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New Member
Aug 8, 2011
Except he didn't, not once in any of the documents for that case was the word Negrito mentioned. He said negro, black and blackie.

Know that's a little thing in the scheme of what you're talking about now, but people still bringing up that he called him a negrito and how that's a word that can be used in a loving sense in Uruguay annoys me.
That's not what I'm arguing just to be clear. He absolutely said racist things intending to make Evra mad because he knew they would be seen as racist.

My point is that being racist on a football field is definitely not even close to the worst thing players have done on and off the field.

It's a bit odd to me as well that everyone gets so mad about Suarez saying that when let's be honest he was doing it to make Evra mad rather than because he's actually a racist (he might be but that wasn't his main reason for doing it) yet no ones too bothered about players like De Rossi who support openly racist political parties and a lot of people on here would glad welcome De Rossi to our team should we sign him.


Enjoys watching fox porn
May 17, 2012
The fact that Suarez has been a hot topic on a Manchester United forum for 2 days running makes me a little sad.


Last Man Standing 2 champion 2020/21
Jun 17, 2011
It's also a football forum. He's a famous footballer, with a lot of time on the backpages, so why wouldn't we be speaking about him?


Formerly RedAddict
May 30, 2008
We can't stop here. This is bat country.
That's not what I'm arguing just to be clear. He absolutely said racist things intending to make Evra mad because he knew they would be seen as racist.

My point is that being racist on a football field is definitely not even close to the worst thing players have done on and off the field.

It's a bit odd to me as well that everyone gets so mad about Suarez saying that when let's be honest he was doing it to make Evra mad rather than because he's actually a racist (he might be but that wasn't his main reason for doing it) yet no ones too bothered about players like De Rossi who support openly racist political parties and a lot of people on here would glad welcome De Rossi to our team should we sign him.
I doubt anyone is even aware of De Rossi's political leanings. The reason no one cares is because they either don't know or because he has nothing to do with football in this country.

If an England player came out in support of the BNP you can bet your life they would get crucified on this forum.


Another Muppet
Nov 14, 2012
What's sad is having that despicable cnut compared to Cantona by so called United fans


Full Member
Jul 1, 2008
more right wing than andrei kanchelskis
What's sad is having that despicable cnut compared to Cantona by so called United fans
You're right, in fact it's appalling that Eric is even mentioned in the same breath . I've been watching football for a long long time but I can't remember a footballer as detestable as Suarez. His admirers seem to think that Giggsy sleeping with his sister in law, Keano's late tackle on Haarland etc etc are as bad as his behaviour, but these are single acts however Suarez has committed many many despicable acts - all by himself


Jan 7, 2009
Tbf sleeping with your brother's wife for almost a decade is pretty low. Not sure how it is an 'isolated' incident.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Didn't realise his stamina was that impressive...


gets aroused by tagline boobs
Apr 24, 2002
He is simply trying to downplay the incident for his own selfish ends. Doesnt take a genius to work that out.
Your opinion. That's the Suarez I've seen since before he even moved to Ajax. Cnut on the pitch, chummy the moment the final whistle blows.

Anyway so what if its only on the pitch? What player continues their behaviour off the pitch? You cant dive or cheat when the game is over.
The point is the differentiation between unsporting behaviour on the pitch and your standing as a human being really having to be evaluated off the pitch. Some players are cnuts on the pitch, some off the pitch, some in both. There's a lot of hyperbole flying around about him being the vilest of human beings, that's off the mark.

It's all very well having a laugh about the biting incident, it wasn't going to cause any great mental or physical harm to the opponent.

But you can hardly racially abuse someone and just say tough luck at the end of the game. Or attempt to break someone's legs and then have a laugh about it afterwards. Oh, you're out for 5 months? Haha, tough luck mate.
Sure, I never said he wasn't a cheat nor that I agree with his acts. Point is, I understand the motives ultimately boil down to the age old discussion as to whether the end justifies the means.

