Who would you have as our new manager


Full Member
Aug 25, 2001
Birmingham and Manchester
The time to sack Moyes is now, and since it hasn't happened, I presume it's not going to. If it did, I don't think we can take a chance with another unproven manager, whatever their connections with the club. We need someone who's been there and done it, and can come in and right the ship. Even if they only stay for 18 months, they can get us back on an even keel.
I see your point. But whose to say a proven manager will turn it around admittedly the chances are higher. Pep Guardiola managed Barcelona B then Barcelona now Bayern Munich, it can be done. We will struggle to get the very best players due to no European football so the scouting will be very important


Full Member
Jan 10, 2010
Carlos Valderamas hair
People banging on about martinez need to actually look at the table, hes only in 6th place and will probs finish 7th if we manage to win more than 1 game in a row. Hes doing ok buy not seeing the world alight.

MDFC Manager

Full Member
Dec 26, 2005
People banging on about martinez need to actually look at the table, hes only in 6th place and will probs finish 7th if we manage to win more than 1 game in a row. Hes doing ok buy not seeing the world alight.
But he plays exciting football!


fixated with Shaw's bum
Jul 21, 2011
But he plays exciting football!
It wouldnt be the end of the world for me if we had to settle for just top 4 battles for the next few years as long as I get turn up to games and watch good football, currently... I'm not even afforded that,
As much as I think Moyes will turn out to be a competent manager for us if given time, I'm not holding my breath on us ever producing decent technical football under him.
Say whatever you wish about Martinez, he's not Sir Alex or a Mourinho but I'm sure he would have sorted our formation, got us playing with the ball on the ground, and could get 10x more out of players like Mata, RVP, Januzaj etc.
I remain convinced under his management I wouldn't have to put up watching a Manchester United side having to resort to throwing in 81 aimless lumps into the box in a singular game again, that's for sure.


Humongous twit who can't read
Jan 5, 2014
Watching interviews with Guardiola and Klopp makes me sad and disappointed United appointed Moyes. Such a lack of ambition. Major feck up...


Full Member
Jun 29, 2006
Glasgow resident these days.
Not everybody has the character and the mentality to be successful in a club like United. The appointment of our new manager has clearly shown that not even eleven years at a successful mid table club is enough if you don't have the right personality. When I go back and look at pictures of Moyes in his first day at Carrington he look lost, almost in a state of chock or like he was dreaming. His eyes and mindset is somewhere else, and now almost eight month later is still the same expression. I feel sad for him, this was never meant to be his mission. Sadly for us, sadly for him.

A new manager must have the right charisma, a special self belief, a ego and a egocentric mindset to survive at Old Trafford. He needs to be strong enough to fight with media, handle a couple of superstars and brave enough to follow his visions.

Klopp looks like he have what it takes. Strong personality, modern approach and a clear philosophy. He is also relative young but at the same time experienced. Like a newer version of the old man. I doubt he will come but he's the obvious choice. The train has gone regarding Mou, sadly. He also had the right personality. OLG should not even be mention, an absolutely legend as a player and a great personality but still to inexperienced to even be a candidate.

I have no idea who's available or not but choosing a manager just based on results would be wrong. We need a general, a visionary and modern leader who can take us away from Jurassic Park and in to Star Wars football. Now.
Can this thread get any worse?


Full Member
Aug 6, 2000
Rehovot, Israel
People banging on about martinez need to actually look at the table, hes only in 6th place and will probs finish 7th if we manage to win more than 1 game in a row. Hes doing ok buy not seeing the world alight.
Well, doing what Martinez has been doing, only for a longer period, is what landed our current manager his position at United!

I find it quite sad that in a summer that saw both Mourinho and Guardiola take new positions, we ended up with Moyes. I don't know where exactly we go from here. There are good coaches around but after these two it's a bit of a drop. But I don't mind getting a manager who isn't the perfect package yet as long as he's good positive, new and modern ideas. At least we'll be able to go forward with a manager like that, which we haven't this season.


Full Member
Jul 28, 2010
Well, doing what Martinez has been doing, only for a longer period, is what landed our current manager his position at United!

I find it quite sad that in a summer that saw both Mourinho and Guardiola take new positions, we ended up with Moyes. I don't know where exactly we go from here. There are good coaches around but after these two it's a bit of a drop. But I don't mind getting a manager who isn't the perfect package yet as long as he's good positive, new and modern ideas. At least we'll be able to go forward with a manager like that, which we haven't this season.
People forever go on about United signing world class players, and we had the managerial equivalent of Ronaldo available and yet we signed the managerial equivalent of Ashley Young. Good but not great, safe, steady and reliable.


