The New low (I.) Q. Republicans and Ted Cruz

Seriously, I think some female Democrat representative in the House (preferably of color) should outright challenge Greene to a boxing match, of which all the money at the ticket box office would go to charity. Take some inspiration from Justin Trudeau vs. Patrick Brazeau on this side of the border almost 11 years ago. If Greene doesn't have much of a brain left, someone has to finish the job.
From what I know of her district the silver lining is that at least she is speaking to her constituents.

Honestly? A peaceful separation of the US is probably not a bad idea. I don't think the cracks are going to get smaller in the next decades.

It's basically impossible, of course, and it'll never happen. Also the "Republican" one will really, really, really suck.
From what I know of her district the silver lining is that at least she is speaking to her constituents.

I wouldn’t mind getting rid of the red states and the racist idiots than run them.
Totally missed the ‘If I was a Black person today…’ bit…

Another one to the long lists of reasons why I wish an African-American House representative from the other side of the aisle challenges Greene into a 3-round boxing match (that was the setup for Trudeau vs. Brazeau on our side of the border back in 2012), with all proceeds going to charity. I'm sure the media would build enough hype to fill a big arena up for the occasion.
Another one to the long lists of reasons why I wish an African-American House representative from the other side of the aisle challenges Greene into a 3-round boxing match (that was the setup for Trudeau vs. Brazeau on our side of the border back in 2012), with all proceeds going to charity. I'm sure the media would build enough hype to fill a big arena up for the occasion.
"look at these black folks, they can only solve things with violence"
"look at these black folks, they can only solve things with violence"

That would be quite rich to say considering how many photos and videos that Greene posts about herself working out or showing off her rifles. Good thing about a boxing match is that the set of rules applies to everyone and that one must be the most disciplined of the two to win a fight.

That would be quite rich to say considering how many photos and videos that Greene posts about herself working out or showing off her rifles. Good thing about a boxing match is that the set of rules applies to everyone and that one must be the most disciplined of the two to win a fight.
They would spin in a weird racist way, you just know it.
They would spin in a weird racist way, you just know it.
I know. Still, Greene having been an agent provocateur (in person, on podcasts, on social media, etc.) for this long can only lead so far until a challenge is issued by someone on the other side. I only say that my preference of an opponent to Greene is on an African-American repreentative because the door would be open for some poetic justice after all of the crap that has been said.

On a different topic, this is what Republicans are attacking today. F'kin hell. :lol:

And who the fook is that guy?
She did send out a platitude via tweet a couple of weeks ago, but she still is an odious cnut...

Gaetz on a roll this week

Also, this one is an idiot and probably doesn't actually know what seized means.