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Snitches on Tom Hagen
Apr 29, 2009
With Keane, it was always a 'fight' but he was never a cheat. He went in with intention and he admitted it. But with Suarez, he's a cheat and coward.
Since everyone dragged it off-topic and replied I will add that I respected the fact that he did it in a big game in front of a big crowd and a bit TV audience and immediately copped it on the chin (giving him a spray as well was not the best idea). Of course it was stupid and selfish but it takes a serious amount of balls to do something like that and just cop it.

Something Suarez has never and will never posses. Given the countless of examples of attempting to get away with the fact that he is intentionally trying to injure players.

I know people will not see this side of it the way I have portrayed it and fair enough, I am not going to argue, it is just the way I see it. He was a captain. A leader and a legend. A fighting stubborn cnut but never a little snively weasel trying to escape punishment where he could. That is the fundamental difference between the two players and what is wrong with the 'our suarez' comment from Rob. 'Our Gerrard' for sure a bit of a cnut who always played within the boundaries of the game and stood up when he had to. Completely different to Suarez like I said.

Red Dreams

Full Member
Aug 16, 2003
Across the Universe....from Old Trafford.
why the comparisons with Keane? Keane was anything but a cheat or a coward.

Suarez will say and do anything to gain an advantage. Racial slurs, diving, kicking out and faking an injury to himself...

He has no ethics or morals.

Simply, if one of our players had been found guilty of a 'racial incident' he would have been sent packing.

The fundamental difference between the clubs.


A Bit Wordy
Apr 23, 2010
Keane lost his head over Haaland and that can never be overlooked, but he was not a serial disgrace to the game. Suarez, sadly, is.


New Member
Feb 24, 2012
I can't believe that the Telegraph leads with "Suarez Steals Mansfield's Cup Dream", along with that photo of Suarez 'ignoring' the autograph-hunter. :lol:
I'm not sure why they dug that pic out as it has absolutely no relevance to the incident. I suppose it's just another attempt at creating a shit storm really, especially ahead of next week's game.

Expect Ferguson to be bombarded with questions about it in his presser.

Red Dreams

Full Member
Aug 16, 2003
Across the Universe....from Old Trafford.
What makes you think Utd would get rid?

If a similar thing was to happen with RVP would you want him sold?
I would not want a racist representing my club.


I have no love for Liverpool. But the way the club handled the sordid affair wold have made Shankly and Paisley turn in their graves. In that one episode the entire reputation of a great club was tarnished.

I cannot understand you lot defending him and the way it was all handled.

Its not just about winning a match.

Football is much more than that to most of us. Its part of our lives.


Formerly RedAddict
May 30, 2008
We can't stop here. This is bat country.
What makes you think Utd would get rid?

If a similar thing was to happen with RVP would you want him sold?
Of course.

And that's the sad thing.

The only reason Liverpool fans and the club bent over backwards to defend him, despite his guilt, is because he happened to be their only good player in a sea of utter shite. He's about the only good signing Liverpool have made in 5 years.

If it had have been some fall guy like Downing or Joe Cole, the fans would've demanded the club get rid, and of course they would have done. And the fans would've patted themselves on the back for 'upholding the club's dignity', 'maintaining the Liverpool way' etc.

But that would've been easy. Suarez's talent effectively meant he was allowed to get away with racial abuse. Pretty pathetic.

And I have no doubt that many of our fans would've done the same. But no way the club would've handled it that badly. The club's image is everything.

It should be for Liverpool as well. But they decided having a handy player up front was more important.


New Member
Feb 24, 2012
I would not want a racist representing my club.


I have no love for Liverpool. But the way the club handled the sordid affair wold have made Shankly and Paisley turn in their graves. In that one episode the entire reputation of a great club was tarnished.

I cannot understand you lot defending him and the way it was all handled.

Its not just about winning a match.

Football is much more than that to most of us. Its part of our lives.
I think what you have to understand with the Suarez-Evra thing is that rather than seeing it as an outright racist incident, it was seen as a case of misunderstanding by our fan base. We all probably know this, but the belief was that cultural differences accounted for Suarez' innocence. You can interpret that as right or wrong, but that's where all the protest and outrage came from.

It was handled poorly, no doubt, and I can't be arsed to get into a whole debate about it all because it will rumble on for ages, but it wasn't a clear cut case of racism for Liverpool fans.

Without a doubt.
Even if you and the club intrinsically thought that it wasn't an incident of outright racism?

For me, there is a definite differentiation between what Suarez did and what for example, Terry did. One of them didn't know the implications of his actions whilst the other did. That has to be noted. Even the FA declared that they didn't think Suarez was being racist.


Formerly RedAddict
May 30, 2008
We can't stop here. This is bat country.
I think what you have to understand with the Suarez-Evra thing is that rather than seeing it as an outright racist incident, it was seen as a case of misunderstanding by our fan base. We all probably know this, but the belief was that cultural differences accounted for Suarez' innocence. You can interpret that as right or wrong, but that's where all the protest and outrage came from.

