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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Winner of the 'I'm not reading that' medal.
Jun 2, 2009
Big Days
Not able to listen to that clip right now, any chance of a quick summary?


aspiring to be like Ryan Giggs
Apr 20, 2000
midtable anonymity
Watching Boris be PM is like watching one long episode of Have I Got News For You hosted by Boris himself.


Pochettino's #1 fan
Feb 10, 2008
I’m surprised more remain MPs are not making the point about why we must respect an advisory referendum result from 3 years ago when we’ll have 2 general elections before finally leaving?

Pro Leave keep banging on about ‘the will of the people’. Well that can change, sometimes very quickly, else why have the Fixed Term Parliament Act.

Why is the result of that referendum so holy and sacrosanct, especially as it’s supposedly the most important issue as a nation for an entire generation and the original 51.8:48.2 was such a close result anyway.

I understand the politics of Pro Leave, but am very disappointed by the Pro Remain inability to make this point. Labour would win next GE if they were solidly Remain and willing to form coalition with LibDem.


Full Member
May 23, 2008
Attacking Midfield
It baffles me how anyone switched on enough to see through the tabloid rhetoric still believes that Corbyn is less trustworthy than any PM or the vast majority of cabinet members we've seen this millennium.

Even if/where he has ulterior motives, at least it's not just about making his mates richer at the expense of ordinary people.

manc exile

Full Member
Dec 14, 2012
One thing I liked about the US and Israel is the system where they could buy a plot of land for say $100 in a new town, and then were responsible for building the home themselves. We have load of land here (both in GB and Ireland) but it seems mostly ringfenced or owned by the old rich.

Definitely to the bold. But I don't begrudge unemployed people ipads or tv's etc, because they need a reason to live. Most of poverty is much more complex than 'lazy people.' I'm sure most people would like to be richer than poorer, and it's definitely an important function to make work worth it. I don't know much about Ireland, but in the UK they could do so much with tax relief and help to startup businesses, and push money into social welfare to bring people out of the malaise of not being able to go out of the house.

I kinda thing it's what the wealthy classes want the middle class to think, that it's the poor screwing them over. Meanwhile they are probably working for a company that posts billions in profits whilst barely getting by.
thats exactly what it is

the conservatives think (or at least want the majority to think) that the majority of the poor are poor because they are lazy and feckless and therefore deserve to be poor. Wheras the rich are rich because they are intelligent and hardworking.
hence the narrative that they always peddle that those that scam the welfare system are a major problem, whereas all the research shows they account for less than 1% of the welfare budget. The narrative drives home the message that the poor are feckless.

Whereas most of the funding issues could be solved if you could get the rich people and rich corporations to pay the taxes on their wealth that they should.
I am not saying overtax the rich, just that they should pay the same proportion of their income in tax as the poor do. currently they pay much less.


Winner of the 'I'm not reading that' medal.
Jun 2, 2009
Big Days


enjoys sex, doesn't enjoy women not into ONS
Oct 9, 2011
Not a lot in the grand scheme of things but I'm sure you knew that otherwise you wouldn't have asked. It's not really about how many abuse it though, is it? It's the fact that so many can. People who work are struggling to afford to buy their own places to live and paying extortionate rent so obviously they're going to be miffed about it, everyone needs to blame someone!
You should rather blame the many landlords you have in parliament then.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
IF we have an election and IF Boris Johnson is shown up for the bullying little weasel that he is and IF the Tories still win whilst Scotland becomes more SNP (got my vote officially after they promised a new super campus for the college and schools in my area) when does everyone want to move into my house?

We'll welcome everyone, even the miserable bastards who live in Sunderland.


Full Member
Sep 16, 2015
They didn't of course cause the financial crisis but they never cared about just much power the finance sector had in the UK. They weren't interested in changing the fundamental model of the UK economy, so when things when bang they were fecked - Peter Mandelson "Intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich as long as they pay their taxes". Not to mention they've tried for years now to get rid of the labour leader who would challenge this model.

They in the end believed that Thatcher was right.
Sorry, that doesn’t convince me of culpability. Not even close. Wanting businesses to turn large profits is good for the economy. Regulating against something profitable, especially when and it’s hard to spot the faults and things to regulate against without a great dose hindsight, isn’t really telling me much beyond a general dislike for people that make loads of money.

Gordon Brown - ''British jobs for British workers".

David Blanket described local schools as "swamped" by non-English speaking immigrants.

2001 - Labour opened Yarl’s Wood Immigration Detention Centre

2004 - Tony Blair election promise to deport more asylum-seekers.

Already posted on here before but Blair speech on immigration at the White Cliff in Dover. And on and on it goes.

New Labour were actually quite right wing and clearly played a part in growing the Little Englander mentality.
The idea that somehow New Labour either weaponised or could magically fix a centuries standing mentality in the face of circumstances is preposterous. The Tory party had from 1997 to 2005 three very eurosceptic leaders (Hague, IDS and Howard) who turned the party into a single issue party banging on about immigration all. the fecking. time. It had resonated with the mentality of a lot of working class voters and Labour couldn't really ignore the issue entirely hence some of the moves you describe above.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
"Jolly funny... *to MI6 agent* have that nice chap shot please, my good man."
"Very good, Sir. Tally ho"

It's like service with a smile, but the service ends with a brick to the temple.


I am Shitbeard.
Mar 26, 2008
IF we have an election and IF Boris Johnson is shown up for the bullying little weasel that he is and IF the Tories still win whilst Scotland becomes more SNP (got my vote officially after they promised a new super campus for the college and schools in my area) when does everyone want to move into my house?

We'll welcome everyone, even the miserable bastards who live in Sunderland.
Have you got room for a Welsh lad who wants to move from Hereford to somewhere that realises it's not 1972 anymore? Happy to do the cooking and cleaning!