Gaming 1836 - The Europa Universalis 4 Experiment (Hands-off) - Map & stats in second post - Final Map and Stats update - Timelapse video


Odds winner of 'Odds or Evens 2023/2024'
Oct 16, 2013
Hm, there's quite the budget differences between the user nations. Lowest (Abizzz) is at 413, while highest (Grib) is at 491.

Wouldn't it be possible to increase/decrease the already chosen tradition/idea/ambitions so that we at least are within reasonable range of each other?

(Obviously I'm towards the bottom pointing this out. :D )
Good spot - nerf OP @nimic


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum.
Hm, there's quite the budget differences between the user nations. Lowest (Abizzz) is at 413, while highest (Grib) is at 491.

Wouldn't it be possible to increase/decrease the already chosen tradition/idea/ambitions so that we at least are within reasonable range of each other?

(Obviously I'm towards the bottom pointing this out. :D )

Good spot - nerf OP @nimic
I was hoping you wouldn't notice that (:angel:), but yeah there's a difference. It's not as bad as it looks, since I made the countries to fit 400, and then expanded the limit because I wanted to make the ruler better and younger (costs points) and adding colonists for most people. So there are some imbalances, since if you have more than 50% of your idea-points from the same category (Administration, Diplomacy, Military) they will cost more, and colonists are both diplomacy and quite expensive there. That shot @Grib up to 60% spent on Diplomacy, which made everything more expensive. @Abizzz is partly lower because he doesn't have the expensive colonist.

I also gave some countries a bit more leeway if they are split up in islands or different places, compared to some that are one big blob (which is easier for the AI). I'll try to tweak it a little bit though.

Edit: I also gave @Organic Potatoes potatoes a bit more because he's by far the smallest in province value (150 compared to some in their 170s). The provinces also count for the score total of course, but I think it's probably better for the AI to start big.


WW Head of Recruiting
Feb 23, 2016
Directly under the sun... NOW!
I was hoping you wouldn't notice that (:angel:), but yeah there's a difference. It's not as bad as it looks, since I made the countries to fit 400, and then expanded the limit because I wanted to make the ruler better and younger (costs points) and adding colonists for most people. So there are some imbalances, since if you have more than 50% of your idea-points from the same category (Administration, Diplomacy, Military) they will cost more, and colonists are both diplomacy and quite expensive there. That shot @Grib up to 60% spent on Diplomacy, which made everything more expensive. @Abizzz is partly lower because he doesn't have the expensive colonist.

I also gave some countries a bit more leeway if they are split up in islands or different places, compared to some that are one big blob (which is easier for the AI). I'll try to tweak it a little bit though.

Edit: I also gave @Organic Potatoes potatoes a bit more because he's by far the smallest in province value (150 compared to some in their 170s). The provinces also count for the score total of course, but I think it's probably better for the AI to start big.
Has the game started yet? If so, what year is it now?


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum.
Has the game started yet? If so, what year is it now?
I'm going to do the last introductions now, and then start running the game. I needed to be in the edit screen to make it convenient to do these, but soon we'll get going.

Apropos the introductions, feel free to correct me if I misgender someone. I've got the habit of assuming everyone on the internet is a he unless they clearly aren't. I'm about to say he for Salt Bailly, but it struck me that there's no reason a she or they wouldn't pick that username.


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum.
We've introduced some possible colonizers so far, and here's another one. Unlike most, though, @Salt Bailly is more likely to head east than west. Centered around Moskva, he's got plenty of potential enemies but also a lot of "free real-estate", if you know what I mean. He's got some hordes to get through, but then he'll be living it up in Siberia. Salt Bailly has almost no military focused national ideas, but otherwise has a general "good governance" mix. Grand Kniaz Badonkadonk I is another scholar.

Pretty close to Salt Bailly we find @Samid, one of the two green blobs of Central/Eastern Europe. He borders three players, but the main threat definitely seems like it's going to be PSV, the other green blob. Who knows, they might surprise us and be the best of friends. Samid is also low on strictly military ideas, but looks to build a prosperous nations with his ideas set. King Nonc. E. Schofield is a martial educator, so maybe he's got some military ideas after all.

