Gay footballers | Czech Republic international Jakub Jankto comes out as gay

In 21 century no one should be afraid to do legal things, as being gay is legal. I don't see why is the need to make a public statement. You can post instagram pics with your boyfriend and etc. so people will know. Hiding it is stupid. Going out and having a public speech about your sexuality is stupid as well. No one should care. If someone abuses you, well, take measures. Abusers are at wrong here. They should be prosecuted. I for one have never abused gay people, I really don't care and it would not change my opinion on someone whether he is gay or not. In fact a certain gay guy might have felt abused by the lack of reaction when he told me about it and I was indifferent to his sexuality. They happen to like attention and need to feеl like they are special and etc and expect some reaction. I just shrugged shoulders an said: "yeah, whatever" and continued speaking on the topic we were speaking before. The guy said: "man I just told you I am gay" like if it was something super important.
If that is offensive, then I am gay offender. I hate gay parades though for obvious reasons.
One of the worst posts I've seen on the caf. :nono:
I don’t think anyone does give a shit, it’s not the 70s anymore.

Plus nobody these days should feel the need to “come out” it’s not some shameful secret just get one with your life no fecker cares.

Tbh unless you are a homosexual person who hasn't come out yet, then you have no right to tell people how they should feel or act.

It is a big deal, I know people who have been kicked out of their family home and shunned by their family for coming out as gay. They've also lost friends and work mates don't want to socialise with them anymore etc.

It is a massive issue in contemporary society and if you can't see that, then maybe you're stuck in the 70s.
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See, this is exactly the problem, people blowing it up into a big deal, and trying to make people like me, someone who accepts everyone for what they without discrimination, made out to be the bad guy.

Being gay is perfectly normal, it’s not something to ashamed of or something anyone should have to hide, it indeed even feel the need to publicly announce.

Do people not watch movies or TV programs or listen to music it all?

Some of the most famous and hero worshiped artists in the history of mankind are/were gay and the world loves them just the same.
It is a big deal. It is because it might cost you your job, it might cost you your relationship with your family and it might cost you your friends. I'll never regret coming out as bisexual, but it wasn't easy and some of my worst concerns were true. I've actually lost two of my best friends in the process and I've actually suffered from some abuse. And I live in a very liberal and progressive city. I was actually lucky, compared with so many others.
See, this is exactly the problem, people blowing it up into a big deal, and trying to make people like me, someone who accepts everyone for what they without discrimination, made out to be the bad guy.

Being gay is perfectly normal, it’s not something to ashamed of or something anyone should have to hide, it indeed even feel the need to publicly announce.

Do people not watch movies or TV programs or listen to music it all?

Some of the most famous and hero worshiped artists in the history of mankind are/were gay and the world loves them just the same.

Being gay is a big deal for many people, though. Many of them are ashamed of their sexuality. Many of them are frightened that there will be negative repercussions.

You don’t discriminate and that’s great. But gay people still need to tell their family and friends that they are attracted to the same sex and that happens through ‘coming out’. They’re still in the minority at the end of the day.

With famous people in the public eye it’s even more difficult because if they were to walk about with a same-sex partner then rumours will occur and said person won’t be in control of the situation. By telling people, they can take some ownership of the news surrounding them, as well as live life in less secrecy. With pride, perhaps.
My point is it will be celebrated beyond all comprehension. I probably should have worded it better.
Take Xfactor for example - an average male singer goes to his audition dressed as a barbie doll in high heels and the narrative given to us public is that he is amazing and so on and the props he receives far outweigh his talent. If he had sung to the same standard dressed normally then he probably wouldn't get any plaudits at all.
Kids at home see this and it influences their future. they feel they can get by with minimal talent by being ''different''

I agree with this. It also affects kids, for example the explosion in kids identifying as some other gender identity these last couple of years.
It's also a bit weird and distasteful that people under the age of 18 can be allowed to transition to another gender, when they are not mature enough to buy alcohol or drive a car.
Giving zero fecks about someones sexuality does not make me homophobe, nor abuser. If you do not get this, you have a serious problem.
The gay guy I mention is still someone I like hanging out with.
The problem is the abusers, not neutrals like me, fight them, not me.

Instead, you choose to abuse me. Because that is what you are doing right now. The hypocrisy at its very best. Go on...

