US Presidential Election: Tuesday November 6th, 2012

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In a well-ordered universe...
Dec 26, 2000
On a pale blue dot in space
The girl disabled her account after all the retweets according to the link posted above.

Saw this gem today... I'm considering penning an open letter to have this asshole removed from his position.



New Member
May 13, 2008
I feel like hijacking my wife's Facebook account (I have the password). Some of the retarded shit the right wing bible bashing nutjobs are posting really needs a reply. The wife has already told me not to though; nearly everyone she works with are bible bashing loons and it would be very uncomfortable for her at work.

Nick 0208 Ldn

News 24
Mar 10, 2004
The great irony of course being that many of these political evangelicals distort the good in their religion in the very same way that patriarchal ideology and al-Qaeda types do with Islam.


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
What's doubly annoying about that guy is that he ran unopposed for his House seat.


In a well-ordered universe...
Dec 26, 2000
On a pale blue dot in space
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Courtesy of FB page 'Barack Obama's Dead Fly' (how cringeworthy of a page)

Posted by Patriot P Buenafe A. Briggs

Please listen/read, folks... Ah've a Proposition hereunder on how WE THE SOVEREIGN AMERICAN CITIZEN-TAXPAYERS can take back America from those marxists...

Here goes:

Let's get Mitt Romney & Sarah Palin to lead an econopolitical crusade to gather all interested conservatives; persuade each to invest à minimum of $50 to fund the acquisition of nationwide-subscribed newspapers (ie: target the NYTimes, for example!), radio stations, TV stations (ie: target CNN!), failing high schools all over the US (to turn them into private low-tuition magnet-school systèms that have strong Boy-Scouting & ROTC programs, philosopolitical civics curricula, and open to churches-and-homeschooling interscholastic instructions), etc. These infrastructural foundations for conservatism are self-sustainable from the get-go and should be financially-and-sociopolitically-profitable in the long term. They nurture and acculturate young people from their formative years and onwards for the rest of their adult lives. And they attract America's bests by simply doing their profit-making business activities!

And starting with the Tea Party movement which informal total membership, in mah conservative estimation... must be around à million-strong, mah proposition has the critical mass for a big-time take-off. If à million-investors' group would invest an average of à $100-bill each, that $100-million fund could make say... a newly-acquired NYT sensational and profitable overnight with 1-million new subscribers that could offset even à ruinous 50% outright subscriber-cancellations from its present marxist clients.

With a grandiose opening-shot like that, the likes of CNN-targets won't be far-off with Mitt Romney's investment/managérial skills, plus Sarah Palin's PR-charisma, Ann Coulter's legal pissings, Michelle Malkin's persuasive editorializings, PolitiChicks motivationals, Rissy Hamilton's opposition researchings... Et cetera...

The principal characters of mah proposition are in place, very likely ready, and above all - proven highly-motivated-to-succeed and pretty skilled in their fields. These times are ripe to start this grandiose enterprise. And with the odiously-incompetent / pathological liar at the helm, the next 4 years promise huge harvests of newsworthy materials that the reading public will snap up!

Therefore, friends, what are we waiting for! Mah personal $300-investment into that starting proposed-Romney-managed-$100M-AmericanConservatives-fund is getting hot and ready!


most 'know it all' poster
Oct 26, 2005
Didn't really all of that Marcello, but the gist seems to imply that they want to create the foundations of conservatism through socialism


In a well-ordered universe...
Dec 26, 2000
On a pale blue dot in space
And one striking comment I saw under that bullshit post on that page...

Nick Momot - Everybody needs to subscribe to Glenn Beck. He has some amazing ideas for mass media. He wants to do a hard hitting nationally broadcast TV show like 60 minutes. He would bring back legitimate investigative reporting back to mainstream media.


Jan 7, 2009
Do you guys believe that Beck and Hannity genuinely believe the shit they spout? I sometimes have my doubts.

I think they are smart guys who have figured out that they can make a lot of money by being extreme and controversial.


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
Do you guys believe that Beck and Hannity genuinely believe the shit they spout? I sometimes have my doubts.

I think they are smart guys who have figured out that they can make a lot of money by being extreme and controversial.
If they were that good at acting they'd be winning oscars in Hollywood.


In a well-ordered universe...
Dec 26, 2000
On a pale blue dot in space
I genuinely believe they do. They've become engrossed in their selves, a **** of personality. It has consumed them, and yes, the money and fame is nice. They're seen as heros to their audience. It's quite sad.

I honestly don't know if I could spout off so much bullshit that goes against my core beliefs, my integrity, my sanity, and just general compassion, all just to make millions of dollars.


