Protests following the killing of George Floyd

Adding to the farce of it all - CNN's camera is still on as it makes its way through the police station.
He obviously had it coming, he had the audacity to be black.

Don't forget that he's an enemy of the people (mainstream media).

Donald Trump has been conditioning his base for civil war ever since he got elected, basically. People lose their shit when his rise is in any way compared to the rise of fascism, but the "enemy of the people" stuff is right in, as is talking about the lying press (Hitler literally talked about the Lügenpresse).
Don't forget that he's an enemy of the people (mainstream media).

Donald Trump has been conditioning his base for civil war ever since he got elected, basically. People lose their shit when his rise is in any way compared to the rise of fascism, but the "enemy of the people" stuff is right in, as is talking about the lying press (Hitler literally talked about the Lügenpresse).
Would love to see the social media posts of the arresting officers, their immediate bosses, & maybe one layer higher. It would be enlightening.
Like something out of a movie shot

He's a troll, that's the only charitable explanation. If he's not a troll, he's blowing his whistle as hard as he can.
Don't think he's consciously trolling. His posts are simply full of right wing ideology & talking points, as can be seen on various subjects from politics to history to philosophy.
It’s way more racially loaded than that in America.

Which is stupid, really.

It isn't racist nor racially motivated to refer to people setting fire to a city, rioting and looting stores as thugs. If you described that situation to random people and asked them to use a word to describe those responsible I'm extremely confident that thugs would top the list.

Besides, when you watch the videos there's an awful lot of white people on the streets too.
Which is stupid, really.

It isn't racist nor racially motivated to refer to people setting fire to a city, rioting and looting stores as thugs. If you described that situation to random people and asked them to use a word to describe those responsible I'm extremely confident that thugs would top the list.

Besides, when you watch the videos there's an awful lot of white people on the streets too.

Dog whistles are super effective aren’t they?
Which is stupid, really.

It isn't racist nor racially motivated to refer to people setting fire to a city, rioting and looting stores as thugs. If you described that situation to random people and asked them to use a word to describe those responsible I'm extremely confident that thugs would top the list.

Besides, when you watch the videos there's an awful lot of white people on the streets too.

Whether you choose to accept it or not the word thug carries very specific connotations in the US. The word isn’t used by accident.

Dog whistles are super effective aren’t they?

Very much so.
Dog whistles are super effective aren’t they?

What other word could he have used? Hooligans? No matter what word he used it would be claimed to be racial.

It's quite silly that in a tweet sent out by the president of the United States suggesting he will give the order to shoot people that "thugs" is the thing being dissected.
What other word could he have used? Hooligans? No matter what word he used it would be claimed to be racial.

It's quite silly that in a tweet sent out by the president of the United States suggesting he will give the order to shoot people that "thugs" is the thing being dissected.
You live here?
it's really simple, black and white, life and death shit. there is no way that police in america will stop killing black people without serious damage in response. we know this from the hundreds of videos of police murdering black men specifically and nothing happening when they protest peacefuly.

if you are against even a little bit of the work it takes to stop these racially motivated murders, you're a fecking racist.
Did you type the first draft of this post in crayon? You are bloody bonkers.
What other word could he have used? Hooligans? No matter what word he used it would be claimed to be racial.

It's quite silly that in a tweet sent out by the president of the United States suggesting he will give the order to shoot people that "thugs" is the thing being dissected.

You can just step back and acknowledge that you’re not aware of the weight the word carries in America and accept that there might be more to it than you initially realised. It’s ok.

It’s literally what a dog whistle is.
You can just step back and acknowledge that you’re not aware of the weight the word carries in America and accept that there might be more to it than you initially realised. It’s ok.

It’s literally what a dog whistle is.

I'm aware of what the word carries when it's inaccurately used within the context for no other reason than the targets happening to be black. That isn't the case here.
I'm aware of what the word carries when it's inaccurately used within the context for no other reason than the targets happening to be black. That isn't the case here.

Yes it is.

Compare that tweet to his response when the white guys armed themselves to the teeth and stormed government buildings.
I'm aware of what the word carries when it's inaccurately used within the context for no other reason than the targets happening to be black. That isn't the case here.