I don't think so myself, as a former rugby international I do appreciate the importance of trust across the 30 men on the pitch. The trust that you will give as good as you get (which Suarez does and I'm fine with it) BUT that you will never deliberately set out to injure someone (which Suarez does at times). It's your neck on the line, literally, leaving someone wheel-chair bound would be the easiest of things in rugby, yet it doesn't happen.

Oh, so he's only racist, a human biter, cheater and makes consistent dangerous tackles on the pitch.

Okay, good guy then.

Do you not see you are making a stereotypical defense of disgusting characters?
Again, never said he is anything but a disgusting sportsman. Where we differ is:

1) He is not a racist. Even the report and Evra acknowledged it. He resorted to racist language to wind up an opponent, which is not on, was punished for and I doubt he will do again. He will just wind them up in other ways.

2) Cheating. I don't have an issue with his handballing history, nor with the occasional dive (sometimes diving isn't just to gain an immediate advantage but also to keep defenders worried you will get them penalised if they even get close, which I think is clever gamesmanship). I do cringe though when he spends more time on his arse than on his feet, with the extent of his rolling and acting like he's been shot and with his contempt of referees. That is the character bit which I despise. It's the weasel in him which does my head in. Mind you, he is not trying to win a popularity contest but to get his markers to lose it, so I appreciate what he is trying to do. Doesn't make me like it.

3) Dangerous tackles. A lot of players do them, I like hard crunching honest tackles. If someone gets injured every now and then that's admissible, the game would be poorer without them, football isn't ballet. What I dislike in him is it is always stuff from behind which he goes on to portray as accidental and hurtful collisions.

All in all, it's the snide way he goes about hurting other players, the overacting and the character flaw of deflecting guilt which I thoroughly dislike, but the vilification of Suarez has got way out of hand in being blinkered and one-sided.


New Member
May 31, 2007
Again, never said he is anything but a disgusting sportsman. Where we differ is:

1) He is not a racist. Even the report and Evra acknowledged it. He resorted to racist language to wind up an opponent, which is not on, was punished for and I doubt he will do again. He will just wind them up in other ways.
The report can determine whether or not he's racist. I guess he's just a guy who goes around using racist language at black people. So, you're right. There's no way that could be interpreted as him being a racist. You should meet my uncle. He's not racist all the time.

2) Cheating. I don't have an issue with his handballing history, nor with the occasional dive (sometimes diving isn't just to gain an immediate advantage but also to keep defenders worried you will get them penalised if they even get close, which I think is clever gamesmanship). I do cringe though when he spends more time on his arse than on his feet, with the extent of his rolling and acting like he's been shot and with his contempt of referees. That is the character bit which I despise. It's the weasel in him which does my head in. Mind you, he is not trying to win a popularity contest but to get his markers to lose it, so I appreciate what he is trying to do. Doesn't make me like it.
Great, so you agree he's a cheat.

3) Dangerous tackles. A lot of players do them, I like hard crunching honest tackles. If someone gets injured every now and then that's admissible, the game would be poorer without them, football isn't ballet. What I dislike in him is it is always stuff from behind which he goes on to portray as accidental and hurtful collisions.
Sorry, absolute bullshit. They are not dangerous tackles. They are not hard crunching tackles. Just go back in this thread and look at him kicking defenders and in no way going for the ball. It's not a crunching tackle, it's a very very very obvious attempt to injure.

All in all, it's the snide way he goes about hurting other players, the overacting and the character flaw of deflecting guilt which I thoroughly dislike, but the vilification of Suarez has got way out of hand in being blinkered and one-sided.
And there you are, making a stereotypical excuse for a player who is one of the, if not the worst, unprofessional piece of shit I have ever seen on a football pitch.

You know, when that priest isn't fingering that boys asshole, he's a pretty stand up gentleman.


Has a slight gambling problem
Nov 9, 2009
The report can determine whether or not he's racist. I guess he's just a guy who goes around using racist language at black people. So, you're right. There's no way that could be interpreted as him being a racist. You should meet my uncle. He's not racist all the time.
Not true. Being a racist is not illegal nor is it punishable by law, anymore than imagining killing someone cannot be punished.

