Shamima Begum, IS teen wants to come back to the UK

No, I can't. You're throwing in lots of things that have nothing to do with the capacity to commit murder, and then somehow saying that means you're more of a danger to society than somebody who actually has the capacity to murder/rape and actually goes through with it too. Which is just fecking stupid. You can appreciate/understand the danger someone poses without needing to exaggerate it as much as you're doing.

All things considered then, do you think she poses a danger to the British public ? Or could pose a danger at some point in the future ? You seem to be focusing too much on the comparison I made. What about the possibility that she could become a female Salman Abedi ? You know, given who she's been hanging around with for the past 4 years.
That's a false narrative though, a huge chunk of the people that went to Isis went pre 2016, when they really started getting a bad rep for the murder, crimes etc. The reason a lot of them went because a caliphate was called, which re-establishing is seen to be a duty in Islam, and they wanted to build this 'pure' Islamic utopia. Obviously most logical people would've seen that territorial grabs in the middle east by a new state would be very messy, but I think it's very false to say that all these people went to simply kill innocent people. If those 3 girls really wanted to just kill people, they wouldn't have needed to travel to Syria for that.

Problem is though, we don't know who's who on that score do we ? Nobody can say - in a civil war - even with a modicum of certainty, who has blood on their hands & who doesn't.
All things considered then, do you think she poses a danger to the British public ? Or could pose a danger at some point in the future ? You seem to be focusing too much on the comparison I made. What about the possibility that she could become a female Salman Abedi ? You know, given who she's been hanging around with for the past 4 years.

I think she is, and I think as our citizen it's our responsibility to make sure that she is prosecuted. No to wash our hands of her because she's brown, throw a dart at a brown country and say it can be their problem, and then have people pathetically try to say that actual murderers and rapists are less of a danger to society than people who had sex with a murderer but otherwise have no indication that they're capable of committing an act themselves. I can't believe I actually have to type that out.
I think she is, and I think as our citizen it's our responsibility to make sure that she is prosecuted. No to wash our hands of her because she's brown and then pathetically try to say that actual murderers and rapists are less of a danger to society than people who had sex with a murderer but otherwise have no indication that they're capable of committing an act themselves. I can't believe I actually have to type that out.

Ah right, it's not because of what she's done, or what she could do, it's 'coz she's brown innit'. You seem to be another one who struggles to see past a person's colour when debating life's serious issues.
ISIS did a whole lot of murder/rape/crime stuff prior to 2016...

Probably, but the press wasn't as bad as when they were first setup. They declared a caliphate in June 2014 - and the schoolgirls left in Feb 2015. I remember reading the muslim forums around that time and there was a lot of support for the caliphate in the early days - it is after all a thing muslims are 'meant' to strive to re-establish - but the support started to dissapear after all the crimes they were committing emerged (and probably also due to them losing territory after their initial gains).

Also in those early days I remember the Khalifa (Baghdadi) putting out a plea for all muslims to come help build the caliphate as a duty to their religion, and I think that influenced a lot of people as well.
I think she is, and I think as our citizen it's our responsibility to make sure that she is prosecuted. No to wash our hands of her because she's brown, throw a dart at a brown country and say it can be their problem, and then have people pathetically try to say that actual murderers and rapists are less of a danger to society than people who had sex with a murderer but otherwise have no indication that they're capable of committing an act themselves. I can't believe I actually have to type that out.

It’s nothing to do with the fact she’s “brown” it’s the fact she is a Islamic extremist and she knowingly run off to join a terrorist organisation responsible for the deaths of numerous innocent people. Have you not heard any of the things she’s actually said openly to the media. Beheaded bodies don’t phase her and the Manchester bombing in which children were killed was a deserved act.

If we do take her back she will probably get a piss poor sentence like usual in this country then If you want a mentally unstable religious extremist as a neighbour that hates western values then by all means let her live next door to you.
Probably, but the press wasn't as bad as when they were first setup. They declared a caliphate in June 2014 - and the schoolgirls left in Feb 2015. I remember reading the muslim forums around that time and there was a lot of support for the caliphate in the early days - it is after all a thing muslims are 'meant' to strive to re-establish - but the support started to dissapear after all the crimes they were committing emerged (and probably also due to them losing territory after their initial gains).

Also in those early days I remember the Khalifa (Baghdadi) putting out a plea for all muslims to come help build the caliphate as a duty to their religion, and I think that influenced a lot of people as well.
ISIS was all over the news starting in the summer of 2014 and on into 2015.

