Zidane watch

It's hard to say now Maxi. We do not know to what extent Zidane has freedom or exactly what he wants.
Now Marcelo and Isco are supposed to stay, but Marcelo and Isco are priority for him as Benzema ?. Right now I think Bale and James are the only ones sure.

Okay. Yeah James is a cert to be sold and Bale too. I just hope we don't go for Bale under any circumstances. He's done for me imo.
I'm impressed. Unlike Guardiola, he isn't taking the easy route. Good for him.
Not sure he's made the correct decision. The squad has regressed and Ronaldo has left. Then again, Real are probably going to spend big again now.

In many ways he has done well. He has stepped away. People have seen how bad they have been as he appears to have predicted without the money being pumped back in. Now he is back to save the day, this time more than likely with the money for the players he wants.
In many ways he has done well. He has stepped away. People have seen how bad they have been as he appears to have predicted without the money being pumped back in. Now he is back to save the day, this time more than likely with the money for the players he wants.

This is exactly what I think.

He's played it perfectly.
This is so odd, really can’t get my head around it. I guess he’s been promised an enormous transfer budget, and he’ll surely help attract the top French players like Mbappe and maybe Pogba.
Could it lead to Ronaldo returning to Madrid ? It's worth remembering that Cristiano only announced his desire to leave after Zidane had left.
Guessing he returned cos hes been promised Hazard. Will defo be harder this time given theres no Ronaldo, and a few of their players are much older. Their squad isnt as rounded either as it was for his second season.

Can see a bale / hazard swap, but at same time dont think Bale will want to go to Chelsea unless they have CL football.
Chelsea got the raw end of the stick on this deal
Indeed. I wasn't worried about Hazard's seemingly unrequited love, until now.

It's like your wife spending a lot of time at her mate's house and it's all good till you realise Chad Thundercock has just rented a room in it!
Funny how Guardiola is criticised for only picking up supposedly safe jobs, but Zidane is stupid for taking on a challenging rebuild.

Honestly, wherever Zidane goes, he can only go downwards from 3xCL. Being afraid to tarnish a legacy is such a loser's mentality.

Well I never said he was stupid for doing it, but yes, fair enough.

All the same.. I hope his second term goes up in flames.
I'm baffled that some of you seem to think that this has materially changed much? Madrid were always going to spend absolute shedloads in the summer, it's what they do.
Could it lead to Ronaldo returning to Madrid ? It's worth remembering that Cristiano only announced his desire to leave after Zidane had left.
As per his agent & Marcelo, Cristiano had planned to leave long before even the CL final had been played. Talks about a possible transfer to Juve started as early as after the 1st leg of the CL QF clash with them. His exit was to do with Perez and he’d likely never return even if there was a way if Perez is still at the club.
I'm impressed. Unlike Guardiola, he isn't taking the easy route. Good for him.
If he gets his wish of two of Hazard, Salah and Neymar or any lofty conditions on which his return is predicated, then he's not exactly going for a Burnley option, something that pep constantly gets chastised for not doing.
Guessing he returned cos hes been promised Hazard. Will defo be harder this time given theres no Ronaldo, and a few of their players are much older. Their squad isnt as rounded either as it was for his second season.

Can see a bale / hazard swap, but at same time dont think Bale will want to go to Chelsea unless they have CL football.

Chelsea has been banned to get players until summer 2020. But I think Hazard will go to Madrid, it will be interesting to see for how much considering he just haves 1 year left but Chelsea won't want to get rid since they can't but a replacement.
Chelsea has been banned to get players until summer 2020. But I think Hazard will go to Madrid, it will be interesting to see for how much considering he just haves 1 year left but Chelsea won't want to get rid since they can't but a replacement.

Unless Pulisic counts as the replacement...
Wildest dreams


As a Barcelona fan, would you really want to see that? :D

(Not sure that front 3 would work great together, so maybe you're just wanting to weaken the PL rivals moreso than strengthen Real :nono: I see you!)
As a Barcelona fan, would you really want to see that? :D

(Not sure that front 3 would work great together, so maybe you're just wanting to weaken the PL rivals moreso than strengthen Real :nono: I see you!)

That's the plan. Weaken Chelsea, the Spurs and Pool, while Neymar and Mbappé stay at PSG or go elsewhere but not Madrid.
Doesn’t Madrid also have a general guideline to not sign anyone over 25? I don’t think any of the current key players were signed at an older age than 25 or very close to it. Even Courtois was 25.

Hazard is 28.

Edit: I just looked it up. Modric is the only outfield player who was signed when he was older, at 26 years old.

David Beckham was 28 I think
Well, the money involved must be a lot, but still, brave of Zidane to take up the most challenging top level job in the world. He has to play a balancing act of appeasing the old guard and buying new players to build the squad while warding off sack threats from the impatient board and keeping the hanky wavers happy.

If he gets this right, it will probably do a lot more for his credibility as a top coach than the 3 CLs he won.
Chess like skills from Zidane. Timing of the exit was perfect and the timing of his return is excellent.

Fully expect he's got some big promises on players - I expect to see Hazard making the move across this summer.
Poor Poch will have to stay at Spurs. At least he'll have a lot of fruit salad.