMO.

The Mitcher

connoisseur of pot noodles and sandwiches
May 26, 2012
The fact that a kick to the face could potentially cause severe injury, including brain damage. A slap or being spat on, I'd rather be spat on, but a kung fu kick is much more severe then a slap.
He hit the man in the chest not the face.

Cantona's kick was completely different, and I hate the fact that people bring this up to defend Suarez's actions.

1. Cantona was getting abused by a fan, racially you might say
2. Cantona was provoked by said fan and lashed out at him
3. He was punished and never did it again.

Suarez bit these players not out of provocation, but out of spite. He did it because things were not going his way in the match. He also does other reprehensible things like that gif up above, diving, feigning injury, racial abuse. Has Cantona done any of those things. No, violent conduct yes, but he never did it again.


Full Member
Nov 20, 2013
I don't understand the rush to excuse Suarez for his behaviour by comparing it to completely irrelevant situations like actual assault or a bad tackle or saying the bloke needs help and should therefore be excused.....

If he needs help so badly then why didn't his club get him that help after he bit Ivanovic, his second offence for crying out loud. Just seems like everyone involved with Liverpool and Uruguay are enabling him, deflecting blame for his actions on other people and generally pandering to his every whim because of how good he is at football.

If Liverpool really think he has a problem and really wants him to get help then they won't raise a stink if FIFA come down hard on him, neither will they try to excuse his behaviour. Accept whatever punishment is forthcoming and send him for the help he needs, but the reality is they don't do that, everyone involved with Scouseland will try to paint poor little Luis as the victim instead of asking him to accept some responsibility for his actions for once in his life.

He bit someone, that is never acceptable in any other walk of life but since it happened on a football pitch and was done by a talented individual people are ready to dismiss it as a nothing matter whereas if it was some normal everyday person who randomly bit a coworker, the reaction would be very different.

They should support Suarez because he is a Liverpool/Uruguay player but neither camp should act as if he's done nothing wrong when he clearly has.


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
I bet he gets away with it, or at most gets a 3 game ban and it all gets forgotten, again.


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
I don't understand the rush to excuse Suarez for his behaviour by comparing it to completely irrelevant situations like actual assault or a bad tackle or saying the bloke needs help and should therefore be excused.....

If he needs help so badly then why didn't his club get him that help after he bit Ivanovic, his second offence for crying out loud. Just seems like everyone involved with Liverpool and Uruguay are enabling him, deflecting blame for his actions on other people and generally pandering to his every whim because of how good he is at football.

If Liverpool really think he has a problem and really wants him to get help then they won't raise a stink if FIFA come down hard on him, neither will they try to excuse his behaviour. Accept whatever punishment is forthcoming and send him for the help he needs, but the reality is they don't do that, everyone involved with Scouseland will try to paint poor little Luis as the victim instead of asking him to accept some responsibility for his actions for once in his life.

He bit someone, that is never acceptable in any other walk of life but since it happened on a football pitch and was done by a talented individual people are ready to dismiss it as a nothing matter whereas if it was some normal everyday person who randomly bit a coworker, the reaction would be very different.

They should support Suarez because he is a Liverpool/Uruguay player but neither camp should act as if he's done nothing wrong when he clearly has.

I think it's more important for them that he help them win football matches by playing and scoring.

This is just a theory though.


Erroneously Promoted
Nov 30, 2012
I bet he gets away with it, or at most gets a 3 game ban and it all gets forgotten, again.
No chance. I think he'll have about a 12 game international match ban, which I assume will take about 2 years to serve.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Obviously, reality is photoshopped.


gets aroused by tagline boobs
Apr 24, 2002
Now lets just wait how FIFA is going to decide. I think the punishment has to include the clear message, that any further incident like this, has very very very harsh consequences. Only if you tell him, that his career might be over if he does that again, he might stop.
I agree he has to cut it out and wouldn't be surprised to see him severely punished, except that now the Brazilian commentator I'm hearing is calling for retroactive action on some deliberate elbow in the France game. Can get quite messy to have FIFA having to make calls mid-tourno. E.g. should we plan for Colombia with or without Suarez? It's not like we can just wait on the side and be told on Friday. This is all Suárez' fault, but there are significant practical implications if FIFA start doing this sort of stuff.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
You want me to quote a specific case? Hmmm. I thought it was obvious. Maybe not.