Full Member
Jul 5, 2009
People forever go on about United signing world class players, and we had the managerial equivalent of Ronaldo available and yet we signed the managerial equivalent of Ashley Young. Good but not great, safe, steady and reliable.
I don't even see how Moyes can be described as any of these things, particularly in hindsight.
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Full Member
Jun 19, 2010
Borussia Dortmund
Well, doing what Martinez has been doing, only for a longer period, is what landed our current manager his position at United!

I find it quite sad that in a summer that saw both Mourinho and Guardiola take new positions, we ended up with Moyes. I don't know where exactly we go from here. There are good coaches around but after these two it's a bit of a drop. But I don't mind getting a manager who isn't the perfect package yet as long as he's good positive, new and modern ideas. At least we'll be able to go forward with a manager like that, which we haven't this season.
The thing is that the club kinda needs a completely new tactical approach. And that makes it even more important to have the best possible coach. Because from what it seems now Moyes is spending a lot of ressources without really getting anywhere, both in terms of results and development. So if he gets replaced in the summer his successor will have exactly the same task that Moyes was facing but with increased pressure and 80m less to invest and if you keep going like that you risk entering a vicious circle that will eat through your budgets.
You better have a general idea of how the club should play so you don't need a complete rebuild with every new manager. Barca for example changed from Pep to Tito (to Tito's assistant when he needed treatment?! - then back to Tito) then to Tata. Yet the transitions went rather smoothly. Because the club has its own system which is bigger than the manager, so the style picks the manager and no the other way around.
On the other hand you have Chelsea who more or less change their style with every new manager: Mata looked like their best player but suddenly he's not needed anymore, because the new coach values different qualities.


caf plane air-master
Jan 23, 2012
What about Van Gaal (sp?)

He's quoted today saying he wants to coach in england but it depends on vacancies (linked with spurs)


Full Member
Nov 30, 2009
The men to replace Moyes
Posted by Miguel Delaney

The first problem with replacing Sir Alex Ferguson was always going to be, above all else, presence. It was precisely because the legendary Scot was in charge for a barely imaginable 26 years that the choice for Manchester United should have boiled down to two men: Jose Mourinho and Pep Guardiola.

They were the only two managers who had both the utter self-assurance and extreme success to handle the inevitable fallout from such a seismic event as Ferguson retiring. It remains remarkable that, in a summer when United were "fortunate" enough that the 72-year-old departed when both of those coaches were changing jobs, they ended up with neither.

More important than anything, they were also the only two with sufficient **** of personality to make the entire narrative about them rather than just replacing the 72-year-old.

David Moyes, however, has diverted the story in an altogether different direction. It is no longer about succeeding Ferguson but saving United.

That also means that the job specification itself has changed. It is not as daunting. Were United to actually sack Moyes, it would no longer be about replacing a legend but rather an unfortunate figure who lost his way.

The club would not need someone as close in quality as possible to Ferguson, just someone better or more modern than Moyes. The current reality is this: Any more modern coach would play better football, while results can't get worse.

That, of course, means a somewhat wider potential pool of replacements. Given how dismal the current situation is, it's difficult not to think each of these prospective candidates would effect a positive change.

Juergen Klopp

If he doesn't yet have the success of Mourinho or Guardiola, he certainly has the force of personality. Quite simply, Klopp is in the next tier down from those two as a manager but the likeliest of everyone else to join them. There is just something so exciting about the German.

Alex Gottschalk/AFP/Getty ImagesAs Dortmund manager, Klopp has won two Bundesliga titles and reached the Champions League final.

Even aside from his whole approach, style of play and the sheer charisma, Klopp sends a ripple through the game. It might be an obvious example, but you only have to listen to the way a figure such as Zlatan Ibrahimovic talks about him. You can imagine a similar effect on United.

The Borussia Dortmund coach would just breathe life into Old Trafford again and completely change the dynamic. Beyond those kinds of intangibles, too, there is the way he is trying to push boundaries in the game: Klopp practises truly modern football.

Of course, the 46-year-old has said he does not plan to leave Dortmund until 2018 but that would also be a statement that United simply must test to the fullest. In short, since they didn't get Mourinho or Guardiola, this is the man the English champions should be striving for. It would be a new club, and a proper new era.