Come on, you can't possibly be this naive. There's one all-caps word in that tweet, and it's THUGS. Given that Trump is racist, which he is, and given that he's played on alt-right and even white supremacist dog-whistles before, it's not just any old random word.
I'm aware of what the word carries when it's inaccurately used within the context for no other reason than the targets happening to be black. That isn't the case here.

It actually is the case, the goal was to make the subject racial by using the term thug he brings a "colored" image. If it was a "white" context, he most likely would have call them liberals and pointed the finger at democrats.
Yes it is.

Compare that tweet to his response when the white guys armed themselves to the teeth and stormed government buildings.

The reason you can't compare is he's politically aligned with those in that situation thus he was never going to refer to them as thugs despite that being exactly what they were.

He also called Mueller's lawyers "thugs" and as far as I'm aware not one of them was black.
White people discussing semantics in situations like these are so tiring.
I’m just gonna re-quote this:

Ah the beauty of a dog whistle, it’s mostly just the dogs that can hear it and even then they get to say “what whistle?” along with those who genuinely can’t hear it.
The reason you can't compare is he's politically aligned with those in that situation thus he was never going to refer to them as thugs despite that being exactly what they were.

He also called Mueller's lawyers "thugs" and as far as I'm aware not one of them was black.

That's the point of a dog-whistle, though. It's not a word or phrase exclusively used for racism, which is why it's so effective at letting racists go "look, I wasn't being racist!"

White people discussing semantics in situations like these are so tiring.

Yes, it quite literally is semantics. Don't you think it's valuable to know that the president of the US was talking to his racist supporters? Words have meaning, and they matter.
I'm aware of what the word carries when it's inaccurately used within the context for no other reason than the targets happening to be black. That isn't the case here.
Wow. Just, wow. You simply couldn’t be more incorrect on this if you needed to be.
That's the point of a dog-whistle, though. It's not a word or phrase exclusively used for racism, which is why it's so effective at letting racists go "look, I wasn't being racist!"
They know, they don’t care.
They weren’t just standing there, footage from another angle shows at some points other officers were subduing him at the same time as the chief white supremacist had his knee on his neck. And why does there need to be history between them? His skin colour was enough to tell the cop he was not human and that therefore he would not be treated as one. That’s how white supremacy operates.

Anyway, I don’t like this pearl-clutching at the riots and the looting. As MLK said, rioting is the language of the unheard. If you look at all the bullshit that goes on, it’s remarkable there are not more violent episodes like this. How many peaceful, organised protests have there been and what have they achieved? No wonder many see violence as the only way to be heard - and it is important to emphasise this is violence against property, incomparable to human life, unlike what the black community suffers ever day.

it was to ascertain whether there was any form of existing animosity between them mate. It turns out they had worked together in the past so I’d bet money that the officer was using this to settle an old score.

This looks like pre determined murder to me. He had every intention of ending that poor mans life from the moment he placed his knee on his neck/throat.

These riots are just the tip of the iceberg if that cop doesn’t end up facing murder charges.
Certainly the word "thug" has no racial connotations in the UK. Despite the etymology of the word being linked to an Indian cult of robbers and swindlers in the time of empire.

The football thugs of the 70's and 80's were almost entirely white.
some NRA people (and I purposefully pick them, because it's gonna rile up people a lot)
Fine, objective debating technique there. Don't expect to be taken seriously.
That's the point of a dog-whistle, though. It's not a word or phrase exclusively used for racism, which is why it's so effective at letting racists go "look, I wasn't being racist!"

You're absolutely correct which is why I said that when it's used inaccurately within the context and the targets just so conveniently happen to be black it's almost certainly racially motivated. This isn't one of those situations. This situation is literally applying the bloody definition of the word 100% accurately.

Trump is a cnut and I'm sure if the snide posters above who are passively-aggressively talking shite without quoting me and implying that I'm some kind of Trump fanboy would go back and look at my posts they'd see I'm so incredibly far away from being aligned with Trump, the alt-right, white supremacy or any other kind of shite.

On this one issue I simply don't see the issue with describing people rioting and looting as "thugs". It's honestly no deeper than that.

The idea that we can dismiss everyone involved in rioting and looting as ‘thugs’, aside from the dogwhistle racism, requires a huge abandonment of the true context and system that is driving this outburst