Moving over to the Atlantic coast, we've got the first of our now four Muslim countries. @Shakesey looks smaller than his hot pink eastern neighbour @Stobzilla, but he's got some decently good provinces and a pretty good starting position. If he can fend off Stobzilla, and avoid war with the three (probably) quarreling Iberians to the north, he's got some easy pickings to his south and a prime position to build an empire in Africa. He's also got Gran Canaria, which is neat. Sultan Olaf the Fez is cruel.

Returning to Western Europe, we've got @SilentWitness. He's got some very solid provinces, but the shape of his country and the abundance of player neighbours means he's also in a very risky position. If they start ganging up on him he might very well be the first to go. (I'm going to buff his ideas a little bit because of his position, I think). If he manages to hold on, and the AI manages to stumble into picking Exploration as an idea (the one that lets you... you know, explore), he's got a very early colonist to launch his colonial empire. I think he wanted me to name his country this, but instead I made his ruler Queen Evertonia, who is well advised.

More to come after I eat some food. I like food.


Jan 14, 2010
If she really is queen evertonia then she will look like she will be the first to go all game and then rise from the ashes with a big bald knight leading them to glory.


Full Member
Mar 28, 2014
Wait you took my HRE membership(well it being meaningful with austria) surrounded me with other players and gave me a bad leader and now want to nerf me further?

Tyring to get rid of me in 3 years or what? My maintenance is obviously lower because that's the advantage of the idea I chose...


He's no Bilal Ilyas Jhandir
Dec 12, 2012
Oslo, Norway
Pretty close to Salt Bailly we find @Samid, one of the two green blobs of Central/Eastern Europe. He borders three players, but the main threat definitely seems like it's going to be PSV, the other green blob. Who knows, they might surprise us and be the best of friends. Samid is also low on strictly military ideas, but looks to build a prosperous nations with his ideas set. King Nonc. E. Schofield is a martial educator, so maybe he's got some military ideas after all.
Our king has extremely close ties to the youth of this country. He teaches them how to use their sword from a young age.


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum.
Where El Bastardo at
Sitting in Madrid, and with a colour that is slowly growing on me, it's @Solius. It's impossible to predict which one of the Iberians will prevail, but Solius is probably the one out of the three who has the biggest incentive to force it. The other two are directly on the Atlantic Coast, and have islands further west to boot, while Solius is stuck eyeballing @AnotherLondonManc's Ibiza right off his coast. He's got some extremely strong military national ideas though. It remains to be seen if either of the other two will ally him, but if they do they best not forget that King El Bastardo is cruel, which includes, and I quote: "will betray their allies without second thoughts".

We don't have to go far to find our next player, @Stobzilla. He only borders his fellow Muslim @Shakesey to the west, but the very long coast could invite trouble from the many other Mediterranean countries. If he manages to stay safe, he's got a route straight through the Sahara desert into the heart of West Africa. He's got a nice mix of military and diplomatic ideas. Sultan Nelstobz Manzilla is a bold fighter.

@Tiber is next up, although disappointingly he's not anywhere near the actual Tiber. Situated in Kiev, he might feel threatened by the three relatively large players close by him. He's still got plenty of room to expand into, though, and his early military national ideas might help him do just that. He's one of the few countries that might have a realistic shot at conquering and colonizing his way eastwards into Siberia. Unfortunately Grand Kniaginia General Emperor Mayor I is an embezzler.

We're getting close to the end now, but we've still got a few left. One of those managed to secure himself a really promising position. @VeevaVee is based in Rome, and if his fellow Italians @AnotherLondonManc and @P-Nut aren't careful he just might try to create an entirely Italian Empire. He's got a heavily diplomacy-focused set of ideas to help him do just that. King Bruce Bastard indulgent, which doesn't sound great.

