Wayne Rooney | 2007-10 Performances

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That pass came off for a few reasons.

Wright-Phillips being a spastic was the furthest man back and played Giggs onside.

Wright-Phillips is the only player on the pitch who wasn't tall enough to intercept it. I swear he missed the header by inches. :D

And of course because Rooney is a genius.
In no way, shape, or form do I say he's shite, like you guys seem to be claiming I am.

Yeah, because we've said you think he's shite. That's exactly what we're saying.

You're getting all hot and bothered about nothing.
He's always been quality. This season he's banging in the goals, and that it would seem that's what most observers will judge a striker by. I've always felt that if we build a team around Rooney he will flourish. For the last few years the team was Ronaldo-centric, and Rooney did what every consummate professional should emulate to do. Play for the team.

Baring injury I believe Rooney will top the goal scoring charts in England this year, and I predict that whatever he ends up scoring this year, he will better NEXT year. I think this season will mark the evolution of Rooney as the primary goalscorer. The next step will come as we prepare for life without the legends that are Giggs, Scholes and Neville. If we can bring in players of sufficient quality in those positions and they compliment and build around the strengths of Rooney I don't see why he can't go onto shatter United scoring records.

To me, he's always been world class. This season, he's just proving to the world what most United fans have always known.
World class is a term that means too many different things to too many different people.

Wayne Rooney has for the last few seasons been a notch below the very best footballers, but this season seems to be a turning point in his coming-of-age.

These last few years, his overall game was maturing and becoming a more composed, controlled one, but was lacking spark and genius which made him the worlds best young footballer 6 years back. And given the fact that he wasn't really scoring as many as he should or could, it mean't he was fine player and great in terms of influence and football brain, but nowhere near his potential in terms of sheer class.

Now, he seems to have realized the goalscorer within, one that we all knew he had, and although he still misses simple chances, his ability to get into those positions always deserved him to be a very good goalscorer. And it's finally happening, he has this season regularly won us football matches.

He's gotten better at heading the ball and imposing himself against defenders and more intelligent with his runs. So as a striker, he has improved immensely this season.

And even on the 'class' front, he's taken a few big strides. Whereas before the last two months one would be hard pressed to find 5 moments of brilliance from him in the whole year before, in these two months alone there have probably been twice that many.

The first City goal leaves me absolutely speechless. The astounding brilliance of the pass makes to forget about the fact that the touch to get into a position to do so was always excellent. That was pure genius. And hopefully a sign of things to come. Rooney has the potential to be one of the most complete footballers in world football, probably THE most. And if that happens, there are definitely good times ahead.
Rooney is world class, in that he's one of the best players in world football in my opinion.

If Rooney scores against Arsenal on the weekend, doesn't he get some sort of accolade for scoring 20 goals in the Premiership before any other this season?
Rooney see's passes and final balls that no other United player (apart from maybe Scholes and Giggs) does, he is better in the air now and his finishing has improved ten fold.
I think the problem people have with your opinion is that you're suggesting he still has to do MORE to prove himself as a world class striker, when he blatantly already is one of the very best strikers in the world.

Sweet christ on a fecking cross, I said he has to MAINTAIN this form... MAINTAIN, keep it up, consistancy, etc.
Sweet christ on a fecking cross, I said he has to MAINTAIN this form... MAINTAIN, keep it up, consistancy, etc.

I would agree with this. Undoubtedly if he plays this way for the rest of the season he's world class as right now he's in world class form, but he's had these spells before and they've faded. Keeping it up is what will move him from just below the world best to one of them.

A guy on another forum I post on describes being world class as 'being comparable to the very best to have played in your position'. A lot of people have wildly different definitions of world class from simply being a player at a top club to being amongst say the five best in the world but I really like that definition above. Personally I think the current game is very low on world class players, I'd only consider Ronaldo, Messi, Kaka, Xavi and Iniesta to be world class right now myself. Rooney isn't far off that and if he maintains his current form he'll be there.
I don't really think he needs to maintain his form for much longer, certainly not until the end of the season. If he has a dry patch for the last two months of the season I still think he'll be recognised by most as a world class striker or one of the best.