It was handled poorly, no doubt, and I can't be arsed to get into a whole debate about it all because it will rumble on for ages, but it wasn't a clear cut case of racism for Liverpool fans.

Even if you and the club intrinsically thought that it wasn't an incident of outright racism?

For me, there is a definite differentiation between what Suarez did and what for example, Terry did. One of them didn't know the implications of his actions whilst the other did. That has to be noted. Even the FA declared that they didn't think Suarez was being racist.
"Why did you kick me?"

"Because you are black."

"Say it to me again, I'm going to punch you".

"I don't speak to blacks."

Followed with Suarez pinching his skin.

Poor little innocent Suarez. He didn't know the implications of his actions.

Ryan's Beard

Probably doesn't have a career as a comedian
Mar 26, 2011
Sunny Manchester
For me, there is a definite differentiation between what Suarez did and what for example, Terry did. One of them didn't know the implications of his actions whilst the other did. That has to be noted. Even the FA declared that they didn't think Suarez was being racist.
"fecking black cnut" vs "I kicked you because you're black, blackie blackie blackie"?

Yes, clear difference.


Formerly RedAddict
May 30, 2008
We can't stop here. This is bat country.
Oh, and just because Suarez used racist insults as a way to wind up Evra, it doesn't actually mean he is a racist, hence why the FA said that.

Nobody can actually prove that he has prejudices against black people. It would seem unlikely given his background and playing in multicultural teams, but in that moment, he chose to wind up a black player on the basis of his skin colour.

So not a racist, just uses racially insulting language to intimidate a black opponent. He's a scumbag, in short.


New Member
Feb 24, 2012
I would yes.

Be honest, if it was Jonjo Shelvey instead of Luis Suarez, do you honestly believe he'd still be at your football club?
"Why did you kick me?"

"Because you are black."

"Say it to me again, I'm going to punch you".

"I don't speak to blacks."

Followed with Suarez pinching his skin.

Poor little innocent Suarez. He didn't know the implications of his actions.
"fecking black cnut" vs "I kicked you because you're black, blackie blackie blackie"?

Yes, clear difference.
Oh, and just because Suarez used racist insults as a way to wind up Evra, it doesn't actually mean he is a racist, hence why the FA said that.

Nobody can actually prove that he has prejudices against black people. It would seem unlikely given his background and playing in multicultural teams, but in that moment, he chose to wind up a black player on the basis of his skin colour.

So not a racist, just uses racially insulting language to intimidate a black opponent. He's a scumbag, in short.
A whole new can of worms has been opened so I'll leave it here as it's half 3 in the morning and this has been done to death previously.

But the original point I was making is that rather than being a racist, Suarez is (rightly or wrongly) considered as misunderstood by his fan base. You can disagree with that viewpoint but trying to prove his ignorance/thickness is different to defending outright racism in my opinion.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Ladies and gentlemen, James Lawton of the Independent:

He looked sheepish enough not to repeat the claim of his fellow South American Diego Maradona that it was the work of God but you didn't have to be a supporter of Mansfield to believe that he had come off the bench with diabolical intent.


A Bit Wordy
Apr 23, 2010
Does anyone suppose that Rodgers will have a word with Suarez about his cheating and diving?


Actually Nostradamus
Jan 12, 2011
Targaryen loyalist
Ladies and gentlemen, James Lawton of the Independent:

What a line.

Anyway, this will all blow over fairly quick mainly for the simple reason the Sky don't have FA Cup rights so they can't show the incident all week on SSN.

Although I'm sure Fergie might say a little word or two during his press conference. Maybe a gentle reminder to the referee that Suarez is a man with diabolical intent.


Full Member
Jul 21, 2010
I can understand the outrage but this wasn't really anywhere near the worst thing he's done. It's a refereeing mistake not to see it strike his hand. Suarez clearly makes an instinctive movement with his arm toward the ball but he would have been going beyond the call of duty to stop play rather than put it into the empty net.

When Nani scored that goal vs Tottenham we didn't complain, and French fans were not complaining when Henry hand-balled twice against Ireland. It's poor sportsmanship but it's up to the referee's to make the call. And there's no way Liverpool fans or Brendan Rodgers are ever going to complain about his behaviour while he's at the club even at the worst of times, because of his stature at the club and the fact that without him they really have nothing right now. As long as he's at Liverpool the Premier League will have it's villain and I'm all for it, cnuts like him are entertaining.


Formerly RedAddict
May 30, 2008
We can't stop here. This is bat country.
A whole new can of worms has been opened so I'll leave it here as it's half 3 in the morning and this has been done to death previously.

But the original point I was making is that rather than being a racist, Suarez is (rightly or wrongly) considered as misunderstood by his fan base. You can disagree with that viewpoint but trying to prove his ignorance/thickness is different to defending outright racism in my opinion.
But the only reason he gets that (massive) benefit of the doubt is because he's good at football.