You're an idiot. Bye.
It would take a massive amount of courage for a current player to come out at the moment - that in itself suggests that there still remains a serious problem of homophobia in sport and in wider society - a lot of good work has been done to fight racism and the same effort should be put into fighting homophobia in the game.
I can’t see many players coming out as gay to be honest. The vast majority of fans would be welcoming I’d like to think but let’s face it, there’s still plenty of moronic fans in football and I can’t see that changing any time soon.

Does anyone know if any female players have come out as gay?
I stopped playing football at 16 because I thought it wasn't a place for gay men. On the pitch, in the dressing room, everywhere. Maybe if there was someone I could have looked up to that made it as an out gay man playing football I wouldn't have been as disheartened as I was about the situation.

Thanks for telling me my own experience doesn't count.

Would it have changed anything really?
I can’t see many players coming out as gay to be honest. The vast majority of fans would be welcoming I’d like to think but let’s face it, there’s still plenty of moronic fans in football and I can’t see that changing any time soon.

Does anyone know if any female players have come out as gay?
Quite a few have. Most famously Megan Rapinoe.
"When you have no basis for an argument, abuse the plaintiff." -Cicero

I’ve made a range of points throughout this thread. Feel free to read them and learn something.

Or continue to derail an argument surrounding blatant homophobia with off-topic ramblings about Israel, China and Palestine.
India and China for example then are countries of homophobes?
Do you support Islam?
Do you support Christianity?
Do you support increasing refugees intake?
Do you support Israel in their conflict with Palestine?

Any country with laws that treat people differently due to their sexuality is a backwards and homophobic state, yes, obviously, not that I'm familiar with the specific laws of the countries you mentioned, and I don't support any religion at all, not that it matters to what we're talking about.

What does this have to do with the definition of homophobia? Could it perhaps be because you don't like the label in spite of clearly holding the views?
Boggles my mind how people can have a "I don't care, so no one else will care" kind of attitude.
In 21 century no one should be afraid to do legal things, as being gay is legal. I don't see why is the need to make a public statement. You can post instagram pics with your boyfriend and etc. so people will know. Hiding it is stupid. Going out and having a public speech about your sexuality is stupid as well. No one should care. If someone abuses you, well, take measures. Abusers are at wrong here. They should be prosecuted. I for one have never abused gay people, I really don't care and it would not change my opinion on someone whether he is gay or not. In fact a certain gay guy might have felt abused by the lack of reaction when he told me about it and I was indifferent to his sexuality. They happen to like attention and need to feеl like they are special and etc and expect some reaction. I just shrugged shoulders an said: "yeah, whatever" and continued speaking on the topic we were speaking before. The guy said: "man I just told you I am gay" like if it was something super important.
If that is offensive, then I am gay offender. I hate gay parades though for obvious reasons.
Bye bye 'gay offender'.
I can’t see many players coming out as gay to be honest. The vast majority of fans would be welcoming I’d like to think but let’s face it, there’s still plenty of moronic fans in football and I can’t see that changing any time soon.

Does anyone know if any female players have come out as gay?
Quite a few have, at the recent world cup there were 41 openly gay/bisexual players and coaches. Casey Stoney, United's manager is openly gay as well and was back when she was England captain.
I agree with this. It also affects kids, for example the explosion in kids identifying as some other gender identity these last couple of years.
It's also a bit weird and distasteful that people under the age of 18 can be allowed to transition to another gender, when they are not mature enough to buy alcohol or drive a car.
Jesus, they're multiplying.
The biggest problem on this subject is religion influence on societies. Most of religions are usually against homosexuality, pre-marital sex, idleness, etc (and yet it give us tales where underage sex, murder and rape are acceptable).

Even if most people don't even care about religion, those same people are deeply influenced by it's values who are installed in the root of societies, pretty much like a base template that is used in every new project.

That's why things like homophobia, and "victim shaming/blaming" in rape cases are pretty much common even in today's society. The main difference from the 70's / 80's is that we finally started to condemn these stupid behaviors, but we still have a long path to go.
Firstly I'm not homophobic one bit. i just have a slightly different view to you thats all.
Secondly there is no need for a footballer or anyone for that matter to declare their sexuality. Why should it matter? What does it achieve? If there are homosexuals playing the game which there obviously will be then they have already been accepted have they not? no need to make an issue out of it.

Yet your posts suggest otherwise.