For the last of this batch, we've got another big boy. @Vidyoyo has a lot of territory to take care of. On the other hand, he's also in a prime position to grab Norway from @Igor Drefljak and maybe Finland from @BootsyCollins, though both of them have their capitals in those areas which makes it more of a challenge. If he does secure all of Scandinavia, he would be safe enough to use his tech idea to great advantage. King Vidyoyo the Victorious is an intricate webweaver. Let's hope he's smarter than Littlefinger.

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something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum.
Wait you took my HRE membership(well it being meaningful with austria) surrounded me with other players and gave me a bad leader and now want to nerf me further?

Tyring to get rid of me in 3 years or what? My maintenance is obviously lower because that's the advantage of the idea I chose...
I didn't say I'd nerf you, it was the opposite. I wouldn't say HRE membership is meaningless either, there will still be an emperor. It might even be you!

The maintenance is partly due to your ideas, but only two (+ colonists) are chosen, the rest were randomized (though I tried to pick one where there wasn't already a big imbalance. There's not really a benefit to someone for having 60% of their points in Diplomacy, so for our purposes it just inflates the points total.

I'll fix your leader, though ;)


Full Member
Mar 28, 2014
I didn't say I'd nerf you, it was the opposite. I wouldn't say HRE membership is meaningless either, there will still be an emperor. It might even be you!

The maintenance is partly due to your ideas, but only two (+ colonists) are chosen, the rest were randomized (though I tried to pick one where there wasn't already a big imbalance. There's not really a benefit to someone for having 60% of their points in Diplomacy, so for our purposes it just inflates the points total.

I'll fix your leader, though ;)
Oh, sorry misunderstood that then. Cheers. Also thanks for the new leader!


Full Member
Mar 28, 2014
Okay @Abizzz your guy is now careful instead, and I slightly buffed the stability idea. If you go on to dominate Europe now I demand an apology :lol:

Thanks. I'd be suprised I'f I'm not a vasal of whoever got Austria within 100 years but let's hope for the best :D


Full Member
Oct 24, 2020
I also gave some countries a bit more leeway if they are split up in islands or different places, compared to some that are one big blob (which is easier for the AI). I'll try to tweak it a little bit though.
This doesn't sound good! Since we're handing out buffs, how about a nuke or two for ol' Cagliari to balance the AI inevitably losing all my ships on voyages from Sicily to Palma


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum.
Okay I can feel the impatience to actually start running time, and also my own impatience to get rid of some of you so I don't have to write so much next time.

Let's jump right back into it with @V.O. Technically his nation should have the ending period too, but the extra dot took up a stupid amount of space, so V.O he remains. V.O.'s position looked incredible before I added @Andycoleno9 right next to him, but it's still pretty good. He's got quite a compact country, and if he can avoid ruinous (and I'm also surprised that's how you spell ruinous) war with the player spooning him, he's got some minor countries to gobble up. That depends on who gets to become Holy Roman Emperor, though, as whoever that is will look to protect the minnows. He's got a lot of money-focused ideas, which I guess makes sense considering King Joel Glazer is an entrepeneur. I promise I didn't do that.

Next up we've got a late edition to the game. So late that he's not even there on some of the screenshots. Luckily we found @hobbers a friend to play with, with @Walrus. He doesn't actually directly border anyone, but there's no doubt a confrontation with (heathen) hobbers is on the cards. He's actually also deceptively close to @Wing Attack Plan R to the south, who is yet to be formally introduced. If the AI controlling @Walrus like a meat puppet is any smart he'll ignore Europe and start conquering Asia instead. Sultan Walrus von Walrus has a pretty interesting ideas set to play with, though he's a naive enthusiast so maybe not.

Back in Europe proper, we've got @Welsh Wonder, who naturally chose Wales as his base of operations. That makes three countries that occupy parts of Britain and none of them is English*. Suspicious. In any case, Welsh Wonder is in an interesting position, splitting his country between France and Britain. The risk is that he gets bullied out of both of them, but if he manages to make some good friends he could be set for mass expansion. He's got a good varied set of national ideas, and King Dean Saunders, first of his name is a calm fellow.