Full Member
Jul 29, 2004
Only in Canada. Pity!
Some of the stuff coming from the republicans would be hilarious if it wasn't kind of scary. Someone was talking about splitting the country up and leaving all the "maggots" who voted for Obama. The republicans are basically white, rich men with their Stepford Wives who cannot stand the fact that they have lost "control" of their country to uppity blacks, latinos and "lower class" whites.


Shares his caf joinday with Dante
Oct 22, 2010
Occupied Merseyside

Charles Darwin, the 19th-century naturalist who laid the foundations for evolutionary theory, received nearly 4,000 write-in votes in Athens-Clarke County in balloting for the 10th Congressional District seat retained Tuesday by five-year incumbent Republican Rep. Paul Broun.

A spot check Thursday of some of the other counties in the east Georgia congressional district revealed a smattering of votes for Darwin, although it wasn’t always clear, based on information provided by elections offices in those counties, whether those votes were cast in the 10th District race. And because the long-dead Darwin was not a properly certified write-in candidate, some counties won’t be tallying votes for him, whether in the congressional race or other contests.

A campaign asking voters to write-in Darwin’s name in the 10th Congressional District, which includes half of Athens-Clarke County, began after Broun, speaking at a sportsmen’s banquet at a Hartwell church, called evolution and other areas of science “lies straight from the pit of hell.”


In a well-ordered universe...
Dec 26, 2000
On a pale blue dot in space
Marcello that simply has to be parody.
That page is legit. I have a female friend from Texas that has constantly posted on that page the last 2-3 months. I have never ventured to the page to post a retort as it was not worth the effort and subsequent rightwing nutter responses. But there has been some serious bullshit and headscratching posts on that page.


New Member
Mar 15, 2010
California in RL, Liverpool in SM
That page is legit. I have a female friend from Texas that has constantly posted on that page the last 2-3 months. I have never ventured to the page to post a retort as it was not worth the effort and subsequent rightwing nutter responses. But there has been some serious bullshit and headscratching posts on that page.
This is his "educational goal" on his Facebook page:

PhD HTM: My Educational GOAL
'Tis obvious to me that I've gotta literally-go tread my way through that giganormously-difficult biblical 'road to Golgotha' if my PhD-HTM (PhD degree in Holistic Theophilosociopolitieconomoral Marketing) goal will be won. After having outwitted 12 mortally-lethal trials since 1952 when just before my 2nd b-day I, as a sickly-scrawny infant, was just pronounced 'dead'... to having been miraculously pulled-out under waterlily-beds struggling for my last breath in 1963... to successfully-outfoxing the USSR's KGB-net in 1975 during my deadly cat-and-mice commie-entanglement in Prague... to my surviving the then-dreaded Marcos/Enrile prison system from 1978-1980 whereby leading oppositionists like myself were viciously-beaten black-and-blue literally to kingdom-come... to successfully-prevail over certain death in my then-losing fight against a vicious brain tumor from 1977 to February 1981... to my barely-surviving 2 very-costly and ultra-dangerous national elections, first in 1978, and then in 2004... to my surviving a deadly midnight mugging-attack in Dec. 24, 1987 that rendered me thoroughly-comatose for 19 hours in the hospital... to my having survived a prolonged cardiac arrest in a 1998 minor surgery that was fraught with medical complications... to my death-defying wrestle against two psycho-physically ultra-incapacitating, inhumanely-enfeebling and financially-ruinous divorces imposed against me by successive spouses whom I've each-loved far more than my own life, indeed like I've had loved no other person ever... to mention those few highlight-able super-hellish impediments I've trekked through-and-through, yeah... I've been there—I've done those! While I perceptively-believe that my so-called 'road-to-Golgotha' (in fulfillment to my appointment with the awarder of my much-desired PhD HTM) will be nothing like some leisurely-walk/window-shopping-at-the-mall, I'm neither fazed, deterred nor troubled, never have been daunted either or have ever even been remotely frightened...about these anticipated difficulties that conveniently-made themselves mind-blowing obstacles to my prospects. For I believed in my inner-most core that all those mortal-killers that have failed to do me their Darwinianly-eliminating ruthlessness have only made me far more competitive, intellectually-far-richer, far-stronger in character and virtues—as are in psycho-physical health and philosophical wisdom... and above all else, have all driven me much much closer to my divine Lord God... Why, I thank my Fate very very much!!!

"Holistic Theophilosociopolitieconomoral Marketing"? Obvious parody.


Full Member
Feb 26, 2005
Hargreaves' Hometown
I feel like hijacking my wife's Facebook account (I have the password). Some of the retarded shit the right wing bible bashing nutjobs are posting really needs a reply. The wife has already told me not to though; nearly everyone she works with are bible bashing loons and it would be very uncomfortable for her at work.
A bit lost here, right wing bible bashing? you mean left wing bible bashing or right wing bible loving? :confused:


New Member
Jul 16, 2009
Bible thumping is the word he's looking for.

