Transfer Tweets - 2020/21 | Check the OP for blacklisted sources before posting

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Utter bollocks

Love how Ole is tainted as this guy who has no backbone yet there are plenty of stories which state quite the opposite.

All we know is what Ole portrays publicly to the media.

Never known quite a manager to have such polar views from the fans

A hard hitting manager went well for us didnt it. (Mou) & for both clubs! (2nd time at Chelsea & the eventual fall out at United)

Lots of entitlement on this forum, many armchair negotiator, armchair managers, who really don’t even know what they actually want.

Want a “perfect” manager who:

Has a ruthless streak
Has great man management skills
Have the ability to demand what he wants from his superiors and NOT get the sack or piss anyone off
Sign anyone he wants without the financial worry. “Just pay €120M as easy as that”
Have free flowing attacking football but retain a rigid defence
Have no player make mistakes and haul them off jf they do.
Sell everyone if they make too many mistakes or are too inconsistent

Yeahhhhh that’s not going to happen

Man Utd’s fan base are turning into an utter joke. Becoming what they didn’t want to become & turning very bitter if they don’t get their own way, wanting the manager to get sacked if no results are there immediately, want their best players sold if they don’t perform 150% each and every game.

What an entitled fan base we’re becoming.

Don’t think any of you could support a team like Tottenham who have been a nearly team for as long as I can remember, Arsenal who are teetering on a free fall or becoming nearly men, Liverpool who have had long periods of midtable /5/6/7th relevance for as long as I can remember.

Think you’d have all jumped ship and supported another team that’s winning all the time.

Get off your high horse, stop thinking about the past and support the team and manager, that’s not to say that neither are free from criticism but when it’s constant, it gets ridiculous. There IS a system of play and there IS signs of improvement, fans eyes are just too rose tinted for Poch who’s won NOTHING, to see otherwise.

This forum would absolutely IMPLODE if Poch ever did turn up and it all went to shit.

In fact, I’d love to see that, just to get the Poch Love-In over and done with and the long term plan can resume once more.

You ok hun? X
Now that Conte is staying hopefully they take Emerson off our hands for a decent price.
Now that Conte is staying hopefully they take Emerson off our hands for a decent price.

I would assume that the agreement for him to stay was contingent on them granting him a wishlist of new players, so you can probably expect to offload a fair amount of your deadwood to Inter. Hopefully he continues to take our deadwood off our hands, too.
Additional details on the meeting among Conte, Ausilio, Marotta, and Zhang:

Key passage:
During the meeting, all the parties are on the same page regarding the future: no big purchases like Lukaku, the approach will be to look for good opportunities. While there won't be any obligation to win trophies, the desire is to raise the bar at all levels. President Zhang was able to find a compromise and keep all of his key figures.

I find this a bit too good to be true, but let's see how far this goes.
As a United fan, I'd rather not, despite how much I enjoy Bielsa and his brand of football.
I have never known a rivalry with Leeds so I don't care about that part. Although I do unfortunately enjoy City play as well. I think with age only a hatred of Liverpool has remained, everything else has died down.
Can’t believe anyone still uses fax machines
This summer has gone to a whole new level now. I doubt that Bartomeu and the board would give up their positions that easily against Messi.
I think they want him out but they can't admit because they fear fan unrest as well as they elections next year
I think they want him out but they can't admit because they fear fan unrest as well as they elections next year
They do want him out and blame his wages as a reason for the club being held back. Messi has felt unfairly targeted because of this, and I think the loss against Bayern was the straw that broke the camel's back. Bartomeu won't ever give up his position of power despite much of the board already resigning. Any move towards supporting Messi would make him look weak.

What a terrible state Barcelona is in.
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