You seem to accept gay people as long as they keep it secret. Why should they? The idea that people and their sexuality are accepted if they keep It secret is an utterly ludicrous idea. Why would secrecy be required if acceptance was a given?
Quite a few have. Most famously Megan Rapinoe.

Wow isn’t she one of the biggest names in the sport? I have no idea what it’s like to come out for either men or women so I’m not equipped to start making assumptions. The only assumption I can think of is that the people who’d abuse someone for coming out in men’s football are also the same people who think women shouldn’t be playing football so don’t pay attention to it. I also suppose women in general have had to fight to get the game to where it is now so there’s more of a togetherness. Whatever it is, hopefully the men’s game can follow suit in coming years.
Yet your posts suggest otherwise.

You seem to accept gay people as long as they keep it secret. Why should they? The idea that people and their sexuality are accepted if they keep It secret is an utterly ludicrous idea. Why would secrecy be required if acceptance was a given?

Keep reading mate, to his credit that particular poster has accepted he was wrong.
I’ve made a range of points throughout this thread. Feel free to read them and learn something.

Or continue to derail an argument surrounding blatant homophobia with off-topic ramblings about Israel, China and Palestine.
Ah, but you see prior to my reply to you I had made two posts in this thread. Both only with questions to another member, no viewpoint or opinion of my own was given. It was your choice to chime in without the previous context. I wished to understand another's views but thats considered being a "feckwit" according to you.
You only have to read this thread to understand why there is a need for football players to come out. So much homophobic nonsense. And it won't go away/improve unless there are football players brave enough to show they are just like everyone else and it's not something to be ashamed of. The first few who come out will be swimming in sponsors/endorsements for sure, if they are not completely terrible that is.
Wow isn’t she one of the biggest names in the sport? I have no idea what it’s like to come out for either men or women so I’m not equipped to start making assumptions. The only assumption I can think of is that the people who’d abuse someone for coming out in men’s football are also the same people who think women shouldn’t be playing football so don’t pay attention to it. I also suppose women in general have had to fight to get the game to where it is now so there’s more of a togetherness. Whatever it is, hopefully the men’s game can follow suit in coming years.
Yeah, I‘d assume it’s something along those lines. The fans and the whole environment seems much different. But I’m not really an expert here, so I won’t speculate further.
I agree with this. It also affects kids, for example the explosion in kids identifying as some other gender identity these last couple of years.
It's also a bit weird and distasteful that people under the age of 18 can be allowed to transition to another gender, when they are not mature enough to buy alcohol or drive a car.

What utter bollocks.

My son has a transgender cousin, hetosexual mates with gay parents and friends with a variety of sexualities. Funnily enough this has had zero effect on his own sexuality as it isn't a fashion statement. It has however made him an accepting, non-judgemental human with exceptional emotional empathy and intelligence.
Thomas Hiltzelsperger came out after retirement if i remember correctly. Why come out though.... nothing to be gained from it other than influencing the next generation, which i am against personally.
You don't see that much racism walking down the street, yet argubly labour are rife with anti-semitism, Tories islamophobia, and forgetting about the people who run this country, you go into football grounds and you hear all sorts of racist chants.

Your reality is different to others, homophobia is still a real issue within the UK. You're burying your head in the sand if you think any different, just because you might hear slightly less insults on the street or isn't as obvious anymore.

I don't doubt it will become normal, but were nowhere near that in this day and age.

Genuine question, but are you around gay people frequently to notice this?

My sister is gay and her and her partner are regularly yelled at in public, and they've been physically assaulted on a few occasions, and recently. Her friends suffer similarly regularly too. And this is in London, considered to be a massively diverse city. Presumably homophobia will be even worse in smaller less diverse regions.

Sadly I think its a long time before people don't care about someone's sexual orientation.

Hands up, I'm not gay and have no gay relatives. I do havea couple of friends who came out as gay in the 1990's and they did take one hell of a lot of shit. Gay slurs were rampant back in those days, so I have extrapolated from that and the fact Ive never seen anybody get abused in the street as "its ok to be gay" these days.

Given you two seem to have a more personal experience of it, I'll defer to your wisdom on the subject.
Going out and having a public speech about your sexuality is stupid as well.