June 2014 is when they conquered Mosul and became world famous for their brutality.
That’s 3 of her own children dead at her hands now. All sadly Completely innocent born into a bad situation.

Somehow I don’t think she will be bothered.
Sorry, how is this Javid's fault?

I think he's a cock and I don't think we should be removing her citizenship either but this is on Shamima. She chose to go to a warzone (to raise a family). She chose to stay, after kids 1 and 2 died.

What did people expect, the government to send in the SAS to get a person who joined a terrorist organisation from a refugee camp in the Syrian desert? Really?
Nope, it is on Shamima who decided to join ISIS and to make kids while there.

Exactly. What did she expect really? That the world would bend it knees to the might of ISIS because they have some Toyota Landcruisers and AK47's? If I am not mistaken their ultimate goal was to take Andalucia in Spain as well since "something something, muslim back in the day, something something".

Yeah, that seems a legit plan you absolute plank. Welcome to the real world, who btw can swat this so called caliphate of yours away like a fly if it wasn't for all the civilian casualties it would mean due to your brave freedom fighters hiding behind them and using them as shields.
The deaths of all her children are on her. She went to have babies in a war zone to feed them into the ISIS killing machine.

RIP little fella. He didn’t deserve any of this.
Exactly. What did she expect really? That the world would bend it knees to the might of ISIS because they have some Toyota Landcruisers and AK47's? If I am not mistaken their ultimate goal was to take Andalucia in Spain as well since "something something, muslim back in the day, something something".

Yeah, that seems a legit plan you absolute plank. Welcome to the real world, who btw can swat this so called caliphate of yours away like a fly if it wasn't for all the civilian casualties it would mean due to your brave freedom fighters hiding behind them and using them as shields.

Exactly. I have sympathy for the death of an innocent life but none whatsoever for her, made her bed and now she can lie in it.
Sorry, how is this Javid's fault?

I think he's a cock and I don't think we should be removing her citizenship either but this is on Shamima. She chose to go to a warzone (to raise a family). She chose to stay, after kids 1 and 2 died.

What did people expect, the government to send in the SAS to get a person who joined a terrorist organisation from a refugee camp in the Syrian desert? Really?

This was a young girl who foolishly left home at 15 years old to join a murdering religious cult. She thought it was the right thing to do, she probably still thinks it was the right thing to do. Meanwhile she has lost 3 children, her husband is a prisoner of the SDF and she cannot be with her parents, who she will need very much right now. We all need our parents when our life collapses around us. She is still only 19 years old and very alone.

If she can’t return to the UK the next best option would be for her parents to go to her. Would they be allowed to go to Syria and perhaps get her to Turkey or somewhere they can be together?

(Edit: I hadn’t realised that her father had remarried and now lives in Bangladesh, so no, her parents probably wouldn’t be able to get there.).
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The death is on her. She needs to be castrated. She a idiot that shouldn't be allowed to have anymore children. Is she going to have a 4th and it will be Britain's responsibility to take it and a tool for her way back?
This was a young girl who foolishly left home at 15 years old to join a murdering religious cult. She thought it was the right thing to do, she probably still thinks it was the right thing to do. Meanwhile she has lost 3 children, her husband is a prisoner of the SDF and she cannot be with her parents, who she will need very much right now. We all need our parents when our life collapses around us. She is still only 19 years old and very alone.

If she can’t return to the UK the next best option would be for her parents to go to her. Would they be allowed to go to Syria and perhaps get her to Turkey or somewhere they can be together?

She could just do the world a favour and kill herself
I'll reiterate the essence I've said before:

I don't care if she's personally a murderer or was an angel of mercy bringing YPG soldiers back to life.
I don't care if she's locked away for decades under a retroactive change in law once she gets to the UK, flimsy direct evidence notwithstanding.
I don't even care that she's pregnant, though that the child being born was a complication.

All I'm saying is that she shouldn't be stripped of citizenship or executed by the state. In 1945, when death was a far more common punishment, most convicted Nazis only got prison sentences, and stripping citizenship for me means a scary dystopia. Those are 2 red lines that shouldn't be crossed.

The only exception is if the Kurds, who captured her, want to try her there - they have every right to.
Sorry, how is this Javid's fault?

I think he's a cock and I don't think we should be removing her citizenship either but this is on Shamima. She chose to go to a warzone (to raise a family). She chose to stay, after kids 1 and 2 died.