I have spent a few horrid weeks as a court reporter and more than once heard defence lawyers saying it was a first offence and there was nothing to point towards reoffending, I took that to mean they were relevant factors.
I was under the impression that judges take various mitigating/aggravating factors into account when it comes to sentencing, including things like previous convictions, early guilty pleas, genuine remorse and likelihood of reoffending. Suraez isn't looking too good on any of those counts as it happens so it should certainly be taken into account. That isn't punishing someone for a crime they haven't yet committed though, which would indeed be wrong. It's more about giving a sentence that's appropriate for the circumstances/individual.

Anyway, FIFA doesn't have to operate in the same way a court does so it's only so relevant.


Full Member
Nov 20, 2013
I think it's more important for them that he help them win football matches by playing and scoring.

This is just a theory though.
Sure we all know that is the truth but I was just pretending for a minute that Liverpool/Uruguay actually care about Suarez and want to help him sort out his problems more than they want to win football matches. It would benefit all three parties in the long run if he could take a few months off get some counselling and then come back with a new attitude.

Oga on top.

New Member
Feb 27, 2014
I <3 D. Sturridge
I think it's a bit unfair on Uruguay that a decision hasn't been made yet. They are going to need time to decide what/how to play without him, and FIFA just pissing about with the decision isn't helping. It's fair to say he'll miss the Colombia match though.


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
Hehe. I just gotta say that I find this hilarious more than anything. Sorry. I can't bring myself to get outraged. It's too fecking silly. A man who has gained notoriety by doing something as outlandish as BITING another player on the pitch TWICE before does...the very same thing again! In a World Cup match, with the whole world defies...yeah, it defies just about anything, doesn't it?

He's a complete nutter. Or a performance artist masked as one of the best footballers in the world. You couldn't make this stuff up, could you?


New Member
Oct 18, 2010
North Yorkshire
I think it's a bit unfair on Uruguay that a decision hasn't been made yet. They are going to need time to decide what/how to play without him, and FIFA just pissing about with the decision isn't helping. It's fair to say he'll miss the Colombia match though.
Considering what Suarez did and how they've been defending him I have no sympathy whatsoever. Testicles to them.


gets aroused by tagline boobs
Apr 24, 2002
So what, is he 9? Is this a playground grudge exercise? Again, the English press has become a ridiculous excuse for "I don't like this reporting that affects me, etc etc, ignore the English conspiracy!" It's nonsense. Our broadsheets are amongst the best in the world and spend the vast majority of their time pointing out our own inadequacies. I hate our gutter press as much as the next guy (I've even written a sitcom pilot about it!) but the legacy of our tabloids - who no one takes as reputable - is now being used to slander and obfuscate both genuine investigative journalists (FIFA/Blatter etc) and quite legitimate questions of on field actions (Suarez)...You said earlier [about our respective media] "They're both as bad as each other"..Well I call bullshit on that. We'd at least admit it happened. And if any didn't, the rest would pile on to correct them.
I rate the British press for the most part. What I said about Tabarez'press conference being predictable was that after the way he reacted in South Africa (rightly, in my opinion) his immediate reaction here was "they are at it again".

I'm not saying he is right, but I genuinely think he wasn't in a position to make a call and tried to deflect. The most damning footage only came out today really, initial one wasn't so clear cut and blatant and, as you know, during the game we get nothing. He has very little to room for manoeuvre in fairness. I haven't met a single fan today who hasn't rolled eyes and gone "ffs, he should know better". Not a single one of them will do anything but defend him to the hilt though. Rock and a hard place and all that.