Edit: Wait, actually bible bashing also works, apparently. But mjs lives in the US, so he should stick with thumping.


Pochettino's #1 fan
Feb 10, 2008
Obama will go down in history for his healthcare victory.....among many other things!

Healthcare will be just a small tip of the iceberg for the change that he initiated, not just during his tenure, but also the people whom he inspired who will only make an impact in the years after he has left office.

Think about it, Exactly whom and what did Dubya inspire with his legacy effect?

That actually seemed genuine. He always came across as a good guy who went into politics to try and be a better politician despite being surrounded by useless hacks of all political leanings.
He is genuine. There is no other way.

I cant wait to read his memoirs. I cant wait to see his life story as a movie.

Sod the movie, it needs to be a full blown 5 series HBO high production TV drama series. It will be a blockbuster.

Red Dreams

Full Member
Aug 16, 2003
Across the Universe....from Old Trafford.
I genuinely believe they do. They've become engrossed in their selves, a **** of personality. It has consumed them, and yes, the money and fame is nice. They're seen as heros to their audience. It's quite sad.

I honestly don't know if I could spout off so much bullshit that goes against my core beliefs, my integrity, my sanity, and just general compassion, all just to make millions of dollars.
what about Lambaugh? He is pulling in crazy money. I cant believe he is really dumb.

Manuplitive as heck..

but he is not stupid.


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
Healthcare will be just a small tip of the iceberg for the change that he initiated, not just during his tenure, but also the people whom he inspired who will only make an impact in the years after he has left office.

Think about it, Exactly whom and what did Dubya inspire with his legacy effect?

He is genuine. There is no other way.

I cant wait to read his memoirs. I cant wait to see his life story as a movie.

Sod the movie, it needs to be a full blown 5 series HBO high production TV drama series. It will be a blockbuster.
O had a series of meetings with presidential historians recently so he's certainly looking at being one of the giants. It's going to be an exciting four years.

Red Dreams

Full Member
Aug 16, 2003
Across the Universe....from Old Trafford.
Conservatives Struggle To Explain How Mitt Romney Lost 2012 Presidential Election

Just look at the excuses. You may have guessed most of them.

WASHINGTON -- Republicans across the country were shellshocked as President Barack Obama defeated Mitt Romney in Tuesday’s presidential election, finishing the race with 332 electoral votes and winning every battleground state except for North Carolina. The blame game began almost immediately, as Republicans looked to determine how a vulnerable incumbent like Obama had found a pathway to reelection.

The evidence behind the president’s victory points toward a stronger appeal to middle-class Americans, one of the most formidable ground games in the history of politics, and serious failures within the GOP to attract Latino and women voters. But a faction of conservatives were having none of it -- offering up instead a series of explanations for their nominee’s loss, rounded up below:

The media selectively reported Romney's gaffes.

In an op-ed posted to Fox News, Rich Noyes of the conservative Media Research Center slammed the “media’s biased gaffe patrol” for only magnifying every alleged Romney gaffe while failing to treat the president’s missteps equally. “When Obama infamously declared, 'You didn’t build that,' ABC, CBS, NBC didn’t report the politically damaging remark for four days,” Noyes wrote. In contrast, the Republican National Committee pounced on the remarks, selectively editing them for use in advertising, and even building an entire convention theme around the out of context quote. In the end, instead of turning on Obama, some voters reacted to the remarks by saying the words in context made them feel more positive about the president.

Fact-checkers were biased.

Noyes, in his mostly bizarre reading of the GOP ticket’s loss, also took aim at bias among the fact-checkers who essentially did their jobs and truth-teamed the Romney campaign's factual misstatements. Noyes honed in on Paul Ryan’s tale about the closure of a General Motors plant at the GOP Convention -- widely criticized as misleading -- arguing the vice-presidential nominee was “correct in all the details.” Noyes curiously left out that Ryan later backpedaled on his own claim, or that on more than one occasion, the Romney campaign was at times called out by its own surrogates for engaging in dishonest attacks.

Hurricane Isaac hit the Tampa convention.

Christopher Ruddy at Newsmax bemoaned that Hurricane Isaac washed away the first day of the GOP convention, and subsequently all of Romney’s presidential aspirations. The storm “seriously disrupted the official schedule,” he wrote, prompting Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Romney’s heartfelt biographical video to be bumped from prime-time TV coverage. It was up to the Romney campaign and the RNC to make the best use of their condensed convention -- which, shortened to three days, was still the same length as the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte. Instead of keeping Rubio in a prime-time spot, they chose instead to allow Clint Eastwood to walk onstage before a national TV audience and shout at an empty chair.