Louis van Gaal

The Dutch coach is almost certain at this point to go to Tottenham Hotspur, but it his own sense of certainty that should cause United to hijack that.

Van Gaal may not necessarily be the longest-term option and he may bring a briskness of his own, but that may be precisely what the English champions require at this juncture: Someone to just steady things, to restore the right kind of results and to instil a cast-iron resilience so the club can build again from a higher platform.

Van Gaal has always excelled in all of those areas. Furthermore, for all the notorious stories about how difficult he is, trophies have come rather easy to him too.

This is a man who has won a Champions League with Ajax, guided Bayern Munich to the final, won two leagues with Barcelona and then one -- most remarkably -- with AZ.

That is success across two decades, and from a broad range of challenges. In that, it is almost reminiscent of Ferguson. Van Gaal would certainly restore competitiveness.

Fabio Capello

The former England manager could represent a similar sort of choice to Van Gaal. If he is not exactly going to build a lasting dynasty, his sense of discipline would bring United closer to their natural level, and put the club back on track.

Capello is one of those managers who carries certain guarantees with regard to performance, and is not the type to be cowed by reputation or circumstance. Even if his own reputation in England isn't exactly high after his time with the national team, it should barely need to be pointed out that was basically the only "failure" of his career.

Otherwise, Capello has enjoyed success at every side he has been with: Milan, Real Madrid in two spells, Juventus and now Russia. That would indicate the problem was with England, not Capello, and that the Italian is still the kind of serious man to solve United's most immediate issues.

Antonio Conte

One of those upwardly mobile coaches in the tier behind Klopp. It could perhaps even be said Conte is where the German was around 2011, blazing through the domestic game but still just on the cusp of a proper statement on the continent.

Marco Bertorello/AFP/Getty ImagesConte has won back-to-back Serie A championships as Juventus manager.

Even if he still has some way to go in that regard, though, the Italian's winning record is significantly further along than Moyes'. His imaginative approach to tactics would also rid United of this dismally predictable rigidity.

They would be an engaging team to watch again, and there would be a sense of something modern about them again. The same would apply to a coach like Frank de Boer. Conte, essentially, would bring a retrograde team right into the realities of 2014.

Diego Simeone

Another manager who simply emanates an aura of abrasive control, and that is precisely what United need. Put it like this, while someone such as Manuel Pellegrini is clearly an excellent coach, he is also one who really best suits specific scenarios -- the style of creative player at Manchester City, for example.

Simeone, by contrast, is the sort of bullish personality you can imagine going into pretty much any situation but having an identical effect: instilling a team with his combativeness, as well as his canniness.

United have been something of a laughing stock this season. That would simply cease under Simeone. What's more, it's not like it ends there with him. He is taking Atletico Madrid to heights that their recent history and resources should not allow. That indicates something much deeper in him, and the potential to go even further.


Full Member
Aug 12, 2010
The true north.
I would take any of those names. The fact that Van Gaal will be available after the WC, wants to come to England, and will inevitably go to Spurs instead of us does my head in.

Also, if we wanted to go into a complete rebuilding mode, I'd add AVB to the list. I think he'd find a way to get Kagawa and Mata playing together, might help in keeping Nani and bringing him back to form, and his high line would work with any of Jones, Smalling and Evans. Bonus points if he could convince Vertonghen to join as well.


Full Member
Nov 30, 2009
I just think AVB is too young. I can't see him commanding the respect like the others would.


Born a freak always a freak.
May 8, 2004
Somewhere in your mind, touching a nerve
Klopp before anyone else for me. He has the charisma, respect, the achievements, the attacking mentality and the tactical awareness for our club. We should just throw whatever it would take to get him, at Dortmund, even if it means we spend lesser on players in the summer.

Lance Uppercut

I just think AVB is too young. I can't see him commanding the respect like the others would.
And he has been bombed out of both Chelsea and Spurs. No thanks.

Van Gaal would be my pick.


Full Member
May 6, 2007
Ginseng Strip
Klopp would be my dream choice, otherwise Van Gaal as the realistic option.

Though in fairness any of those names would be a huge upgrade over Moyes.


$10mil and I fecked it up!
Mar 20, 2012
up north
The wise short term choice is now van Gaal but I definitely don't see it. It would be wise as a rebuilding and stabilising method, particularly if it meant waiting around for a manager in the mould of a Klopp or Simeone.