I think he has every chance of achieving Torres' league goalscoring record for his first season in the next month, and so if he goes the next two months without a goal he'll still have contributed the same amount as Torres - and that was enough for him to be recognised as world class without trophies for Spain or Liverpool.
I'll put it this way, Rooney is world class, but he's underperformed for the talent he has for the past couple of years. He's kept quiet and really not pushed on like he should have. Overshadowed by Ronaldo, It was alright, but now that he's our main man, when he doesn't play well 'and for a good part of this season, he hasn't' then its been extremely noticeable. He's starting to hit a consistent run of form, but he's got to keep it up and not bugger off like he's done several times before.
I'll put it this way, Rooney is world class, but he's underperformed for the talent he has for the past couple of years. He's kept quiet and really not pushed on like he should have. Overshadowed by Ronaldo, It was alright, but now that he's our main man, when he doesn't play well 'and for a good part of this season, he hasn't' then its been extremely noticeable. He's starting to hit a consistent run of form, but he's got to keep it up and not bugger off like he's done several times before.

He's scored in 15 out of 22 league games this season, and most of that post is compiled of criticisms of him.

Do you think Ronaldo was scoring in every game when he was overshadowing Rooney? Even at his best he wasn't scoring in every game, and in what's regarded as his best ever season by many, he didn't contribute much else besides goals(like Rooney this season).

Seems a bit harsh.

I believe Wayne Rooney is "world class". People over the years have been expecting a lot from the English striker. Talking about Wayne is to talk about the hope of England and despite all the incredible performances he has been putting at United, it seems he still has to prove a lot.

In my humble opinion, Rooney can be very underrated sometimes, but I believe we are not (only) talking about a footballer. Rooney means a lot for United. Rooney is a symbol, and it's something that talk too much about his presence. He is still young and already a figure of Manchester United. If you want to analyze him, you can't forget all the conditions unrelated to football.

I am sure Wayne will own the captain belt in a few years, he is the soul from Manchester United, and I can't image ourselfs without him, when we need him, he appears, putting the team on his back to lead the attacking force and cheer up his teammates.

Rooney is the guarantee. Rooney is a name which transmit me passion. I know he will run every single ball as the last one, giving his heart and his sould for the team.

Now if you want to talk about his footballing skills. I feel like I could go all the night but just to keep it "simple".

  1. Very good about controling of the ball.
  2. Very good at joining in 3/4 to claim for the ball and continue the play
  3. Very dangerous in the box. Not selfish so he can also assist.
  4. Excellent in giving the 100% but without losing the meaning of the game. It's not a simple run what comes from him.
  5. Great finisher (he could suffer his off days, but in general he is really good)
  6. His physical conditions are perfect. Strong, faster, potent
  7. Great header
  8. First touch (not bright as Berbatov but still very interesting to watch)
  9. His presence is another player on the field.

I can accept all the opinions,but this young man has all the symptoms of a "world class" player.
Slight quibble: I don't think anyone who's pondered it for a bit can conclude that Rooney was ever 'overshadowed' by Ronaldo.

Rooney willingly sacrificed his own game for the Portuguese. Not a difficult sacrifice, as he is all about the win, but still a sacrifice, and never an 'overshadowing'. Rooney could just as easily have decided to vie for the plaudits and the limelight, but it was pretty clear that he was never going to put himself before his vision of the team. Which speaks volumes about his character. He's so good at everything that he finds the 'weak' spots and fills them as necessary. In fact, he seems to enjoy this freedom, which presents an intriguing challenge for a manager as more often than not you can't help feel a slight sense of loss between that freedom and his ability in more direct situations.

I think his aggressive style means that game-reading and guile won't ever creep into his repertoire, but if they do, I wouldn't be surprised.
I dont care how many goals Rooney scores, he is a playmaker. He is a support striker. Even though he is putting away chances and getting on the end of things, Rooney's at his best getting the ball from well outside the box and creating.
He is probably the best passer in England after Scholes and Fabregas.

He is a good finisher when he doesnt have to think, but on one on ones he is nothing like Ruud or Torres or Villa, he is in the Drogba mold of finishing, a great creative finisher and can have extraordinary finishes but just doesnt have that killer instinct of a true poacher. he is getting better though.