If those thoughts/opinions translate into actions then it becomes illegal.

Hence Suarez was punished for using racist and/or offensive language and not for being a racist.

If you believe everyone who uses racist language holds racist views you need a broader mind.

I am shocked anyone would think that is worse than having an affair for 8 years with your brothers wife, and especially (and rather worried) that you find it worse than physical violence.

I ask you what would you rather happen to you. Be punched in the face, or abused verbally ( be it whatever ethnicity you are from)


gets aroused by tagline boobs
Apr 24, 2002
Sorry, absolute bullshit. They are not dangerous tackles. They are not hard crunching tackles. Just go back in this thread and look at him kicking defenders and in no way going for the ball. It's not a crunching tackle, it's a very very very obvious attempt to injure.
Read back what I wrote. I said I don't mind crunching tackles but that those are not the sort he does. We actually agree on this yet you clearly didn't bother get my point.

And there you are, making a stereotypical excuse for a player who is one of the, if not the worst, unprofessional piece of shit I have ever seen on a football pitch.

You know, when that priest isn't fingering that boys asshole, he's a pretty stand up gentleman.
What I'm getting at is him being depicted as the worst possible kind of human being is wrong, there's nothing he has ever done off the pitch that supports that and the one thing that would translate (the racism) was quite clearly a misguided and ignorant attempt to windup an opponent.

On the pitch, as a player, he is indeed one of the most reproachable in recent years. As said earlier, I'm pleased we have Cavani around as a role model alternative.


gets aroused by tagline boobs
Apr 24, 2002
I ask you what would you rather happen to you. Be punched in the face, or abused verbally ( be it whatever ethnicity you are from)
Mmmm, many may be happy to take a punch or two TBH. I do agree with your point overall though: King, Collymore... those have done far worse than using racist terms against Patrice Evra.


Astrophysical Genius - Hard for Grinner
Jan 13, 2008
Kebab Shop
Champion was right to call him a cheat, ESPN have bottled it.


Full Member
Sep 7, 2011
Brick Sofa
They cry themselves to sleep over it, they spend hours in the shower, scrubbing their skin raw to the only words puncturing the cascade of water, a whimpering staccato mantra "unclean, unclean"

Why would you be embarrassed by a Suarez handball, it's like being embarrassed over taking a parking space, when you kill kittens for a living.


Full Member
May 13, 2005
Anfield Road
Everyone needs to 'calm down' and remember that the only reason they feel this way is that Suarez does not play for your team.

Fans will forgive almost everything of a supremely talented player who is a star in their team.

The current hysteria is nonsense - the ball jumped up towards Suarez and hit his hand - believing the goal would be ruled out he lashed it into the net in anger at himself - he couldn't believe it when ref and linesman (the same one that wrongly ruled out his late 'goal' against Everton btw) gave the goal.

FFS what was he supposed to have done? It isn't his job to referee the game, his job is to play to the whistle.

Had that happened to any other player in the EPL we wouldn't be talking about this and certainly "RedCafe wouldn't be in meltdown"!!!!!


Nov 22, 2006
What's sad is having that despicable cnut compared to Cantona by so called United fans

What idiots are doing that then?'s true dick head. He was found guilty of bringing the game into disrepute with a racial remark.

"The commission found that the breach included a reference to ethnic origin, colour or race", exactly as with Suarez.

it's further stated that it's considered abuse

"The Football Association clearly states that this is not an allegation that Mr Ferdinand is a racist, concedes that he is not a racist but contends that his conduct in endorsing @carltonEbanks tweet in a public forum is a term of abuse and brought the game into disrepute."
What utter rubbish


Formerly RedAddict
May 30, 2008
We can't stop here. This is bat country.
Explain yourself.
I think on the whole you're technically right, but the common sense consensus is that Ferdinand didn't racially abuse anyone, because, well he didn't actually make the comment himself, he's a member of the same race as Cole so the parameters are different, and he is an anti-racism campaigner who was clearly upset by the racial abuse of his brother (he's actually on the side of the real victim here). And the coconut reference was a reference to Ashley Cole effectively killing Anton's racial abuse claim out of loyalty to a white team-mate. It was very naive of Rio to retweet it though.


