Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

Stretch it long enough to see if Trump fires Mueller and the GOP helps bury the case. He has the dirty money to pay the lawyers.
That makes no sense even if Mueller is fired the charges are still there. How exactly is the GOP going to "bury the case". Currently it's an open shut iron clad case where even the judge is saying daaammmnn Daniel
That makes no sense even if Mueller is fired the charges are still there. How exactly is the GOP going to "bury the case". Currently it's an open shut iron clad case where even the judge is saying daaammmnn Daniel

If Trump fires the special counsel, unless Mueller's team distributes the witnesses and all other information he has aggregated to a state attorney, the federal level charges will rely on what the attorney general decides to do. If the AG decides Mueller's work isn't worth the time or money, then he has carte blanche to throw out any connected prosecution as well.
If Trump fires the special counsel, unless Mueller's team distributes the witnesses and all other information he has aggregated to a state attorney, the federal level charges will rely on what the attorney general decides to do. If the AG decides Mueller's work isn't worth the time or money, then he has carte blanche to throw out any connected prosecution as well.

Schneiderman is keeping tabs on the investigation I believe.
If Trump fires the special counsel, unless Mueller's team distributes the witnesses and all other information he has aggregated to a state attorney, the federal level charges will rely on what the attorney general decides to do. If the AG decides Mueller's work isn't worth the time or money, then he has carte blanche to throw out any connected prosecution as well.

If Mueller is fired, the investigation isn’t buried. The FBI is constitutionally bound to investigate any and every criminal activity they become aware of.

The Muller investigation has clearly uncovered a huge amount of criminal activity, lots of which we no doubt have no idea about yet, so if the special counsel is disbanded, instead of having one single closed investigation, there will be many investigations launched to follow up on the many lines of enquiry that have occurred along the way during the Mueller investigation.
If Mueller is fired, the investigation isn’t buried. The FBI is constitutionally bound to investigate any and every criminal activity they become aware of.

The Muller investigation has clearly uncovered a huge amount of criminal activity, lots of which we no doubt have no idea about yet, so if the special counsel is disbanded, instead of having one single closed investigation, there will be many investigations launched to follow up on the many lines of enquiry that have occurred along the way during the Mueller investigation.

Again, FBI can recommend federal charges. Its upto the AG to assign a prosecutor to build a case.
Ofcourse Trump can also pardon anyone, as we all know. If he pardoned a monster like Arpaio, Manafort is a saint in comparison.
*Deputy AG

What will likely happen is Rosenstein won't fire Mueller as he was the one who appointed him in the first place, so Trump has a choice of firing Rosenstein and getting his replacement to fire Mueller or fire Sessions and get the new AG to do his bidding.
House intelligence committee minority report produced. It’s explosive.

Big takeaways:
  • Trumps private business was negotiating with a sanctioned Russian bank during the election.
  • Manafort was communicating with a Russian with ties to the Russian intelligence services during the campaign.
  • Russian government used ‘variety of intermediaries’ to approach the campaign.
  • After the election Flynn conspired with Russia to undermine sanctions.
  • “The Minority has a good faith reason to believe that the White House does in fact possess such documentation memorializing President Trump’s conversations with Director Comey.”

Won't matter unless/until they flip the house though will it.

Being a minority basically means being powerless.
House intelligence committee minority report produced. It’s explosive.

Big takeaways:

    • Trumps private business was negotiating with a sanctioned Russian bank during the election.
    • Manafort was communicating with a Russian with ties to the Russian intelligence services during the campaign.
    • Russian government used ‘variety of intermediaries’ to approach the campaign.
    • After the election Flynn conspired with Russia to undermine sanctions.
    • “The Minority has a good faith reason to believe that the White House does in fact possess such documentation memorializing President Trump’s conversations with Director Comey.”


It would explain Trump’s inability to criticize Putin. They have him financially entangled.
When we say financially entangled, and therefore compromised, what does that actually entail? If he criticises Russia or Putin or whatever... What consequences does he face from Russia?
If this shabby, treacherous bunch weren't the Party of the establishment, they'd have been frog-marched out of office months ago.
He wants a Trump Tower in Moscow, and is willing to sell out his country for it.

If he's financially entangled, the Trump empire is dependant on a continuing line of credit from Russian entities. If they cut the credit, the Trump empire could feasibly go into liquidation as nobody else will provide credit to him.

They could also have a range of documents proving he's been laundering money for Russian nationals or other nationals through his various enterprises. They could instruct any entities in danger of collateral damage to withdraw their capital from neutral banks into Russian owned banks and then release enough information to sink Trump while leaving the other entities home and dry in Russia.

Kentonio's post above sort of explains it. Trump and his associates are to varying degrees either financially or materially entangled with Russia, which makes their policy decisions beholden to these entanglements and not the greater good of the country they are supposed to represent.

  • Trumps private business was negotiating with a sanctioned Russian bank during the election.
  • Manafort was communicating with a Russian with ties to the Russian intelligence services during the campaign.
  • Russian government used ‘variety of intermediaries’ to approach the campaign.
  • After the election Flynn conspired with Russia to undermine sanctions.
Paul Manafort has asked a federal judge in DC to dismiss the five criminal charges against him, arguing that special counsel Robert Mueller had no right to indict him for work done before he joined the Trump campaign as chairman in 2016.

:lol: Hilarious stuff.

Firstly - Mueller is hired to investigate any crimes he uncovers during his investigation of the 2016 election.
Secondly - Manafort's criminal activities could well prove to be related to the Trump campaign. If they prove he was hired for his pro-Russian contacts and agendas it has everything to do with the Trump campaign.
New York Times said:
The special counsel, Robert Mueller, has subpoenaed the Trump Organization to turn over documents, including some related to Russia, according to two people briefed on the matter. The order is the first known time that the special counsel demanded documents directly related to President Trump’s businesses, bringing the investigation closer to the president.

The breadth of the subpoena was not clear, nor was it clear why Mr. Mueller issued it instead of simply asking for the documents from the company, an umbrella organization that oversees Mr. Trump’s business ventures. In the subpoena, delivered in recent weeks, Mr. Mueller ordered the Trump Organization to hand over all documents related to Russia and other topics he is investigating, the people said.
I'm kind of sure that Sessions is not going to quit. This is the apex of his racist ass life.
The Pruitt for Sessions move is the latest talk, since he would not have to be re-confirmed by Congress. That makes it a simpler process to get rid of Mueller.

God I hate these conniving feckers...
As they seem fairly random timing wise (even if they have an 'election' coming up) I'd wager that there's a lot more to Skripal and Glushkov than we're ever likely to be party to in public.

Tying up loose ends in 'something' would be likely to me but we're not going to find out what.