But his passing (some of his short, easy passes this year have been terrible. but thats down to playing up top on your own and over thinking the pass) is world class. His ball to Giggs against City was out of this world. His through balls are unreal, his cross field passing could rival Scholes', his crossing is spot on, and he was born to find the open man on.

Bottom line, he is good as the lead striker but we would be better off with a Heskey type line leader with Rooney behind, But, we are a European pedigree type team and 2 strikers may be few and far between.
Playing Rooney in his 'best position' isn't necessarily the most beneficial way of using him in this team. I can't understand why people still can't see that, especially when he's maturing so well into the role Sir Alex saw him in three years ago.

I think people need to get over the fact we're not playing him in the position which lets him play his most beautiful football. It's been three years. Let it go.
Playing Rooney in his 'best position' isn't necessarily the most beneficial way of using him in this team. I can't understand why people still can't see that, especially when he's maturing so well into the role Sir Alex saw him in three years ago.

I think people need to get over the fact we're not playing him in the position which lets him play his most beautiful football. It's been three years. Let it go.

He is our best option to play up top on his own. But he just doesnt have the attributes to excel at this. In tough games we do resort to hoofing up to Rooney. Last time I checked Rooney is well under six feet and doesnt have the greatest leap.

then you see England hoof balls up to Heskey who can actually win headers, he plays them to Rooney and he can dominate a match by playing off of someone as shitty as Heskey. I know England don't play against the greatest opposition but Russia,Croatia,and Ukraine aint that bad.
Pisses me off that Rooney's scoring form and general form are always linked. Yes he is scoring off the charts this season but his overall play has been better in other years.

Last season he wasn't scoring all the time but he was awesome on the left and I think he was even more effective in attack than Ronaldo especially in the run in. he was the catalyst in our comeback against Spurts, he was awesome against Inter and tore L'Arse a new one in both legs.

Rooney is fecking good anywhere on the field.

I personally think that he is best behind a striker or even 2 strikers!!!!!

but thats just me, Capello and Fergie obviously know better, but just a little better.
He is our best option to play up top on his own. But he just doesnt have the attributes to excel at this. In tough games we do resort to hoofing up to Rooney. Last time I checked Rooney is well under six feet and doesnt have the greatest leap.

then you see England hoof balls up to Heskey who can actually win headers, he plays them to Rooney and he can dominate a match by playing off of someone as shitty as Heskey. I know England don't play against the greatest opposition but Russia,Croatia,and Ukraine aint that bad.

I thought against City he displayed everything you'd want from a No. 9 - hold up play, movement, occupying defenders to create space for others, all of it was near spot on.

Sir Alex echoed the sentiment to iirc.

Players take time to learn new roles and stating definitively that he can't play there seems very short-sighted. You could argue(and most would) that Van Persie is worse in the air, and doesn't impose himself as well physically, yet he's excelling in the role.

It speaks volumes that Wenger and Sir Alex, two managers with an amazing perception of the game(arguably the two most impressive), have decided to play hybrid No.9/10's as the furthest player forward rather than going out for a traditional No. 9 to play ahead of them. Part of the reason is because of the lack of strikers that fit the bill that are able to complement Rooney/Van Persie while being individually good enough to play for a top team, the other part is because of way the game's developing that it's probably going to be something we'll see more and more of with the need for all round play now equalling(or even bettering) the need for a clinical finisher in that position.
Again, we're (most of us, at least) all skirting around the point that he excels so much across a broad range of ability that it's a silly exercise to try and pick out a particular strength of his and claim that it stands out over any other.

He's like the NBA's LeBron James, who's been likened to a perfect combination of Magic Johnson (great passer) and Michael Jordan (game dominator). Focus on Rooney and he'll just make his teammates better. Try a more evenly spread approach and he can pick you apart himself. Although this kind of mental switching is easier in basketball where fewer players = more touches/involvement. Surround him with the proper support both in attack and defense and enjoy watching him thrive.

I remember all the Rooney is inconsistent threads from seasons past and was always amused by the seeming inability of some to recognize that while some of it was due to positional shifting, that was actually just incidental as the team was built around Ronaldo, with Rooney having to perform whatever duty was needed in support on any particular day.