*incidentally, our guy even has London. Or, as it's now apparently called, Llundain.

Let's get to our last Muslim country, the not-at-all-inconveniently named @Wing Attack Plan R. Probably the most isolated of the player countries (can I call them player countries if they're completely run by AI?), he doesn't border anyone who is likely to be a threat. Though as I mentioned earlier @Walrus is just out of view in Anatolia, and @Stobzilla is just a short Libya away. If he starts conquering, which he could with some decent starting ideas, he could find himself the king of the Middle East and East Africa. Sultana Scarlett Johansson is a free thinker.

Last up, unless I forgot someone (:nervous:), it's @Andycoleno9. Famously A is not the last letter of the alphabet, but he also joined late and is thus also missing from some screenshots. Whatever else you could say about the shape of his country, it's not the most defensible one. If @V.O. and @Denis79 were to gang up on him it could be a short game for our expert EU4 player. Expertise is just tears in rain in the hands of the replicants we call Paradox Interactive AI. He's got some interesting ideas, though, and could pick up some more considering King Garak I is a free thinker.

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something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum.
I'm going to take a break and then get it going. There will definitely be some early updates already today, since I think things might kick off right away. If someone is really unlucky they may just have seen me spend three days to create this only to kill them off two hours after it starts.

I think I can still add people once the game runs, so if someone is killed off very early I might just let them set up in Asia or something, as a smaller country.


Full Member
Oct 24, 2020
I am unreasonably excited by this. Great job, @nimic ! More hyped for this than Diablo IV

Hope I don't get instantly yeeted from existence!


The worst "V"
Jan 3, 2009
Sitting in Madrid, and with a colour that is slowly growing on me, it's @Solius. It's impossible to predict which one of the Iberians will prevail, but Solius is probably the one out of the three who has the biggest incentive to force it. The other two are directly on the Atlantic Coast, and have islands further west to boot, while Solius is stuck eyeballing @AnotherLondonManc's Ibiza right off his coast. He's got some extremely strong military national ideas though. It remains to be seen if either of the other two will ally him, but if they do they best not forget that King El Bastardo is cruel, which includes, and I quote: "will betray their allies without second thoughts".

We don't have to go far to find our next player, @Stobzilla. He only borders his fellow Muslim @Shakesey to the west, but the very long coast could invite trouble from the many other Mediterranean countries. If he manages to stay safe, he's got a route straight through the Sahara desert into the heart of West Africa. He's got a nice mix of military and diplomatic ideas. Sultan Nelstobz Manzilla is a bold fighter.

@Tiber is next up, although disappointingly he's not anywhere near the actual Tiber. Situated in Kiev, he might feel threatened by the three relatively large players close by him. He's still got plenty of room to expand into, though, and his early military national ideas might help him do just that. He's one of the few countries that might have a realistic shot at conquering and colonizing his way eastwards into Siberia. Unfortunately Grand Kniaginia General Emperor Mayor I is an embezzler.

We're getting close to the end now, but we've still got a few left. One of those managed to secure himself a really promising position. @VeevaVee is based in Rome, and if his fellow Italians @AnotherLondonManc and @P-Nut aren't careful he just might try to create an entirely Italian Empire. He's got a heavily diplomacy-focused set of ideas to help him do just that. King Bruce Bastard indulgent, which doesn't sound great.

For the last of this batch, we've got another big boy. @Vidyoyo has a lot of territory to take care of. On the other hand, he's also in a prime position to grab Norway from @Igor Drefljak and maybe Finland from @BootsyCollins, though both of them have their capitals in those areas which makes it more of a challenge. If he does secure all of Scandinavia, he would be safe enough to use his tech idea to great advantage. King Vidyoyo the Victorious is an intricate webweaver. Let's hope he's smarter than Littlefinger.

I'll be indulging in vats of tapas when I get my hands on Ibiza. @Solius you're welcome to join from the other side and scissor the shit out of it, then join me for the tapas vats.