If it was some fall guy like Joe Cole, there's no way Liverpool fans would do these mental gymnastics to convince themselves he's innocent (or misunderstood).

It's like you all prepared for the case and decided 'right, no matter what comes out of this report, I'm going to find a way to convince myself Suarez is not guilty.'

And that's what happened. You're tricking yourselves and wilfully ignoring the obvious, for the sole reason that Suarez is a good player.


A Bit Wordy
Apr 23, 2010
I can understand the outrage but this wasn't really anywhere near the worst thing he's done. It's a refereeing mistake not to see it strike his hand. Suarez clearly makes an instinctive movement with his arm toward the ball but he would have been going beyond the call of duty to stop play rather than put it into the empty net.

When Nani scored that goal vs Tottenham we didn't complain, and French fans were not complaining when Henry hand-balled twice against Ireland. It's poor sportsmanship but it's up to the referee's to make the call. And there's no way Liverpool fans or Brendan Rodgers are ever going to complain about his behaviour while he's at the club even at the worst of times, because of his stature at the club and the fact that without him they really have nothing right now. As long as he's at Liverpool the Premier League will have it's villain and I'm all for it, cnuts like him are entertaining.
I see your win-at-all-costs point, but surely a line must be drawn somewhere in the game of football. We may not expect the beneficiaries of cheating to police themselves, but surely football authorities can take action after the fact. A suspension for Suarez, or for Nani if he commits a similar act, would be in order.

Keep the result, but punish the bad actor. How hard can that be?


Nov 3, 2001
The laws explicitly state that it must be deliberate for it to be handball.

If your hand or arm is out of position,( we call it hailing a cab in the reffing world), then it's handball.
It should have been called. The linesman blew it. That being said, I don't think it was deliberate, but I also think Suarez knew it was a handball as he kicked the ball in the net and them had the look and action of disgust
No striker at that point is going to give it back.
It's the same as playing to the whistle when you know you've fouled someone but it never got called
It's how were taught to play the game


New Member
Aug 8, 2011
Player biting.
Fist fights with teammates.
Repeated intentional fouls that could greatly injure players.

We've had "plenty" of that kind, huh?
Having an affair with your brothers wife is worse than all those things. It really doesn't come any lower than that.

Cantona was as bad on the field across his career, probably worse.


A Bit Wordy
Apr 23, 2010
I misunderstood Rodgers's comments earlier. A few minutes ago I heard his post-match interview arguing that the handball was not deliberate and thus the referee made the right call in letting the goal stand.

And then a Fox Soccer "analyst", Lloyd Barker, agreed with Rodgers that it was ball-to-hand and thus it was not a handball.


However, I've also read reports online that Rodgers's conceded that the goal should not have been allowed to stand.

See the following:

"I've just seen it again and there's no doubt it was handball but the referee and the officials ruled it wasn't deliberate."

But then, curiously, this:

"It's not been deliberate as it's pushed up and hit his hand. It's up to the officials to decide that."

"Obviously what the referee and officials were looking at was that it wasn't deliberate, which it clearly wasn't," he added. (Eh?)

Yes, it was, Brendan.

You cannot watch the video and conclude that the Suarez was "not deliberate". The motion of the hand to control the ball is plain to the naked eye and beyond any conceivable disagreement.


Aug 11, 2011
Je m'en fous!
Having an affair with your brothers wife is worse than all those things. It really doesn't come any lower than that.

Cantona was as bad on the field across his career, probably worse.
lol, no. Cantona was not as bad as Suarez has been till now, or what you are making out to be.

Yes, he had his moments, but then he was rightly punished for that by the club, as well as the authorities. Same goes for Keane. But at the end of the day, they were true professionals as well.

Suarez, on the other hand... the less I say, the better. The club supports him throughout his racial incident. Yet, he blatantly lies to the same club. Feigns injury regularly to get advantage against the opposition, bites the opposition player. I mean, seriously?


Full Member
Aug 1, 2006
Hope, We Lose
For me the big difference is that when Suarez cheats it can easily decide the outcomes of matches. Handball vs Ghana, dives in the box, handballs towards the goal or controlling the ball. With Keane there were some nasty kick outs, stamps, etc. but they were digs at players he would usually get sent off for costing his own team. He wasnt attempting to cheat his way to victory every 2 games, he was just trying to "one up" people on a football pitch. Its not nice but it rarely stole a game


New Member
May 31, 2007
What makes you think Utd would get rid?

If a similar thing was to happen with RVP would you want him sold?
Of course. Some things are more important that winning.

Even if you and the club intrinsically thought that it wasn't an incident of outright racism?

For me, there is a definite differentiation between what Suarez did and what for example, Terry did. One of them didn't know the implications of his actions whilst the other did. That has to be noted. Even the FA declared that they didn't think Suarez was being racist.
Dear God. Talk about willful ignorance.


Full Member
Jul 25, 2002
It getting far too common... players and their coach should just accept and move on... a goal given cannot be taken back... end of.
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