Film The Redcafe Movie review thread


Full Member
May 20, 2008
Wythenshawe watching Crappy Fims
The Evil Within

The sadistic tale of a lonely, mentally handicapped boy who befriends his reflection in an antique mirror. This demonic creature orders him to go on a murderous rampage to kill the people he loves most.

This film is worth watching, if only for the sheer mind-twisting absurdity - there really is nothing quite like it out there.


Dirty Schwein

Has a 'Best of Britney Spears' album
Feb 6, 2012
Miracle World
Luton Town
Get Out.

A young African-American man visits his Caucasian girlfriend's mysterious family estate.
I liked this , I liked it a lot, good story well acted, with a nice twist, but you did see it coming.
This was not a horror film, I would say more of a Hitchcock type thriller.
My only problem was the ending, it was rubbish, but that does not stop it being a good watch.

I loved the ending. Thought it was perfect.


Full Member
Nov 19, 2012
Moon's Spawn
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword - 7.5/10

Don't expect a historical masterpiece. Everyone expecting a Kingdom of Heave/Gladiator type of production will be disappointed. It is a fast paced, quite silly at times but utterly enjoyable movie. I was never bored and the time just flew by. I hope there is Director's Cut, at times the movie seems patched up.

The Bye Bye Man: 1/10

Worst movie i have ever seen. Period. Do not watch!

I Saw the Devil - 8/10

Quite bloody but I enjoyed it more than Old Boy. Some stuff in the script just irritated the living hell out of me, otherwise i might have rated it even higher.

Get Out - 7/10

Quite good, great idea and decent delivery.

Life - 7/10

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Friendship is magic
Apr 24, 2010
You're...going to love me
Get Out - Same opinion as most on here, really liked it including the ending.

La La Land - Bit late with this one but what was all the fuss about? It's a perfectly pleasent film and it looks great but that's about it. It's mostly forgettable and the songs aren't even that catchy.


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
American History X: 7/10
Great setup showing Edward Norton becoming a Nazi, very cheesy resolution of the situation.
I loved the basketball scene and the 1st gym scene in prison when he identifies his fellow Nazis.


Historiographer, and obtainer of rare antiquities
Mar 19, 2008
American History X: 7/10
Great setup showing Edward Norton becoming a Nazi, very cheesy resolution of the situation.
I loved the basketball scene and the 1st gym scene in prison when he identifies his fellow Nazis.
Genuinely scary movie given how persuasive skin-head Norton's character is throughout.


Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
Jan 27, 2009
Editing my own posts.
It's hard to resolve that arc without being cheesy, tbf. "He learns to accept black people whilst still being sorta kinda racist" wouldn't really work.


Jun 24, 2015
David Brent: Life on The Road (2016)

Available on Amazon Prime. Bittersweet comedy directed by and starring Ricky Gervais. Twelve years after his 'fame' from The Office, Brent takes time out from his mundane sales job to follow his dream as a rock singer by self-funding a small tour of nearby bars and clubs. Joining him along for the ride are his rapping protege and long-suffering band 'Foregone Conclusion'. Suffice to say, he was never going to hit the big time with his politically incorrect songs, all delivered in that inimitable Brent style. The songs will have you foot-tapping, cringing and laughing all at the same time. Cliche-ridden and with titles like Equality Street, Native American, Lady Gypsy, Don't Cry It's Christmas and Don't Make Fun of the Disableds, they only just get away with it.

Gervais reprises his Brent character role with aplomb and despite wanting to slap him seven ways to Sunday every time he opens his mouth, you still end up feeling sorry for the nutter. Somehow though, he manages to turn it around in the final 10 minutes of the film, leaving the viewer in a better place than at the start of the film. I loved how Gervais gave that little tug of the heart strings at the end without getting too soppy....brilliantly done. Not for everyone I guess but another opportunity for Gervais to indulge himself.

I'm giving this a 6/10.
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Watches other men wank.Supports Real.Coincidence?
Feb 11, 2009
None of your fecking business
Real Madrid
Split was fantastic. McAvoy surely deserves a best actor nomination for this? I thought he was absolutely superb.