That whole cut from the same cloth nonsense is going to be embedded for a while though isn't it? With American owners, a large East Asian fanbase, sponsors from every country on earth and so many nationalities in the playing staff...does the manager really have to be British? In short, no, just no.


Full Member
May 4, 2010
left wing
Guardiola, Mourinho, Klopp, & Rudi Garcia do not look like leaving in the short term, Conte & Simeone are in the middle of building Champions League sides and will probably want to see it through, Hiddink too old, Bielsa too insane, Van Gaal too old and too insane. I don't think there are great options around really.


New Member
May 28, 2013
M.A.M.B.O # 1
If the owners want to keep spending at the rate Moyes has spent and want good football and immediate trophies - Jose or Guardiola

If the owners want to spend a bit less than they have this season but still want good football and trophies - Klopp or Van Gaal

If the owners want to spend less still, want decent football and the guarantee of at least challenging for trophies - Conte or Simeone

If the owners want to spend minimally, but play nice football and give someone years to build the club in their own image - Martinez or Pochettino


Mar 8, 2012
Poland, Kraków
If the owners want to keep spending at the rate Moyes has spent and want good football and immediate trophies - Jose or Guardiola

If the owners want to spend a bit less than they have this season but still want good football and trophies - Klopp or Van Gaal

If the owners want to spend less still, want decent football and the guarantee of at least challenging for trophies - Conte or Simeone

If the owners want to spend minimally, but play nice football and give someone years to build the club in their own image - Martinez or Pochettino
You'd seriously replace medicority we're witnessing with more medicority? What's the point ? If we'd be going for a new manager then he should be only top shelf.


Full Member
Nov 30, 2009
The sad thing is that the ship seems to have sailed on these names for the time being. How will we convince them to join if we give Moyes the boot now?

"Klopp, fancy taking over at United?"

"Why, what are you offering?"

"We give our managers time to build a team and imprint their philosophy on the club"

"Isn't that what you told your last manager, who lasted a few months? "



greasy ginfers
May 30, 2012
Glazers Out
Would Mourinho take it if offered? And could he be tempted to forego us buying out his contract, and him just stepping down, to get the United job?
In an ideal world, yes. I'm living in a fantasy, expecting magical results to simply appear.


Full Member
Aug 12, 2010
The true north.
The sad thing is that the ship seems to have sailed on these names for the time being. How will we convince them to join if we give Moyes the boot now?

"Klopp, fancy taking over at United?"

"Why, what are you offering?"

"We give our managers time to build a team and imprint their philosophy on the club"

"Isn't that what you told your last manager, who lasted a few months? "


Look Jurgen, we're very excited about letting you build a team here at Old Trafford. We absolutely recognize the need to spend and will back you in the market to the hilt. We've spend about 65m in the past year alone, plus made a star player one of the richest athletes in the world. You'll have the players you want. Just don't try to sign Fabregas, ok?

But what about your last manager, he was fired after one season?

Jurgen, do you plan on playing Valencia and Young incessantly, ignoring fantastic talents like Kagawa and Adnan?

Of course not. It makes me cry to see how Kagawa has been misused at United.

Then you're safe.



Full Member
Sep 24, 2013
Not Moskva
You'd seriously replace medicority we're witnessing with more medicority? What's the point ? If we'd be going for a new manager then he should be only top shelf.
Neither would be my choice (too much of a gamble for a club of our stature) but both are relatively young and would offer the prospect of modern football. More grounds for optimism than a trophyless manager in his 50s known for dour, reactive football.


Full Member
Nov 30, 2009

Look Jurgen, we're very excited about letting you build a team here at Old Trafford. We absolutely recognize the need to spend and will back you in the market to the hilt. We've spend about 65m in the past year alone, plus made a star player one of the richest athletes in the world. You'll have the players you want. Just don't try to sign Fabregas, ok?

But what about your last manager, he was fired after one season?

Jurgen, do you plan on playing Valencia and Young incessantly, ignoring fantastic talents like Kagawa and Adnan?

Of course not. It makes me cry to see how Kagawa has been misused at United.

Then you're safe.
I could see that happening in the summer but I can't see him leaving Dortmund half way through the season. If we are going to replace Moyes I think we'll just have to wait.


New Member
May 28, 2013
M.A.M.B.O # 1
Then what exactly did you mean if I could ask ? That those are options ? If not opted/selected by you, then who ?

I think I've missed the point completly.
Every sentence in the post begins with "If the owners want".

And that particular example is at the bottom of the list and is clearly the least desirable of all of them.