Now that we're building around him, I would be very surprised if journos in a year's time aren't falling over themselves to praise his seemingly unstoppable form as he grows into the new system and oppositions scramble to devise ways of dealing with him. Which Rooney will make on-pitch adjustments to. As he matures and learns even more, he's going to get even better.
I thought against City he displayed everything you'd want from a No. 9 - hold up play, movement, occupying defenders to create space for others, all of it was near spot on.

Sir Alex echoed the sentiment to iirc.

Players take time to learn new roles and stating definitively that he can't play there seems very short-sighted. You could argue(and most would) that Van Persie is worse in the air, and doesn't impose himself as well physically, yet he's excelling in the role.

It speaks volumes that Wenger and Sir Alex, two managers with an amazing perception of the game(arguably the two most impressive), have decided to play hybrid No.9/10's as the furthest player forward rather than going out for a traditional No. 9 to play ahead of them. Part of the reason is because of the lack of strikers that fit the bill that are able to complement Rooney/Van Persie while being individually good enough to play for a top team, the other part is because of way the game's developing that it's probably going to be something we'll see more and more of with the need for all round play now equalling(or even bettering) the need for a clinical finisher in that position.

Very interesting post. With Rooney as a lone striker so much of his and the team's success depends on how well the wide players and midfielders support him. I'll admit that I've often despised seeing Rooney up front on his own, not so much due to him being unable to play the role as our inability to get players close enough to him to support him. The second half in particular against City this was a non-issue, as all of our central midfielders pushed forward brilliantly, and the delivery from the wide players was generally very good - the ball was crossed into dangerous areas for him to attack, and there were plenty of angled through balls for him to run onto rather than just lumping the ball up to him to contest with 2 big centre backs.
Very interesting post. With Rooney as a lone striker so much of his and the team's success depends on how well the wide players and midfielders support him. I'll admit that I've often despised seeing Rooney up front on his own, not so much due to him being unable to play the role as our inability to get players close enough to him to support him. The second half in particular against City this was a non-issue, as all of our central midfielders pushed forward brilliantly, and the delivery from the wide players was generally very good - the ball was crossed into dangerous areas for him to attack, and there were plenty of angled through balls for him to run onto rather than just lumping the ball up to him to contest with 2 big centre backs.

I do agree that we've rarely gotten the best out of Rooney as a lone striker because of the way we(or Sir Alex) interprets the system. It's almost as if he sees it as results-based system, that if he uses it it'll never really be a 4-3-3 for the whole game and he's happy to limit the creative side of his attacking players for the sole purpose of dominating the midfield.

If he wants to go for attacking, stylish play, he's going to play a 4-4-2 because he believes he's still got the know-how and we've still got the personnel and who can blame him? He's employed the system to magnificent effect in arguably 4 separate eras/teams and our best attackers(possibly bar an in form Nani) play best in a 4-4-2.

Once the new manager comes in it'll be very interesting to see how he employs Rooney - if he goes down the Capello route by playing Rooney in the hole and moulding the team from that starting point or if he decides to play Rooney right up top in a 4-4-2 or a 4-3-3(which I think is very possible).

This is pretty much all conjecture though, for all I know Sir Alex could have decided by next season that he thinks us going 4-3-3 as the main formation is the best way forward and I wouldn't put it past him because his greatest strength has always been how he's been able to adapt his team to suit the times and the majority of teams are playing that type of formation.
If our midfielders could provide him the support they did against City, there's no reason why it won't work.

Exactly, and once his layoff play and touch improves to a better stature he'd actually be quite an idea lone striker/middle piece of a 4-3-3.

He showed it against City.
Totti is a similar-ish player to Rooney and played as the lone forward most of his career, to great success. Personally though I'd rather play Rooney on the left of a 4-3-3.
Totti is a similar-ish player to Rooney and played as the lone forward most of his career, to great success. Personally though I'd rather play Rooney on the left of a 4-3-3.

feck Myxo! When did you get promoted?:lol:
Totti is a similar-ish player to Rooney and played as the lone forward most of his career, to great success. Personally though I'd rather play Rooney on the left of a 4-3-3.