Ten Years a Cafite
Mar 6, 2012
Suarez is just a poor boy, nobody loves him.

Agreed that many things on the field are worse than racial abuse. But most physical damage is apparent to be diagnosed and fixed; but the impact of being abused could cause deeper problem.


Formerly RedAddict
May 30, 2008
We can't stop here. This is bat country.
This all gets very difficult because I remember reading that Suarez has a black grandmother.......
It's not really that difficult. Suarez is white hispanic. And he wound up a black opponent based on the colour of his skin.

Though if for some bizarre reason, Ferdinand racially abused a black player like Suarez did, he would obviously get the book thrown at him.

I just think the waters are muddied here because Ferdinand's intentions were to defend the honour of his racially abused brother, whereas a scumbag like Suarez was just winding up a black player on the basis of his skin colour.


New Member
Sep 10, 2006
I think on the whole you're technically right, but the common sense consensus is that Ferdinand didn't racially abuse anyone, because, well he didn't actually make the comment himself, he's a member of the same race as Cole so the parameters are different, and he is an anti-racism campaigner who was clearly upset by the racial abuse of his brother (he's actually on the side of the real victim here). And the coconut reference was a reference to Ashley Cole effectively killing Anton's racial abuse claim out of loyalty to a white team-mate. It was very naive of Rio to retweet it though.
It's been pointed out a lot that whether or not he is a racist is not what was being judged by the panel, nor was it with Terry, nor was it with Suarez. What they were trying to ascertain was whether he racially abused another person, and in all 3 cases they found the defendant to have done so, in all 3 cases they were at pains to point out that they weren't calling the players in question racists.

What I'm really getting at here isn't that what Ferdinand said was as bad as what Suarez said (although I do think it reflects great genuine believe in racialsim), but that there are shades of grey. When it's your own player you find justifications or reasons why it was OK - he's the real victim, his brother was racially abused, his grandfather is black, he campaigns against racism, it might have been sarcastic or a denial, and so on. Some of these excuses are valid and relevant, genuinely mitigating, others are not but you can't just have a simplistic rule which says "If he's found to racially abuse someone his contract is terminated". The people here who are advocating that sort of thing need to realise that we'd have to terminate one of our own players if that sort of rule was brought in -Ferdinand being chucked out of the club, despite any justification or excuse you might bring up, would be a consequence of that rule.


Formerly RedAddict
May 30, 2008
We can't stop here. This is bat country.
It's been pointed out a lot that whether or not he is a racist is not what was being judged by the panel, nor was it with Terry, nor was it with Suarez. What they were trying to ascertain was whether he racially abused another person, and in all 3 cases they found the defendant to have done so, in all 3 cases they were at pains to point out that they weren't calling the players in question racists.

What I'm really getting at here isn't that what Ferdinand said was as bad as what Suarez said (although I do think it reflects great genuine believe in racialsim), but that there are shades of grey. When it's your own player you find justifications or reasons why it was OK - he's the real victim, his brother was racially abused, his grandfather is black, he campaigns against racism, it might have been sarcastic or a denial, and so on. Some of these excuses are valid and relevant, genuinely mitigating, others are not but you can't just have a simplistic rule which says "If he's found to racially abuse someone his contract is terminated". The people here who are advocating that sort of thing need to realise that we'd have to terminate one of our own players if that sort of rule was brought in -Ferdinand being chucked out of the club, despite any justification or excuse you might bring up, would be a consequence of that rule.
I agree there's shades of grey. And of course you shouldn't look at it in that black and white way.

Common sense has to come into it.

And I don't believe anyone with common sense would believe that Ferdinand's crime was anywhere near Suarez's.