Dirty Schwein

Has a 'Best of Britney Spears' album
Feb 6, 2012
Miracle World
Luton Town
Dark Summer
A boy, who is in house arrest for stalking a classmate of his is haunted when she commits suicide after skype calling him. Tries to be the horror version of Disturbia but fails because none of the horror elements work. The main dude acts quite well and has a decent twist at the end but nothing else is good in this film 3/10

The Evil Within

A handicapped boy is convinced by a demon in the mirror to go on a killing spree. Not sure if I liked this or hated it but was definitely interested by it. Very strange film... not like anything i've seen in a while. Thought the main kid had a really good performance and the story was interesting enough to keep you hooked until the end but the pacing of the film was waaaaay off. It was only 96 minutes but felt much longer 6/10


Two cousins must infiltrate a gang to get back their kidnapped cat. Starts off a bit slow but as soon as the two guys go undercover, it's laugh out loud funny. Haven't laughed this much watching a film in a long time. Thoroughly enjoyed this 8/10

Mrs Smoker

Full Member
Aug 24, 2011
In garden with Maurice
Panthère du Ndé
Logan wasn't as great as I thought it might be. Charles and James forgot what Caliban can do? Maybe they thought he was dead, but after casino-hotel, surely not.

Kid was adorable when she spoke spanish, not so during english phase.

Reminded me of two Mel Gibson films, Blood Father and later on, Beyond Thunderdome. He'd rock as a Wolverine. :cool:

6/10, easily greatest Wolverine film of all time. Not that it's hard to be that.


Somewhere down the lane, a licky boom boom down
Jul 10, 2007
Lousy Smarch weather
Vampire’s Kiss - A rather tripe film that transcended to another realm through Cage's performance.
I think you need to write something more than that. The word special should be reserved for performances like Cage's in this movie. It's a great movie in a similar manner of how The Wickerman is great. An underlying genius that's beyond everyone's comprehension but his own. No director can hold him back.

I need to see it again with commentary that Bierman and Cage provide. Such gems as
The first appearance of the mimes prompts Bierman to reveal “I don’t know what this is about, I don’t know what I was doing, I haven’t got a clue.”

Dirty Schwein

Has a 'Best of Britney Spears' album
Feb 6, 2012
Miracle World
Luton Town
Top Gun
Saw this for the first time. Was ok, probably would have enjoyed it more had I watched it years ago. Tom Cruise is awesome 6.5/10


Full Member
Oct 24, 2011

Brad Pitt & Marion Cotillard who do the ripping yarn element quite well but the great romance stuff seemed a bit stodgy to me. So, bit of a mixed bag. Plot is full of holes, cinematography is marvellous. Story moves on quite quickly at times or not at all for 20 minutes at other times.



Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
A Walk in the Woods

Only lasted an hour, probably won't go back.

It's shit but harmless, nothing actually happens from what I could see. I laughed twice so let's say



Full Member
Jul 3, 2015

Kind of slow but executed quite well (apart from the actual boogeyman) I guess they didn't have the budget to make the boogeyman look decent. It has a monster and portals in wardrobes so worth watching and the cast are quite good too. 5/10

Boogeyman 2

Very different to the first one. Again it is nothing special but worth watching if you can't find anything else to put on. 5/10

Boogeyman 3

It was let down by the end, some bits made me think of something you would see in a ghost train at a theme park or something. I'm not sure if the people involved got bored as it went on or were just having a laugh. Still worth watching if you have exhausted all other options. 4/10


Don't Just Fly…Soar!
Jan 6, 2008
Thucydides nuts
Beauty and the Beast 2017

T'was Emma Watson killed the Beauty and the Beast remake of Disney's own Beauty and the Beast animated feature adapted from the French fairytale La Belle et La Bete I once saw a stage version in New York.

The Beauty:
The production design is pretty spot on, the set details and vibrant colouring looks pretty great at times. I thought Gaston and the supporting cast were decent enough, giving commited and energetic performances at the very least. The Gaston number is perhaps the highlight of the film. Belle's father's workshop looks incredible.

The Bullshit:
The Belle and The Beast give wince inducing performances; I found it hard to watch at time. There is no spark or charisma from Miss Potter or Mr Beast, and no chemistry between them. The Beast in previous renditions has always been a volatile, threatening character but here he just seems mildly cross. Similarly Belle has had a character makeover. Gone is the unfashionable Stockholm Syndrome, but with it the wild courage, the inquisitive nature, joy, compassion. In it's place we are offered the dual aspirational female qualities - for this is a major feminist retelling don't cha know - of petulance and normal.