I think Rooney has the pace and power to do the role even better than Totti too.
The question is whether he can be as much of a twat as Totti is though
Totti played lone forward for most of his career? I swear he didn't. And the first season he did, he scored more than any other player in Europe.
I do agree that we've rarely gotten the best out of Rooney as a lone striker because of the way we(or Sir Alex) interprets the system. It's almost as if he sees it as results-based system, that if he uses it it'll never really be a 4-3-3 for the whole game and he's happy to limit the creative side of his attacking players for the sole purpose of dominating the midfield.

If he wants to go for attacking, stylish play, he's going to play a 4-4-2 because he believes he's still got the know-how and we've still got the personnel and who can blame him? He's employed the system to magnificent effect in arguably 4 separate eras/teams and our best attackers(possibly bar an in form Nani) play best in a 4-4-2.

Once the new manager comes in it'll be very interesting to see how he employs Rooney - if he goes down the Capello route by playing Rooney in the hole and moulding the team from that starting point or if he decides to play Rooney right up top in a 4-4-2 or a 4-3-3(which I think is very possible).

This is pretty much all conjecture though, for all I know Sir Alex could have decided by next season that he thinks us going 4-3-3 as the main formation is the best way forward and I wouldn't put it past him because his greatest strength has always been how he's been able to adapt his team to suit the times and the majority of teams are playing that type of formation.

Undecided as to whether or not I agree with that but its an interesting point. Personally I'd lean more towards thinking we just haven't got the balance right with that formation on alot of occasions - there's no tactical advantage to surrendering possession cheaply by offering Rooney no support, although then again we have occasionally snatched fortuitous wins like against Arsenal earlier in the season by doing exactly that.

It'll be fascinating to see what he's got planned tactically over the next year or so. As you say most of our attackers seem best suited to a 4-4-2 at the moment, but then we seem to need that extra body in central midfield in the big games right now.
Totti played lone forward for most of his career? I swear he didn't. And the first season he did, he scored more than any other player in Europe.

Yep, coincided with Spalleti's switch to the strikerless formation which was one of the most intriguing tactical decisions of the decade I think.

Whether we decided to play Rooney up top in the same role in the very same formation was because of this is anybody's guess, but I think it's very possible.
Totti played lone forward for most of his career? I swear he didn't. And the first season he did, he scored more than any other player in Europe.

I'm fairly sure you're right - he only switched to that role under Spaletti. Roma have played orthodox centre-forwards for most of Totti's career, Abel Balbo, Batistuta and Montella are the ones that I remember off-hand.
Totti is a similar-ish player to Rooney and played as the lone forward most of his career, to great success. Personally though I'd rather play Rooney on the left of a 4-3-3.

Nah, as others have said, he played out the bulk of his career either as a second striker or in the hole in Roma and Italy's 3-5-2. However, it could be said that arguably his best season was in 2006/07 when he led the line and did it so well he ought to have been a strong candidate for Ballon d'or.
Rooney would walk into any team in the world; ergo he is world class.
I think Rooney has the pace and power to do the role even better than Totti too.

Yes, physically he's a more impressive animal than Totti. Where the Italian probably has the edge though was his touch: it was super-reliable in bringing others into play (not that Rooney's second touch is a tackle by any means).
Yes, physically he's a more impressive animal than Totti. Where the Italian probably has the edge though was his touch: it was super-reliable in bringing others into play (not that Rooney's second touch is a tackle by any means).

I'd agree that Totti at his best was (is??) more consistent in terms of his first touch and approach play than Rooney is at this stage of his development, but I think that Rooney at the top of his game arguably has the edge in terms of range of passing.
Yes, physically he's a more impressive animal than Totti. Where the Italian probably has the edge though was his touch: it was super-reliable in bringing others into play (not that Rooney's second touch is a tackle by any means).


While Rooney has the ability to bring the ball down beautifully, and does so with magnificence pretty much every game, his touch is still quite inconsistent. He lets it out of his feet a bit too much and ends up having to stretch for it, and while he inevitably brings it under control with yet more impressive control he's still not got the instant control and consistency that Totti had with his first touch.
True. At times his touch can be wonderful. When he first brought down the ball vs City, came inside and tried a curling shot. Excellent touch.
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