You only have to see the public reaction to both incidents.


New Member
May 31, 2007
Not true. Being a racist is not illegal nor is it punishable by law, anymore than imagining killing someone cannot be punished.

If those thoughts/opinions translate into actions then it becomes illegal.

Hence Suarez was punished for using racist and/or offensive language and not for being a racist.

If you believe everyone who uses racist language holds racist views you need a broader mind.

I am shocked anyone would think that is worse than having an affair for 8 years with your brothers wife, and especially (and rather worried) that you find it worse than physical violence.

I ask you what would you rather happen to you. Be punched in the face, or abused verbally ( be it whatever ethnicity you are from)
Grammar error. Meant "can't"

Yeah, it's worse. Racism is racism. Straight up evil. fecking your brother's wife depends on so many things. How close they were, did they hate each other, etc. Too many variables to pretend. But, of course, my main point being that fecking your brother effects not many people, while racism effects many, so, in my mind, obviously worse.


Full Member
Dec 31, 2011
N3404 The Island of Manchester United
It's been pointed out a lot that whether or not he is a racist is not what was being judged by the panel, nor was it with Terry, nor was it with Suarez. What they were trying to ascertain was whether he racially abused another person, and in all 3 cases they found the defendant to have done so, in all 3 cases they were at pains to point out that they weren't calling the players in question racists.

What I'm really getting at here isn't that what Ferdinand said was as bad as what Suarez said (although I do think it reflects great genuine believe in racialsim), but that there are shades of grey. When it's your own player you find justifications or reasons why it was OK - he's the real victim, his brother was racially abused, his grandfather is black, he campaigns against racism, it might have been sarcastic or a denial, and so on. Some of these excuses are valid and relevant, genuinely mitigating, others are not but you can't just have a simplistic rule which says "If he's found to racially abuse someone his contract is terminated". The people here who are advocating that sort of thing need to realise that we'd have to terminate one of our own players if that sort of rule was brought in -Ferdinand being chucked out of the club, despite any justification or excuse you might bring up, would be a consequence of that rule.
Whilst not wanting to apply different standards to the players, the offences of each were quite different.
Rio showed a lack of discretion, by approving of a derogatory comment, used within his racial group.
Terry used an adjective to describe Anton, referring to race, not as the insult itself, but, as a preceeding word to the insult.
Suarez used race as an explanation for his behaviour to Evra. "I kicked you because you are black! I don't talk to blacks!"
This is using race itself as an insult, and infers that being black is an undesirable thing, to be ashamed of.

If you consider a friendly pinch between mates as assault(which it can rightly be described as), then a punch to the head of a stranger is also grouped in the same offence, but it is obviously, infinately more serious.
This needs taking into account before you start spouting this kind of rhetoric.


New Member
Sep 10, 2006
Whilst not wanting to apply different standards to the players, the offences of each were quite different.
Rio showed a lack of discretion, by approving of a derogatory comment, used within his racial group.
Terry used an adjective to describe Anton, referring to race, not as the insult itself, but, as a preceeding word to the insult.
Suarez used race as an explanation for his behaviour to Evra. "I kicked you because you are black! I don't talk to blacks!"
This is using race itself as an insult, and infers that being black is an undesirable thing, to be ashamed of.

If you consider a friendly pinch between mates as assault(which it can rightly be described as), then a punch to the head of a stranger is also grouped in the same offence, but it is obviously, infinately more serious.
This needs taking into account before you start spouting this kind of rhetoric.
I'm not equating the offences, if you'd read what I'd written carefully you would have understood this. There are people in this thread who are telling us that if a player is found guilty of racially abusing someone they would want them out of the club, there are also those who argue that this should lead to a mandatory termination of the contract,the point is that one of our players has been found guilty of racially abusing someone, but nobody even gives a damn, much less campaigns for him to be thrown out of the club. You have to be a lot more nuanced than saying "He's been found guilty of racially abusing someone, he must go", as that sort of approach would equate all of the offences.
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