The music is dreadful. I'm no paudiophile but I could identify that tune in a single note, and it's name was autotune. That awful clanky digital scarring is rife throughout. Paige O'Hara can, Mandy Moore can, Amy Adams really fecking can, Hermione can't.

How is it possible to remove the wit and charm, drain the life out of the story and yet have a running time that is so much longer than the toon! I'm old and have grown up knowing how to sit through long boring films but what about the kids of today who survive on a diet of 30 second vines and 120 characters, how must they endure these non-events?

Disney's original animated feature was never one of my favourites but having now seen the live action version I think I appreciate the original a lot more. From the charismatic voice over artists that make these films sing, to the animators that chief demiurge who gives life and movement to the world. And all the craftspeople inbetween. They've honed their talents, they've created something and no one knows their names.

On a more serious note, I know I'm making light of the world's celebration of Emma Watson's peculiar anti-talent, and she may not be a competent actor, singer, world leader, wizard, astronaut, etc. but she doesn't strike me as particularly stupid or oblivious. I can imagine her being quite aware of just how lacking in talent she really is and realising that her inadequacy is being recorded not just for us but forever. What a curse, what a sad immortalisation. Almost like that time I defended Boothy.

Welsh Wonder

A dribbling mess on the sauce
Dec 11, 2007
The music is dreadful. I'm no paudiophile but I could identify that tune in a single note, and it's name was autotune. That awful clanky digital scarring is rife throughout. Paige O'Hara can, Mandy Moore can, Amy Adams really fecking can, Hermione can't.
or rape jokes before anyone thinks of posting one. Should go without saying really but have to post it as I know what some are like.


Such tagline. Wow!
Dec 25, 2007
Eating a meal, a succulent chinese meal
a wife, three kids and Eboue
Beauty and the Beast 2017

T'was Emma Watson killed the Beauty and the Beast remake of Disney's own Beauty and the Beast animated feature adapted from the French fairytale La Belle et La Bete I once saw a stage version in New York.

The Beauty:
The production design is pretty spot on, the set details and vibrant colouring looks pretty great at times. I thought Gaston and the supporting cast were decent enough, giving commited and energetic performances at the very least. The Gaston number is perhaps the highlight of the film. Belle's father's workshop looks incredible.

The Bullshit:
The Belle and The Beast give wince inducing performances; I found it hard to watch at time. There is no spark or charisma from Miss Potter or Mr Beast, and no chemistry between them. The Beast in previous renditions has always been a volatile, threatening character but here he just seems mildly cross. Similarly Belle has had a character makeover. Gone is the unfashionable Stockholm Syndrome, but with it the wild courage, the inquisitive nature, joy, compassion. In it's place we are offered the dual aspirational female qualities - for this is a major feminist retelling don't cha know - of petulance and normal.

The music is dreadful. I'm no paudiophile but I could identify that tune in a single note, and it's name was autotune. That awful clanky digital scarring is rife throughout. Paige O'Hara can, Mandy Moore can, Amy Adams really fecking can, Hermione can't.

How is it possible to remove the wit and charm, drain the life out of the story and yet have a running time that is so much longer than the toon! I'm old and have grown up knowing how to sit through long boring films but what about the kids of today who survive on a diet of 30 second vines and 120 characters, how must they endure these non-events?

Disney's original animated feature was never one of my favourites but having now seen the live action version I think I appreciate the original a lot more. From the charismatic voice over artists that make these films sing, to the animators that chief demiurge who gives life and movement to the world. And all the craftspeople inbetween. They've honed their talents, they've created something and no one knows their names.

On a more serious note, I know I'm making light of the world's celebration of Emma Watson's peculiar anti-talent, and she may not be a competent actor, singer, world leader, wizard, astronaut, etc. but she doesn't strike me as particularly stupid or oblivious. I can imagine her being quite aware of just how lacking in talent she really is and realising that her inadequacy is being recorded not just for us but forever. What a curse, what a sad immortalisation. Almost like that time I defended Boothy.
Wasn't this heralded as a new feminist vision, spearheaded by "feminist queen" Watson yet the only real change seems to be that she's able to build a washing machine?


"Everybody loves a golden shower"
Mar 19, 2015
Wasn't this heralded as a new feminist vision, spearheaded by "feminist queen" Watson yet the only real change seems to be that she's able to build a washing machine?
To be honest a washing machine is great for them, it gives them more time to discuss their feminist ideas while still getting the housework done.