But it really isn't. Being gay (or queer in any other way) is still viewed by many as not normal, to varying degrees. Some people are outright hostile towards LGBTQ people, whereas many more people just quietly think being straight is the normal way and anything else is abnormal or wrong in some way. These attitudes are especially prevalent in sports. Growing up I played ice hockey, floorball and football. I still play floorball and football recreationally. Gay jokes and bad attitudes towards gay players are still, in 2019, the norm in these circles.

The only way these attitudes have any chance of changing if people have the courage to come out and say "I am a gay footballer" or "I am a gay hockey player", and to force people to confront the fact that there is nothing weird, wrong or abnormal about being gay or queer. To give a face to the issue, to make bigoted people realize that this guy I've admired and looked up to, or with whom I've played for years and am good friends with, is what I think is bad or wrong, and to hopefully examine their attitudes. It also makes it easier for more people to come out in the open and be who they are, as they are. It must be horrible having to hide your identity and listen to people treat something central to your being as a joke, as a putdown and as an insult.

The other way for these attitudes to change is that when someone does say something stupid, ignorant or bigoted, those who don't share their attitudes need to speak up and say it's not cool. To support those who do have the courage to come out and be as they are, and make it known that the world in general does not agree with gay bashers or their attitudes.

To paraphrase John Stuart Mill, "the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing".
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It's very sad that this is an issue. Being gay should not matter in football. The abilty to play should be the only thing that matters. As for some of the comments in this thread. Have a look at yourself
Any country with laws that treat people differently due to their sexuality is a backwards and homophobic state, yes, obviously, not that I'm familiar with the specific laws of the countries you mentioned, and I don't support any religion at all, not that it matters to what we're talking about.

What does this have to do with the definition of homophobia? Could it perhaps be because you don't like the label in spite of clearly holding the views?
Do you think it's possible to disagree with the way someone lives without treating them differently? My questions may have seemed irrelevant but I asked them to make my point in a roundabout way. Seeing as you don't support Islam at all, would it be correct for people to call label you as an Islamophobe? You don't support Christianity at all, you are a Christophobe then? People who don't want more refugees in their countries, they are Xenophobes?
Wow isn’t she one of the biggest names in the sport? I have no idea what it’s like to come out for either men or women so I’m not equipped to start making assumptions. The only assumption I can think of is that the people who’d abuse someone for coming out in men’s football are also the same people who think women shouldn’t be playing football so don’t pay attention to it. I also suppose women in general have had to fight to get the game to where it is now so there’s more of a togetherness. Whatever it is, hopefully the men’s game can follow suit in coming years.
It's the same in tennis though. I can't name a single active male player that's gay, but several female players.
Depressing but true. Gareth Thomas was recently beaten up for being gay. If a big tough bastard like him gets physically harmed after making his sexuality public it’s not hard to see why other athletes would be reluctant to follow suit.

As an aside, it is kind of fascinating the different standards applied to male and female gay soccer players. Less than a month after Megan Rapinoe became a global icon, we have a male player too frightened to even come out.

I'm from the same town as Gareth and have known he was gay for years before he went public. Pretty much the whole town did. I used to be loosely connected to the rugby club and as far as I am aware nobody ever mentioned they knew to him. But there was a lot of gossip and nudge nudge jokes amongst people in the pubs. For what it is worth I've not heard that kind of talk for a very long time now. It was the speculation that kept people talking about it. Now the fact that he is gay gets talked about an infinite amount less and when it does it is factual and without judgment so I think he has set an example in doing this and hopefully he is much happier having done so.
Do you think it's possible to disagree with the way someone lives without treating them differently? My questions may have seemed irrelevant but I asked them to make my point in a roundabout way. Seeing as you don't support Islam at all, would it be correct for people to call label you as an Islamophobe? You don't support Christianity at all, you are a Christophobe then? People who don't want more refugees in their countries, they are Xenophobes?

Are you being deliberately obtuse or are you just dumb?

Organised religion and sexuality are not the same thing.
Hands up, I'm not gay and have no gay relatives. I do havea couple of friends who came out as gay in the 1990's and they did take one hell of a lot of shit. Gay slurs were rampant back in those days, so I have extrapolated from that and the fact Ive never seen anybody get abused in the street as "its ok to be gay" these days.

Given you two seem to have a more personal experience of it, I'll defer to your wisdom on the subject.
Slurs aren't the only forms of homophobia that exist, though they are the most obvious I'll give you that. There's a lot of more subtle homophobia that's still exists that wouldn't really be noticed unless you're on the other side of it.