What did people expect, the government to send in the SAS to get a person who joined a terrorist organisation from a refugee camp in the Syrian desert? Really?
I don't know the exact logistics of it all but it's known that fighters have returned to their home countries so it isn't completely out of the question.

She said the baby would die if she stayed and sajid in response stripped her citizenship ending any immediate hope of return. I couldn't care less for her but that baby was an innocent British citizen.
Feck me the foaming at the mouth hatred in here even in discussions of a tragically dead baby :wenger:
Feck me the foaming at the mouth hatred in here even in discussions of a tragically dead baby :wenger:
There is a palpable desperation to use those pitchforks now they have them out.
I don't know the exact logistics of it all but it's known that fighters have returned to their home countries so it isn't completely out of the question.

She said the baby would die if she stayed and sajid in response stripped her citizenship ending any immediate hope of return. I couldn't care less for her but that baby was an innocent British citizen.

I'm almost certain those fighters will have returned by themselves. Ironically, I think if she'd managed to make her own way back to the UK, she'd probably have just gotten in. She may well have made things much more difficult for herself with media appearances which a government in need of a public 'victory' has spun for its own purposes.

I think even if she had been completely 'innocent' and somehow ended up in Syria, the government probably would have offered consular services to help get her back but I doubt they'd be offering a chartered flight for her to get back.
I'm almost certain those fighters will have returned by themselves. Ironically, I think if she'd managed to make her own way back to the UK, she'd probably have just gotten in. She may well have made things much more difficult for herself with media appearances which a government in need of a public 'victory' has spun for its own purposes.

I think even if she had been completely 'innocent' and somehow ended up in Syria, the government probably would have offered consular services to help get her back but I doubt they'd be offering a chartered flight for her to get back.
I agree she shouldn't have caused the media storm, others have returned home quietly and she probably could have done the same if she kept her mouth shut, but she never came accross as the smartest person . But maybe she was just desperate as she knew that baby had no chance in that camp.

Also, the US and Kurds don't really want to use up resources housing these people, Trump himself said home countries should take them back and deal with them or they will end up letting them go. I guess the way out is to get to Turkey and leave from there.
Who would you say is currently foaming at the mouth in here?
@RedTillI'mDead definitely has been. He's called for her to be killed/tortured/kill herself etc

I personally don't have much sympathy for her as this was caused by her own actions, young as she was, but I don't agree with removing her citizenship.
It’s nothing to do with the fact she’s “brown” it’s the fact she is a Islamic extremist and she knowingly run off to join a terrorist organisation responsible for the deaths of numerous innocent people. Have you not heard any of the things she’s actually said openly to the media. Beheaded bodies don’t phase her and the Manchester bombing in which children were killed was a deserved act.

If we do take her back she will probably get a piss poor sentence like usual in this country then If you want a mentally unstable religious extremist as a neighbour that hates western values then by all means let her live next door to you.

If that makes you feel better. It's funny though how it's the denominator in why she's treated differently to anyone else British abroad who has actually been involved in murder. The rest of your post is just babble that doesn't really have anything to do with any kind of legal process or logic.
Ah right, it's not because of what she's done, or what she could do, it's 'coz she's brown innit'. You seem to be another one who struggles to see past a person's colour when debating life's serious issues.

Firstly, haha. Secondly, I'm a little sorry that I gave you an out to focus on so that you could ignore the rest of the post re: your opinion that people who haven't done anything as bad as murder/rape are more dangerous to society than actual murderers and rapists, but I'm confident that everyone else can see how ridiculous it was. Are you going to tell me that the women that get infatuated with murderers in prison and go on to marry them are more dangerous to society than murderers because they knowingly went and slept with them and had a relationship with them? Come off it, that's bollocks and you know it. Judge her for what she's done, not for the mental gymnastics you're doing to bring up some proposed hypothetical that you have no indication she's capable of or willing to do herself. Call it what it is, a slim possibility that can be dealt with through existing means.

At the end of the day, the bottom line is/should be that no matter what your/my biased opinion is, she is a British citizen, she is our problem, and we should deal with her as our problem rather than illegally stripping her of her citizenship and sending her somewhere she's never been because we don't want to face the issue.
What did people expect, the government to send in the SAS to get a person who joined a terrorist organisation from a refugee camp in the Syrian desert? Really?

There's a little bit of hysterics in that jump to the extreme there, we work with foreign entities all the time to return criminals to the UK so that they can be prosecuted. It's absolutely normal. Not entirely sure why we'd need to invoke the SAS.