Romney was too nice.

Ruddy offered another explanation as part of his reflection on what went wrong: “Obama's ads were nasty, negative ones, while Romney's were of the kinder, gentler, country-club Republican variety.” It’s true that the Obama campaign hammered away at Romney’s business record, but it’s also true that it was Romney who used his career in private enterprise as the centerpiece of his candidacy. And based on data collected by, conservative outside groups spent over $74 million attacking the president, as opposed to the $5.1 million liberals spent in attack ads targeting Romney. The Romney campaign also falsely accused the president of ending the work requirement in welfare and, in the final days leading up to the election, implied in an ad that Chrysler was moving its Jeep production to China under Obama’s watch. Amid the barrage of advertising that dominated swing-state airwaves throughout the cycle, it’s safe to say that both sides churned out plenty of negative attacks.

Hurricane Sandy and Chris Christie get the blame.

Even before Romney lost the election, his aides preemptively blamed a potential loss on the storm that devastated parts of the East Coast. They even quietly decried top Romney surrogate New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for lavishing the president with praise over his response efforts. In the aftermath of the election, conservatives appear to have gone from disappointed in Christie to flat-out exiling him from the GOP establishment.

Robert Stacy McCain wrote in the American Spectator:

The list of fools who have brought this disaster upon us certainly also will include New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, the gelatinous clown who (a) hogged up a prime time spot at the Republican convention to sing his own praises; (b) embraced Obama as the hero of Hurricane Sandy; and (c) then refused to appear at campaign events in support of Romney's presidential campaign. Good luck with the remainder of your political future, governor. It is unlikely Republicans shall soon forget your perfidious betrayal.

But as Ezra Klein points out, the “Hurricane Sandy and Chris Christie won Obama the election” theory is inherently flawed. Moreover, there is little evidence to support the notion that Romney’s momentum was lost in the wake of the hurricane. Most polling indicated he had lost it by the second presidential debate.

Obama won by “suppressing the vote.”

GOP strategist Karl Rove, who was one of the first to pin Romney’s loss on Hurricane Sandy, concluded that Obama actually “succeeded by suppressing the vote” -- in other words, the president somehow prevented voters from casting their ballots. Rove did not fully explain his claim, perhaps because there is literally no evidence to support it, but instead insisted that the Obama campaign engaged in the sort of character assassination from which Romney never fully recovered. But the best was yet to come: Rove said the Romney campaign did not adequately defend itself against the attacks on the GOP nominee’s business record, prompting Rove’s super PAC to give it a shot. “We don't do defense all that well,” Rove concluded, somehow failing to mention that his two groups, American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS, spent a combined $300 million on the 2012 race.

Romney wasn’t conservative enough.

This one was bound to happen. Romney, the once moderate Republican who served as governor of Massachusetts, lost because he tried too hard to be a centrist, some said. The effort by Romney to appeal to moderate-minded Americans in an increasingly progressive society left some conservative leaders so furious that they “vowed to wage a war to put the Tea Party in charge of the Republican Party by the time it nominates its next presidential candidate,” according to The Hill.

But the trajectory of Romney’s campaign tells an entirely different story: The GOP nominee spent nearly 17 months walking away from the positions he once held while presiding over blue state Massachusetts in a tireless bid to win over the conservative base. It wasn’t until the final month of the race, namely the first presidential debate, that Romney pivoted to the center in a last-stage effort to court independent and undecided voters. If anything, Romney’s attempt to appear centrist was too little too late for a populace that smacked down Tea Party candidates on Election Day.

Americans are basically ignorant.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) said on Thursday that the president’s win was decided by an uninformed electorate -- even though voters had more access to information in 2012 than in any past election cycle. Johnson also neglected to mention the record spending on the part of Republicans to disseminate their message -- a message that ultimately lost out to that of Obama and his Democratic allies.


New Member
May 13, 2008
Bible thumping is the word he's looking for.

Edit: Wait, actually bible bashing also works, apparently. But mjs lives in the US, so he should stick with thumping.
Nope its bible bash'ers, so bashing would be the verb ;)


Pochettino's #1 fan
Feb 10, 2008
Marxist Muslim Fascist
I tried for a few minutes to see the intersection of these three ideological models, but I knew I failed when I started to feel my head hurting.

These GOP guys are super smart and take political philosophy to a level way beyond me :nervous: ...... :lol:


Pochettino's #1 fan
Feb 10, 2008
O had a series of meetings with presidential historians recently so he's certainly looking at being one of the giants. It's going to be an exciting four years.
care to share more? Im genuinely interested.
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