The Icardi soap opera | Icardashians?

Shallow, stupid people dating / marrying other shallow, stupid people. Look at Foden and others and their girlfriends/wives just shrug and move on even when it leaks because they don't have to work and just fly to Dubai 10 times a year. They all fit each other so well.
Shallow, stupid people dating / marrying other shallow, stupid people. Look at Foden and others and their girlfriends/wives just shrug and move on even when it leaks because they don't have to work and just fly to Dubai 10 times a year. They all fit each other so well.

But...she's left him it seems...
She’s fecking hot. I might slide into her DM’s now.
They arent even that hot tbh. Especially Wanda, Bang average. Not worth all the troubles.
Well, two things:
-it appears Wanda really was in love
-she needs to stop dating and marrying footballers, they inevitably end up cheating on her
-i am not a footballer Wanda, but i can go a long time and i'd be happy to be a step-dad and i would definitely not cheat on you so long as i can be a stay-at-home lazy ass husbando
Icardi missing the last two games for “personal reasons”

He has now to divorce from Wanda, but she manages all his wealth

Good luck with that
Icardi missing the last two games for “personal reasons”

He has now to divorce from Wanda, but she manages all his wealth

Good luck with that

This felt just like the moment from the dark knight, when Morgan Freeman questions the guy who threatens to expose Batman.

Icardi seems like a mecha prick.
Icardi missing the last two games for “personal reasons”

He has now to divorce from Wanda, but she manages all his wealth

Good luck with that

It could be ugly. :lol:

But to be honest, while I'm not an easy man, that miss Suarez is tempting.
Well, two things:
-it appears Wanda really was in love
-she needs to stop dating and marrying footballers, they inevitably end up cheating on her
-i am not a footballer Wanda, but i can go a long time and i'd be happy to be a step-dad and i would definitely not cheat on you so long as i can be a stay-at-home lazy ass husbando
Chill Giorno she hasn't got that €60m divorce package yet .)
La China Suárez should be every couple’s permitted. Both sex. Lovely.
Well, two things:
-it appears Wanda really was in love
-she needs to stop dating and marrying footballers, they inevitably end up cheating on her
-i am not a footballer Wanda, but i can go a long time and i'd be happy to be a step-dad and i would definitely not cheat on you so long as i can be a stay-at-home lazy ass husbando
Did she cheat on Maxi Lopez with Icardi in the first place?
Well, two things:
-it appears Wanda really was in love
-she needs to stop dating and marrying footballers, they inevitably end up cheating on her
-i am not a footballer Wanda, but i can go a long time and i'd be happy to be a step-dad and i would definitely not cheat on you so long as i can be a stay-at-home lazy ass husbando
I'll go one step further and tattoo her name, her children's name and her granny's if she wants.
Well, two things:
-it appears Wanda really was in love
-she needs to stop dating and marrying footballers, they inevitably end up cheating on her
-i am not a footballer Wanda, but i can go a long time and i'd be happy to be a step-dad and i would definitely not cheat on you so long as i can be a stay-at-home lazy ass husbando
Can't say the same about her. :wenger:
Karma bites back hard.

She cheated on her ex husband for Icardi and now he cheats on her :lol:
Yes this is correct. Karma is a bitch.
I’ve always wondered how Lopez ended up as an innocent victim considering that he also cheated on Wanda… isn’t that karma?

That doesn’t excuse further marital affairs by other people though.
Cheaper to stay together than have your wife who manages your finances take you to the cleaners. And from her perspective, hes the money maker....
Did she cheat on Maxi Lopez with Icardi in the first place?
I've always found it hilarious, and delicious when someone who started a relationship with someone who was involved with someone else ends up in the exact same situation...... they have done it once, how dim do you have to be to think they won't do it again.
A few policies I have always had in life:

1) Never actually date someone that will sleep with you if they already have a partner. This is just a recipe for disaster as whilst that person may be faithful to you, you will also know that they're capable of doing it which will just sow doubt.

2) Keep your finances separate. It is fair enough to discuss what to spend as a couple, but never actually combine or have one person control it (unless one of the people are degenerate gamblers/complete and utter spendthrifts) because if the relationship fails, that is an absolute nightmare to deal with, with only the lawyers benefitting.

3) Never marry a moron as morons will do moronic things.

Looks like these two went for the Dave Smith Triple.
Looks like he's grovelled a lot and she's taken him back looking at his latest Instagram posts.
They arent even that hot tbh. Especially Wanda, Bang average. Not worth all the troubles.